January 1928 THE DAILY NEWS fliVKJABM WATERS' PROTEC-' TION ACT. grviMl wiliitm "t Canada, Chapter 115 ni'M'lHI! COLUMBIA FISHINO &' patKINO COMPANY LIMITED. HER:. by aivBB NOTICE lht It hu under, 7 of the ild Act deposited with , fhc Mini"'"' of Iullc Work at Ottawa , the office of the Registrar of find TitlM at Vancouver. British Ool-" ,, description of the site d" ",, oi a cannery, cannery wnarf anu fr(,.iiMti tnereto, orawMfl vo oe ouilt I " ;,. M new coverall With WaWr frpH-" , , i..it 121)6 and bat I486. RartSs a. ' cous' Dwtrlct, In ths Province of Bntlah Coliiiiiiila, wnivn saw wres are situate i joniwon Channel In the said Pmvlr.cc. . olrn ' Ji ii oi uiuiim uh ui ui ; fhe :,rv publication of this notice, J,j, oitimbta Fishing racking Com- pgny i.imiieo wui. uuorr nniuo w oi ! fhf xa.il '""'"fl? Act, -apply "J" ,"P Pubhr , ivnrka worms at ai hli nia ornos in toe City 0r o'.ih for spproval of the laid alte I aid per DU!' thereto hated at Vancouver. B.C.. trJa lath diy ' or November.- 1937. JAMBS a LAWSON, 1118 StaneViri Rank Bidg 510 HmMsmV. W.. Vancouver, BX3. solicitor for the ttidjOompaiy WATER NOTICE imEIUIItjjl ANli LSI r.'.KK NOTICE that Robert M currw. whose address is 1416 St h Ave nisi hu mver. B.C., will apply for a , v take and uee 30.0ro gallons Mr . water out of amall creek 1. 1. which flows ou:ierly ant) ,: , ri .rit'i Huston Inlet, QC. Islsnds 1 000 feet westerly fraii ml: en .,1 head of Huston Inlet. The j;rrr .. ill he diverted from the stream fjint about 900 Met from shore luif jMMtni through twenty-four acre appi.ni for under lease, ana wui 6 ii ki i ' maustnsu purassss upon ine luu-i (K-Hcrlbed as applied for to lease f Huston Inlet, Moresby v notice was potted on the ground it day cl December, 195?. a ,1 tin notice and an application . ' thrreto and to the "Water Act." .ll be filed In the office of the liTorder at Prince Rupert. BC Cibwt oik to the poHomtlon may be !.;'! !-h the said Water Recorder or hr Comptroller of Water Right .rwiit BU tidings. Victoria. . nui tnirty days kits w first ap- 1-,,' ir.rr i,f ttlll DOtteC In a local IK- ;;! The date of the ftot publication ;. Ircmbrr n, 1097. ROBERT M. Ot'RRIC Anpl leant LAND ACT a NOTICE or INTRMTION TO ArPLV TO L8AC LAXll In the Queen Charlotte Islsnds. Ora-hnrn l-!a:;d Land Rsoordlng District of p-: i(u4rt. and situate on the wait . . of Kennell Harbor at the Head or I'. ::.n S mill Quean Charlotte Inlands P:'. r Brltub Columbia. TAKK NOTICE that Brftish Columola :-r : 'cridA to apply for a lease 01 .n neacnoea lands: ' (' imrnr!.! ing at a post planted on the . sr. ..I croak called Twin River; fi. 1 4 ih-.uci west; thence twenty-one XirfSSJl o'horeTri. ?;' ,: commencement, and con- r.? B . acres, more or lea ot ri-,Mllo m PACKIIVO CO. LTD. Applicant. M. II. RnellaV Agent r-es rv-oher tl. I0T LAND ACT. vflTME Of LSriixTlOX TO AfTLV TO UAKti LAKI In Pnnet Rupert Land Reoordlng DIs-nd ruis oct the southwest cor-per 0! ,r, Un named bay on the south '1: r f v r Cbanal O rah am Island. Wi'- i en. 1 , te talands. In the Province ' (' : imbU tk. notice that Arth'ir Robertson. ! bc.. oecupation a lumber. to aptly for a laaat of ' ' 1 described lands - .n:,,.- lt a post plai.led about 'k i-iurn veaerly from the mouth tf n 'iiiiiaiLt-ri creek flowing into an un-.': ru on the south bank of Port ii"-... OMiham Island. Queen Charlotte I'lii -K province of British Oolumbtai " r s chsins eoutherly; thence 10 easterly: thence 4 chains nor-ffiy 'o the ahorallne: thenee following Inrrlm, to poX of COOtBMOCi " titi conutnlng I seres, mora or Signed) a. ROBERTSON Applicant. rted October S. I0 IN PKORATB TIIK SI TNCMII COI ttT OF HHITIll COH Mill A Matter of thai Aitsnlnlateatlon A t; and Matter of the Estate of Oeorge ford Adotphus Wilson. Deoeasrd, 1 VTlg. NOTICE that by order of HU v McB. Toting, the 1st day of De- t rn 1 BT7. 1 waa aceoiated Admin- lpiuithe acute of Qeorts) aiftord iiavinAJison. deoaased. and all par-herehv"lria against the aald estate 'Perly veiVltilred to furnish same. "' ''rd day M, to me on or before ' i parties lnal'""iry. AD 1938. and :'"M!r,-d to pal11 t the estate are i ! xlebtednesa to Y" amount of their NORMaVS' OfflcliV.,ATTli - ni oay Wwoiro, ATb LAND A CTX ITIl'E nr 1 vw .,... . 11 HCIiASn LAM) TO,Vor .. 1,1 Ranae S iaiui sIirii. r,,...,. !.rl?.22,2u.nl ,te at the nor ,. nd of Telegraph Passage. Skeem i"- int.r,j ;" . wun ssumon cay. r'lrc'huitS.? toT Prmlealon U 1 iinaae the followliw tai4 " S"Cln " S P"n the ' .un, " ch'n east; thance 80 1 "ik thU 1 aFJ"-10 wtT iu-r' .,utn"ly along high ' ' t nto.t P,nt ,f cominenoV. ,, J11- nd containing 50 acres, mora or J. II. TODD Ss SONS. LTD. nated iwi . Applicant. --wiwmss asjg lelljU, IWmi, J ACT NTIrR OP IVTBNTKIN TO APPLY TO I.KASK MM) .m!" an2?..RlTnd Rcordlnf Dls-to lilwdt l,Uiton Inlct' un '"' vKnrI!i0.'no,!4h,t Robrt M. Ctirrle, iin.-kXr '?SUJS- .DO" occupation fish ('.. m'1?8 er1bed luhds: w?,lc'n ' P"' Planted at i: i7A. ", " 1.000 reet wen in, .,, ,n, mifrH' cabins nt head of 11 ,,,, Inlet; thenoe westerly 20 ' "' "outher'v about III xti,ia. 'a.sterly 30 chains: then. nil . "' " 12 rhalru. and contain' HHii-e or irhH. I n.oBKir m rrmwyje Applieant. 1 FINANCING OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS HARD Sir Herbert AmtriVTells nfrouble I" I'ultini; It on JJulne.Uke ssuistkeal. Jan. a. (By Canadian! Freest - Some m tsu unhu.. BroWenu , he i wb4n try'n , to place the League akwns on a business-like baala were BDllllwl r..ntl K ... "r-ri unes financial director of the League 1019.30 to Montreal, one of whose seaU be for. merly represented at Ottawa. He has made Ms home in Massachusetts since resigning his "post with the League of nations. a, rj.-w-... , . . i l mnia inax only five nations failed to pay their share of the administration to the League, these being Nlearaiua. Honduras. Peru, Bolivia, and China All others pay well, although diliicultie are experienced in nntrlbu'rnt; mid in means of payment Kveatly v.rv Bulgaria, for exsmpl. paid in r-liiii' on one occasion, the Leanue a Li : -iK a mortgage ou them. Eight dol-Ur a a 'Had waa being offered to any atate ;-i:rh would take Russian refugee); from General Wrangel'a army, so Bul-i.a agred to lake five buudred. thu being credited with S4.000. which was the amount u." her contribution to the league. Itll.AMl IMYH I P Other Buroiean utatea 1 to pay. Poland being notable anvmg thene at one time. The Poles are Immensely patriotic, and were not anxious i) have their country appear on the black iliat of the secretariat when the financial statement was published on September 1. 183S. A representative of Poland called on Bir Herbert Ames to make his country's contribution, but cjuld not give a cheque on New York or on a Polish bank Instead he brought black bag which was packed with dollar bills of all denominations and amounting to M3.T4B. Asked as to the method of collecting this sum. the Polish representative aald that the government knew of dollar bllli being sent home !r jm the United 8tate at Christmas time, and iasued a patriotic appeal to! While the League wan very hard up in t earlv dsv. It had a worklna canl- 1 . . 1,1 ' ".uuu. liwwu in propeny and building" and a cash reserve of 93X0000 "" th WUon 0f ' bulldlnK to hou the secretarial. the when Sir Herbert Amex resigned In July, ism IMKRK AS DOIXAK I SF.lt One of hu difficulties was to find some currency in which payments might SYNOPSIS OF uND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS VarsaL uaraawrved. surveyed Vrasau lands may be pre-empted by British jhjecta over 1 years of age, snl by ullem on declaring latentloa to uei-nne Brltlih auojects. sondl-tiui.il uon resld-nce. occupation, nd improvement for axrtcu 'UTl urp'wea Pun information eoncernlns rsra-atlons regarding preemptions Is given la Bulletin No. 1. Land Series, "How to Pre empt Iuid." copies of tihieh csn be obiined free of charge If addressing the Detriment of Uh4a. Vlotorla. B.C.. or to any Oo-ernaesU Agent Herords will be granted covering ml lead suitable for agricultural puruosea. and wnica is no umu.r-isnd. I.e.. carrylmc ovwr . bosxd tm iter awe west of Us Coast Rangs aitl I.OeO feet per acre east of thai Itslige. Applications for pre-emptions are tone addressed to th Lai ' Com-mUalnnsr at the Land Itsdordlog Dl- rersis, ooplea of wiiieh oan oe 00-tabed from the Lajid Commissioner, lYe-emptiona must be occupied for five years and Improvements mad Is to talus of flO per aora. Including clearing and cultivating at least flvs acrs. befor a Crown Oram can bs recelred. Yai more detailed Inforroatloa th lltlllatln "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Applications are reosJved for pur-- m.t and unressrved days Crown lands, not being tlmberland. that agricultural purposes. mw s for first-class (arable) land I here er acre, and second-class (gras- land 11.59 per acre. mrinr atlen regardlnr. purchass or Isass wt rawr. lands is given in nun"- S3 , Land Series, "i-uronaa sf Crown Lands." UU1 factory, or Industrial sites 00 timber! land, not sxceedlng 40 acrsa, may it nurchassd or lsased, the eon- olUonil including psymsnt of tumpals. 0ME8ITE LEASES UnaUrUvKl areas, not eicst-llng tl acres, inly b lssed as homsttes. condltltnai upon a dwslllng Ming later rsctsd lnth first year, title being obtalnub)anr realdence and iro-provmetcondltlons are fvlfUlsd and laud has bean survsysa. LEASES ror grss'ng and Industrial pnr-posss arsas 'not sxcssdlng atres may bs isaatd by on psrsr or a company. 9RAZIMQ Under ths Orsslng Act U Fror-tno Is dlvloea Into ssraslwt dlstriots and ths rani: admlnltrd unlr Oraslng Commlaaloner. Annual on grasln psrml's ars Issued based on the numbsrs rang!, priority btng glvn to saubllshed owners. Stock-owners cut may form associations for rang rat-nag emsnt. Fr. or parlhr free, saw permiu are avallabU for fHOjcj Oscars and uavollnrn, u U tan Indiffeslion l - S "III 1ULU1 be made t - tilt Le.ut, Si. the pre war gold franc which ha u value of 19 2-3 ovnis, wa Invcnu-d. The annual budget amounted to 25.000.000 gold francs, but I almost S00400 francs were made on! exc nance each ve.r .h i- m. lu dlsbursstnenu In Swiss franca. As the gold franc was not In ourrent use, the Amer.can dollar was ututaad for all general purposes of payment, being the: only monetary unit that showed no change Iram bsfore and during the war. It wa threlo:-c sugnted '.hat their coiuribiition might be madf by draw- inx draltii an New Tork. When received at Geneva, air Herbert Ames auctioned Uie.i; off betwiwn four bank, one being Prench-bwus. another s Oerman-Swus. 1 third being a British bank and the fcurii a Prerich institution. tbe best uruue r getting the orafi. ' Sir Herbert explalved that his first budget, which wax to carry the League iccretarlat over the winter of 1019-30. amounted to 250 000, but that consld- erable difficulty waa experienced In col- lectlng the money. Hi. first Ittirnn. ar.i ;r. s bness-llke and brief ! manner, were turned down by the diplomatic ! censor as being too direct. It I was pointed out to the financial director that the League of Nations must ; take the attitude of an Inferior communicating with a superior: that It cannot ask for anything, but must only hint The winter was a hard one, Sir Herbert aald. for brlcka had to be made without straw. AH replies to the "bints" for funds were the same. Denmark and Slam were the only countries that could contribute without first obtaining the authorisation of their parliaments, and the League could not noulbly be maintained with the pay-menu from those two Man in the Moon OOOD afternoon folks, let us br. new year cheerfully! THET tell me this year la ltag. SB-gat ap esrtf la the morula l And at night dont be too If HOIIRBIY is a state of mind. PRINCE Rupert people shOiiM lie hardy. See how they alt and anr:r and watch a game. JAKE says that whenever simi.kiv starts to do anything in Prince w mm-he la suspected of playing pollt, THE latest pledge Is "The hips : .1' touch liquor shall never touch mmr IN one of the provincial tou n o! I England not long ago an antl-ai i -km- lieiigue met and voiced its wailful i - i v-lances. Men and women alike dt;! that In many theatres and all mm u-houses they bad to alt and endnir smoke being puffed around them. Tii' aame condition existed In trains mul resuurants. But the real limit :n p. reached when one "gent" emitted 'in gem: "Women who smoke are uo M longer laales and have not yet become Kntlexen." Ten Years Ago li Prlnco' Rupert .- - of January 8, I91K. Porpoise In addition to whale meat belnp placed on the British Columbia market W T. Muse, well known contractor arriving last night from Oreen Island, near Port Simpson, brought with him a porpoise which he pronounces la quite palatable. After having been tied up for several on account of slide. It la expected trains from the Interior will reach about midnight tonight. As a war measure. Sir Edward Carson to urues that trie Allies bomb Herman business rather than Oerman buildings. TIMBER SALE X9581 be Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lauds at Victoria, B.C., not than noon on the mn aav 01 January. I9a, for the purchase of Licence XB5B1. to cut 272.000 lineal feet of Cedar Polea on an area situated on Lots 88, and 15T9, Sewell, Miuwett Inlet, Q.CJ. District. Two (3) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For ester, Victoria. B.C., or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X700I Sealed Tenders will be received bv the be District Forester, not later than noon the 29th day of December, 1027, for purchase of Lloenut X7004, Barnard be Cove, Princess. Itoyal Island. OR. 4. to 1.182,000 feet board measure uf Spruce, Cedar. Hemlock and Balsam logs. Two (2) years will bs allowed for removal of timber ' i.-ulurs 01' the Chief For- 1. .'ci. Vi.'l.m.i. ii'- t lie District Forea-ter, 1'itncs Hubert, B.C. H'F.KK AT THKATItK. TlirMlriy 8yd Chaplin aa Old Bill in "The Better Ole." Comedy. International News. nrilnefc(ljy n(I Tlni'-inlay Dorothy Maefcftjti and Jak Mul- hall In "WiftCrBisy.-Coirfdy. Aeao'p'a Film Fabln. I'rhhiy ami 'nlMrtUy "Laddie." Comedy, rathe Review. 4.414.,4.4. "MAM fRATV" IQ MPW vitnjt ju ni.ll ENGLAND STORy AND FULL OF MYSTERY Dorothy Mackalll and Jack Mulhall. th K,Pulr Uam nnt National ,re " " 011 tmt wiwu IU IKK 1,1111. They come tomorrow in a rollicking I romance of staid New England. "Man Cw!t'' Th "ioT1 L" th ,OV4f "lr of a daughter of an aristocratic Hew Enta ,tmii7- nd a truck driver who prmoiy pnoes ine lasieai trues, on Ine Boston Post Roa4. Adapts from tbe Saturday Evening Post story. "ClartSM and the Post Road." "Man Oraay" is an Meal vehicto for the .,-. . evsra . n . . ..... 'na w MUJ' :", Ur W,0nnanc ta P' tth the capable can vawa suppons u.m, ffitsj it a jipiendh! eatortaJnaiMt. "Man Craay" has a pretty love story, action, thrills and myatery. It Is Ideal entertainment for picture fans of all ugos. and both of the featured players do excellent work. "LADDIE" IS COMING AT THE WEEKEND MoT) by fii-nr str.inon porter Ilsne Into a I'iil.n. mil iHi !r.ilueed "Lad i- i- I lw Btra; P r:r feat' vie .1VH ,110 ol - hu.I in1. ' u rod I !i jo-" ".1 p :,-rl N .1: ' v . ila'ri; 1 :u 1 k.s Tin ami .u!d 1 rl ,1 -red:: I: i :: li-l.i- Mk drrt-r'i. 1 h. 'An.'f v fn. m !i .leaiiet : P Mi' , . aciiip' The ..'K n .is Mi-re- - ,,lv .ipp::n :. '. ' 1. !i- .Hi.-' 1' : . 1. , 'X'.T'.viI ; .'I'l. Ht .;; a .v)' '. ,i! r...,:: it I: ..- 4 real stt,: j !!'.!v ' ,1(1 ;i .r.ii. gaining everyt'i;,, :u ;. ' 'a' !S." MONTREAL WORLD'S GREATEST GRAIN PORT Ni'B Vork Naulhal (iairlte lllrerts At-t, niloii t Itetwrd ShlpiHents from Die Canadian MetMrtmtis NVW VORX De 31 Till N.nr ',.. , ' kilhiu.n. 1: M- A- .11! '.'! MK- 1 dr. ti ,i : 'Ji: . -.11 p:''UKi: ioast o! n r'. ird aocoui; :;! iii nr 1 the iiuiing of grain, having cxci iui Mat year a high mark by more than tt.000.000 bushels Montreal Is the gsealest grain pou in the world and dnnn th aaaaon juit ended m less that W.9M.48S bushels grain wai-o handled at the por; Ths port hk been open- for 341 days, the government Ice-breaker Lady Grey having arrived on April 10 to declare the channel clear from Montreal to Quebec. The steamship Lakefletd. which was forced to winter In 'port due to the rapid free-up last year, took her departure on April 13. As a point of in teract, the aame ateamshlp waa the last ship to clear for pea from Montreal this season. The Klelboven. Oomarsum. Blaokbeath and Hans Qude. all grain- laden, sailed on April 1 lor transat lantic ports, and the first ocean arrival, the Laval County, docked here on April 17. The commissioners were able proceed with their plans for Increasing the storage capacity of the eleva tors with the passage by the Federal MISsWniMsltir f t-Ha ... rsMaavaas . fnm ttaaWns I v .v. -snctloned by Parllaf&et.t. Work was started, tsrefore, on a 3.090,000 bushel annex to elevator No. 3. which should ready to commence opera tlona at the beginning of next ess son. This will Increase the storage capacity of the levator to fcOOO.OOO tusheU. Plana hsVe also been prepared tor the con stitution of three mora 3.000.000 bushel addition whom the volume of busi ness Justifies this extension. LOCATION I NY Kit CAT I XI, A collection attorney received an ac count aeeompanled by a request that "move heaven and earth to get thli scoundrel." He -eplted: "Theri would no use In moving: either ioosllty l:i. this Instance. Tin- debtor dieu , ek." Utlea Oas and Electric News STI'NNIMl Ki:rr.l'TION'. "What atruck you on your first visit "A blackjack.' llostou Ttanscilp. IHHHIHiUHIIBBHHyfllHIHBP RITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the er.d of December, 1926. Has produced-illnbrala as follows-: Placer Gold, $78,0184ff; Lode Gold, $126,972 318-Silver, $80,787,003; Lead, J0C,976442; Copper,. $209,9G7,0C8; Zinc, $50,512,5577; Coal and Coke, $284,599,133;. Structural Materials and Miscellaneous Minerals. $5W,17M07; making It mineral production to the end of 1926 show an AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,470. PRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER, 192G, $G7,188,8I2 Ths Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown grants. Pull Information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.R. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. Market Prices Today's prices on the local market are aa fotfowa: LAIUl Pure 2S Compound 20o KCJOU ' B.C. fresh pullets Se B.C. fresh, firsts 70s BC. fresh, extras TSc Local new laid 80s 8.C. storage, firsts Ms risu Halibut, lb. 25 Balm on. rag spring ... . SJ Sslason. white spring, lb l&r Smofted kippers, lb. ... Ite Kippered salraoa. lb. 250 Smoked Mack ead. lb. 200 Finnan hsddles. lb 2te MBATS Fowl. No. 1. lb 33c and 40c locating chicken, tb. 45c an. sliced, first grade 56c m, whole, ft'.si grade 41c un. picnic, lb Me ' uttage rolls, lb SSe icon. beck, sliced 50c r.itoon. side 50c to 60o "k. dry salt 36c . rsuira baaon, lb 34 ' 'al. shoulder 25a al. loin 40c . al, leg 36r " rk. shoulder 28c ' rk. loin 40C 1 'rk. lei 34c lef. pot mast 12fcc to 18c Hoaf. boiling lOe to 15c eef. steak 2tc to 40c Ueef. .roost, prime rib soc iamb, chops 60c Lamb, shoulder 35c MtHton. leg 40o 1 smb. leg 48o Mutton, drops 40c Mutton shoulder SOo UPTTrR TJtmkflsld. Shamrock and Woodland, 60 E CD . lb 500 Capitol. 2nd grsde. lb 45c Praser Valley, lb 60s New Eealand. In bulk 473 prints .. 60s Rosedale Cieamery .. 46c Alberta Creamery 41V4C No. 1 Dairy'" . 37V4C CIIKF.SE Camembert cheese, 8 aa. pkg .. 66c Kraft Llmbsrger, 4's SSo Ontario solids 36c Stilton, lb 40a Kraft , i. . ...... 45c Nonreglan Goat' . .-. . V. . .i ,V s . . wi,' 6t' Napjleon Liraberger 70c Roquefort 76 Swifts' Brookfleld. lb 460 Oorgonaola, lb. 75c McLaren's Cresm. Jars . . and 85c Brookfleld Swiss cheese. lb. pkg. 300 Brookfleld Canadian cheese, 4 lh. pkg. 310 Oruyere 45c Oolden Loaf, lb 45c Jack. Ib 50c Romano Sardo, lb 76c Oammeloat, lb 30c SUOAR White, per 100 . $7.26 Yellow, per 100 .. 8.75 FLOL'R Flour. 49's, No. 1 hard wheat . 82.76 pastry flour, 10 s ... 66c Pastry flour, 49's . 83 AO VEGKTAIILES Beets, 5 lb. for ... 36c Beets, sack .. $2.75 Carrots, new, 6 lbs. for 36e Carrots, sack $2.35 New Houtoes. 8 lbs. .. 35c Sack $3.26 Green peppers, !b. 2 lb. Parsley, bunch ...A...; 10 Cauliflower. B.C. head.. 36c, 3 g and 40c B.C. head lettuce .... II and 2 Gallic. Imported, per lb, 4t Oreen onlona, doeen bunches . 26c Spantah onions. 3 lbs 36c Leeks, bunch 10c Celery, head 15o sal 20c Hothouse tomatoes, Ib. . . 36c I Spinach, local, 2 lb 35c j New B C Cabbaf.e, 5 lbs. 3V i Cooking on!"!.. 6 Ib. for 360 FRUIT Oranges, Valencia, doeen . . 40c to $1.00 Lemons. Sunktst, doeen . . 50o and 00c Imperial Valley Orapefmlt. . . 3 for 35c IWldi. grapefruit 2 for 25o Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND Operating O.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Doek KnJncf rn. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksrailhtt. Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Btc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8alllug fraui Prince Ksperl. rvr VANCOUVER. VICTIIKIi. Swsnsen Bsy. Alert Bay. etc Tuesday. S am. lor VAN CO I) VI-: It, VICTOKIA. Butedale. Alert thty. etc SatorUay sjn. for ItlftT SIMPSON. NAAB TUVLK POIffTS, ALICE ABM. ANYOV. STEWART, Males Maud. Sunday. 8 pun. 13 tnd Arenac. ft. M. SMITH. t FMn Rapeet. lit:. Through tlikrts sii to Vlrlerla and Seattle, and baggafe cheekeil lliroiigli to deatinatloii. 3 lb 85c Extracted hooey, lb. . S5u Extracted hooey, lb. .. 35c Red grapes, lb 35c Dates, bulk, a lbs. for Sac Raisins, hulk, per lb 16r V eg table marrows, lb 6c New pomegranates Iso Sweet Potatoes, lb 10c New pomegranates three for 16c Pumpkin 8e Csltfbreia layer figs, per brick 30c Csllfornla Dainty Dates, packs ge . . 36c Winter Pears. d'AnJou, per box .. $440 Per doaen 40c., 60s., and 80c Jonathan applea, Jumble pack 2J6 "C" garde $J6 Fancy $8.00 Extra fancy 83J6 Spltmbergs, -C" grade.....;... 84.00 ..WQ. 'BtW''i1sa3 ''. .... . ... . '.. , , $MS Dellctoui. fane? .Ht4im tW, Extra fancy 68.76 Rome Beauties, fancy $8.00 Extra fancy 83.60 i Northern Spies $3.78 Jap Oranges, per box $1.00 Navel oranges 40c to fl.00 I1KIEI) FRUITS Dates, bulk lie Dates. Dromedary 2So Raisins, bulk, 3 lbs. for 16c Raisins, package, 3 for SSe Cluster raisins, lb 25c Lemon and orange peel 30c Citron peel 60c Black cooking figs, 3 lb 36c White figs. S lb 26c Currants, 2 lbs 360 Prunes. 8 lbs 26s Apples 36s Peaches, peeled S5c Apr:ots, lb , 40c Prunes. 80-100, 3 lbs 36c 3fl lb. box $3.00 Prur.ts, 60-70, lb 10c Prunes, 80-40 and 40-60. lb 15c 16 lb. box $2.76 Evaporated pears, halves, lb 16c 36 lb. hox' , HJ NUTS Almonds, shelled Valencies 75ft" Br axils 35c Walnuts, broken shelled 60c Walnuts, aitelled halves 65c Almonds .... 35e PsauuU .... 26c Manchurlan walnuts .... 35c California walnutt .. .... 604 No. 1 .nixed nuts , . . . .... 35c New filbert .... iUC t'CF.11 100 lbs. Wheat, No. 8 ,. $3.00 Oats .. 63.70 Bran . . $2.00 SHIPYARD OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE of MEN'S AND ROYS' CL6TIIING AND FtyfeNISII- INGS ' is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. a Miller, Proprietor Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartntfd, Warehousing, and DJaUnbuUnfi. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We RperlaHe In Plnno and FurfiHurr? Murine Its S-l.- I'. 1