of deer with dogs? Further, why not ope ee! ana possibly Since away back, Or legally don both these things, vet there ar: r «providing iting to doe Just as many sport for a vet Lumber of hu Dogs would need to be sepa: . ately ‘licensed during the perioc ? r 4 <7 i ' ‘ tructi ym oD) “ f th hy , ; + “et VANCOUVER RATEPAYERS have approved a by a‘ BOK struc m = * he hunt, a a definite rati ende D ily for the Brit Empire Games to be held in Vancouver of dogs to hunters establishe: tag 1 uY S$ wn I jiut \ be the largest '@st unfair advantage be taken perso! ieCessitate ON THE ALLEYS ecmecaeeniene s : n season, bu 10re hunters i ¢ ' t — he wood it this me he cou n ry mM © Ti d f L d try would be more complete & e covered, and fewer wounded d ‘See E Two Teams ea Tor a oe ta WIiIFU Not a ing tee tees heal t i Ai t “ ar red party In Five-Pin Bow ing oop ould work from an established ssure Sct, oo, a si B . Pp we H ¥e pest on a known ran VANCOUVEI St -|Cafe with nine points eact re ners Canada Life 1; Penguin y 1 t 1€€! might be 4 nes , ion : ( shat expected a in «shoot Ve \ thall of the i t iY B Division—Jerry’s 4, Bulge : f Var 1 LeU t ist ek Booth 3. Daily News 1: J BAR SHOTGUNS i i tur t y Farms 3, Thom Sheet Metal Sho i ca t ; T E Hi-Jack¢ 3, Con: Hi t e ba ; ( il v I 7 ; : Acme No Gil ou F . numb n pr with ni Hi 3 have sta { the ru Seaic | point STANDINGS rni king their turt es s Dot Graham Broad B Division — Jersey Farms 9,\0n the r way ome la . 2 } "Merted Cafe a Jack Paul of Fashi Booth 9, Thom 8, Northern { i hu er ec von bree Say “cae | TONES ed th ring in A’ Daily News 8, Hills 7, Jerry's 6,| It is possible certain hu ine ~~ | Division with single games of/Harold’s 6, Hi-Jackers 4, Acme Would kill more tt ne ae 39 ! 303, respectively Ada 3, Conrad 2, Bulgers 1 while other hose luck i at 4 * oreanization | smith of Jerry’s arid tear A} A Division Headpinners 9 , © saad! pee ae ‘erry Lemire took single’ Broadway 9. Cook’s 8 99 Taxi i t e a asi port f Winnipeg, uld , manors. “3 B Division|g, Penguin 8, Fashion 7, Ocean ! a ere he ¢ make the best laid plans of| With 241 and_ 306 View 6, Pushovers 5, Orphans 4,|*""* Ps al Va iver grid execu Dot Grahaz also bowle ] 1’ Canada Life 4 Shentons , ee , Cw we Was cen! eutias three for the ladies in the league Miller Bay 2 Se ae : Vancouver ratepayet ast) With 756 total, while Steve - nee __ : Wed roved a bylaw for Dziapka of Cook’s Jewellers roll-! Bev Mattson of Northern Dis The making « overpopul nemate a ,000-sea% | § 765 for men igh three ibutors topped all lady bowl-| “On OF does is entire . neue atediit : Team high sing) nd high ers in the mixed 10-pin leagu Wn doing. Pre ts take the ; : anee. | ttl fe oO ke n nday with games of 179, 145 S?8re al 7 wich y+) Fashion Footwear team and 155 to add up to 479. F a ' . ’ eehiten aed tal nie In B Division. jaa high the'men, Harvey Deary rolled, “*°e Same preda fecling % ; Wi t total was captured by Bes- 198 to top the men with a sing , is siieintas cee fe I ; an ' y Tinele of tho rthern Glass with ! f hile high three w ies : oi a, aac aah T. Naka of r% th lied by W. Anderson with “* *” mi ; r ag l . Naka of FE h School ek a “en entire) : ; RES ‘ih site ‘ trolled hich total pin vith 72 came i977, 190 d 169 ; vs Whitehe Regina, with - ; ; 7 ss total 556 € f] Re G 0,000 cel ry I i hi¢ch ; t B in i hig n ‘ ) 216 r te { I t f 328 we lie eadily i i vould o | honor ptured b nor i é er if prairi ams had t RESULTS Results—Delnor 4, Chumps 0 € Bx A Division—Fash 4, Mi St +. MCs 0; Northern B Th + is ow, Regina Bay 0; Cook 4. Shenton ; Art Murray's 0 azine fig n ford to |B way 4, Oce 9 . ntful if th Sar Sena WHOLESALE and RETAIL Phone 372 confere¢ vould force F man hut ee gaA Set For GIFTS ! iK it € ce Ing a r ost five-team G T : ht LT Sn cee os wg EME Tonight | FOR MAEN = oA Qs COUvE wo er to ek > ae SK an interlocking East-West sched- it ansons We carry a complete line ae ' ule Which wou } 1u a na- Ae foun). dootbal rue. Vancou-| while a hotly contes age of Imported Pipes . . . po ver,jhe sa might have a better battle is expected tonight at the a) chafice to ¢ h a national ‘entre when league-leadiz Tobaccos and Cigars. 1 i t I n Western con- jord z Andersons meet sec erence y , n r f 4 l ? I l ce n a ce i ol he basketball association execu Also a good supply of Canadian Saturday night's game, BOXED CHOCOLATES game, resulting in a tie, will be for the ladies. aecided by a five minute “over- Golfers Get time play ¢ the beginning of pps mt s; event Rich Tourney aes Geo GROTT IGAR corekeep error gave i- ST¢ } MON iy i inada wil he wir wher he actual seore RE } f’s tl hest ‘cents was tied 50-50. That occurred ent starting next summer last Tuesday night A brewery spokesman an-|"~ now ne new tournament Will toe nau t here with ) ZA one U0 The 72-hole tournament—the Labatt Ope will have its in- igurdal at v Montreal Sum- merie@ eourse Aug. 20-23. Pres nt p 1 for the tourna- nent rnate each year be- ween Montre nd Toronto Pre ec o to charities in the city where it is played Top prize is expected to be between $4,000 $4,500 and pecial prize-mo awards will go: to low-scoring Canadian pros A cup will go to the low-scor- ing amateur The United Stat Profes- r idfial Golfers Association will help determine division of the prize money The tournament is co-spon- sored by the Canadian PGA, which will get a guaranteed amount to go toward develop- ment of golf in Canada The new tournament will rank in total prize money next to the Tam O'Shanter and All- ee American tournaments in Chi- SPECIAL GIFT CARTON OF 100 cago, with total prizes of $100,- GIFT SHAVING KIT BY GILLETTE = _ GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSERS 000, and the U.S. PGA tourna- j - = ad ear tbout $35,000, ; Here cs oe way to play = @ Any man on your shopping list ante -as i = : ‘ , The present big-money tour- ra anc’ picase the menfolk. Kit JE —_will appreciate a year’s supply and ig nament in Canada is the Cana- a Gillette Tech Razor, more of easy-shaving Gillette Blue ‘> diah Open—a $15,000 show with 15 smooth-shaving Gillette Blue = Blades. Attractive gift package $3,000 top money. It is sponsored Blades and a tube of $ holds ten 10-blade dispen- by Seagram's distillery. Gillette Shaving Cream, 1. 52 Yi sers—100 blades in all. $5.00 ik Date for the inaugural places) == 5 as it six weeks after the Canadian 7 nee e Open, scheduled for Toronto == a Searboro July 8-11 SEE THESE AND OTHER GILLFTIP GIFF. canccanom AT YOUR DEALERS Puesday, Dec 4 Prince Rupert Daily News aa Sexe SBORTSMANS Outdoors With Marty DIGEST "ister Fewer Wounded Deer Los Through Organized Hunts Why not ‘rmit the hunting BROUGHT TO BA east. He has been bro B be m noone DAILY ROUTINE OF me immature game law see ponderance of female me animals in thi Ch Virginia White-tai the cormmonest deer in the RUFFED GROUSE (reves C. and is known A GROUGE OR PARTRIDGE "Ge sides the normal inte pecie FLIES OFF HIG EVERGREEN ating The doe fa s dropped ROOST AT SUNUP TO BEGIN HIS pring (about April-May) are STROLL FOR A DRINK» PEEDING wiably bred that fal nd AS HE GOERS. IF HIG ROOST 16 ON mtinue their ow rowth dur A MOUNTAIN HE MAY PLY QUITE estatior FAR DOWN TO FAVORED FEEDING The fit rturitior AREAS. HE PREFERS TO FEED Rats aa eee” USUGUY NEAR WATER. THEN HE RESTS IN : . after ne THE SUN. BY MIDAFTERNOON HE best Sages! ww. 8 STARTS FEEDING BACK TOWARD i oe > ¢ THE NIGHT-ROOST. reatures continue to thrive.| EAST AND SOUTH HILLSIDES ARE ire remarkably resista at PREPERRED EARLY IN THE OAy> nd disease, and would, WEST ANB NORTH LATER. IN BAD xeellent WEATHER THEY §TAY IN THICKETS. xcelle mve I f Brit-; - nae { umn Dia rial ¢ wee R (CP M N ac dee could be ma le . . t Spx he re k } . : a! popiniate it? €€ . . amal) The littl . t n ! te ¢ ae ed y ha eQua Visi rom he daughter, who lives at Ladner i ' She’s not old like me she The fa na 4 i aay She's only 70 hunters concentrated er ' chance of shots at predator ince predators nece ar Avei he runways wher ecking ki The moose seem to bear a cer "alo from lone. "woives: TONIGHT I it he splendi ' t hi J e of ae oth eexes «1 arrival of 46:30—Inter “A hese creatures, there is no nee Exhibition Game nd dog ‘for eer h iY tir e K “New” Mansons v« ! other the moose at al The General Motors ame ti roes for aApit CAN SHAKE HOUNDS a fae tha towar rt : . . timer fer a} 8:30-—Senior ‘'B ’ noose get pre ed ipy Gordon & Anderson vs ‘ n Mansons ae aN esi si ~ Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 a ote i ” Ke) { THE all fry Selly Moun alae orn m nts YOUR HOSPITAL INSURANCE PREMIUM IS DUE 1B MAKE SURE YOU ARE PROTECTED Please return your billing notice with your premium payment directly to: B.C. HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICE Victoria, B.C. or make payment through focal B.C.H.15, office or Government agent. LOWEST COST PROTECTIO! AGAINST CRIPPLING HOSPITAL BILLS! in the markets of the world Braid Street stands as tangible founder—William Braid. i Founded in e B.C. DOUBLE DISTILLED ° B.C. EXPORT This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by Government of British Columbia, all — I British ¢ mbia ¢ I t is, We m fore i tr ' for ¢ Pacific Pre c O did was William Braid. In 1904 P t distillery —The British Columbia D ry ( I N ‘ W tminster Ata tit when that city’ population wa 1 mere Wi m Braid was laying the firm foundatior .. setting the | }quaiit foran industry that ha P iyed an increa g | part in B.C.’s economic development. Since 1904, the Company has steadily expanded its faciliti meet the growing demand for its quality product t hor Today, the modern British Columbia Distillery on New Westminster’ evidence of the forestelt British Columbia's First Distillery THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. NEW WESTMINSTER, 8.C. B.C. STERLING LONDON DRY GIN 1904 by William Braid + Se mieve «BC SEGAL the aa eh sai camel T