. nil !;ul! last i Ki.lten. .T.inuiiry 3, 1928 THE DAILY NEWS E4.GB JHREE WOMAN HUMAN Local and Personal THE ACME'S DECLARES SHAW B C. Undertakeia. ' Phone tl. T; T.-rri- A ; Sale Price Annual iontinue with an unabated flew of th Biifiief.t Bargain in B.C. 31 UN'S OVERCOATS i;.fn- 'ur Temptation Sale clones, wi- are makiiiK a very .,, ,;,! (,fi'i t n Men's OvercoatH. The u vular value of these - i $15 each. They come in xinyli- ami hijb!i-breaated ,;, u.'ll tailored from heavy weihl pun- vmil twecil, well .mi'! revealing for the mM p.Tt the apicalinjf check t at their beat. Here tro i -., ry Overcoat in ;(.,. !H.f at i,ir.;':a!i" Sala Price, each $15.00 5ISNS SWKATKlt.S II, , , - a beautiful lot of Four Pocket Coat Sweater for ; ' Ik- very latest They are moat comfortable jfarment in u. i !ur and yet not bulky to wear. Pure wool, in all .ha;, - ami .sizes. Kejular vaiue i $6M S QC VWi ew MEN'S UNDERWEAR ri.'U'n Red Label I'ure Wool UnderweaV for Men, in uin or combinaiioriM. Regular 5 va'ue ! QC sW Sale Price VIKING AND WOL8EY UNDERWEAR fines Ilfl 7fic Pinrtt'vr Druttt'nts !5 lint-Ht Underwear for Men in Pure Wool. Regular 1 .7 .50 value, QC ,in Sale Price Acme :: Importers , Nil ( .O.I). Order Strictly Caxh No Charge Accounts Mail Order ForvsarJed Exprts I' repaid Scales That Will Weigh a riispoifit Tin- urates we uae here an- so debt ate that they ii ifiter to the thousandth part of an ounce. The addition of a mcrent speck in shown. When l- aling with druu ::r care i; considered Vio eat nt Orme. Send your prescriptions where they are filled by prescription craftsmen men uho know the importance of heiiiK exactly right. a V SIXTH ST. TtltfMiyNLS r- 'OMO atXmas Money i .... v miow now best to it. "k lumemtirance when nt I'ricea from diamond would also be suit. then for Christmas, ami (i-uen Wutch wouhi ne her things would ! lor- . isa.(H) to $7..i .125.00 to $2.-MM John Bulger Jeweller Jhomps(on Bfirdyf axp Vof9 LtJteZ Water la )sh Hoards UhcH Lines ( lo'hes HaskctH Was Tubs Wash Holler CeilfnK Kacka Clothes Wringers SIOFFATT ELUCTRK It ANGUS WIIIRLDKY ULECTHIC WANIIKHH KASY VACUUM KI.KCTHK WAH1IRKS I .ixiui n , TIHJIt MAVH PEOPLE m NTII.I. LOOK O.N IIKIt As MHPAKATK (HKMION LONDON. Jan 3 eorge Bernard Mtlf u reJlc of rttoout S500 provided ootiraw." lu CcnaUlun Preu) Si. aw proclaimed me Victorian age ' aiipefrmf- on a platform re. '4 W Bv:t ain an abueSl for two vmiiob nos em ror noin)!a women. At the outaet. after mine by-play with the caalmutn. Sir Gerald du Mauher Mr, onsw proouxed that if the audience would ubn ibr C2.0T he would -"f It Into guinea The 3.000 waa quickly rorthcomlug, and a quickly wa con "ertea into guineas, a difference of atr. snaw told about the ahock he haul received ah a child of five, when accuBton.fd to (K.elag wouien wearing Frli.oimi-a and looking like mountains aurinouiited l;y pinched figure, be aavw one for the firm t.me wearing a :klrt without crinoline "It gave the 'rnprell!l. in- said "that she had The n-.fii ol '.ht ct.iy did not -dm:re ilx- .ii, ai ,n. e tjf in!!, but i th- crr H'tc: iiiiiu d to n-y .r'l uonirn tie i. in1' "t iMiotner race. Wjnen were '' he ii? ti- Thty were to wear .'loU.ca tiiat concealed their shape. I hey " re iot drenaed. they were up-oUleied. a -id if they were not atud-Ird with bdttoiix like upholatered lur- i.ture tby had lnta of little trlm--utrg Uiat conveyed the aame effect. "The laat wimiud I remember aeelnir who appred to be aprtolaured." ald Mr. Bbaw. "wfca Mlaa Marie Corcill. I look round thla aucllerioe and I m no ht I woman mrmii have niwaya axaumetl . mm m .1 u.uw. . . . . - . j ; i-lke myself. rr victoria idea that we xtraordlnary state of aoCety for men - a matter that ODD CORRUPTIONS OF COMMON WORDS USED BY EVERYONE DAILY Many wurda and expression u '1 every day hive In reality, accorulnn t.) The alMUor an or'gln quire foreign -.o I the one Implied and frequently quite ui- .'ss Mnry' Saturday afternoon from, Dentist. Dr. J. ll. 0mm. Phone 6B Skating dally. 2 t 4 and 8 to 10. U Tommy's Tasi. Cafe. Pfeeht 790. Federal Take adraiitage of the Home I'nrnMilitt el I. wnr ntoney. Zenltb tl Zenith uatc, the ptooc to Milt every body pocket. ' tt Tlte' cmilrte mile utartii iwlay. Oct the Big 4 bsbtti of s Ttxt, pbone 4, llauiM- I'urnllilng WbD tblntlnt tf Ilalnnre f rlirltinn utisk nit Kile l (tlx ItlnTAunt fur Gali at Ururge 1 Tltea. For. a aeleotten amoklng lundrtea. Third and Fulton. of Oo. it values In Tile's and Price of Dally New 50 cenu a month o city readera or $3M a year for out of town realdenta. By paying five centa a day for the ycper It ccata about a month but ' paid for at the ofnee and delivered by carrlar the prkte la 90c a month. Dr and Mis. H. U Alexander, who ' have keen aouth for the CbrltLam and New tear's holldaya. will return to the city on the Prince Baptrt tomorrow morning. anonian who haa that appearance. Mlaa Mlaa Jamie Jieale BothweU otnweu was "But while faablona have changed, manibert of the local achool teaching :ite Virtonaii idea, that woman la atafla returalng to the city on the separate creation U11 elxets. My secret Cetoioaun Sunday night alter amending u a dramauc author, the aecret of that -ce holldaya In Vancouver extraordinary knowledge of woaten la Ralw)f offle tnl "omlng reported wT,ie enchant the. whole worm, mo carioada oi grain on we omawn much Mt 01 JWP" bound tor the Alberta WWui BmIV VMwma Kiimm alMiabw oiuj, pn !. have the aihlrh lit . juwsa uH, woo naa nevn holiday ieaion la Taneouver and Via nria. win return to the city on the I'rlncc Rupert toasorro-v morning. The price of the Dairy News la 50c a month. paynMe In advance, for Prince Rupert subeeriberi or M a year rh. w wishing the paper delivered win i '.eaae call at the oOn or telephone 98 6 C T Hearn. auperle Undent of the Lakelae Lake hatchery, arrived in the city on the Prtneeta Mary Saturday at' jonsUter.t with the m.eaning that custom . terBcotl lna , brief hemmy trlaamith bat attached to them. A "couutry dance." for Instance, l r;ot merely a eelsbratloa of rumics. It -c-nief rr-m the Frehcb cant re danse. .XMiantng juiy dance i:. whit h the per-' orn.tr face each other j A "blackguard." new a li. ,hly uncom-,1 Iomp tary leroi. w not always meant is au.-h. A black guard, in the days ol .Isa Tuuora. as ir.e ely an inferior ler-vant of the crown, who wa dressed In Jlsvrk and proceeded by yeeteroay momlng' train to the Interior. Motorshlp Belllngham. Capt. J. E Anderson, arrived In pott yesterday from Ketchikan with a cargo of al'sads of froatn fish for tranaahlp-neitt over the Canao.an .Katkwal RaU- ".ys to the Eastern States. K. Heap hey, general manager of the ' c. Aneles Lumber Proaucta Co.. which The word "sdlot" haa become com- is rropenlng the Masectt Timber Oe ptetely eomiptwd. The word had itsuawmUl at Buckley Bay. arrived on the jrlgln in Oxeawe. where it waa applied Princess Mary Saturday afternoon from o a private person : not engaged Seattle, continuing that evening on the n any public office. It rtxl not even Prince John to the Queen Charlotte ia- -signify thai he was pa. tculaiiy tnconi ,rrtx: to rflclat. but merely dlstla rtihthed an ordinary aitlarn froan prtaatt !tnd oflte'als In time, however, the la- realon was gathered that waa no( competent and In time degen -rated lutj iu present meuntng. t- ,,ft,u titi ii "lirl" hjul a mm. .1 I The Ocean' Palls basketball which has been in tlie city for the past MU "Idiot1 f wex to participate iu us mver-nign School championship senm, wui aaii tomorrow afternoon by the Princess Mary on its return home, the vessel .. . K,.mhi . m ... , r , .. having having arranged arranged to to make a special call ,., -1,-f , meanlna auardian of the food, and!" " - hence, head ol trie nouenoiu. umvj. I j llstewiae, !i.id iu root In blaf llge. or i "hmd knender." meaiung nlmply the re-mule head of the family. Spinster" la I ,.i lrt to an unnmel woman be-! cauae in the gucl old rtsys no young woman wax cons'derr,-'. fit to be a wire until she had sjui. lur h.:.-lf a net of llnei.f . I Mr. W. H. Ke -gin. niotnee of Dr. W !T. Kargln and Dr. L. W. Kergln. suf-jfcred what la feared to be a broken hip aa a result of a fail Saturday afternoon on the slippery street of Second venue near her home where she la 'tow resting preparatory , to being admitted to the Prince Rupert Hoapltal i for x-ray examination to definitely A JeW harp ha-, n Hebraic rlin-( ac,rlaui the Injurieg. It eia in name fi,.:n the French word, jou. nw.iuivg i ty sgjM Hare! Cunningham. R N.. re- M.n .ir. in. dc!e;-tui)l.- dwii. waa origin- turned to the city on this afternoon's atcd in nly y '1'' c ;ok or n wea'.tny , ,r(kln ,fWr spending th new Year noble of Pul. rfi . The cook knew hU wcnrid vuitlng with friends In Port urt bt'. l kH meeinaf.on -an "e- gaainKton. Mis Cunningham, who re-que.ttiy lui chef d'leuvre lcked a name. eutly resigned from the graduate nur-His ninster was n epicure and with the mg stuff of the Prince lt'lpeu Oeneral first iate he excUlined "Ma Carl!'' which Hoapltal. la at present tht gtisst of tr titilt lix-ly troiKlHtcd mlKht mean 'How an( Mrs. J. R. Mitchell. 209 Ninth Ave pt-r.cctiy delicious!" Upon the second Bp .,t. In a few weeks she plana leaving tame his enthUHlanra Incrvajed to the ex- for the aouth. ; t-.t of "Ma Caronl!" And the delighted cook forthwith named hU luveution by i gitow trouble between Salvus and mi.-t endearing term. iKwlnltsa la again delaying trains of the - jOanaduut Rstkual Railways, The train. A W Edge, who haa been at the due from the laat at 9:30 Sunday af-,,. 0f Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks- ternoon. did not arrive until : Mon- ., ik Third Avenue West, for several day morning. Thla afwttkions train. w. - H1 re-enter the Prince Rupert due from the Bast at 340 this after-0-n-i ' Hiwoltal today jnooti. was reported this morning to be tour ihd a half hours late. Equipment H M Eaton, aupenn'.t iident of the to clear the snow haa bean.on the Job Baiiii Iske liatoheiy. arrived arrived on on the the over the week-end. Pi aver where he spent a holiday With a passenger llr t cf about forty will nrocfjer) to the interior on to- persons for Alaska ports. CPJl. steamer . luorn.lna train. .runoeas aiary, vapr. v. v. aainiey, ar- mmmmmmwmmmm r I u,r4 Hwa I t -9A Balllrrtu, l.a.nnnn ANNOUNCCMBNTS Flk'n Ueap-year Dance. January IT i- Rupert Pebiuuiy 3. 30. Novrltv Dance Jiiiuniry 27. Oliia" Drill Ton in dance Dance. February 17. Elk s Annual I continuing north at 4:30. The follow- paaaengers dlaembarkfu here from the Mary: 0. T. f learn. Capt. and Mrs. H A. Ormlston and children. Mrs. Ormiston. sr., A. T. Eaton, Mrs. Wesley and Heaphy. The following went north from here on the vessel : 3. OlTatt, Ed. K-.iio. Tilly Nelson. R. E. Dofioghue. Mrs J. H. Hicks and Miss Jean Hicks fnr Ketchikan, and P. Powers for Wra"- gell. i 5 . IS., M lug d'M-ounl In all drMrtuieots at rite's after t'lirMmas Kale. There will be a special meeting of the Trades, and Labor Council on Thursday night at 8 o'clock. All delegates requested to be present. Dr. and Mrs. W C. Asplnall reached the city on the Camoaun Sunday night tram Taneouver. Dr. Asplnall will take ahlropraettc practice in Prince Rupert. M. U. Stephen It Company. Ltd. are moving from their premises in the Exchange Block to the Allen Block next so the Klectrlc Bakery. Third Avenue. tf McMordle'a com ml toe rooms at the "rner of Second Avenue and Fourth Street will be open tonight and dally until election day. Supporters are Invited to drop In. Arthur Robertson. Maaeett sawm'll operator, after a brief business visit In city, sailed Saturday night aboard the Prince John on his return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Dominion Players, a travelling troupe of actors In a varied program, played to a small house In the Moose Mall Saturday night. There was a larger attendance on their first night. Friday. Mlas M. D. Jacquot. school teacher at Vsk. arrived In the city on the Camoaun Sunday night from Vancouver. where she apent the Christinas holiday reason, and proceeded to tne interior y yesterday morning's train. Hnrcld McBwen. division freight agent who left on yeseterctay morning's train at attend a conference of the trafllc department of the Canadian National Railways. Is being accompanied on the trip East by Mrs. McXwen. David Q. Oerdlner, who has been on the staff of the Prince Rupert Dairy will sail tomorrow afternoon on the Princess Mary for Vancouver whence he will proceed to 8. John. N B . where he will board the ateerr-er Melita on January 20. for Liverpool. England. Following IS above aero weather on New Year's Eve, the tempera f.ure, has been steadily rising until this morning whn It was quite soft and balmy with' the prospect of wind and rein in rtore, thus ending the fourth cold anap the city has experlepccd so far this winter. -i mm The best of Beverages THREE STAR This advertisement is not published or displayed by Uk- Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ,liTiraTaTWrsnBi,n Clearance COATS angr-amiicnTfOTrtn-asaff SBDU9 (IKE ATE It BARGAINS THAN EVER DRESSES HATS Hosiery and Lingerie Canadian National Q7ie Largcft Kailway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PKIXCE KlTKItT for VAXCOrVKK. VICTOUIA. 8KATTLE, and Intermediate points, each-tit IIMY, 9.00 am. For KTKWAUT and ANYOX. each WKIIVKXDA V. 10.00 p.m. For NOKTII and SOITII QI EEN CIIAKI.OTTE IM.AMIS. Portnlfhlly. PASSEXOEIt Tit A INS LEAVE PRINCE KITEKT Bach .MUX HAY, IVEllNEttDAY and s.VTt KDAY at 11.30 am. for I'KINCE ClKOItOE, EllMOXTOM. WINNII'EO. all points Eastern Canada, United States. AGENCY AM, OCEAN STKtMSIIIP LINES. Use Canadian National Express for Maner (Inters. Foreign Cheques, etc, alMi for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OH1CE, US TlllltD AYEn I'UINCE RUPFKT. Phone tM BURGESS Flashlights and Batteries Kaien Hardware Co-. Telephone 3