oMORROW'S -TIDES— ber 18, 1952 i Time 22 19.7 feet 5 22.0 feet 4 19 feet 37 13 feet i Pormai A gun anc oO rot : “ ! ) inage A ik nic ed 0 nia Mr ®-Me-Hi Drop id Game ™ Polar Bears y Boo Memg H basketball . ers bit \ ire if ' win the in chool rophy L 45 defeat at t Hi Polar Bears P ve now lost two . game series ; Rupert in the ion which re ame win to ac the return 0 will be played : } ' : Hi outplayed the ’ Rupert students n thelr foul canned 21 out vhile the Rain- 17 out of 39 ee and Nickerson h as they made een them. For ‘ afd Bue sank rison UW, Nick Kristmarison 3, ron 9, Letourneau ilways to Get ‘ te Increase oe The Board of mnmussioners in- Canadian rail- t-rate inerease to MY or Soosl WO non-oper- . ees, chief commis- D. Kearney said B. w '’ receives a pay in- nts ati hour England R )\MED PICCADILLY ig place for 1 from var ter Abbey i two | lottes t 45 Hi Hamlin 7, Bue 12,! Tucker 2, Auger 8 al 48 4 a Che et eal tii PROVING! 4 LIBRAF vict : D a NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada’s Most Strategic Pacific Port—"Frince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest” VOL. XLI, No, 295 Dt) See A £.. J eady For Coronation CIRCUS, where thousands of Canadians visited during the war nrengs watehing the stately coronation procession next June lage points along Londor historic streets as Queen Elizabeth I following the onation Donald, and a frrend, seeing the fror door open, came in to in- ves 4 The inman ordered ex H ; to the front of the b jing. He then fired, wound g the manager, and fled ‘Tt hours iater, and 12 miles ank Holdup Suspect, Manager ecovering in Same Hospital away from th Cariboo cattle to pec urround alled , » surrender the desperado opened fire, the police retaliated. At the height of the exchange he fell with a bullet in his chest WEATHERMAN COLDEST DAY Coldest day of the winter today at the Digby Island we mometer dropped to 28 degrees A moisture laden atmosphere the sudden cold ice crystals in Pring ather accounted for the snow-like hoar frost CHALKS UP OF WINTER ¢ Rupert was recorded. «| station when the ther- which condensed rapidly due or Socred Premiers Meet In Edmonton Saturday VICTORIA €P) iDR First world’s meet between the only Social Credit premiers will in Edmonton on Sat- take place urday Premier W. A. C. Bennett an nounced today the conference at which the top 11 B.C. and Al berta’Socred officials will attend will last one day D ission will take place on many problen and opportu nities of mutual interest for the betterment of both provinces and Canada whol said Mr. Bennett Heré are the main issues fo discussion @ Connection of the Pacific Great Bastern Railway and the Northern Alberta Railway to wive the Peace River a coast outlet @ Connecting highways be- tween the two provinces The WEATHERMAN Says moving ; Synopsis intense but slow storm is entering the Gulf of Alaska and now lies about 400 miles west of the Queen Char- This disturbance — will pring to an end the sunny weather of the last few days In the Prifce Rupert area Rain is expected to reach the north coast tonight In the intertor skies are cloudy while along the south coast there is some patchy cloud Cooler air is flowing from the interior of the province over this region Cloudiness will decrease and there will be extensive fog dur- ing the night and morning hours The storm approaching the north coast will not affect the half of the province An southern tomorrow Forecast Coast region—A few clouds this morning. Cloudy this even- ine, tonight and Thursday nter- mittent rain beginning this evel- ling. A little milder, Wind light, becoming southeast 25 tonight. Low tonight and high Thursday at Port Hardy, Sandspit and | Prince Rupert, 35 and 45 @ Oil and gas development B.C. will be represented by Premier Bennett and Finance Minister Einar Gunderson, and Alberta bys Premier Manning and his cabinet Battle-Tested HMCS Iroquois Back From War VICTORIA Except to know they had taken revenge, crew) members of the battle-tested| destroyer Iroquois were silent) Tuesday on the action which cost Canada her first naval battle casualties of the Korean wat j Talk of war was pushed aside | by reminders of home and holi-| day. Bundles of mail and fresh- | ly-cut, Christmas trees were) taken aboard minutes after the} {roquois had been secured along- | side HMCS Naden’s main jetty here j Though she has completed, an- other assignment with the United Nations in Korea, the Iriquois isn’t home yet. Halifax is her home port She will remain here until Saturday, then start on the last leg of her voyage under a skele- ton crew More than 100 of the ship's company will head east by land to enable them to spend Christ-| mas with their families. } | Tito Breaks With Vatican © BELGRADE ®—Premier Tito’s) government toglay broke off dip- lomatic relations with the Vati-| can as a follow-up to naming of Archbishop Aloysius Stepinac to the College of Cardinals. | Bishop Stepinac was condition- ally released. from prison about ia year ago after serving five years of & 16-year sentence on a charge of wartime collabora- tion with the Germans, = Power 5 + PRINCE RUPERT, B.C,, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1952 Members [i Condemn Cabinet | Demand Claxton Resign Office OTTAWA (CP) —A storm of parliamentary condemnation has swept down on the cabinet as a result of. the Currie re- ort. ss Dipping deep into its spec-f findings, one onposition after another threw across’ the floor of the Commons Tuesday and said the binet “and only the cabinet” must accept the responsibility. ular ember them The report said there was @ general breakdown in one branch of the army and made | other sweeping allegations. | The Progressive Conservatives > demanded the resignation of Exercise “Reluctant Beaver.” called for a full-scale inquiry ene Oe cass into the entire defence depart- \ ment. A CCF member used the™ report as one reason for arguing for an early election Donald Fleming (PC—To- ronto-Eglinton) even suggested the resignation of Prime Minis- ter St. Laurent OTTAWA ©—The Comnions Tuesday disposed of one motion s of non-confidence in the gov- Solon Low, the Social Credit ernment. but alrrost immediately leader, joined in the call for jad another placed before mem- Mr. Claxton’s scalp, and said}pers by the CCF party perhaps there are others who' ‘The house paused long enough also ought to resign.” He ad- in heated debate concerning the vised the government to “crack down hard” on those responsible for the faults discovered, in- cluding people “at the top.” The cabinet sent Justice Min- ister Garson in at night to urge members to 20 a Social Credit motion of non- confidence, The motion charged the gov- ernment had “failed” to sponsor a realistic fimancia] and econo- penditures Committee has had chance to make a thorough investigation of the report. Yesterday, Lt.-Col. Douglas Harkness (PC-—Calgary East) demanded the resignation of; Defence Minister Claxton. Si 1 . , jamese Twins "Doing Fine” Col. Harkness said responsi- / / ba bility for lack ef supervision in n ncu: tors the army stores “rests squarely — 4 Se on the government” and the CLEVELAND @—Two-day old minister of national defence | 8itls, who were Siamese twins should “submit his resignation.” | for the first three hours of their a ~ lives, are “doing fine’ in separ- ; ‘ate incubators. Their mother’s Bud et May condition is “excellent.” g Doctors at Mt. Sinai Hospital drew a curtain of anonymity | d Si about them when their rare case Inc U e um | became known Tuesday, but said . i“they’re doing fine, They’re eat- ing and performing normally.” For Airport | The twins were separated by ' |surgery. At birth they were A sum of money for construe- | Joined by a short band of flesh tion of an airfield in Prince at the point where the chest and Rupert may be included in the} abdomen meet. Doctors who par- 1953-54 federal budget, in the | ticipated emphasized the opera- opinion, of E, T. Applewhaite, | tion was possible, because no Skeena MP. | Vital organs were concerned. In a letter to the Chamber of} ———_—____— Commerce here, Mr. Applewhaite G ° d said: | “rT am confidently expecting | en. Simon S that this year's estimates is include a suzi for the Prince} Rupert airport, but I don’t ex-| Threatens pect such an amount will be sufficient to complete the pro- ject. “My understanding is that there is a great deal of work to} TORONTO @—The Telegram be done yet before the final plans} says in a dispatch from Ottawa and specifications can be pre-'that Lt.~Gen. Guy Simonds is pared and advertised for tender.” | threatening to resign as chief of Mr. Applewhaite also caution-) the Canadian army general staff ed that he did not think the! over the Currie report on defence airport would be built “over-/“inefficiency and waste.” night”. “Gen. Simonds was closeted for “Don’t look for rash, speedy, several hours this (Tuesday) and half-considered early action, | morning with ranking defence but I am satisfied that the pro-'department officials,” the story ject is moving steadily and says, surely to a successful comple-| “He is reported to have told tion.” T. Norton Youngs, Chamber of sign unless the government acts Commerce president, said he was quickly to absolve him from all |“heartened” by Mr. Applewhaite’s blame in connection with Mon- statement. |day’s disclosure.” In News PRICE FIVE CENTS DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 ; Commission Answers ; Differ With Sections In Act | | CANADIAN ARMY airborne engineers Government ‘Weathers Non-Confidence Motion Currie report to defeat by 118 to) reserve judgment) mic policy that would assure the) until the Commons Defence Ex- orderly development of resour- | To Resign some fellow officers he will re-| |on at last night’s special swers * Deiegates Report Result of Talks Direct clash between certain answers given to itwo city aldermen, interviewing the B.C. Power || Commission in Vicoria last-week, and sections in the _| Electric Power Act which governs the Commission 'was at least one major item city council could agree meeting. Aldermen George Hills andj—— Mike Krueger gave a report of tneir meeting with the Commis- sion, and answers to a set of questions prepared in advance by the council were read, The report was tabled until Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd., Rupert's future supply of elec- tric power “was made very clea: to us.” , But after the report of..the delegates was heard—and after a two-hour argument and. dis- present suppliers of power here, eussion—council directed ~eity submit their proposal in Janu-j|clerk R. W. Long fo seek “fur- ary as to what action the com- | ther clarification from. the pany would take if. granted a | Commission. Answers which appeared to be directly contrary to the Electric Power Act deal with the “most important issue before us,” said renewal of its franchise, which expires in March, 1964. Both delegates assured city council that the ee ae Gee eeeieaeel cannot commit itself in ance h y a as to what rates would be/. Both Ald. Hills and Ald. Krue- charged “if the Commission took | ger said they understood from over.” ‘the Commission that it was They reported they had been | powerless under the act to do Lk yl gaa * watch parachuted supplies drop to the frozen surface of Kloo Lake in the Yukon to start The exercise is to test men and Defence Minister Claxton and | equipment in engineering operations under Arctic conditions. ces, Guarantee adequate markets and wealth to every Canadian. After the dinner recess Hazen | Argue (CCF-Assiniboine) moved a sub-amendment to the Pro- gressive Conservative non-con- fidence motion still before . the} house. It calls for payment to farm- | ers for wheat stored on farms of up to 75 per cent of the initial price they would receive for their wheat in each crop year. In the Commons today, Prime Minister St. Laurent said the advance copy of the Currie re- port was handed to the Defence Department and that some changes suggested were incor- |porated in the final report. He expressed surprise that the Currie accounting firm of Mont- real had taken this step, but said it was done simply to make sure that facts were right in view of criminal proceedings arising from Camp Petawawa thefts. He read into the Commons record a series of changes sug- gested by C. M. Drury, deputy minister of the department. Student Admits Killing Artist SAN DIEGO ®—A 16-year-old high school student told police Tuesday he fatally stabbed artist Ida C, MacKeown, 67, when she threatened to tell officers he was a marijuana user. Booked on suspicion of mur- der was Donald S.: Crosby. Police said the youth led them to a trash can where they found! a knife with a four-inch blade. Mrs. MacKeown’s body, punc- tured by 35 stab wounds, was discovered Monday im her fash- ionable studio-home. Supply Situation ‘Worries’ MP OTTAWA © — An Opposition soldier-member of Parliament believes Canada is unnecessarily sacrificing lives in Korea which could be saved by a _ greater supply of munitions of war. Lt.-Col. Gordon Churchill, DSO, (PC-Winnipeg South Centre) reiterated in the Commons Mon- day night that Canadian casu- alties in Korea compare with the said he would like more infor- mation. | the existing Northern B.C. Pow- provide a just share of| high rate at Dieppe in 1942 and/chorage, Fairbanks and Jimeav. “most hospitably received” and | anything until the city indicat- that the position of the. Com-| ed it wished the Commission to mission in relation to Prince | supply power. y oe gr Would Make ‘Preliminary’ Survey Then the Commission would{they would not come to ws make a “preliminary” survey of}again. They would either be- the municipality's power need3,/ .ome our supplier or they would recommend against it, depend- recommendation to. the Lieu- ing on the outcome of their sur- | tenant-Governor in council. vey. This recommendation might! “I don’t think the council support the mitnicipality’s | re- | quest that the Commission sup- ply power, or it might or. prove of it, on result of the preliminary sur- vey. The Commission might find that it was “not economically jer Co. Ltd. assets, ete., and Make a survey,” said Ald. Hills in reply to a question by Ald. McLean. “In other ‘words, we're left holding the bag,” said Ald. Mc- Lean. rf “Tt looks, from this, that we may be putting the cart before feasible” to supply power to/|the horse,” commented Mayor Prince Rupert. } Harold Whalen, The city, however, “would| Ald. McLean, referring to the Electric Power Act, Sections 27 and 28, moved that the: city clerk ask the Commission for have no recourse, as I under- stand it,” said Ald. Hills. “Once we asked the Commis- sion to be our supplier of power, “further clarification.” . Plant Description Necessary ~ Section 27 and 26 were read | may: : by City Clerk Long, which stated| “Enter into agreement with ‘that after a municipality had|the Commission whereby the requested the Commission .to Commission may establish a supply power, “the Commission | power district and acquire or may thereupon make such inves-| build, maintain and operate tigation as it deems necessary | therein plant for the supply of and may report to the munici-| power .. . ane ‘pality . .-.” such items as “anj Ald. McLean also held thiswec- estimate of the ynit. cost atjtion contrary to an answer ‘by which the power required for|Commission given to the dele- distribution in the proposed| gates in answer to the question: power district can be supplied at} “Would the city of Prince wholesale. Rupert have the right to ter- “Plans and specifications ot a|minate any agreement or T description of the plant necessary |atrangement with the wi for the supply of such power in}Commission » upon — any the proposed power district and | duly specified written notice {i an estimate of the cost thereof.| The Commission's answer: sms “Proposed rates to consumers; “The Commission has no power \that in the opinion of the Com-|to enter into any ‘a'greement mission will produce revenue |With the city of Prince Rupert, lequal to the cost of supplying °F any city, except for supplying | ower to the consumers, and any | Power to the municipality for its |such other information as the|OWn purposes, such as street /Commission may deem advis- lighting, operation of pump | able.” motors, municipal buildings, ete. Section 28 of the Act states}The general provisions of such that. “upon receipt of the Com- erent aac ro be the = ission’s the icipali as a agreements: ee similar types of service.” 1 : : Alaska Opens jalthe quael Wy Al aes Lean, said they had been told by Powerful Radio Station ' the Commission that it could give | the city “no indication whatever” what rates might be until after The most powertel radio sta~ "heated mills and pee tion in Alaska goes on the air 41.4 said that while the Com- for the first time at 6:30 tonight mission would not commit itself when KABI in Ketchikan opens) on anything, “we got the impres- its first broadcast. sion that they frown on diesel | Owned and operated by the! operated plants and try to use | Midnight Sun Aurora Broad-|hydro power wherever possible. | casting .Systerh, KABI will pre- = |sent well-known Prince Rupert , citizens on the air in its open- ee feature. ‘ Mayor Harold Whalen, John McLeod, Harry Black and Phil | Linzey will speak on the oeca- sion, by transcription. Their welcome speeches were recorded when, as members of a visiting | Rotary Club group, they were in | Rntehiban last month. The MSABS owns and oper- jates a radio station in each of | the following Alaska cities: An- ate Police Probing © Jap Spy Ring TOKYO ©—A Foreign Office spokesman Tuesday sald police are investigating reports of an international spy ring in Japan. He acknowldeged, however, that unless U.S. secrets are in- volved, nothing can be done ie spies because Japan has no anti< espionage law. : Japanese newspapers reported, The new station will be the sec-| without conf that a ond in Ketchikan. irmation, Soviet mission here is involved, would know» the result of the...