L .tMM-i r'7 St f ' s ; Hi 1c ' N BILLIARD FIXTURES , FOR WEEK ARE YET ews and Views .In he World of Sport I lllll - . B TlASEnAT.T. PITCHER. IS UNDERTAKER AND ACTOR Waite Hoyt. Yankees' oitcher. also undertaker in the off-season, being "made up" by his partner. Fred Coots, song writer, for their vaudeville turn at Proctor's New York. GOLF PROFESSIONAL AT JASPER MARRIES, i GOES TO JAMAICA! SPORT CHAT Now that Dido Gurvich has re- . . turned home from Bellingham WINNIPEG. Nov 24.-Jimmy where he acquitted himself credit-Rimmer, professional of the Jas- ab,y ,B fl number of during per Park Lodge golf course and the t few week- intere8t professional champion of Western Kianiag to warm up aKaln in Canada, was marned, on Wednes- the loca, Rame There ,g jtday Jasper to Miss Elizabeth ulk of g bout about December Cray of Jasper, Alberta. Mr. and ttn Dido and Alf Harding Mm. Rlmmer Win- passed through wjth Bert M a8 promoter. Mk8 today enrouU to Kingston. - A d 8emi.windup lg 8UKRe8ted f U Constant mfmionl new Jim the port Slmp. ing enlarged to 18 holes under the Gurvich c0,d Jn Septembcr. Two direction of of Stanley Thompson 9Uch t h ,d b omhing w.ii .un. tU,-- tart for an attracUve. bl Iier tor me summer season. r j The members of the Prince George tennis club met recently at the residence of Mrs. C. P, Deykln to take part In the presen- IU Dt LUMrLLlCJJ L Hornsby. The terms of tht .Wilson competition called for the With four names now nlaved. winning of the cup for threeH Cold Storage is leading Grand years in succession before it be Terminals 726 to 663 in this week's came the absolute property of the second division billiard fixture. 'winner. This very difficult con-The four games so far played havedition Mr. Hornsby met during resulted as follows: , the past season when he complet- J. Hillmaa (Cold Storage). 200; ied the third winning of the cup. W. Mitchell (Grand Terminals) 176. W. Bailey 200, C. V. Young-man 88. C. Baptlft 192. W. II. Jarman 200. G. Kravse 188, John Bulger 200. J. Campbell vs. Ben Se'f have yet to play, while there is an outstanding game Ale-x ,Murray Canadian Legion) vs. C. P..8laao (Grand Terminals) ih ' this week's first division fixtare. Passengers sailing last night on the Princess Royal for the south included Ikum Miwa, Fong Sule Yung and James F.. Young, for Vancouver; A. J. Galland, for 0 i an Falls, and John Mclnnis f. v"r tm-iH. Short of Breath Smothering Feelings Choking Sensation Mrs. II. Dy, Dartmouth, N.S writes: "For over a venr 1 tu troublmi with smotheriiiK siwIIr and nhortamt of breath, and it was unixMibW- fur nw to walk, rven a frhnrt (Iminnir, t ruisr of the choking MOkation which followed. After trying many treatments, in vain, I at laxt iln iili-.l t,. tr anil in a "urprumiely nhurt time they did ute much noor' ' Price fiOr pur box at all dniKKkta.or dealers, or nailed direct on reoektt of pii.t l,v The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Torouto, Out. ihe cup is a very massive one and was donated to the tennis club several years ago by Henry Wilson. The presentation was made by Mrs. C. P. Deykin on behalf of the club members. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English league. Division 1 Arsenal 2, Aston Villa V. Birmingham S. Durnley 6. , Blackburn 1. Leicester "CHy 1. Bolton 4. Westham 1. Derby County 3, Leeds 4. Everton 1. Bury 0. Iluddersfield 6. Sheffield 1. Manchester City 1. Cardiff 1. Portsmouth 0. Newcastle 1. Sheffield Wednesday 3, Liverpool 2. Sunderland, 5, Manchester 1. Kngliwh league. Division 2 Uarnsley 2, Hull City 2. Blackpool 3, Millwall 0. Bradford 4, Wolverhampton 1. Bristol City 2, Tottenham 1. Chelsea S, Portvale 8. Clapton 8, Mlddlesboro 0 . Grimsby 2, Southampton 1. Notts Forest 1, Reading 2. Stoke City 1, Oldham 1. Swansea 1, Notts County 0. West Dromwich 1, Preston 1. Scottish League Division 1 Clyde 2. Itangera 3. ('owdenbeath 4, Dundee 2. Falkirk 4. Itaith Rovers 1. Hamilton 8, Queens Park 3. Hibernians 2, Ayr 2. Kilmarnock 3, Hearts 2. Partick 3. Aberdeen 2. St. Johnstone 1. Airdries 0. St,. Jriirren 8, Motherwell 3. Third Lanark Q, Celtic 2. Drill Team Gave Maple Leafs Close Ran Losing Only by One Point at Basketball Last Night The Maple Leafs defeated the Drill Team by the nar-' row margin of 12-11 in last evening's Ladies' League bas ketball fixture in the exhibition building. The large crowd of fans were kept in constant excitement as each team took possession of the ball. From toss-up to final time the game was fast and clean. Nellie Gurvich opened the Bcor- I ing a few minutes after the game began and Lillian Lowe followed with another basket immediately afterwards. Helen ilmm scored a long shot' from centre, putting the Drill 'sumed the Kincolith boy found Team in the lead. May N'ess soon .tiff onnnaition The ram., hiip.nno (equalized the score with a nice a ding-dong affair, both Uims shot, from a difficult angle. Laura having possession of the ball, Frizzell the Drill Team in the ! put payd a fust, apm jrame until lead again with a shot from under thp end with KineoHth lridlrig ; the basket which was pracodt'd by 34.92. Itween Helen Simm. Cith Irvine1 KlncoUth Pt. and Laura Friuell. At the end of T. Stewart 1 the first quarter the score stood AHa ............... 0 fi-4 In fnvor of the Drill Team. Sue 0. Stdwfcft 1 Boddie tied the score on a pass Total T VtA'V-. Senior league 12 .11- l! 0! 1 K'incolith defeated the Native Sens of Canada 34-22 in a fast and furious game, Kincolith played a J. Johnstone . ...14 from Julia Walters. Lillian Lowe noirn ........... scored a penalty shot which put , M. TriaiWe 3 the Maple Leafs into the lead, j Both teams took numerous shots1 ToaI ........34 ing. Ihe nan ended witn tne rwa,, nunA 9 Maple Leafs leading 76. With .-..v. iVvjv n the beginning of the third quar- Ernie Rat,nfoni 4 ter May Ness scored again on a VJc fen,tM . ' nice pass from Sue Boddie. Eve- gp!r0 (jurvkh 3 lyn March scored on a throw In jnke rjudlnlch 0 from Ella Steen. Vera Smith: ' scored a penalty shot from a techl-l Total 22 cal fouul. Lillian Lowe scored a : H lc5k vuilluiiiaLivii ainc icbiuicu 34-21 Maple Leafs. The last period be gan with a regular barrage at the basket by both teams, keeping the spectators in suspense as to when a basket would be made. Cath Irvine made a pretty basket during a melee of players. The game ended without further score, the Mnple Leafs winning 12-11. This is the third game in which the Maple Leafs have won by one point The girls are certainly Kagl C. N R. ft. 9omm.. ......... 7 2 B. McKay 5 - A. Styles 7 9tG. Hornton 0 Pts. Per , Loie Aatoria . . .'. 2 1 Total Colts Junior League anori iwotb, nunc uic .... ,. . , . Sons tried many long passes which R. Nelson r 2 Jim MeNulty 2 D.' Walters ,0 T. BMsanich .W 2 N. (Turvlca. tal IVr 3 0 1 '3' 1 2 r- at the basket, but without scor- Mntit, cu-is Pts Per nice field basket when checked hard. Laura Frizzell made a pen-! alty shot. Ench team was playing Intermediate League 10 The Eagles dfeated the C. N. playing a wonderful game of bas- Fred Dingwell in a well played game. Z C ZrPZliZ The first half was quite exciting At the end of the third period he Qne team and then the score read 12-9 Jn favor of, the, . r. ketball and the large number of Erf Dingwell 0 spectators ' were thoroughly W. Murray 4 pleased with the brand played last Yl. McDonald evening. Maple Leafs Pts, Lillian Lowe 5 May Ness 4 Sue Doddle t Julia Walters 0 Vera .Smith 1 Total Drill Tertm Cath Irvine .............. 2 Laura Frizzell .......... S Nellie Gurvieh 2 Evelyn Marth . v.. ;... 2 Ella Steen 0 Helen Simm 2 Per 2 3 0 ii f hnvs o aA imnttfvi n it otDQ M 1 1 V scored two baskets to the U . ( R.'s one. IJts., Per .10 M. McCaHam 17 Elmer Smith 0 ToUl 0 2! 3 1. 0, .34 8 PU. Per .21 8 1 0 1 ; The High School defeated the ICofts 16-8 in a hard played game, j 'Tfee High (School boys were a 7 tffUle better in the shooting. Both teams had about an equal number I of shots at the basket during the game. The Junior Doys are-snowing improvement in every game and a few of them will beeome intermediates soon if they show were easily intercepted. The boya from Klncdlith have evidently re- High School Pts. Per. covered their shootjng form since w. Johnstone 3 their game with Port Simpson, j, Bryant 4 T. Stewart and J. Johnstone were making baskets with deadly ac curacy. The Native Sons played a fast combination game also,wit fell down in their shooting. They had many shots from almost un derneath the basket, but were unable to score. Dido Gurvich made hh appearance with the Sons, which will no doubt add strength to that team when Dido gets into 1 1 f . TMJ tslr J. Comadina 2 Ted Smith 0 R. SmithwaUe W. Bacon 0 Ttal 1C hnt tit uknnt.l fii, W The Pts. Per, Uil III limn; I'm", uu. ... . . ,aW-v 1 ,!M Dig has fallen down since last sea-: R. B. Skinner offielf UmI a ref-son. With practice hemay onceer in nil garaea assisted by Rob-more become a dangerous player, ert Sankey. Oke Jackson, official At half time the score was 12-15 storekeeper; Joe Scott and Doug In favor of K'incolith. With the Frinzell timekeepers and F. W. beginning of the second half Kin- Allen on the door. The atten-eollth began scoring at will. The dance is improving every basket-Native Sons called time out and, ball night. There were about one during the two minutes rest set- hundred and twenty-five basket-tied' down, and when play re- ball fans present last evening. FIRST ROUND OF ENGLISH SOCCER CUP LONDON, Nov. 24,-VThe first " WJf WSV IllilUVf IM(S aiiaj . . . a . a and showed up well in passing. ,round of he ?"'!" cer cup Both team, missed many shots at'"e" was p,,ed today results beln fo,low9: the basket during both halfs. It was a clean and hard fought game Snennymoor United 5, Jlartle- from the start. At half time the Pool 2. score was 12-12, but the Eagles Wrexham 0, Carlisle 1. got away in the second half and wtgan 2, Ashton 0 :i ' Chesterfield 3. Rochdale 2. Gainsborough 3, Crewe Alexandra 1. ; ' ; Shlrebrook 2. Mansfield 4. Tranmere 2, Rotherham Uniteil 1. Darlington 3, Newbrjghton 0. Grantham 1. Rhyl Athletic 0. Ann Field 1, Southport 4. Accrington2, South Shields 1. . Lancaster I, Lincoln City 3. Bradford City 4, Doncaster 1. York, City 0. Barrow 1. Norwich R. M. 1, Scarborough 2. - Stockport 1, Halifax 0. GllUngham 0, Torquay 0. 1. Yeoyll and Peters 1, Plymouth Poole 1, Bournemouth 4,. Brnntford 4, Brighton and' Rove Guilford 4, Queens Park, 2 Marthyr 4, Dulwich 2. Norwich City 6, Woking 0. Bristol Rovers 2, Welllngboro 1. Peterboro and Fleettoh 6, Charlton 2. Crystal Palace 2, Kettering 0. Sittingbourne 2, Southam 1. Northfleet 5. Illf6rd 2. Exeter City C, Barkington 0. Coventry City 1, Fulhanv4. Luton Town 5, Southend Unltod 1. COAST HOCKEY Seattle 5, Portland 2. A Mass of Sores No Sleep-Unhappy Days -Tttf . m n. ..,w .... and chHt wr II. rtw kt.f, Kbit ft Ulr rtlltvtd. Thru botli ..lira. IT &Mla nia mr mr ran. ran, th.um f I al Ikankrul'ts h.r. tw aiit akout Jillta R. Cl.wer, Kalawna, H. C. whr ot if a d. p. wiu tl.ytfV.r C1M k"1 " Ma. 'lt-kl ! la la. W. 4. .MttJlTClltOV, DkOdtllsr. "IMES LTD. A large crowd attended a whist , drive and dance which wits held by ! the Moose Ledge last night, the affair being both successful and. enjoyable. Whist playing oc- upied-the early part 'of the eve ning, after which refreshments' were served with dancing follow ing. The HacKworth i nw wiiii-re ai wmw Ladies' first. -Mrs. E. J. Larve: ladies' second, Mrs. William Sherman. Jr.; third, Mrs. Pritchsrd; men's first. Jack Judge; second, Harry Scott; third. N. Mussallem. D. C. Schubert was convener and master of ceremonies, other members of the committee in charge being ted Morvik. O. A. Franks. Percy Cameron, B. XI. Simpson, W. Lamb, Sam Hauden-chlld, A. G. Bartlett, C. R. Biggnrt and Ed. Saxon. r.H7 m 1 EUROPEAN HORSEMEN ARRIVE FOR INTERNATIONAL MEET Wherever there are horses is home to this group ol (unious international equestrian senting the countries of Germany, Poland. Belguim, Holland and Italy, they are showi corned by Mayor Walker of New York on their arrival to compete lor the intenutti nr .,! Jumping trophy. SUCCESSFUL WHIST : SARANAC WINNER OF DRIVE AND DANCE NOVEMBER HANDI Utrge Crowd Attended Function ljt Evening Under Auspicen of Mooko Lodge MANCHESTER, N"- Ji. anac won the Novrmi..-i .. here today. Norwi-t .. iond and Nestoriuti thmi l I horses started. COMMISSIONER WILL ENQUIRE INTO PROBLEM OF SEfTLEMENTLYRu VICTORIA. Soi orchestra 'Gaddee of Kikwn.i w made Its debut to the public and lappointed eommlfM": played excellent music. ! Pabltc Emiulries A t (complete complete MHiuirv enquiry in j mna imniiiiraiiuii iBritrsh Columbia. Forwad girls ure ward in their stuilu' Annojlnr Bladder Weakness of Old Air Krllr r V SANTA I. MIDI Sold ht Al iwn: J5. TRAVEL EXPERIENCED travellers use Travel-lers Cheques. They ore as good as cosh anywhere, and far safer. Before going away, buy Travellers' Cheques at The Royal Bank of Canada und ovoid worry while travelling. The Royal Bank of Canada Prince Rupert Branch inj F. E. Robertson, Monagff