M;:lTll 2. 1923 I l.,idin. Ihc 2nd; Saturday, the 3rd; and Monday the lib are Dollar Day at Jalmuw Ol-R DOLLAR !AY8 WILL SAVE YOUR DOLLARS Vur saving will b from 25c to 75c on every dollar nur-i,,, ... We offer you jrood value. si I" .ilti(s, Boys' Shirts. Sale price ' 8100 v. .allien Boyn' fleece-lined Shirtg and Drawer.' Sale 2 for fi 00 i , value Boys' atriped Flanm lette NiKht Gowns. Sale in 'i' '' $'00 si , , ilue Boys Blouses, assorted sizes. Sale price . . . fllon . I value, one Dow Tie, 4 Handkerchief, 4 Cufflinks. Ali l" i" 91.00 si :,o and $1.35 Ladles' and Misses' House Slippers. Sale for $1.60 si value, eombrnatlon of 1 Writinir Tablet, 5 Pencils, ' 1 i rise Book and 5 Scribblers, all for $i 00 EXTRA VALUES l :,', dozen Cotton Crepe Ladies' House Drews, all colors . . i .-i.es. Sale price $1.00 . . i iris' White Flannelette Ni ht Cowns, size 10-16, for $1.00 , i ..idies' Silk and Wool Hose for $1.00 !ne of Children's Bloomers. Sule, 2 for $1.00 s: ;-, value Children's Sleepers, sizes 1 and 2, 2 for $1.00 a hie of Children's Cashmere Hose, 2 pairs for .. $1.00 ' 1 '.a I ue Double Knittlnj? Wool, all colors, 3 .skeins for $L00 , ;,iue Shetland Floss, 9 skeins for $1.00 .. h e Monarch Floss Wool, fi halls for $1.00 ah.e Ladies' Cotton Brassiers, trimmed with beautiful extra special value, 2 for $1.00 hie of Printed Chintz. inches wide. Sale, yards ' $1.00 ! alue Grey Cotton, 40 inches wide, 5 yards for $1.00 U nite Flannelette, 5 yards for $1.90 :!ue White Cotton. inches wide. 5 yards for . . $1.00 .! of Spun Silk, during this sale only, l'L. yds. for $1.00 .ilue Tea Towelling. 7 yards for $1.00 lue, 36 Inches wide, wool flannel, l'j yard for .. $1.00 l ' ee are only the item listed in this paper, many other i" awaiting your in fiction and are on display on our Jabour Bros., Ltd. Plinnr ''l" Corner 3ri and 7th WHE RE? i have phoned our dwtnr hnpinir that he can help your x?t well. He comes and writes a prescription for the he knows will five relief. Then comes the questions ('.-re will it be filled as the doctor ordered?" "Where ' e filM with pure full-strength drugs?" We, at Omwa, mud of tha-reputation that causes so many people to place i trust in our alolitv to fill their prescription aa they -! '" filled. I I UK DRUGS ACC I' RACY PROMPT DELIVERY 3 Graduate Pharmachte to Serve You fines IML Trfic Pioneer Dntarisls THIRD AVE SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES ft?t200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIBST UKKAKr AST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & CoW Storage Co., ' Prince Rupert. R.C Canadian National Largcd Kaihoay Syilcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE ' 'r "in t'ltlNCE KITLItT for VAM Ol VKU. VH'TOUIA. 81. Intermediate point, each Mill) W. 9 00 a . '"r THV.KT and AT(K 11th WKHNaMHV. 10.00 pm Mtltrii ..... , . ?':::i..r, ,i ti. Kortnlthtlj iii . . . i' ill rl.liT ""bmieb, muss ilavi; rn." - .. " , .m 'eh Miivi.h. ,..... ., n 'in :i in. (or I 'OKClE. EDMONTON, WINMI'KO. all polnte M,U V"' ATTI.K. KINCK United AGENCY AM. OCEAN MTKAMSIIIP llNK Lb" .,B rJM, N"nl t:p,M f,.r Mne "" UNIQUE VIEW OF RELATIONS WITH BRITAIN Letter ti Manchester Guardian From Unite State Sets Forth View of American (roup An interesting totter by writer from the United States "fmpUlning of Brit-leh treatment of American in ttie press and giving the United States view was recently published in the Manchester Guardian aa follows: Bir,- The modest public library of thu small city en Ion tan vmJiW picture: one the receipt of your weekly 'H ue. and the other the receipt of the I Illustrated London Rev. Both are oagTly and carefully read by our cltl-zmv in a resent leader note you make I the very w: observation that there u u L,:i rim of Americana who do im: ini to receive much notice In y in- i.ubl?d ae. it u very true that ' thwe la in America a clan of people. I p?rhu;s numerous as your whole papulation, which, w far aa culture. ! education, and general plane of living jarjf concerned, aem to be as fine aa janyihLuK you may offer. The faet that i tu.y are ignored In your preae I can-net believe Is due to lack of knowledge !of them. A ItKAL NATION I know that luropeana have hard work to unde.-atand that this Is a real nation concerned with Its own affUa and having a patriotism of iU own. Too ofleu we are deemed merely a convenience bureau fcr the dumping of surplus pcpuuttciu and the target for all In-tereita except our own. The large moderately wealthy section of the American public, which la the real backbone of Amarlca. u composed of those people who are descended troaB the first-corn -era of 1820-1050 and who ham a straight line of American ancestry associated with all phases of our history and de-velopmsm. Thu class of Americans u the one which during the war gave of 1U means "until it hurt" to buy bonds for the Uterty Lot ui to feed Belgium, and at cattle feeds that white flour might be tent to your bores Somehow we thougth we had been rather, generous and had done considerable for the OM Country Reading the t trades on things American from some of your prumtueat ( citizens we are soreiy punsied. We read i in your press of events which we rawer I dreamed of : we see featured ecawsala asMl 1 Crimea unknown to us. We see accounts ! of all the rrooda and calamines, but we I see no mentis of tfee labors we are prosecuting around toe world for the J good of mankind, or of any mention of . the huge movements far upttft ana pall-i anthrophy in our own land No ' good thing about this land appears to be i waleon reeding to the Bnglish IJIKOI'KAN mitNAU.i; Then, having resolved to than snores sections of Ttarope who are like barna-i clee on the ship of state and wo do not become assimilated, an element respon-! si Die for a large share of tne crime and ' trouble which you like to rend about. wo, the tits arastlsan stack, find our-, salves heM up to blame and censure tor .the faults of that very Suropsan eul-jturt whiab yea believe wo auk. i lleve we have a sufflerent aaaount of uropoaa culture settled on our ande to last us a great while, and wo are thankful for the. restriction laws, which are our soot aajaniia i for preearrnilon on the lines tan fathers laM down. In the recent Sbrai Vanaottl case, what does this ekm of Asa art cans read In your prevt What violent attacks upon oar courts and governor, all far to aaoe of two scoundrels who won supplied with funds to take aavantaae ot every loophole in the law to delay justice end secure liberty I In the endeavor to be fair to criminals our mescy to them Is accounted a orune. Many of our mlddle-etaes Anwleana have visited your ehorea and know the ov at vknttaur thdM akiane liklna ass1 have sat In WastasiMter completely overwhelmed by the contemplation of the Abbey and the partial leaMsntlan of Its history. Is not Shakespim our possession aa well as yours? OM not our aa-rcstora aitat In the ereotton of all those historic buMdtnga whlah are the glory of Inglandf riot your literal me eur especial Joy? Do not our authora and travellers give grateful tribute to It all? What do we receive In return? Does It help frtendllneea? Of all the parte that afflict these shores the woatt la the Johnny Bull who la newer satisfied with things American. aHheueti he seems to stay and thrive. Usually his brasxing remains until hta first return vtett to Ma old home. Thereafter he Is usually silent. AMKfllPAN PB8TS We do not Judge all English people by the samples we receive here, fortunate for you that we do not! Bo we would ssk for your charity when you It clears the Throat PERTUSSIN hai an tmuiua! beneficial effect. Those whose throats are over srmitive will find thl harmless cough remedy a source of quick relief and laiting benefit. Safe to take at often aa required because it it entirety free from harm'ul drugs, At aO d rut (tit i. bottles Me and $1 JO Safe tor Every Cough H3 tixtnt mnrg- pidj? rrva '.4. BUI Thompsons." or other dema- fagues. Nor are Cnevtertona'. There U a happy position which we may all .leek to oocupy. Your paper seems em inently fair to A men can readers. Were It not mi we would not have It In our library, Wc thank you for Utla and nafe your Kod work continues. Yourx. etc.. WIIJJAM B, DROWNE North Adams. Mast. Jump Nvslilt t. Well known ploimr fuwierior ni owwsri camp, wn.t a jh- -snaid tlie Ptiuiis it-.i.r i """ o I Sichmoecl9s Louvre ntroductory For Two Days Only CASH ONLY Friday, Saturday The great .success we had with our Fashion Show has decided us to offer for the next two days our whole stock at 25 cents on the dollar less. Besides, we have found that the quicker we can sell our goods and the more goods we can sell, the lower the price we can afford "to sell Approximately 500 New Season's LADIES' DRESSES Everyone different every size and in every fashionable material, will be on sale on Friday and Saturday only at 25 cents on the dollar less. Approximately 200 New Season's Ladies' Spring Coats, Ensemble Suits and Hand Tailored Suits t In Kasha, Gabardines, Tricolcttes, Serges, trimmed with real moleskin, squir- , rcl, fox. and embroidery, will be on sale on Friday and Saturday only at 25 cents on the dollar less. . . . Approximate!) 375 New Season's . LADIES' SPRING HATS v Everyone different, and made by the foremost milliners original French im ported models and very good copies will be on sale on Friday and Saturday only " at 25 cents on the dollar less. LADIES SPRING COATS LADIES' SPRING HATS as cheap as as cheap as $9.50 $3.75 and up and up And remember, our stock is all new, as everything we offer has arrived within the last three weeks. This will be our last sale this season, so be sure to have your choice of these fine Spring offerings. Rih tee those American peats who disgrace us. They do not represent the true American type any jneee than New York Olty la a type of Aaetlcn city. That huge section of Ajnerloan life which is the becMone and bulwark of American opinion la not a soatton which is much featured- in the press. It to the section which carried thrown, the Prohibition AsMndBMnt. It vm an Ideal. You seems- us of havdfce; no tetania, and when we de find one It la the target far your united worn and rtdleute Certainly the Xugllah people have a task of their own If they wish to secure the loyal friendship of this huge class ot Americana which yea aro,hnd enough In have brought ftn-. the aeut)on of your readers. We are not composed of BOOXS OF TRAVEL I AT THE LIBRARYi Keren! Additions to the rollrrtlen n-eludeil Seteral Outstanding IhMikK The reivnt bonks of travel Include at'vcra! rather outstanding books. Theia l n new book by De Oesendowskt. which althouith not coiuldered Just ai good ai mme of the preceding books of his. Is very reid ihle. There are also several otiiors by writers ot renown, tin- ruiciw!ii beliiH inrluded In the list: "My Life as an Explorer," by Raold Amundsou. Bible Limits Toduy." by W. T. Kllla. VC ,u.'-'-.intJnople." by H. O. Dwlght. 'homuMt'.c Prnnre." by X. Blsner. "Westmiuoier Abbey." by Beatrice Home. "Jungle Paths and Inca Ruins," by W. M atrQovein "Romance of Exniviitlon," by David, Mastrrn. "Blade Haiti." by Blnlr Nlles. 'Oasts nni! 8tnui m," by T. Oaaen clowakl. Dtk of Pirates." by Howard Pyle. In the Smith Sens" by U L Steven "tllVB, aj IMIKIt AH.. Advertise in the Pally Ntwa t JLia 7 mono s ICANADIAftT ouvre Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketrlilkan. M ranted, Juneau, anil skajway Marrh II, IL SI. Tu Yatu-unter. Vlrtorla and Seattle larrh A. 1 April 4, I'KIMKtiM UHA1 KICK. , : I'or Butfdsle, Cast llrtln Ileiu. Oeean rails, Nsmu, tlerl Hay Camiilirli Itlver, und Vanruuter every Haturd4i. II a.m. Agency Mr all Hteamshlp Lines. Iull Informal Imi Imm IV. C. UllCIIARIt, Heneral Agent. Corner of 4th street and Snl Avrnae. Prince Kupert, ac mone Jt T City Meat Market (SELM0 mtos. .Irtl Avenue Thonc 763 MEAT- FISH, VEflETAUI.ES and AM. KINDS OF "NOKWEfllAN rKOnUCE" at low priers, ami irrmn'tHRte delivery Observe! All articles niv of nu'rior quality und boliitly frrsh.