,4 "PAGE SEX Waterfront Whiffs Prosperity A. Is High Prince Rupert Halibut Boat; Jud Thurbcr Building .New Vessel; Hunting Parties Arc Order of Day The Prosperity A., Captain Andrew Christiansen, has the honor of being the high boat of the Prince Rupert halibut fleet for the 1928 season. Final tabulations show that the share per man of the Prosperity A.'s crew was just about $2500, while the Unome, Captain David Ritchie, is runner-up with $2170 per man. The crew of the Pros- A. has been composed this year of Frank Long, Jei-ity ohn Johnson, Charles Lowe and A. A. Jacobson. The Tramp, Capt. Sam Haugen; Rose Spit, Capt. O. Stagavig .(Axel 01- Capt Red" Hovig, which landed Ban, owner) ; Oslo. Ca!t. Axel Jier final catch at Frince Rupert Olsen, and Ingrad II. Capt. Chas. on Thursday was struck by a ' iPlln I Mm rsr. Peacetime Patriotism A Fable for Merchants and Salesmen HE was an initent purchuer of local product. She knew the tecurity of her home depended largely on hemtf, and all mother Kke her depended on their insutence of lecuring local product. For it wa directly through the prosperity and increasing activity of local industry that the men folk of her country enjoyed noire position and Mttdy employ me nt. That u why, when shopping for an outer garment for her son. tor demanded a local product. The atore ckfk hesitated and told her the arnole she required wa out of itcck at prstcnt. but that a certain fecewn-msde article ws "jutt a good." She refused the foreign prment and left the More. Back f this mcther' irantrntx s-a a pride in the product of her homeland ;bje true peacetime patrntmn. This .story has a moral for Merchants The proKTe of Bntuh Columbia depend on increased production and increased purchaunc of British CoJ-umbta products by the public. De fair to yourself! Be loyal to British Columbia! Sell more British Columbia product. BE PR0UDT0 BUYPRODUCTS KAYSER GLOVES NEW KIIVTONE Buttoned and pullover style. Pair $1.50 NEW LEATHERETTE FABRIC Novelty cuff styles; assorted shades. Pair, 1.00 AND gJQ FOWNES CAPE GLOVES Wool lined, fur top. Pair $2.95 FRENCH KID GLOVES Novelty cuffs styles; as-sorted shades. Pair 2 95 FRASER & PAYNE Laudquist, are also well up in the giant breaker off Cape St. Elias t0 Canada rriitce Rupert list. Ihe i'rosper- and sprung a leak. Tumps had to Hy A. brought In 279,000 pounds be worked all the way into port in seventeen trips during the sea- to keep the vessel afloat. Tern- cided upon before that time. It .mtnuaa .. v, nr, rr . . ..... . ....... . IJUBIIItn. the daily news SIR WILLIAM CLARK ding halibut boats of the season I to land catches here. Some an- i xiety was felt as to the safety of the American boats Hounore and Imperial which were still unreported. Figures, compiled fn the Water-frontVhifJ). taking intojiccount only fish that was actually lan-tled'hew and not merely bid upon ns it included in-the totals compiled by the local fish houses, how total or 27,086,000 pounds of halibut handled at Prince Rupert during the 1928 season as i ompurt;;. with a total of 2S.1U5.-950 pounds in 1927. According to these figures, 19,55-1.700 pound: has been brought in by American vessels as against 18,705,850 pounds last year while the Cana-djan total for the present season is 7,481300 pounds as compared First llriti.sh high commissioner with C,:?7J,lrt) pounds last year. The increase of over a million pounds in Canadian landings has been the feature or the year s , son ana the unome j.m.uuu jtorary repairs are being enmed is unuerstoou unit Uipi. lhurler( The fiiml landing week of the pound in twenty trips. here before the vessel proceeds will seek to sell his pnseent boat, wason November 17 to 1 re- The high boat operating out of to Settle lhe M",rnek' I)uriB the ver presented a bumier total of 943.- Ketchikan this year is the Senti- The local boat Emblem T I, Capt 4 he sold another boat, the May- g00 .u,,, H f 846 600 LP- uTi ' Wls of American and 9800 . 1 hered $2,940 while the Majestic. Prince Rupert on Thursday with Cpt. Merrill .no.-- Sallows of the (;anndian. Throughout T?" uW fin8i catchr"n into " 8'Weader is another Prime Ru- thi ,ast we(jk jce were at a ffoin8 u kn hMV: !h8t 8 dry Wa dly "rt toi- who is re- tow el)b, the hi?hwit Arnerica toll! of .'.46,000 pounds t and the -smashed up. .ported to be contemplating the bjd heintt 13fic mi 7c and the miertit 480,000 pounds, both - Jud Thurber RuildinR jading of a new Ut this win- $ boats havw brought most of, W forty-eight fa About feet, U ceB nngeil from 1Rc and 7c down their catches to Prince Rupert. , Capt. Jud Thurber, one of understood, would be his sise, to ll It and 6c - I Prince Rupert's 'best lyiown pio- ' - ' Stormy weather on the banks neer halibut skippers, has let the j The Raoan Fisheries, Prince Navigation School as well as all along the coast contract to Y. Suehiro, Japanese 'Rupert, expects to handle a con- Cant. J. R. Elfert. harlfor mas-featured the closing days of the boat builder in Cow Ray, for the eidembl quantity of cod andter and port warden, this week 1988 halibut, fishing season and , construction of a new halibut lather such fish during the forth-iopened the winter school of navi-sewal of the boats suffered dam-; vessel with length of fifty feet coming close season on halibut, 'gation in Prince Rupert Classes age which, happily, was of a min- and 12 foot beam. The boat is to Some of it will be shipped fresh 'are being held Monday. Tuesday, or nature. be completed by the end of Feb-.and some nmoki-d. thnrp twintr n Wlnauinv ,,i Tk..,i... WlM- y7iivl Tlrf.tf ; I lL . I J I I 1 . .1 . . . - ... . . I The American boat Rolinda, , ruary and the engine will be de- ready demand for both varieties, nkigs in Royal Canadian Naval A number of boats have signified j Volunteer headquarters. About their intention of engaging in this tenunen are already attending the fishery. They will not have to classes and it is exjtected that go out far to get their catches, number will be doubled within which is an advantage. the next few days. The courses' thus given proved useful and pop-1 Cant. Winnie Pierce left on ular with halibut fishermen and! inursiay morning wiui the Am- others last winter and full ad-erican halibut boat Tahoma for vantage will be taken of them Seattle where he will spend the again on this oecasion. It is an next couple of months. Mrs. opportunity for instruction in Pierce and family having left Tor variotjs navigation studies that the south yesterday morning, will be generally appreciated. Bx-Skipper Pierce is figuring on in- amlnations will be held at the stalling a new 76h.p. Atlas-Im- condiftuon of the school in the perlal full dieset engine in the spring; Tabomn this winter, td, take thej - ; - place ef the present 60 h.p. Fria-j Fallowing were the number of co-Standard gas motor. trips made ami total catches of j Prince- Rupert halibut boats dur- Orrying Pilots j inn th lft2g season which is just The Prince Rupert Salvage &, dosed: Towing Co. has aaaigned its aer-: " ' Triis Ttl. Catch vice beat Pacheim to pilotage AUi 1C wek hi eemectioB wfth the grain Alkenjj... . 14 ships this season. Last Friday AgnesnJL 2 vwning, the Pachena took Capt. WHgo 14 Larry Thonaon out to meet the Bales,. . 16 incoming Xaye Maru aad Thurs- Brant . . 5 day night of this week Capt. J. R. B. andX. 7 Elfert vaas taken out to the Rock- Caygeon 6 P" Cape Spencer 1G QajaL Paul Arasotir, maaager of Cape Swain 12 the VHmt Rert Salvage & -Cape ReIe 8 TsvAh? Oe., ia SMlteKt V( two ceuvw. Cape Spear 12 HiiJ Lack Covenant . 4 fottewkig a D. S. T 13 trip to Van- Dolphin 1 14 Dreamarfe H - Emblem 1 10 I. 8. Piaa. director of the Edward Lipsett . . 1G yfff Rw!rt 'WHsries ' Experi- Eric Ry 11 msm Starien. h spkd Uck Fanny P. 16 Mrtr Wat mot IMoviw a trip Gibson w.,4....-., - l(i of several weeks to various een Oertrude. 1 m en the -Atlgntlc coast pn busi- Helen V ...... t . . . 14 eas in connection with his duties. Helge II. ... ...... IS He is due In Winnipeg tomorrow Helen il B und In Vancouver on November H. and . R 12 18 to attend a meeting of the Ingrid H, r. 1C Ieffic Coast executive of the Hi- Imperoiwe 14 sTiaI Board of Canada. Fol- Inez ID .' 16 lowing the latter gathering he Johanna 1G vrill return immediately to IVince Joe Baker 11 Wpart. Kaien ... 11 Lvingaterie II. ... 7 "Doc" Clanperton celebrated MsrBiierlte 18 his aixtr-nlnth rflrthday recently Margsltee 16 and who would believe It? Due. Man 0. ' 1 no doubt, to his happy disposlt- M. M. Christopher 14 ion and generous ways, the years Morris II 14 are resting lightly on Doc's head Mayflower i 19 and -aw jwpitlar jtpung - friend M. A.11jV.. 7 i should be good tor many a tass Muirneag 1G note and football line yet. Many Marion 1 huppv returns. Doc. and may Minnie V.-'.. 4 youth continue to be your lot as Melville & the years roll by! Margaret 1 3 Mespa 1 Hunting trips are still the or- N, amUg. G dor of the day before the jfcUlJuit Nuba 4- 1C boats tie up for the intsHEhe jNatttlluf V' 9 ;iJ. W.. Capt. Unaker .Vlfln.l ornnW . . J& .TiUl Ternen. Capt. Nets PeeaPPbth Oslo flPsV-" W'' I left on Thursday for Winter liar- Olympftt lil. 4 bor and the Khutzamateen. Capt. PnwperlVjr . 17 Chris Olsen left wjth the Selma Pair of JafikB .... 12 on Friday morning for Hnrtley I. Dorreen 1G Day vicinity. R. W 16 Rose Spit ' 1C Last Ilnllbul Ron Is Royal III 7 Tlie Ameriiun vessel- 8umner Ringleader 1G and the Canadian. Cape Reale, In Sea Mafd yesterday, were the final outstan- Scrub 1? 147.000 103.8W) 1:5,500 62,000 10G.OO0 i:i,500 88.000 20,000 13G.500 ,6W 21H.0O0 G2.100 92.006 71,900 11800 ICOuO 113.S00 118.600 8G.B0O 103,500 ..-90M 72,200 131,500 . 41,000 5G.000 118,000 '94.200 12G.000 206,500 WS00 f A ATt 9G.000 7G30 GG.900 50500 112,000 134,500 113,000 2t,Q.G'd as,7oo 1.100 25,500 97,000 Velma C AV'nsiApn PKjm. MON 4,000 w T 3C:c:::::: 275,000 11,900 279,000 102.500 13G.500 122,000 211,500 29,000 81,400 173.600 188,500 l; , . , , Ruth ZchalloH S 1 9 9 5 14 IS 2 4 No More Indigestion What a pleeture it is to sit down and eat a good, hearty meal without a premonition that there will be pain and discomfort in the process of digestion. Thi pleasure k even greater to one wiio for year has been subject to chronic indigestion and ha finally found a relief from his derangement by ming Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver PilU. Chronic indigestion usually result from torpid liver and a consequently constipated Tl Foremost Ijinded Most Tlie Amerienn aehoonsr most landed the most fish of any condition of the bowels. Natur.iJt. . 'rcirt headaches and biliousness m m n , . :; : inuch irnubility and depr?ed in , ., It is so easy to allow this :.. t u:-vetap that almost before you know it v:u bewne a "dyspeptkH. But what a relief when you Ir.irn a; rD:. Chases Kiday-Livr PilU ami pur tiicm t: a test. In a day or two you are l ex im yt I, . a.-. soon you realize that you have a. . ; Hie moat effectsVc regulator of the i.;z; idnevs and bowels. Dr. Chase's Kidiiey-Liver Pills The popular family regulator 97,800 North with .121,000 pounds in II 106,000 trips. Altogether 11 American 1 1 0,000 vessels landed more than a quar-tr of a million pounds each dur-J 7,800 ing the season. They were, be-108,000 sides the Foremost and the' 213,500 North: KHaga, nine trips, 315,-209,000 500"; Portlnck, nine trips, 275,-! 293.000 000 iioumls; HI dors do, nine trips. 187,600 318,000; llrunvol, 11 trips, 284,-170J500 0QQ; Doric, seven trips. 272.000; 56.800 Ksgle, eight tripav 272,000; 43,300 Sentinel, 12 trips, 282.000; Alten, 80,000 six triiis, MttfOQ; Majestic, nin' 9,000 trips, jtflOO, 79,000 For ihe Canadian fleet, the. Tak-434200 la, ,wHh 203,000 pounds In nln. 10,500 trii,landwl the most halibut. 05,000 The l'iilty A. was aeoond wtth 81,000 mb0(lpm(h In 17 trips, and 5,000 tie T)to thinl with 275,000 nounnY MMO in IGtvlpc IJARLV U8K OF WOQIM'ULP Papers were first made in Can- ingle boat at Prince Rujwrt dur- nils about 100 years ago. but prior jng the 1988 halibut season. She to 1800 no wood-pulp was um brmiglit in 281,000 mw la in jt mamifuetuw. ra beinc tha seven trips. Coming next wn the chief raw material. SALE OF SALES Continues Unabated A continuous flow of bargains tin left our store every d:i Wflelfa bought for cash by wise buy&rs who know bargiiins imv me tnem. ray us that visit now you have all along lnton i iqftkfftg, before stocks gets too mudh broken. Everything for Men and Boys Suits, Overcoats, Underwear, Hats Socks, Hoots, Rubbers ALL AT RIDICULOUSLT LOW 1IM( KS Klma 1st I m inl , 7 emlnole 1 8. A 2 Tootlie ig Ternen IB Trump ig Takla 0 Unome 20 Viking I, 18 Verna jg 'Volunteer ........ .9 LINDSAY Cartage and Storage Phone i).' Cartage, Wj Ulntritui! 1 ; ' M ' Coal. .. 1 - , ,j We specialize l'urnllure Jioi"v TRAPPER5 liet ever FURS nre worth. ( brin): !i ' KOYD YOOfi m 1 j