TAnK nr.nT ssmmiafie-si urn wtMEm&mmsaato. :'uijmr the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholoie HP III eafre TONIGHT 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matiiicc 2:30 p.m. nr a it BLMJ THE PHOTOPLAY SUPREME The Answer to "Beau Gestc" by the Same Author ADVENTURE, LOVE, ACTION, ROMANCE Gary Cooper, Evelyn Brent, Noah Beery, William Powell and Distinguished Cast BILLY DOOLEY COMEDY "THE DIZZY RIVER." OVERTURE, "IL GUARANY," (Gomez). I lot ween Shows at 8:45 p.m., the Humorous Sketch CNDERS" Under the Direction of Alex Connon. Admission 50c and 15c. Sat. Matinee 35c and 10c. The boy or girl purchaser of the lucky ticket at the Saturday Matinee will receive a free pass to this theatre for one month. Canadian National Steamships Prince Ruoert DRY DOCK ANH SHIPYARD Operating ti.T.I. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Kfi,ineet, Machinists. BoilermaW'trs, UlacksmitliH. Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WEI.IU.Vi Our plant ia equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK, PHONES and 385 "CATERPILLARS Tractors HIGGER THAN THE WEATHER! A Size for Every Use A Hundred Use for livery SI.C 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY IIBTTUU QUICKER CIIBAl'KIl Literature and Prices on Request Sole Distributors for D. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LIMITED ItTHm-li Offli-m Norlbrrn VwVtr Frrttht ISulldlng NHmmi KHnwnu ' M Mttton Mrrrt Norman C. I -rulriohank. ttimr Oonrge ' V.Nt'OUVt;it. H. C !lt. Mjiirr HOLT glsPR50W KST H. S. Wallace Co. Limited 'erciM ,,,.. ... 1 1 LL FASHIONED Silk Hosiery Thexe ehurming horn' are made from the finest ol heavy .service weight pure thread iilk. Full Fashioned of course, silk to the welt, patented garter block. Extra wear patch on top' and side of toe, reinforced slipper foot, fine even stitch fabric, and the very best of fast even dyes. At once serviceable and elegant. This smartly stylish hose will give excellent service. Atmosphere, Champagne, Flesh, Mirage, Node, Pearl, Blush, Shell :... Hlack. White, Wrought Iron, BvtBtfWw. S2.00 r.-.ir . . . . plums 9 trd Ave & l'ulton St. GOOD SHOW AT WESTHOLME A well-filled house enjoyed the excellent program provided for the week-end at the Westholme last nifjht, in addition to the photo-play "Beau Sabreur" and a snappy Billy Doolej comedy, the sketch "Cinders" was put Dn by local amateurs. A very pleasing performance was given by Miss Etta Robertson as "Cinders ' and Alex Connon was in good form as usual as the leading man. Both received much well-merited ap-plnuse. The sketch will be repeated tonight. This fine1 'pro-' gram should not be missed. THROUGH SLERPEKS TO THEJiHP'S SIDE The Canadian Nationar Railways have made arrangements to operate special trains and through sleeping cars from the facific Coast to the ship's side at Montreal and Halifax in connection with sailings for the Old Coun- , ry during November and Decern, U-r. Full information from City Ticket Office, tax Third Avenue. ''rince Rupert. I'none 2t'.0. .232 Hurry Folks BEFORE Our SALE Closes An Opportunity Not to lie Missed. THE DAILY NEWS Saturday. November j, 1fr , District News NEW HAZELTON Provincial . Constable Andrew Falrlnirn of Telkwa has been on duty in Hntelton during the past few weeks. ? ' ,:, " 'r The: FelW Bridge Club of Haz- t-lton met : Dili week at tfce home of Mrs. JcHn) Newick The Kit-fens' Bridge Club met at 'Miss Rock's. SMjTIIERS Larry Canty, an old-timer of the Haielton district, who has recently been Jn the Peace River oun-try, is renewing acquaintances in this district. He ways that the Fin-lay Valley Land & Development Co, is planning aUive steps toward having, that part of the Peace River Settled up. An ox-perimontal station is included in the plan. The SmithttM Karaite & Electric bo. is unliftking work which will double the capacity of their premises. J, II. Hettieringtou has received word of the death of hia fattier in " the Hast. ! A. r.rAiKkiajp of Fraafr Late has been a viiflor in towndaring the past week. Government Agent S. II. Hos-kins has been ..on a trip to Burns Lake this wek-on official duties. PRINCE GKORGE Extensive improvements must be made to the Capitol' Theatre 1 here or else it must be demolished, Fire Marshal J. A. Thomas has ! ordered. Th city council has ' been advised of its liability in ase an accident should occur. Rev. 1 Polljnger of Mc Bride has been a visitor in Prince Georvte this we4k. He reports that good irogreas it being made in the building of a new Church at McBfide. feateaaWllsM in the Great War. Angiiean I HIGH-CLASS GOODS AND Weath- h considerably colder here of late, the lowest SPLENDID VALUES AT thermometer reading having been i 0 above xero. 'The Nobby' Rev. T.. DePencier, Anglican Church rector hare, is endeavoring to compile an honor roll which ill comprise the names of all nun n this district who lost their lives SALVATION ARMY Services on Sunday: Holiness Meeting at 11 o'clock; Y. 1. Company Meeting at 2:30; Salvation Meeting at 7:80 p.m. Weekday Meetings: Monday, Y. P. Ugion, 7:90 p.m.; Tuesday, Corp CadeU, 7:80 p.m.; Wednesday, Chums, 7:80 p.m.; Thursday Sunbeams .G 40 p.m.. Salvation Meeting, 8:00 p.m.; Friday, Rand Practice, 8:00 p.m.; Saturday, Praise Meeting, 8 p.m. PRESHYTERIAN CHURCH -'f , Rev. J. tl, Frizell, R.A., LL.lt., Minlstl-rJ R!lHetteJ TJ Manse; Telephone, 4C8. . Morning' Worship at 11 o'clock. Subject, '$ire-View of my minister' in First Presbyterian Church in Prince Rupert, with reasons for accepting the call." Sunday School 12:15. Evening Service tit 7:8u! Subject, Some reason for asking the Presftpterji'Co r11v me f my duties." Anthem bjf jhe choir. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Cbrlstlun Science Society, 215 Second Amlpe This Society is a branch of The Mother Church, tts 10. Chareh of Christ, Selenttot, in Bot0JlMi. .'SMaVSrvif4nt 11 a.m. Subject, "8oulfl84 Wf" Testimony Meeting on We4lne4iy eveWn. at 8 iffy. tb puWic te tm&my Mted. GEO. MADDAMS ENTERTAINS Tlmrsriav niirht at the t'anitol Geo, Maddams, popular member of the Rupert Capitolians, gave local music loven a delightful surprise rhen he rendered two very pleas ing saxaphone solos, rrom nr.-performance last night it was quite apparent that George "blows a keen sax," and his appearance again in .the near future will undoubtedly be popularly welcomed. SNAPPY VAUDEVILLE AT CAPITOL Week End Hill Includes Two Exceptionally Attractive Acts Last night Capitol patrons were given a delightful vaudeville treat when Miss Annie Gilchrist, charming daneuse, was seen in a pretty dance number, "a Russian mazurka." Miss Gilchrist, whose talents as an artistic danc- are well known, received a f' oat enthusiastic reception, v "Al and Art" provided laughs a-plenty in their amusing patter jH, "Mostly Nonsense," and incidentally gnvtt-their- views on a very important question, "Should I have kissed bur good night?" v Hoth acts will be repeated this fternoon and evening. '" I G. A. Woodland, local agent of. the Imnerial "Oil Co., returned to the city on the Princess Royal yesterday afternoon from a brief 'tusiness trip to Ocean Falls. Week-end Specials BUTTER All brands. 2 lbs. 0."i; BUTTE'l Bulk, a lb .Sl.:5 BUTTER 14-lb. box J".1."i CAMPBELL'S SOUPS 7 tins SjI.O; TOMATOES Solid pack, 2 V. 6 tins !)."( FLO UR Swansdown. Per pkg I Or FLOUR Snowfl ukt, 10s. 3 2 sacks $ DUTCH TEA RUSKS 2 pkg. ORANGES das. ....... .S Qualify, and Service Mussallem's i.i.i t.-f 1.00 TONIGHT Hiir Double-i'Vafu re Hill "THE NEWS PARADE" ami "Anybody Here Seen Kelly" " FAULK AND TOPICS . VAUDEVILLE in) .MISS ANNIE GILCHRIST, charming' Danwuse. (It) AL and AIM' in "Mostly NonwonW Jack dc Jauxserund and Hi- Rupert Capilolinn- First Show at 7 p.m. 50c I .Coming next week, Geo. Aylett, "Hawaiian Wizard." ttSOLXZStSi GREAT SALE OF FURS Fl'U COATS, JACQl'KTA CAPES AND CHOKERS All (Joing at Bargain Prir's B.C. FUR CO. Third Avenue S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East. Phone Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Kate Itepairs USED CARS We have several excellent bargains in used Car' Easy Terms if desired. dvertise in "The Daily News" District or The Daily News Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase Vvcagional copies, will find it aiivantajicous to remit $IJ.U0 anil have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the News of the North, coait and. country, from our special correspondents, as well aS world events NvjllUeep you Send the postal order today while you still think of ill