PAGS TWO visit r c. eMowBreadmutMerBiwcl 1 1 l-LUUK I -Delicious wheat flaCor is retained The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA "a ' jMaaed - .ration will .jmpeayin- 1. T the salae oa a sscani Hawaii M the isjetaeti ware Oeunitt mad B Gray, the latte to the nuttaBeuon o. IV prapraal h ta instal bydro-electrr powai at tba Duthle mine to :ot dsw.-the high coat of developing p: wer una, psssewt conditions. It might also be poassms la this are; to ,'urnish powr t- other part of the adjoining vicinltv Including Ban: them Mr Duth e mdieat--. that a lw Hand mlzht be noon deetsm. a the company nt well under wav at the Tlaer mine tip the Kttaauit Brver ftcm Alice Ana. with seven mer. at pruajut emplryrd A new tunnel u being cemmenced at the 340 foot lev' Work la In charve of E c Pirketi with t I. Pfifmn a eenejai m?'.-r Brther drittiac Baa prn:.tsd in to fDMtaK that a ten rjR-fc rt.a on the 8.1-er Tip group t srtrwan bn .wieael out to :x f?e: with vmp!. z:v::'? ver-aae value oT 3S h:l ieri-a n runs aat o the tr. Thf e!n i runninf true to tana an it now m the nu' faoe and ahould naT?w dewr but oe-ema much higher gradr with funhn anftlng The Kurtase eiw. nf th, :r -a;:.". .....t t. jrV . :.u- : -,b u tw i,-rv ,.- aativc Uer Thirwen t-n hvt been iaken in t: th- jit pr . Td "h.f - s'.'f'r on hand t-i lie' tl.r :thi.' the middw- : Jw: h- n Will !." .: snd hf Incrced ! u- rr :. nil' and ' unn! Ml Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Ruoer? D;iily New-. Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Eduor. Member of Audit Boreas of Cirartatiam DAILY EDITION News s or of ih me Thursday, June 14, 1928 mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT TaJtaarfn Mfcee Xtw Laokins Like Real C amp Further Devet-eeroesrt f Dwtbie tire! Activity at Stewart CoRtinae !,t-U l.'.li ' i lUfi; the shaft at the Taltapin mine in the Babine valley yke haa been discontinued for two weeks while a eing installed. Still another compressor is on - .. on a different part of the property. Additions "ing made to the camp buildings, these in-'tchen, a new building for engineers' assay office. Assessment work i ' iany on the Sunrise and Silver " ore on several of these group wlD then be uner:ieE ir underground continuity o: ins tnst nave be,-n mrt cr "d by surface wcrk J V. -intendent cri??e of officer .; tl.e Stlvei -' Bif nt Co. are a T Abbey: nan- " Winkler. C. and C E . about 30.O0C ' jJ.T71 shares re- KCierg. vke-preidert. ana caaal-.lng ensineer of the . Be" Jtajg Co. Ltd. bve ame4 St: wan frai Baatile for the purpoM -f Parting the aeaaan a deveiopment on "he property Contract lor trail and nxp boUdU have been . ard mer. it already at work upon tbeoi Ir 'beat thiee waak- time it u expected b ft: actual mUi:ng development uimt ay Thi will tabe tiie frna of xhor-ogh arface exploratioa work, further ripping and ojea rutting ihe rarlow .:wi ore ahowiiig f-llowrd by a oer- ..iu tciiuai of ahunond drilling Fur her aurfase are ihowmgi will also be raoed Tbeie I a puasibtlity of aiaking .Hpmenta rf high irraee ere trim thr .rcprrty thto yeal The S.lver Bell U .! in a very promising dlatrlct be-hordrred 0:1 the nor;! Mde by th? , 'mdo aad 'ji. .he eaut by the An extensive prcETani of diamond drilling r be iru-I tu-rd to tharctighlN prpe-i the vein rrstem thrjugh i;wer '." ti on th Wahaiii on gr up or. iht- u-.h furlt of the Marm:i' Ri-er A H barman, president of the Marund aUn-1 - mg d... which owi tlw Washington. wiU arrive at atewat in a week wr an wit eaanplevraksru Jnr Ue aman0 nnilihv BfofrTB.-fi lTiOO fer' f.f ifnneT1 ei-iund work has already b"i. accom pilshed .A a rcTulr of a vu,!t tn the property vrk bv The dlrecT-jr the Wo-d-G Id Mlr.-nc Co it him been de- rrj- "f- a- i'lirr ar ex-n- ve rierelonmeni projirm. A pcr- . ,. te:veT w:!l rw inuned'ntcly en- "d ' ' ti '.-' -harw '; ..nd Txtfly enulp- ' " ' h ...a'led with i-: '!'!: .mpai.N hu ' ' haul. de-elop- -n . :t. i:;. dure.' YHE DAILY NHTWd PULVERIZED COAL TESTING hkpartmfnt of minks ahranf.ixc. for bom to paufic ai-; ATK'V ro.wriT- SYSTEM 0? Rf? V1CTORLA. Jure 14 IS'TEAtl TO RC. Depailasem of hUnes aaad of Urderal Mines Branch I The Pacific iCoylci 1 or o perxit of a thorough teat be lag . j, ir -it utt of pulverised coal for . -m g pt'rpcses on txeamboats of lu:: - unage wiU te ettended la the Crylei !aTitisn Oocnpany. '.irv. of VinciUTex. Annoaajement c M- fffec: U oiade by Htm W. H. u:rti:ard. mlalater cf mlaci. xh'j action biiisa ti!:fn on recsmmendatioa . the AdTleoTy Council of tte ProTiu-' i .ai Cp:taieBt M Indiistpe by which! :-i by the Department of Minn the j - I iias rfea under cont :3f ranoc r sosae Ume. The coaapany contem-I Ij- d undertaker ewpermiecti m the e Qf pu:vertid coal on one of if ! I; ! urv nd in view of the Unorriance o: I ( -ch erpcnnienu to t!ie coal minin" ' ;'jatry of the ProTince and tlie po j ibiliy ttat future progrea along tht ! :.'.. c-iid mean lnrreajed demarul for; 1 f.t h-me product, the Department oi ; ! a, -opi ratine with the Navi);-i Crmpany In the eLperim?nu Tt.r Ktverament haa agreed to make grant of 12 of which not more n 61 000 1 granted tar defraying xpenes ir. sonnection with aaaemblang 'iu: the remain jig til JOS 10 be forth-xiri provided it la decided that the .j r ill i. Men of a plant for the buminx ; p.tlvciiad coal on one of the Ooat-nny' ttig-boats ia warranted ai a re- . :t of tre Ineert'gattBn. MAKE THIHHM'Gfl TET Captatn B. L. Jihaaaa. imiiigii at -t Pacific iCcy'.ei flartagUon Coan-any. recently apprcacbad the Depart - 1 "frit cf Mine repraaeatiaf that It wa ' f intention of hu company to oon-:vo of their ooal -burning tug-.utD fuel-oil burnsrs Appracl-ire mat ft should be the object of loar rngaged In biwln la BrttMrn -clumbia to awke use of local protects here posibk and where there wouM e ro lias in afacleacy or increased coat : crertica. he atated his dhacton bad tided tr. teat out the poaawtltttre of ulvrr: ra coal Some- taeaatlganon ty the company whloh bad decide :hat farther iim 1b 11 1 should feu tl( before proeidlng : . zticn in any mere of In support of the jvernn-ent aid. Captain pointed to the fact that the biU;y of pulaersaad eoal oa u as yet in the capei imental -. c been given a real trial m only -re !n acee. via., on the vAB 3a a retura trb aeraaa the That trrt prsvad en laapmrMi ir-ert ir favor of pulverised coal on trge at p but fust what eutmea would attend use of that type of fatal earning purposes an much -rift such as those of the Pacific Ooyr ftaTigation company, was a nrstioa xv be determined. If the tests to be camad wai 'uceeaaful It will mean the nrm of a tubstanual quaauty at treign fuel oil by home produoad coal .nd couaequent extension of the market ;iB-C. coal and 1 r mer awn m the anal mralng ' itry of this Provtnee tre urges by taa why thehr application :-eeiwr favoraole 1 niHdaithm. aoaa isoni Mci were fufry axtpraelated by the Oovernaaeat wkdeb haa been giving r.uch thcught to means to Improve the -oil mining Industry in British Cotum- Captain Johnson and those ess nr la sad Tith him will have the tail oa opera- lion of the Ufhnuul iSih 111 of tin tht j -my has m aparatlon at pis nan t thirty I ig boats fifteen coal burning and flf-cu fuai-oll burning- using from ISJoo 0 30.000 tens of caal mad tajDOB barrel ! fuel-oil per year. The eaatpany 1 he largest of Its kind north of Mar ranciaco If the results of the eaaeri- .ent wsrraats. it at exasctad' that the mpeny will gradually suairl Us oi' itrahaa ciatk the ai thereby displacing oil :nu by the use of aaproauaatety 1UK as of coal. The iwaulta of the tart -e to be at the disposal of the De-artmem of Mines and the Departaaent 1 UMrustrles for publlcatloa and aartri- iiitinn with s view to the encourageaaeo tiler insiallation of similar char 1 ".er on steamahlpa ply ng in BX ; na well an m stationary industrial j ilrnts within the provtnot wb tie he present experiment la being tonducted in a small way its success UI undoubtedly moan much for the 'titure of the coal mining Industry of in- provuue It Is estimated by the Jr;virtmen' r Mines that the eoal run. ! of BC last year worked about sa -r ren in available working dafa. the ' .irteei- prr cent loss of time being dat j ! k oi demand. Fuel oil Imported ji u.v 111 this province during 107 ag-vi.-ed 48.881.000 gallons, and in ad-.. tuu, the crude oil Imported : .:i .nn would give a large amount ' ''' ATeptnm 140 gallons of niuivaleiit to one ton of coal ;e '"c! "i; imp-rted aa such displaced :nfi 1 110 .in of rol or abmit fourteen er i;- 11; ihe prm-lnee total output ' i .1 lu: 'h. yeur. iti M.:isi(triii(.' the matter the Depart-.), j: Mums got into uniab.'with the m'.:h 1 1. lexmat eoal muiiag .-oi, fi ' at the leaalaaa and oil of them - iinsnimons that the setlon routes " ! by tlte government was n. Mie direction. CANNERY OPENED AT QUEEN CHARLOTTES 1 BKlTlECiATE ..h. i.tiniyi . ' had ip i.rst tune this June He-4fanh 8 .mil Bay oaaaery Um weea end for the just to see that 1 jP " - ' m the H0IVIE ifcf? hfimmai tv HTIE power of Canada's rhitnf Waters it tpptul n mji'i , idfjSKrQ -A. so many ways that it it dr&cuit to cooorive c .? U'll V If rmfaPrW Tl industrial and todal bfe in Camdi. wittout it. ilk fJXjM ISlsV From the rock drill to thecuftagiroQ Jro tbe mm cu Wf MfH' 10 the electric toaster, frotsi tlie silk qmM to the ekesric f rSILJrJ wrW 5l range, there are endles gradatksns of power needed, V 3f! 15 l&fS&M I yRS and the flexftfaty of dat service it periapt its aott vak - !WmikMmS' ar txt-azvirtf and dragnt aaariaBQtwaay snd alaa thoK ' Si'liia.' P-tA VVJiK Jar w I more acatiietic and rrr5onf, aWrfarncea. wdaA aft fWfsisiaed by the yNJg'-SL WifflTlm! eiectnc puno, the dectric rxinatm aod tiaaaty aaadad kaaaM. SfA Jl" JMLS AH of tbat ooaaime ttjJie the bnae of loaVry vwat tJary f c JF ClKKr The NrwrrBBtM EtJCTBaB Compamt. ia rasaartarwc eafcaa, V.' P Jtf and other PsOfaWmha. wrhaA help aaakc poisaSkf W ipataora kPPT bCO saHt Cm'' rS j" Northern Eecfric COMPANY UlMITCD Al lei yft Equipment for Trantmktint Sound and IWrr V 313 WATER STREET, vanc ac rVrrttva caiisaWawareaswaaar ''iZm. ' v jKatV 4?vs' 4 ZJSUm, W asariy aVas. it . verrtBttng runs wan. la he salmon run which about Anguat 1 X Mr Bride is bark at ':i the season itioa for sa aaraest that cannery BIG DELEGATION FOR KETCHIKAN MM' tit atf Ml CM H TO AWrT IN l-"TAUJlTW m VTW MttAMM -HMII 1.AK Kl l1rSas U M H-m TT.-TTBHAT Tk Prince Buper, Uyro Club is plan-"' en vaaamg a delegation af possibly twewty-rive members to Ketchikan to psrtlcrpaat in the tasUtlatlon of a new club these toward the end of Jury y standing vote practically all the members of the Ion.: club, at the regu-ar monthly bu:tir- ttmcbeon vaster-isv peeked then intention of making the trip. A committee coimntlng of Douglas Short of Brealh , Dizzy. Sinking Spells COULDN'T WALK FAR Mrs. L. Jl Oliver OraBTHk Ferry, NJ3., writes:' ' A few years Stfo I aad dtssv, ilakiag spells m aad I aaaM hardly rtaaa np without tifciag aaM t semetkirg to sou sort me, aad I ea4 net wklk aay disuses oa aaeswat of being as tkart af brralk. "I Ksd taken a lot af doetsr's raed ieits. but it did me na csod. oaar for tk tinuy deisg. so readiag in ta B&Jh. Xlf Slnssar Ahmit I oeeided ta try hen tai found then to be jatt what they are ree-omm ended ta be, aad I feel mat I cwa ary Ufa to tl.n Priee tot. ikitltl OrtiggurU aad dealers, or nailed d tract oa receipt tf prlea by The T. afjfatra 0o Uas&et, ToroaM, Oak Stork. C C Starr and Lleae! Holtbj .v appointed to go into the matter o v.ldlug a club picnic. , It was laaaiiiad that certain d&flcal- : ties had been encountered in oonnsc-'tl-n with the buUdlag of the new play-.gtound oa Acropolis Bill and there may , stme sr.mor revisions in the plana . The club derided that it would no ; repreaected at the :83S Internationa; - TveutJOE whl h will be held In Syra - e. Kew Tork. nxt month. The mat-er of the club taking the id in the OTasataatlon of a soft ball K true here la view of he tart that ' , raw-hall ta apparoaaly aat to be ptkjafl 1 -aihr -r riaiiai ssji latwiod ss .liai, 'r 41 r tic remmlttas , The winner of the luncheon raffle ae F X. Boaertaoa. The club decttsd SB larttr Robert Watson well known Oaaadlan author ho win vaut Prlnee Rupert early in "ii". to address it. tri? Porm Mo IS. Becton U) LAND ACT. NOTHt or IVTCKTHTS TO mouth of Khutas TASJJt leOTTCI -! APPI.I TO rt W HAISf. LAKIl In Prince Bupart L nd Bacordtng D-trlct and situate about Z mllaa from the mouth of athutw Biver TA ROTICl that ;:.t Detroit Weuwrn Mlalag Ooaapa v of Vaaeauvsr. BC. oocupatioc Mtnaag - asssanj in-tends to apply tor permLuijn to pur-chase the following doacr b-f lands na f'Kt distant from th' the West side of Lot IT: thence waswr-ly 80 chains; thruce utherly SO chains then-e eastatlv 8B chalaw: (knaa nor. uieriy iu cnaiJI. 11.11. a SUd Ml acsas. more or T'Mnmg loo P PARDOC Agaat tor Detroit Western Mlnins Co Dated lHth AdtU. lpaS, , Ponn No. IS. LAND A sru n WT IrsFTj I 1 snouatomaiwFsM River that 9) T APW.V KaTaTe"! 7V the Detroit Bfmtssv rimnnant d . " v.. uiauDii minsar uaiaaane tends PPff 0f parmissloa to our-1 the follow bas rtaainiliin ui.. ,..SPmmrtn9 at s post ptantad one: foot SOI'th 'if B W mnJ t JST. . . "'"" " iv iu oaaiBs easterly '0 -halns. more or Isss; northaaat-rlv 100 chains' therms 30 rhM" eontamlng 1 seres Dated P PARDOC VI1MM, ill RlBBBmP--B) SBaBaBBTV - " ssr-m lsBBBBBBmaasB4SarBBBJ I CURE DEFECTIVK VISION, DEFECTIVE HEARING, CATARHII and other orgaaie trouble by n.,: .r..: BveUroda. Dr. L 0. McKAY, D.C 1 . I'hone lit. Wallace Itlocfc. Open Evening" Waaheet and Driea Without a Wrhtcrr THE NEW SAVAGE 59 per cent Fattier From hanifier to line in 14 min ii' 1 -Washed. Blued. Rinsed and Dried Sold on easy term. Kaien Hardware Co. I'hone 2 Boys Sweaters and Bloomers I'fnaMUiV Bwya' Alfwf lulloverri. r Amorted deslgmi, V neck. Site 28 to 34. $1.11.1, 2iS6, l2.V Hoya Tweed and Whlpeord IHiMimerrt Sixes 24 to 34 $1,115, $2.2. S-M Fraser & Payne Unlveraal Trading Co.