Chutes 'CAMDIANl XPACinci Local. Specials! Specials! iwwWMiiiiiaiiOT,IMI,MMWMMM A fifty cent packngq of Klenzo Shaving Cream and and ri'Tifty. centHuettfig6 of Gillette Razor, Jjlaciej? h(,th for GOc With each $1.00 box of LaClaire Fontaine writing paper, a package containing 134 Xmas seals and tags given free. JBni T7fw Pioneer Dmoaists miPD AVE. & SIXTH S T T CLE PHONES Wy L t?00 HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone t JACKIMNK AND CEDAR Single load $3 j)0 Double load jfi.50 Large sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 IVmbirm Washed Nuts .:,...ik..ti $ll;1 ' Alberta Sootless Lrge Egg ;.. $12J0 : Alberta SooUess Egg $12.00 . Ailwrta Lump $13.00 . . A jso all other dasi!o of coal. nino in Fttrnitura Moving. Express and Bairgaire l;y atiA'Nfstlit'sirvIre 139 Second Avenue ilii.'"-- w Ran ad ian National Tlie Largefl Railway Syflcm in America STEAMSU1I' AND TRAIN SERVICE vullni;. mm PHISCi: HI 11 KT tnt V.N'(U'V:it. VIITOUI , Kf: TTU:. Hi tlrf HwUtol point.. r h nilll W. a mi. It sTKH.tKT AN VOX. nul. HIKStMIVV. 1.(M pjll. I hi NOM1M AMI Mil 111 ql KKN ( IMKI OTTi: IM,MIH. I i.llnllitlT. IWIJN-OCK 1H1IS1 I.KAVK HUM T. Kl I'MtT I n il MOXllAV, HlMli mmI HATI'KI) I V Hi ll!l in. for I'KINCK l.fOKIlC r"Hllt1ll. HIVMI'KI, all ( llrrn (uimiIi. AlltAI V A 1.1. OTi: SlBAMslllr I.INCH il Ticket Office. Third Ave.. Prince Rupert- Phone 2f0. B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert In Krlil.tkan. WriMiicrll ami shawu- lirrmhfr , 15. W. in . .ii.i-.nurr. llrU ami sr.iiilr riiihr 19, Dnriulirr :, 19. I'HINJ f.SS HOVAI. l or IlilrU.ilf, IWh H.IM. Orran lull.. Namn, Alrrl lUy, lainitliHI Him and Vanroutn hkj trldajr. lu pin. rmi lur all Ntrmttli Mm "o" Inforinadon from IV. . ORrilAKII. lrnrrl Ajent. ' "Hirr if IMi hlrrl anrt Srd Avrnar-. frlnrf Itiiptrt. lie. l-hnnr SI UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED . SalllMii Iroiu I'rlnr Kuprrt. I or VANroi'VFK, VICTORH. Humwii lUy, llulrdalr, Aim IUj. rtc. TiifmU.v. XJKl p hi. . , I'nr V ( OI VI Il. VICTOIIIA. Itiitfdalf, Alrrt IM. rtcM lYIdajf M nildiilf lit. tr AI.HK ARM. ANVOX. MTMVAKT. WAI.KM ISI.AMI, l"H!l tilMI'MIV NAAS KIMH, Nuiiday, M p.m. ... ., . lw, IM 2nd Avrnur. II. M. SMITH. Atrnl. Crliii Kii rrl. II V. Throuth llrkrta old ko Vtlrla and hrtttlr, and litlf. rhnkwl Ihrouth to drutlnatlur City Meat Market (SKIA'IG IJROS.) Ird Avenue ,hon' 765 MUAT. FISH, HTABI.KS and AM. KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCK" at low prices, and Immediate delivery Observe! All articles are of superior quality and absolutely frh. and Personal ine lojiowjnc is the. scale . i of charges made for reading 1 Ma . : tiinnmmm saneti last ev-,,T Sale of Vor4;n J)ecemier M. . k Untied Church Bataar ' . . , Canadian ., Utfn Christmas Tree Saturday, December & from 2.80 to 5 p.m. Dr. Alexander rnoNi: S7s IIKSM.R III.OCK DENTIST EWART LYNE (Planmt Capitol ThMtrf) Teacher of Pianoforte f'andidates prepared for Associated Hoard of the loyal Academy and Royal College of Music Examinations, IOS pat wot auoonrin duDnf uw past thirty Studio: ind floor Federal Blk Phone Red 701 TllliSB UKAUTIFUI, SILVER PIECES AUK ONLY SHLECTK1) AT RANDOM illO.M OUR STOCK The Sandwich Plate is a beauty "Htj !jv.0 The ttutUr'l)i)i ....IjUtO, The 1'lower Raske .'.$1f..-(i Come In :nd See Other Artlclen John Bulger Limited THE JEWELLERS Anyox Awyox. 1 . .. . to Ifhri ftivkrd of Stewart wa vtx7u ,. I a IMMWer aboard tile Prince v rn rir l? i?,, ! U,,iwt rd afternoon bound -S Cards U of Thank $2, lrigk fo Vancouver. Fiineral.tfotices $1. i , . ., . Fuhra' iJEUiwew 10c ner'V lih2L' k... Marriage and Engagement haaret begyiiih-r at gro. Mange announcement $2. JkHnder tflf re.stillet Tellefon Red II. W. M. Rolston. Stewart bro ker a and publisher Publl!her of of the the news- day afternoon going through to Vancouver. - Major C. B. North, superintendent of the B. C. Silver mine. waa a pa-ssenger aboard the imng on the Prince Runert far s-.ix r,nce ""P1" yesieraay aiter- attle. 1 Boon Ktag through from Stewart 'to Vancouver. ( MornIllg Pliiyt.r w, Mli jn Andrews frotbedral to ANNO A!vinn.pi. I IN CK.M IJNTS .Ist- 1 .. u. ...i.i. ,... 4 n Ordination service at eleven. ' I The praaeher at the Evening Ser- Women of Mooeeheart Le(en vice will be the Rev. V. B. Jen-Whist Drive and Dance, first ' nings. r nday of every month. Itupert Fast United Bauiar, November 29. St. Andrew's I)y Scottish Itawre, Moose Hall, November SO. St. Andrew's Socletr Auiiliarv f Mrs. A. R. Bazett-Jones waa Cliareh cashier at the bazaar of the Wo-menV Auxiliary to St Andrew's Aaffiieui Cathedral on Thursday afternoon and Mrs. U'. J. Greer was aasonf those who assisted in the tea mora. There sre seventy-one pas-seuers from Ketchikan ooiuir south on the steamer Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon. The Prince Itupert Players' CJb to pick the people up and, con presents "The Saving GrcM at sequently. was l it in going south. Capitol Thealre, . DieltT 18 ! ami 11. i Much improved in health aftr having spent some, tine receiving treaUnent' at the M&yo Clinic. Rochester! Minnesota, Mrs. J. I). Ijwrcnrp tfrife of th local man ager of Government Telegraphs, returned home on the Princess Royal yesterday afternoon, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Erii k-son of f-Vattle. $18.25 Ocean Fare TO CANADA j for the Wives and cbiidren of j liritish Subjects who ar- 1 rived in Canada prior ! to June G, 1928 Children under 17 years-PRKI! I i Apply at once to C CA.KADUMfStn.VICt. KfJI' UNC3 IlabtingH SI, W., .incoiier. R.C. or nearest agent Ladi les KID GLOVES Various styles, new colors, and smartest cuff effects. Finest quality kid with novel stitching. In sizes for all. Jabour Bros. Ltd. wW ColliHon Yeturned to tho'l ews In . : i i t . Tommy's Taxi (Phone 71) an nounces the placing of a second image teaah;car in business, tl W. A.' Bell sailed last evening on the Prince Kupert for Vancouver enroute to California where he will spend 4he winter. Mr. .W.iHw Lewis.. Miss1 Dorothy : Lewis and , Miss .Bepsie Campbell :o'f Smitners sailed last1 evening !on the Prince Rupert for The Carlson vs Hanson Kit-maat damage suit, after being in 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf news-j progress from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1 paper there, was a passenger ab- in County Court yefterday, was Dentist. Dr. J. U. Cosse K86. Butter 43c lb, .Milk $5.23 case, all Brand at-MUXIIO OKOS. tf. ir in.. hnn w,r ' rl,,re nHjien yesier-Ju;uriiea uniu aionaay. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A. Johnstone, arrived in port at 12.30 midnight from Vancouver and waypolnts and sailed at 3 a.m. on her return south. Merely routine businetf was taken up at an executive jjSeltin? last night of the local assembly, Native Song of Canada, at which G. V. jIhntone, the president occupietl'the chair. i F. J. ikrtholemew, Vancouver j electrical engineer, who has been j looking oyer the local power situation presumably for tlte Mond interests, sslled last evening by the Prince. Rupert on his return U Vancouver after having spent a wk in"the lty. Every editor an I expert The departments of the Family Herald and Weekly Star. Montreal. are all headed, by men of practical experience and nationwide ' fame tbovV why . it'a first in public estWn. The subscription price is only 1 a year and three yers for 42. ; Titxia.Btajnt and Trail Hangers preaeHtfd their entertaimiMnt for a socond tjme be-fore another well Milled house at First United Church last night. At the conclusion of the program, those taking part were served refreshments in the social parlor of the church. As a result of the entertainment, l a considerable sum has been realized for Sunday School :md Tuxis iltoys work. CANADIAN NATIONAL HOLD STEAMER FOR . CHRISTMAS SAILING In order to accommodate thoe desiring to go south after schools close Friday, December 21, the Canadian National Steamships announce that on that day the S. S. Prince Rupert will be held here until 0:00 p.m., arriving Vancouver at 9:00 a.m. Sunday, Decern Iter '1. Make reservations early at City Ticket Office. Third A e Phone 260. L9i CIIKISTMAS SAILINGS PROM ST. JOHN . 7, MetssaMB ctwrtoour- 8outhanptoa-Aatwrp. Dc. 7, M Mttctare liaagow-Dcl- fmt-Urtrpool. 0c 11. DUMMja of AWioll -Qlaa- ul lalKxlO. Cherbourg-a I1IOM ST. JOHN' to nLAS(iov.i.ivi:urooi. Oee 31 ' M'jnuova) -n' 4 M -!'.'.c! ir JU. 18 Montr yai Kl iiuisiiiin-iu.i.i wi-i.1111"""" Do- as Mlm1an n H Mtv.'M T t HtKUOl K"-It' " ANTH'KIH' Jan. tl Apptf l AiM trjnbrt 0 J .VOKSTKS. 1) Ull J'.O. Aja. CP.R. Stitlan. VaneauTr Styraour J6J0 Brief Fine teas still cost as much. Poorer teas aril considerably cheaper. The finest tea at a fair price is always assured In Salada. A Blend oS the Finest Teas J. S. Rogers of the Rupert Marine Products Ltd. sailed last evening on tiie Princt Rupert fot Victoria. Fong Sule Yong, well known local Chinese resident, sailed last night by the Princess Royal for a trip to Vancouver. A. J. Galland. inspector of ex- iCise, sailed last" night on the Prin-( cess Royal for a trrn to Oecsn' Falls on official, duties. j Mrs. R. S. Sargent of Hazelton ! left for her home this morning! after spending several weeks visiting friends in Prince Rupert. Beam Miws, nephew of H. Mochida, sailed last night on the Princess Royal for Vancouver where he will embark for a. trio to Yokohama. ' Kenny Smith, nisrhtwatohman at the Government wharf, returned to the city on the Princess Royal yesterday afternoon following a holiday trip to Se:.ttie. Every branch of farm work. farm machinery, stock, etc. has an expert writer in the Family Herald and Weekly Star, the recognized first writers of Canada. Mrs. Wilfrid Gratton and her daughter, Mrs. George Arseneau. with whom she has been visiting at Premier, arrived in the city from the north on the Prince Rupeit yesterday afternoon. I There were no further halibut offerings this morning and, unless either of the delayed American boats B run vol and Imperial should happen to come here, it is not expected that any more fish will be sold at this port this year. The flow of grain from, the nrairies to this r irt ir contln- uiHtr steadily at ". e lbiut sixty carloads .': I'..' - fcnr-nitw there were reported to be 347 carload? ji wheat on the rait- way line ' isper rant bound for Prince Rupert. Was Tortisrcd With ; Eczema For Yeari Mr Ceorp- Shanibter, 1 19 OeiKhtoa St., Halifax Is . S.. writes:- "After bein torture I with r. ;, fur years, stkll tr)'lg ever pi nt le from dorttr! and drug Mur. . a i'w it rei omnietuiedj me to take I wot uiv li'i.-h'u:'! tn i't me a bottle, and after I hml t.'iUn it I noticed tha cooling of tiiy blooit to he advised ni to oiitiiiut. nl sfter taking several bottles 1 1 .in truly n, it is a wonderful medii ine " Mauufttctiirrd only by Tbs T. Mil-bum "o., Ltd . Tornnto, Ont. Is Ihdr tv-'.ti nr of a toofh- SO V rwt. w'iKi. miKnthntihulil Jt m tlwlr V en i cm tins cdc un HU dcr every UWKS. u&A aiMowos anwccLTQ- 'B UNCOUVtll, IT WW.H-'l.y A Thousand Dollar Diamond Ring Silverware . . Watches . . these wonderful prizes are being without obhation by the Sen nadan Jewellers Association for tor mt expmsive Slogan aptly descriptive of the high Cuss Bterchaitdisc sold by jewellers. Come to our store for an entry card and write in your slogan. Do not delay competition Closes midmght, November 30th . John Bulger The Jewellers INFORMATION WANTED Anyone knowing the whir- a bouts of Curtland Schwalbe from Duffield, Alberta, please notify his grandmother, Mrs..' JIarnisch, 110 Ninth Street. S. W,Puyallup, Wash. - 278 MAIL SCHEDULE i r the Rant UoDdayi, tioeadaya. Biturdiji. mau cloaca 1030 a a I im the But Suasu TVMdays and. Tburadara, maU ooo ,...,.'..'; ia p ra 1 VanrMi- TUeaday i. i-li pin- ' MMfs ...r.....'i.1i km. ! WM)t ..(... U p-m j C. i'. .k. ii.e. 6 and 19 pin ... i i . VU i..:u W-Snfadajra pl'Btyr. sjs wap sa, ft; . .'.','. 4?-' Wt,.' ' ,iiks0 . maays v' pm C, r B-- -Dc. 1. 1 mm J9iV;...aJO. V r t tpoart, r.rmlrr. An;o and ' Allr Arm " s,n .jiya T pm . WWMadAra ,.jVjf.:U pm. l rn twftnd rrrniT- rM(i IU0 m Prioiya i.... am. ... K.i- Hl.r, .u-- 8undya 7 Pffl I'roni Naaa River rta: Tuaadayt IJH To qiinn Chariot! ' ' ' Dee 1 IS ard 39 :::ii:9 pm. from Hrm rharlottn .'tVf ' N 39 Dec IS and Tt '.V,.V; .1 aia. De I. is .nd 39 'i'.K'.i?:. .tm. i ii. i ninik -Dec 6 arid IB ... r .v.-. A .pxa. LETTLR HO COLLECTIONS Jraham &. AUIn Avt i i Ave ti 8th St. (ith Ave. & Pulton 3.. Lit A.e tt TUompnon St. .. tth Ave Si Sbarbrooke .... th A- - t Conrad . ..... th Ave Hays C.ive Ara.. ti Ave. m Hays C) Clrsla th Aw. Oottrn at itt: A. a; Qrefi.i St. (Hjptl). h A" v lleBrid St Pro. JuUf'inj .... . rov o 'Wt oTf DVhiirf u.t.p S'ntn .ad Ave. a .tad St. ... AM. PM tXH) 7J0 9.08 7JS 9.10 7A0 9.15 7.4S 930 1JM 9.3S 7 .43 . 9.S0 8 Of) 9JJ 80S 1.00 7.00 9.40 S.10 MS 8.15 940 8.V0 0.&3 8.SS 10 00 8Jt 10.0S - 11 M - lO.iO 840 vd Ave A JMltrn St 10.1ft 8.45 Srd Ave tb St 1020 tta Ji !.t!. Om rolUetton only, tairi as i, collect'i-H CN.R. TRAINS fir the East Mondaya. Wednetday htiA Biturdtya at 11:30 a m. r'rom the r-t Bundtya. Tuasdtfs and Thursday- v 3:30 pm.