RECORD EXPORTS MAKE OWN SHELLS Yen \ oO . —— ‘made in Mor Ambassador the f he United St san ro was S k ‘Aid SeRSeeeeen 2 TECK EER ESRERE RRR For Japa ia an p @) TORONTO (CP)-Japan’s a ® f Wallace's Dept. Store s = va oe 4 a é ’ a F = r * = 4 : : i Xmas Time- 5 a pa om Pe P . mm: : rke " oe Adam Hat!) ) ‘ 7 . * cr n = Time ! a rule i. ‘ , BS Iguc fi . ig Adam Hat is such an easy : amb xf t ™ e that “Special Man.” & © -* " x - e va col “ t s P ire rea onable For Bia x an ( . a rie nk buy an Adam Hat = : ts i = < Dad can pick & : » a a s n e > q a ‘ = . a * * >. J f 4s ue. a: 9 bia fi Always Use Them a) at Py g: u re J : SLIPPERS - PAJAMAS - BATHROBE §/2 growing ne a Boe a ee a s Men's Shop a: - & s S \ = a | & ut rie Ar SJ RF mis ‘ we . Bis i? a" 7 © . 2 DEPT. : 0 m econom * ps we @ neighbo BESS EET IRR SRSRRRRREGER ESRB Re New Carrier | Named After “vt Quebec Island — T \ WwW A cP The name springs from Brit bi , , i " = ge siaaiae -* , fin rc he ca eG 5 vile G e Roc 100-ton f epla M as t kingpin of The name Bona Frencl i mean it i Belfast Bonav MW will TANQUERAY, GORDON & CO. LTD. ... capecta. ‘The Bek eS} rie mp 1 expt the largest gin distillers in the worid u : out $20,000,000. Sh ¥ juipped t« f 0 b ai puvilis , or displayed by the Liquor Ww Oertrol Board the Government of British Colum ia 1.000 _—. an 2) RC Sata Says: "BE WISE... Y co ey ‘ es \ \ p Rens. \ “= his yg e Yet Ob, « ie sure which size to select then if you are not € %G tradition and out of ws wally 7 | L. B. (MIKE) PEARSON . @ busy and tough year External Affairs Minister Nears Close of Busy Year By DOUGLAS HOW “ PTAWA P Ext A M ter I f Can 4 K on ais najor tai M P ar Oo PRESIDED AT LISBON N ia i” A Pp ' ¢ I ‘CF Pe ex ' Cr ‘.| Canadian Forces ‘Stooges’ (cP to US. R Fleet Frid i MOSCOW IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE SARE SEAT BS RR 8 Al PICK OF THE MARKET } | #1949 Plymouth Sedan —Smart Real family ca Only $1435 1 1950 Ford Fordor-—New pai i radio, heater, overdrive. Tr t, you'll buy $1845 1951 Pontiac Four Door—Nic« throughout. Hurry at $2065 Truck Department The light truck ire movi fast.—only or lef | $1946 Dodge Panel Wouk i make 1 ideal hunting 1% truck $835.00 Heavy Duty 1946 176” Cab and Chassis— New motor this year, ready to work $675 Bob Parker Ltd. “The home of friendly service” Phone 93 pRemammanecae— S SCREEN x Prince Rupert Dy ir lily New: Tuesday, Decembe ‘aig r 16, 1952 r: C f Werwent 4. vares * _ASH S : presents Also on the SAME prog, THE BOWERY pp... vor OMAN or rar tn An action-packed thriiler, Al a k P takes place in NORTH #6 4 Washington and in Alaska wat CRAZY OVER with a foreign spy ring UNTR HORSES” wh eks to ferret out some Y th ase t ' First Sp * of the supe ecrets kept the sow 7 f p . K p’ = 1 | 3 TRUCOLOR by Conotidoted » en. OW 7:06 l capital, and ures Rop Mplete Show g b work done by % ; Toda t ; ‘ounter-espuonage, | AUSSEY- CAMERON. ¥ to Wednesd | JON OALa ace tee de AGAR - STORM CAPITO is full of thrilling > ies. which keep! A REPUBLIC , PRODUCTION \ Famous Players Thea 1 ym begin | i ey ; , . ; | NS v Trav lay 1 dua pieture nd is co-} “& ~ Y it . i Westcott, | > rf i ve interest, | PACK Ac nly woman in the | e* Si CARTON ER MANDY he story i | i a lor ° . oo TODAY 7: - 9: p.m. “THE PROWLER” ALi t et pur t 1 i Mein \ respi nage See the Navy's Co) oe ty : a fin squad roar inte action! ee of the \ RK 4 lig ction | ¢ Nove of) ed { it yn | at 3 k k i N Park } the | ' i Ow Nel cose BRE 2. OF TRIBDLE ce aed out | Aci i OF || CS | UC Ce tare Ty RUSS SPECIAL TREATMENT | Wednesday and Thursday ‘ . thind of Cana-! “Kilroy'! How many times must | tell you not to slide down the bannister? “Everybody loves to travel” THIS XMAS GIVE TRAVEL CERTIFICATES Good for trips anywhere-- anytime-——to value of certificiate ENQUIRE Gra ea hae, Mae ee a eee atu e and give him Qa Gift Certificate. N FOOTWEAR FASHI | 9 cu. ft. $280.00 12 cu. ft. $298.00 A A | CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 4 ONLY—FREEZERS Apartment size refrig’r, new 5!4 cu. ft. $169.00. 5 year guarantee. Cabinets slightly marked in transit. Phone New Westminster 1711 or write P.O. Box 460 TELE LEN EST I LIS RATES SIC AMBM EIS 19 cu. ft. $498.00 21 cu ft. $598.00 PYM ee ae a a A pita is PAYS TO ADVERTISE NO OTHER TIRE LIKE IT | | ‘The All-New, All-Purpose restone Fi Check these features and You'll see why this amazing New Tire is Your best buy! oe 170 East Third Avenue Las OO iin in, Try a News Classified ASK YOUR NEARBY FIRESTONE DEALER TO SHOW YOU THiS AMAZING NEW TIRE TODAY! BOB PARKER LIMITED Show Starts at 7: p.m t Complete Show 8:10 p.m TOTE | PAMOUS PLAVERS THES Cooutty This new Firestone Town & Country Ii with its revolutionary new tread design the first and only tire with a tread gives you super traction and supers on ony type of road in any kind weather, (MH MORE TRACTION ON ICE Available with Here for the first time is . WHITE SIDEWALLS