CLASSIFIED HABIT Everyone reads the Classified Ads It you lose, advertise for It. If you find, locate tho owner. Whatever you need, advertise for it HET THE CLASSIFIED IIAIIIT. km XVIII. No.194. tiunl Boston Grill AMSAY MACDONALD TALKS ABOUT EMPIRE EXPERIMENT Minister of Labor in Defence of Immigration Policy of Declares That Certain Interests in Old Country Dclibcr-! alcly Falsify Position of Canada Regard to Admission WINNIPEG. Auk. 18.The policies of the Mackenzie King Govern- ii' und tho record of their own particular department! wax I ..urn hly ddefended by Hon. Peter Heenan and Hon. Charles Stewart, j .iii'ii' ssing the Liberal Association here lant night. ! Hainan supported the Labor Department's policy In connection n immigration and launched an attack on what he described as i i: icrvativc blue ruin talk." He criticized what he believed to be a im . nn'iii in Great Uritain to misrepresent the Government's deal- . with prospective immigration- ninil a mfAiT riAi ; KUlWAIiUJN rUK to BRENTWOOD BAY to hatdil- oi maamcii arm n'kak the htoria covered ivitii titriii: on, i 1 iRIA. Aug 18 Temporary dee-. r the BrentwcsM Bay district ' iterlng plao and nablng resort , u(ht who Mnemwfc of barrets in, escaped from storage at the II- ! . wood learn plain of the BrtMah i' i:iiiih Klectrlc Railway Oo. The br- Mvf been ruined for the season, iiua eeand and dead fiati pro- m ' houMbd. through the dew n covering many square mlln -neitered water ' .dent wan caused by the break inch pipe connecting the fur- iter level and the main star- i-levatlon ot 50 fct KING SAILED FOR EUROPE rtSvlUAN 'ttMli:i( KAYS CANADA IIAIK or ANY MOVR-MENT FOR wori.ii pback Nl w YORK, Aug. 18- Premier Mc- ' King of "r - sailed on the Hiier 11 ri France early thla lor Par to affix his slgna-" -ere tarf of state for external t the multilateral treaty for the '''t of war. ' on delighted to be going over I " the whole of Canada is baok of niovoment to create a world apirlt will insure peaoi and this very a i-' step la n that direction." de- ot Mr King. n-tarv Kellogg of the United States ul .ulrii on the same steamer. by NEW BISHOP AT VANCOUVER HEALTH Of AHCIIIIISIIOI CASEY lAHE AITOIMTMI'.NT COAIMt'TOK st;risAKY VANi.ouVBR, Aug. IS- Moat Rev. luii'piiiy caaajf, ArahbbihopofVaiMouver "Miii..( today that he had appointed ' ' ""Ijntor beoauao of tiie enndlttoil of health since his acetous Ulneea. He " im in. 67th year afMl was ooruteorau-d ' '- bishopric eight years ago. M JOHN. N.D.. Aug. 18 Right Hv WniLim Duke, who tta been appointed ' iMlmtor at Vancouver iw born In 'oiui 47 years ago., lie was ordained k Ki'tt by ArohMshop Casey and ba-BiFhop of bV John hi taa. SAILORS AND FIREMEN ASKING FORK PAY Vancouver. Aug 18-Sallora and "f men of the port of Vancouver today "I'PUed to tooal ship owners for an Im-"dilate Inoraaae jn pay 0f ten dollars month. 8ubcrlb for the Dally Ntwa. fx X atffelc. mm Government During his trip to Ireland. Mr. Her his attention had been drawn certain Interests that were "deliber ately falsifying" the Canadian Ckweru-ment's position in regard to lmmlgra-Uon. Thai group, he charged, had well-defined scheme to educate the Drltlah workers with talk that barriers the old country had bean raised In Dominion while people of central Buropean ootiatrtea found access comparatively easy. The minister said he also discovered that these inveiests ware supported In their iiiirteMsomiliig by certain Individuals and organisations MStewart Omit. chiefly with the achlwi mtnes af the n dovenatn in the' past Ave years. EDI.MICIMIH MAX TALKED WITH HOME FROM iMi'i;o WINNIPfW. Aug M - - Who aaya Sootstnen are tight with their money? w D Shaw, of Idln burgh. Scotland. upset all papular theories yisteidxy Iko be put in a tang diauuce telephone call Iron Fort Carry Hotel here to sVflnbuegh He talked (or lour minutes and his bUi wea 868 Nor did he ask to have the ebargea levetTMl. This la lite longeat long distance telephone call tvsr made from Winnipeg. REDUCED LEAD OF CARDINALS NEW YORK. Aug 1R Tho Cllanta reduced the lead of 'it. Loula to two and half games by taking the opener Friday a three-day series. Errors and a Olanl rally in the eighth caused the downfall the Cnrdlnala. Pittsburg climbed nearer the leaders a double victory over Philadelphia. The Pirates collected 39 hits In the two games. Cincinnati scored two runs in the ninth to beat Boston. Rain slopped the Athletics and Yankees in the pennant fight NATIONAL I.EAOI E New York 8: 8t Louis a. Brooklyn 1; Chicago nil. Philadelphia 8-1: Pittsburg 1-8. Boston 1: Cincinnati 8. AMERICAN LKAtllE Chicago 8: Boston 4. Detroit 1: Washington S. Others rain. COAHT I.EAOI'E Oakland nil; Portland 8. San Francisco 11; Los Angeles 10. Hollywood 8; Missions 8. Sacramento 7: Seattle 8. i FOOTBALL 8C0TTI1 Aberdeen 8. Queeiw ram nuunng. Celtic 4. Aldrtt 1 Cowdenbeath I. t'lyde a Hearts 8. Hamilton nothing. Kilmarnock 1. Hlbemlana nothing. Motherwell 8. Ralth Bovera I. Parthsk Thistles 4. Dundee a. 8t. Johnstone 3. Falkirk I. St. Mlrren 1. R"Kr" 6 TKiwi lnark il AM t'lllted 2 Advertlst ID thf Dally ' Northern and PRINCE' SHAM ATTACK IS DIRECTED ON GERMAN T .WN: Th. 17;h Rrjriment. of the Guard of Bavaria, engaged in a mimic attack on the Saxon :ow ,i Magdeburg to test a new type of rubber pontoon. Battle With Results in Two Wounded Near URGE PEOPLE NOT TO COME Lalxr Members of Parliament in Uritain Says Canada Ungenerous Land. GLASGOW, Auz. 18. John 1 1 I , f I IB ... t ti nvmii-y, iiimii .u.i . ui a Hirel ing here last night declared it extremely cruel to encourage people to go to Canada for agricultural work. He said that for five months of the year such work was absolutely at a standstill in Canada owing to the climate. "If people will only remember that Canada has still only nine millions of population they surely will realize the difficulties settlers have to contend with there." People who went to Canada from industrial lnnarkshlre went for the purpose of lein?r exploited, he add-tri. and would soon "find themselves helpless and friendless in an ungenerous land." M'LAREN HERE INVESTIGATING H.LM OVER roilt'llER ISLVNH TO VIEW SCENE Of WRECK W I'LANK Western Canadian Airways flying boat rvtrel antvejd from Swanaon Bay this forenoon at 11 am. On board were Ma jor McLaren, chief engineer Davenport and meonanlc Bailaotyne. The boat left Swanaon Bay shortly after nine and flew over Poroher Island to view the atMte of too accident whre the fish eries patrol boat crashed on Wednes day. Mayor Motavrett and BsHjUteer Divea-lirt wt( return south this afternoon while Dalian tgroe win probably go by boat to tho eoane of the aoeklent aid salvage the anglne and equipment not too i . . , , badly damaged. Pilot Oununlnga la reported to be rest Ing easily though his wounds partiou larly the one In the skull, are rattter aertous. The other member, Walker. Is about and la all right, while Ballan tyne the third member oame north with the Petrel this morning. LACROSSE IV KNOLAMi STOCKPORT. Aug. 18 The "New Westminster aalmonbeUles yesterday de tested a team representing Manchester land dlstrldt at lacrosse, 18 to 8. PRINCE RUPERT . Central British Columbia's- Newspaper RUPEUT, B. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1928. Bandits in One m ni an PARRY SOUND. Ont, Aug. aubamick, was killed and two brotheds named Laird were wounded early today in a battle on the roadside with three bandits who a short time before had held up Transcontinental train number 4 near Romford. One of the bandits was captured with $1,700 in currency and is in jail here while his confederates escaped into the bush and at last reports were surrounded by the police. No estimate has feen made of the amount of money obtained. The mall clerks were held up with their backs tc the wall or ibe car while the bandits looted the mail The robbtra escaped at Parry eouad In an automo bile stoten from United States tourists. At W'&ub&mlck the oar went Into a dltoh. Thomas Jackson thinking they were tourists, got out of bed to aid them, but, Ramsay Macdonald Talks of Empire Building in Speech at Winnipeg Civic Luncheon Yesterday Afternoon WINNIPEG, Aug. 18. Right. Hon. J. Ramsay Macdonald, and daughters continued their journey westward today. Speaking at a civic luncheon in his honor, the former labor premier of Great Britain dwelt upon the importance of Empire solidarity. "For good or for ill, and I will say for good, you and I arc part of the commonwealth of dominions and nations. We together, the Old country and you, the nations of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa arc held together in an extraordinary community, a community founded on new models, a community that is experimenting for itself, that borrows its priciples and institutions from no other previous community. We are building up a community fraught with good for the whole world." DOMINION DECLINES TA DC DCDDCCCMTCfi IN MARKETING CASE ! VANCOUVER Aug. ia Tt minister of Justice has deci median inviutlun to r-e re0reaeMvMl In argUnieHl in the au I preme court here ooneamiug the validity of Section ot the criminal oode i of Canada, according to a teiegraro from Ottawa. The section la called In question In connection with s test aae of the Produce Marketing Art. joniti: MAY COME PARI8. Aug 18 Marshal Joffre stated in an interview Here that he might accept an Invatlo." to trtatt Oanade soon. ntano Killed and IN Parry Sound 18. Thomas Jackson, a farmer of? the mail car on Canadian Pacific ' as he was doing this, the pursuit car occupied by the owner of the stolen machine and Walter and Houghton Laird drew alongside. A battle fallowed In whhsh Jackson was ahot through tfa neck and almost instantly killed. Wal ter Laird was atvet In the thest aWt Houghton In the hand. Their injuries are not dangerous. TOLMIEWILL TAKE OFFICE LIKELY TO HE SWORN IN AS PREMIER ON MONHAV NEXT IE VICTORIA, Aug. 18 The expectation at the Parliament Buildings U that the Maclean Government will resign and Hon. S. F. Tolmle will be sworn In as Premier on Monday and will then announce his cabinet. It la not expected that Dr. MacLean wlU accept a seat In the Legislature. i ' To-day's trail) from the east due at 8 SO Is reported on time. ONTARIO One Day is Left for Winning First Period Votes for Cars and Other Daily News Prizes Subscriptions Turned in Tonight and Monday Carry Greater Vote Values Than Any Turned in After Gong Sounds. Tonight until eight o'clock and Monday night until 9 o'clock, is all that remains of the high vote period of the Daily News Gift Distribution. That makes Monday the outstanding day of the entire campaign, and next to Monday, tonight is one of the most important nights of all- hat Monday will be a big day is indicated by the priliminary work being done today. Candidates seem to reaize that what it to be done must be done now if high vote credits are to be received. When the clock strikes the hour of 9 on Monday night the high vote period will be history. After 8 o'clock Monday night the next and leaser vote i '.l.cdult V..11 be the stnrsmlnc factor. ! In order to accommodate every can-' r'ir.atr the campaign department will be open Monday night until the final hour 8 pjn SubacrlpUona mailed from any poatofflce anywhere before 12 o'clock f midnight) Monday night, will be credited on the present high vpte schedule, though they may not' reach the Dally News before Tuesday or een later. REAPERS WATCH RACE Candidates will work up to the very last minute tonight and Monday to get j aubacrtpttons that wUl carry the high vote values. A subscription taken and vrtU count more votes than one turned i in Tuesday, or any tim after that.; Those who have promised to help eim- j btteateMbosiid know!. AlosU of do because more subscription were ! brought to the office todayX the ere- dlt of candidate, than ever before. There is no doubt that reader, of The DaUy New. are greatly interested in the campaign. Many of them are ac- tlv.rWupportlngv.riou. candidate, and there a a Urge number of -rcotera who arc-turrd,Tm free coupon, for ,kl... , v" . . i . , , international boundary. R. Marshall of will never win one of the big " prises. It ,. . . . the fi&hermens executive announced takes subscription, to win. They ' make . .. . , . ,w that If no settlement was " made at the " the big " bulge, in the scores and the . .... . . ,, . meeting " a strike would be " inevitable bulges they make tonight and Monday , . .,, . . , . ... . . . , and It will not end on the Fraser." ahould be greater than any Um, before. wlu t to the R.rE IS MP AMI Tl CK 'northern limit. The campaign goes Into the final day j Despite che pressure brought by the at the high vote period nip and tuck. 'men for an immediate settlement can-It Is anybody's race. The leaders have; nary officials promised a joint meet- many rivals. With two ears for award in the two districts and with cash pri-! res and liberal mm mission payment lrorldsat. guaranteeing a ear or caah ward to every active candidate. It is luite cvid-nt that one need only be a district laadeT In order to win one of, 'he big oars. There never was such an Miwl. hi .ii.itl inl A til. m.n . w1 i women of Prince Rupert and Northern i British Columbia before. Those who beat . avail themselves of the last high vote day will profit the greatest. The winning votes oan be made by 9 o'eleck Monday night. No one has anything "cinched." No one has anything won. One guess la as good a another today. The fact Is. the vote, earned before 0 o'clock WotKly night will larasiy determine who ttte winners wtu be. tt la not what has been done in the past that counts but what wUl be done between now and 8 o'clock Monday night wUl be the great factor iii determining sueeats or failure. MACLKAN PROMISES CONSIDER REtJirtST LEAH HIS PARTY VANCOUVER. Aug. 18 At a dinner last night at which Premier MacLean was the guest of approximately ' 88 of the leading member of the party en the tower mainland, the most the Premier would say in response to the plea of hie foMower that he would conJUnue at the bead of his party wa that he would consider It. . j'i.StS'4- WONDERFUL THROW" )F JAVELIN IN IRELAND BY PILLING OF CANADA DUBLIN. Aug. 18 Dorval Pilling of Canada haUered the Irish record tor Javelin throw in the winning event at leet It) Inches which was ntore than Htl 'fsrt better than the Irish record LARGE CARAHF.T Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing every Saturday night from 9 to IS. ( Dance Hall for Hire. Accomodation for Prlvae Parties 1'hone 457 Price Five Cents DISPUTE OVER PRICE OF FISH I'ISIIEKMEN IIEMANDINO SAME AH PA ill SOITII OF INTERNATIONAL HOLMIARY LINE TALK OF STRIKING Orclarr It Will Extrnd To Northern lMtMl Columbia: Meeting Sunday ' ornlns NEW WESTMINSTER, Aug. 18 -The tauaMMtsa a! sttaV. s-. 1 ETT "T,, 'I""TI7S ranra"' "Tk! 0,umW ,ran j"", oomed ' nlht ' 'U' oI ' . !m l f t to tot P" ',1 "1? -oboe, in the canneries south of the trig Sunday morning. TOLMIE OPENS CONVENTION I ROMIsns MTPOKT FOR (HOSPITALS OF PROVINCE AND PAYS Till-III TE TO WORK VANCOUVER. Aug. 18 The opening of the ninth annual convention of the British Columbia Hospital Association took place yesterday by Hon. 8. F. Tolmle, who paid tribute to the work being aouempUehed. not only by members a the association and medical men but by the nurses and general public. He assured the association that the Ooa- eenratlve Government would always sympathtoally view the work for the nprovernent of the hospitals and give every assistance possHMe to the advancement of such a cause. J. H. KlcVety. apes king for the association aald public opinion was steadily growing in favor of a greater measure of state responslbUlsf to the tick and helplees. WAR CLAIMS TO BE SETTLED ROII SAYS HE HAS AKRANOED ITNAL CLAIMS TO UK-MET UY GREAT IIIUTAIN FATHER POINT, Aug 18 "The Jnost important result of my trip to Great Britain was the settlement with Wlns--on Churchill, chancellor of the exchequer, whereby the British Government pay. Canada 81.400.000 ae final settlement on war claims, mostly In connection with shipping." declared Finance Minuter Robb last night, when tnter-i lewed aboard the ship on which he re-rurnrd to Canada. Prlnoe George was also a passenger iboard the Bmprr. at Avavarsiia,