CLASSIFIED HABIT l ne read the Clanlfled Ad. advertUe for It. t v u lone. (i ii find, locaU th owntr. Vi ,trViT ru ncl. advertla or II ii:T THE (XAHSIMEII IMHIT. CRR EVIDENCE IS DISCREDITED iir Saya Slory Toltl by n Wax Impotnilile niwl ' juUI Not be Relieved 'I VEU, Nov. 24. De-t he could not accept of the accused and r i n i t weigh the evidence wtneaaes. Magistrate "lerday reserved his ii! November 30 rn the s. Robertson Orr, Mth assaulting and at-: detain Harold B. K. ('. in a local hotel .mi 17. Referring to iimony, the magistrate lory told by him was No normal person hat took place could j t "iv was a correct one. w inti to convoy the im-, mi! Mr. Orr came downj deliberately lied. He in normal condition for' i i - before the occur- j not in normal condition! v.. i on the witness; PILOT KILLED AT VICTORIA "' Itavbone whn llrntlter of Mrmlier of Lwal Police I'tirce "I'.IA. Nov. 24. Arthur Vii lnria pilot for Tonautical Association, " yestertlay and Val-i;' inidt, former VlcUnria i man, seriously Injured plane lUybone Mia ''d at the local ainlrome. 'loitunate pilot who lost ttii a brother of Cow tl.uold ltflyboivs of provitv 111 ' ditrict lHMhiuartra Ur nutde his liome In HKtilNA MAN DHLS '-N. Nov. l.-John Held, " ' OT, flftt treflWrer x"ith West Tifrltorlag, to QUEEN CHARLOTTE TO GET POLICE OFFICER Transfer From Prince (iconic of Constable Malcolm Martin Im Announced The southern end of the Queen Charlotte Island ia to get a police officer, for which it has clamored for tome time. Provincial (tolice divisional headquarters announce the transfer from Prince George district to Queen Charlotte City of Constable Malcolm Martin, the chatiRe to become effective forthwith. Constable Martin will be in charge of police work on the south end of the islands, and Constable Andrew Grant of Massett. the north end. STOCK QUOrATIONS lUourty t & O. tfokMKMi Co.. tW i The following nuoUtJoiia were bid a ud tasked. Hayvlow, 34. 4. II. C. Silver, 1.30. 1.40. Kig Miasouri, m. ce. lteavor Silver, Nil, 13. Cork Province, SB, 86. Cotton Molt, ftt, M. Dtinwell. 13, 16. Duthie, 88, trO. (ieorge Copper, 4M, AM. Golconda, 70, 7. (i rand view, W.Vi, W. Independence, OVs. 10. Indian, 4, Nil. Inter. Coal & Coke, 30. 38. Kootenay Florence, 18, 1H. Kootenay King. 81. L & L.. C'a. 7. Lakeview. llii. Nil. Marmot Metals, 8. 8ft. Mohawk. 7. 7V. Morten Vooley. 0. fi'a-National Silver. lVi. Noble Five, 50, l. Pond Oreille. 10.15. Purter ldho. Nil. 66. Premier. 2.20. 2.26. Ilufue Artfent. 20. 22. ltuth Hope, 60, 60-Silver Crest, 0V4. 7. Swiwflake, 88. 83!j. Topley ItlchfMd. 60, 61. Tortc, 130, 2.60. Unstcrn Slock Norn ink, 01.60, Nil. Oil" There jlooall iiL. A I 111... i a Itodajr ejjbriing to foreign coun- inenanwR-UHieiuwi koou hoiouiii-iig t..rtany nillllwa of dollars ttH-e Umb the total production of nwnufikturotl g4a in the whole Dominion in 1M0. . nr. .BO""01 jwun- bulletin stated ,voi pamcuiariy oy roaaon or tne fact that rred Luuduist, a well; known local fisherman and for-' ,merly part owner with his brother, Charles Lundquist, of the In-1 grid IIH ia a member of the crew. , 'The Hrunvol was last reported! on November 14 when she was! i seen by Other boats on the nor-1 ithern banks trying to haul in her gear while a gale was in progress. The local branch of the ler--Sa Fisherman'r Union sunt a wire north yestorday asking to be advised immediately anything wan heard of the Brunvol. A searoh is to be undatakeo by the United States coast guard for the iBtuhvoI as well as the iHiperial iwhich ha not been seen pr,berd of for couple of weeks at least, , illUlMlil) TODAY The fuderal of the late Karl Kusaofc of the Peace Kiver country, whose death occured on Thursday morning in the Prince Hu pert General Hospital, took place tais afternoon from the chapel of the II. C. Undertakers to Fairview cemetery. Rev. V. F. Price officiated at the rites which were of a very quiet nature. cmIanow AN EXPORTER VANCOUVER. Nov. 21. The Hon. James Malcolm, in addressing the Hoard of Trade yestertlay. Mid that the total gross of POWER CABLE IN TROUBLE TTHitamitsion Line lletucen Citv and Dighy NIhimI (ioos Out of llusiness Ihie cither to a surge in the line i or the work of toredos, the power cable connecting Digby Island with the city bl-w out this week and an auxiliary power plant .at at the wireless station may be held partly reeponsiblf at least for disturbances local radio fans have been experiencing (he post day or so. (ieorge Gilbett, electrician, and A; Chisholm. rigger, of the radiotelegraph branch at Victoria, will arrive in the city on tho Cats la tomorrow afternoon from the south to supervise n-pglM to the powor cable. r .Te tetephom? cable, fk not MRS. WINSTANLEY J GETS LEAVE ASSUME ' DEATH OF HUSBAND VICTORIA. Nov l!3. Aa oJer Caiila' Industrial production; granting Mrs. Nelli- Winstanley had risen from approximately two of Prince Rupert leave to pre-and iMilf billion 1822 toisume the death of her hiwbantl, four billions in 108. Canada is Thomas Winstanley, who dleap- pea red on June 10, 1910, was made in the supreme court Ipiay. The ouple were 'uw tried in Englnnd In 1018 nnd te husband ilkappeared. No trac,fC4irm haa ainoe been found. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 1 lil ,h"'' a"' nu"tio"t',l for l"tB in the cabim-l of Herbert Hoover, president-elect of I ,u the UHe.l Males. Left to right . , W. K. Borah, who ... ,-xtr cted to I... Se,rt,, v f s.,i.- I I.' 1 . .' - I ' . .,...,. I '-. nrny retain m.. position ii:. Secretary of War; i retary of the Treasury, who will probably he asked to remain. ANXIETY OVER ber MISSING BOATS iiuiiii,ui(ti in turn Ksiiy .tivm t t 4H,H t 1ILALTII OK KINf! IMPROVED! TODAY ... tod and Andrew Mellon, present Sec- ; BODY FOUND IN A TRUNK Judge Young Allows Freedom to Carl Lindstrom, Who Was Sentenced to Six Months in Jail The appeal being allowed. Judge -K. Men. Young, in County Court Uti KjMWilMtV quMhag oonvkUoii of Stipendiary Magistrate J. P. the condition of kiav liimnr J rtltlk rurt'liaed ill Saw Fonnil i r u. . . . of Crew of Hrunvol. Not , ., . " ": ... : T " ocar.eii 01 niewan airain i.ari --'" a,M" " i Lindstrom. who had been llanrd of Sinre NWm sen- ft ?aMinK fir 0lht 1,,eUr- 0nen,al l,er I I 8 months' intprison- iy. which commonly accom- 1 .rA.1,J- M- 'irnf on a second off-nce of keep- is considerable anxiety! XZ"T. .ZliZ? lil-lv r . k- " . ' . "W "Uor lor aaie. jonn v L,iyne I ,mw" Kwuauw w T " was counsel for the appellant. v aver over the me whr.h., wnereaoouts or a k , Churese Janantto w-m.!. r.,-... i or wa fnnnil in ... ... .,, .. j ..awMi.twnL iniNiv, hnc i flv. u, n ia iv m. r iinar iniMiivn mr -j "'. r (ne crown. chased at a sale on Wednesday by ; J. K. Iletts. who paid $14 for it.' SjrJEfcn n5iguw cargo which was a metal lining which ws soldered in which the body! was apparently embalmed. Au-j thnrities believe it was iiraiwred i ! for shipment to the Orient, ,but' ' 1 I how it came into the baggage ! room in a mvalerv nnmilvMl PROHIBITION PARTY TO BE ACTIVE BUT NO CANDIDATES UP VANCOUVKR. Nov WILL ASK FOR PROHIBITION OF SEASON TO LEAVE HERE IN DAY OR SO The Japanese freighter Yayf Maru will soil either tomorrow or Monday from tn Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator for the Unried Kingdom or continent w'ih the fitdt full cargo of grain ! whipped from the port this season. , Loading of the British staer ' Rock pool is proceeding and this 24. -The vessel should be ready to anil by rthe wireless station is sew in m,., British Columbia Prohibition As- Tuesday or Wednesday. I ' I :..... . L. ... 1 . . . . erwtion to take care of 'require- uwwn iw- o aeitntie lime is yet set lor mentaon the Island for a few days ronl to establish an indeeiidnt the arrival of the third snip of untl repairs to the line can-be of- prohibition party. The speakers the season, the British stemnOr feeied. Meantime, the spark set I intimated that hn of fort be made Carperby, which is due tomorrow. to oring proniouion issue ueiore tho government, and in future CANADIAN GOLD elections association members be PRODUCIiON organized to support candidates in j sympathy with the movement. I if gold production in the United I States continues tn decline in the I ' fairly steady way it has done since 1916, Canada with Ha yearly in-' creasing production will in a very few years be the second largest gold-producing country in the world. Association Investigalion of Says ... rlM)lrr(1 ,,,nr Present System Sufficient lUI.lNljkb MAUL IN Re,on for .hane GOVERNMENT OFFICE VANCOUVKR. Nov. 24. The abolition of the present system of VICTORIA, Nov. 24 In the re- government control of liquor and organisation of the department of in its place total prohibition is to the provincial secretary, J. L. be urired upon the provincial gov- White, deputy, retires with an ernmeiit bv a delegation of the honorarium. P. D. Walker, chief Prohibition Association before clerk, is promoted to deputy sec the next session of the legkla-, rotary, while the position of chiof ture. when the government t to clerk goes to r. II. Hurlet. This be asked to institute ati enquiry saves salaries amounting to $2too into the method of control now in per year. voirue, whleh, according to pro-! : hlbitlonista. "will reveal suffleienti Spruce, baUana. .hemlock and reasons for repeal of present legie- ponW together nude MP over t7 lation." Angua McGougan wa per cent of the total wood used hy elected prMident at the elMtpg the pulp 'and paper fmlary in of ttie seaaion. Cnnada in 1d86. Boston Grill LAROE C.tOAKET Speela.1 Dinner Thursdays and Saturdaya Oanrlng trtj Saturday night from 0 to 12. Dance Halt for fljre Accommodations for Private Partlea l'hone 437 ',. N"'f! I'HlNfJK RIJPKRT, li. ('.. SATURDAY". 'NOVEMBKR '" ' l'U DEATHS RESULT FROMTeRMFIC STORMS IN mfEH ISLES Rail Connection with Vancouver for Peace R. Planned by Government I n micr Tulmic Also Announces Scheme Tor Establish 1 inent of a Provincial Marketing Hureau to Help Farmers Sell Products olJVEU, Nov. 21. Two very important an-i nts wore made here by Premier Tolmie in ad- tlie Young Conservative Association. He an-Liiat the provincial government aimed at securing ic ction with the Peace Hiver district for Vancou-ay of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway. While vnment had not decided on how this was to be bout the policy was established. Iut important announcement was that the gov-. through the department of agriculture, planned iisli a marketing bureau which would provide r the farmers to dispose of their products. TIICi;!: I'OSSIUiU'i ICS V)11 Til : HOOVER CABINET Terrific Storms Drove British Shipping into ! r heker; Damage Heavy LONDON, Nov. 24. Terrific storms off the coast of the Itritish Isles and Northern Europe drove shipping to shelter and caused at least nine deaths on land. Telegraphic communication was almost entirely suspended between Northern Ireland and England, while heavy dam-ago is reported in east and middle Cheshire. A great number of trees were blown down and thousands of acres of land flooded. CONVICTION UNDER LIQUOR ACT QUASHED PRESENTATION TROOP'S LEADER At the regular weekly meeting of the Third Prince Rupert troop Boy Scouts held in the Toy Stop of Friday evening Troop 'Leader Duncan Miller was presented .with fine KingV Scoot- Badge, allraund cord gran. A, a4 i'iarfc's badge. Rev. V. F.'Priee made the" pre sentation giving the troop a talk on "Knowing How." Duncan Miller is representing the troop at the Pacific Coast Patrol Leaders' Convention be ing held at Olympia, Va4h., on November 29 and 30. The Scouts report that they still need toys for repairs. HYDRO SCHEME FOR WINNIPEG WINNIPKG. Nov. 21. Ratepay ers at the civic election yesterday npproved planx for a six and half nv" Marn ueveiopment . city hydro system, railing tor the construction of ad ditional power unite at Stave Falls, Winnipeg River. Mayor McLean was re-elected hy acclamation for a second term. TEN YEARS IN PENITENTIARY NANA1MO, Nov 21 George Robertson, found guilty of statutory charges at the assises here today, was sentenced to 10 yearf in penitentiary by Mr. Jutk Morrison. Edward White, negro, found guilty of permitting defilement of u girl under 14 years of age, was sentenced to five years. NOTICB KB WATBR PIPliS Owing to numerous com- plaints about low water pros- sure received by the Water Department, all cititens hav- ing water pipes Insufficient- ly protected are notified that the Board of Works have Is- sued instructions to shut off all services thereto, after November 30. 1998. II. A. McLBAN, 4 City Engineer. 877