4. Af viwis PPPRRRRBRHBARS, Bias; 2 Prince — Daily News | As | See tt | 4 -Childa al ife of Jesus may... Fo me onal : wh PURPLE BUBBLE BAIL. Tapani dl aewapaesearied_,the apnling of Prine Rapa - Reflects and } anad Press AU f Cl lations ‘ : z Published by "he Prince Ru ws Limitea Reminisces ° DA J ? MAGOR President Vice President 2 a x nscription Rates S There is no greater character | © By carrie r : wan pe th $1 per year, $10.00 gg Ee builder than a slap on the back bed mon Per month. 5c; per year, $6.00, sieisin Chssasstnreni providing it is delivered hard % neo uf) authorizes as ““cond ¢ e Post ¢« oe Department, Orne enouch, often enough and low x ‘ th enough Enlarge Grain Storage Pa Who Wants Korea Peace? ; We always look at our Chriat- , i Dra wT , om nas cards twice--the day they ¢@ . . . PAS SHA Mat se ») OF the real bill Pri Rin ‘ 7 }. ndeed, many in the west are he rea ITACe Lupe A¢ : being drive to the reluctant " AAS ‘ ng riven esucta ‘There is eve ndication that adadit ional | conmelusion that even if the US - AND EVERYBODY EAGER 5 a 5 : : 1 for Canadian er: ing | led bloc were to accept the Com- eo woe » ‘ Tomorrow will be Over Se SLOPFape Capdcit me Fe read LUT anadian rain must demands, for total ex- enty Day, when scores of pio and this « anacity should be located the points change of prisoners, the enemy “They wanted te be near him. Some people thought they eers will gather to revel in the ; would discover some new snag were too young to knew what he was talking about,” finest of food and expert cook oses GO the eve lai Marker, to peace ng, and be happy with others » . . y : . A Child's Life of Jesus ip one af. the written by the late Fulton he fet they do. It no “We are assured ny peopie mm Vancouver tnat + * ® : Oursler, noted author ef svea vehunc: he Gresiest Stary Ever Told : . i ” he “« : a ’ ‘ nS at rae : IT MUST now be clear to all whe Greatest Book Ever Writtén, e! tai t { Mr. Ou asion to be eagerly welcomed durimg the current year they wi ship not less than the world that the Russians| book has been specially Mustreted tt x t ' we to feast. reminisce and jest, and 125-million bushels. I am assured also that Prince |2%4 ‘their allies do NOT want Know! t, Neil O'Keaffe frame our minds to mirth 4o-m! m bushels, im assu ais nat n i : merrime which > } * “V2 ; 1.4 peace in Korea. Unfortunately Chapter VI And the man left his piles of |‘ nd merriment which bar a Rupert will ship no less than 10 million busi Cis... what is not yet beyand question ; ney and followed Jesus. Jesu th sand harms and lengthens | We: ae ieally located. and ths whether all those in high One day Jesus stood on the tap ; Matthew wor - al SUP AaAU Call LOC. m « { ul} * ‘ . 4 rh WATLIVEY a ( ‘ { , and places in the United States real- | of a hill and talked to the people. yyarihew wrote qa part of ; to that great and growing port of Prince want peace, either. The fact It was quite a lange hill, almest p)), at tells as the story of Perhaps they had that elty in| @ The ionificant part of Mr. Laine’s reference that the United States hung a Mountain. That is why it was ,;,.., nd t Wiliam votera) @ ne SIgNTICcs art ; mar. i 7s rererence —atiad nant t ; ” . nti 4 +} ity m _ : back on acceptance of the In- called a moun He told the ; Bg ecently d the city ma ¢ ‘ en ; ‘ ‘ ‘ j . ; - . s . al ie me aay nere Wer in a ole ’ ‘ enqra €: ¢ to this city is not so much in what he said as in the | dian peace plan, until AFTER people that God is everybody ae a eas ices e nei ger proposal. For Port Arthur 4 ee a ms rown Roy al toak that } aid it at all. This is n orone? | its rejection by Russia, has not Father in Heaven Who touched Met’ A sick alg }COCe Dad 8 city manager who Tact thi ne Salad i at au, his is not to suggest been lost on thoughtful people And everybody is a child of f Se ' — "I ss denied the right to hire and! a * ‘ . *,* . a 4 in ai “ woman anawered gid ‘ iat wetetioam 4 reasrued 3 that Mr. Laing is given to party polities with purely In the authoritative “Interna- G0d- So that makes everybody sched Your rdbe eoduse I was ¢. That privil wa served | @ Scaqram’s Vo i : . : : tional Journal” for Autumn 1952 else our brother or our sister. We : a ; t the aldermen thémsetve . . ‘ tix ‘ + — } . , lai ) “ vou - Sur f I did that wrnul @ : local ol yjectives. On the contrary, he has shown G F G Stanley. head of the ™ love God and all His ; a 1 AM ; oe + 5 3 wthe Js e ’ 2 well Atul i As ’ ay ’ , 2. me - . , 1} 1 . , . re f we \ A ! " . himself an able and broad-minded young member | Department of Histery at Can- children. If _ oe lowe Giac a wait a oe PRIVATELY RESERVED i ’ - , i Militar ‘oH and everybody, then He canmnet Jesus praised God | het eae heehaineiet Heine < <- *“Q>" . : : . 1 : ada’s Royal Military College faith. Over and over He told the Remarks a phychologist living =~ engi ams s 5 of his party who is thought by many as a good |; : be our Father in Heaven Ee a ee din Edmonton: “Knitting js: ‘ ‘01 incial lead H ' i — “First,” He said, “you must love people to have faith ; w an as a cigar is to a man “yc ae y Tye ela ae ay" qo § 2A PS aay s i ii a . ; ‘“ : ‘ ynie aS a & is ¢ a prospect Tor provincial leader, He appears certain In view of the haggling and ithe Lord your God, with all your He always madé friends with 5.4 women will hurry to point tn go far. hickering, the postponements peart boys and girls, no matter how sae ae’ ws igh sg ¢ : : Ki ‘ : ; und delays which have accom- And you taust lowe your young they were. Al His meet-ic | ee - caqt am $ s2S Plate ; ‘ . h . 7 } . : a ve vor 7” dropping a stitch on the livi It sim ply is not customary, however, for Van- |pamied the truce talks, ON€ neiehbor as yourself ngs, they would always try to| “7°?! ne \ ' couver spokesmen to mention this citv in the s; , | might well question how far Jesus was talking to every girl get way up front. They wanted ; _* : — eee wile thy # € same either side is genuinely inter- anq poy living today wer nh © be near to Him. Some people t t f v ‘ 1 } at} iy : ‘ a - . . — “wis. ’ ; ¥ “ompleting a few Years con . a j breath as theirs, especially when matters of ship- | sted im concluding an armis-’saiq that thqught ‘they were Wo YOUR 10 | t 001 Tow, English caitoonist Seagram's Special Old in ] 7 : . tree ave } vel 1 ¢o love know. What Jéesis was talking! ?** ° et : ' nine 2re enneerner ‘adlw oO lans * Mave you eve ried to iov ‘ na } moved the Manchester ping are concerned. A ready explanation is that the itis Mihaila eimai tania way you love about. ‘They thought the boys ! : wee te th Mi n + t : iff ; : Sohbet ' y We ae se juardian. He has never yet been, | two are so different in size, facilities and proximity the acceptance by U.S. in th lave oursely ing gitls ought to go away and te ince the time! fe ane erence waeal to ether nty One mict 1] | > M ‘ UN of the Indian peace plan kindly. T am play. But Jesus called the child«\ eg eg eagera hav : oe — — } tne +e ‘Bg 2 wnt asc re ened tr 1v. ‘ of the ns war re re a —. yth centres, One might as well speak of Mon Mevertheless, the question which very good You are nize|ren to Him. He set one boy on § lwaitioniaiek aes om! and) }bis advertixement iy not publishes or displayed by the 1i m1 ° : . ‘ ‘ os : " : ‘ , een waiting anc ade i real and Three Rivers in the same vein because | he raises is one which millions to yourself You can forgive His lap, and He sai politicians praising and cursing.| “e~trel Board or by the Gowrernment of firitieh (: thas avn hint ~ th. G ow of people have asked themselves. yourself anything. Oh, yes, we ‘Let the children come to Me * ney are potn on the st. Lawrence, There is suspicion that Korea al) love ourseive And we ex- and do not forbid them, for of Moceereweeeeettte er te ttre EES AS I eee ee ee Ce ee eee With some temerity, however, a guess may be (35 being use d exactly as Spain e@use ourselves when we do wrong. sueh js the Kingdom of Heaven.” @ ‘ = : was used before the Hitler war But do we also excuse others® Which meant that the happs, ¥ hazarded that there is another reason—namely that | as ; i testing “round where both Do we say i t mean | humility .of unspoiled children ¢ Prince Rupert has a decided natural advantage can try out new weapons |to smash my thing run into js Hke.a road te Heaven ran . “o cee — : : ni : ' Iva ta 8 and new techniques. Even the) me so hard w do we say: “OF And He said Way 0 over Vaneouver in its location. Being 560 ‘miles | well-respected Lord Alexander/I'lt never speak to him agai Unless you can be lik 1 . $ ¢ 7 } * t ted TY t i few months ’ r jing Y trie Lor Hucdren ther i no Ww vik ‘loser to main Orient: orts makes it ] c S. é ’ Jesu : ol Pp, COMER VOEre os 5 Ci l 0 1ain rie al por Ls make It 100K dis aro wt 1 route back to Brit-/said we mu forvive everybods » enter. the. Kir a . 1 . ‘pe * 7 * tinectiy more attractive to trans-Pacific cargo ships ain from Korea | We must keep on doing it Heaven ch oe alano at 18 leaate of Te TVolino . *, * * That is His way for us t And the growntp st huggin g along at 15 knots 01 le i Taking the I HAVE always believed that thel menue in mind and heart what He meant..They ¥ that return trip into consideration, the difference could United States was right to One day Jesus found another boys aad #irls are ready to learn iccept the Communist challenge | f; , ‘ : : , nd He ped at a place They obey They are not save them almost three days in travelling time. As Korea, when the aggression | where a man was taking money proud to ask for help. Grownup trade with Japan opens up, their preference for this occurred. Also, I have always|from the people for taxes, The must pe Tike What, too 4 1 . thought that Britain, Canadaj people did not like that man port should take on a very real quality, and other loyal UN members| But Jesus said to him, “Follow Tomorrow: Jesus gives us a It is unders andable. ther . . er oing | were right to stand beside U.S. | me!” prayer to say n t lal le, he refore, that Mr. Laing to halt and reverse that attack | Is urging improved facilities for Vancouver. By I reason that if the U.S. had ee tae Le al . ; . . ‘, \not drawn the line, where and Sublished by Franklin Watts, Ir speeding up its loading operation, that port could |?" ee en Pei ss: = more than make up the time lost-by ships in eross- | been similar but even more seri- . . e . 5 . ous thrusts by other Red armies ing. Already, in fact, Vancouver is in a far better fefore now. pet N © T { Cc E position to handle its anticipated 125 million bushels |_To be more expicit: I think than we sta’ 1] ( ‘li that had the Korean attack a 4 _— Oo nan € our 10 million, been allowed to go by default | wish to thank those who voted for me Whiie we appreciate the member for Vancouver | te Yugoslavs would have been on December | Ith. | will try to do a AT GORDON & ANDERSON'S Mom! Dad! All the kiddies! You'll all love Santa’s new Toytown — our full-of-fun q , ¢ ; . ; ‘ next on the list for attack. In- department where you'll find South including us in his remarks and do not wish | deed, Korea—split in half as it good job Dolls, Doll B Sleighs, : oo » hg oe a aroall ) uggies, 21e1g to seem ungracious. it mig be suggveste ne , | was and still is—was a small c eo". s, it might be suggested that the scale model of Germany. Had (Signed) Tricycles, Bicycles, Dishes and mony other delightful reference to Prince Rupert be made more specific. | the UN majority taken the at- ( This city is not only strategically loc: , | tude that Korea was a mere R } 1). lca oe . nee ey yen gically located on the civil war between north and Canadian west coast, it is more so than any other. | south, the pattern would have In view of 1is—! ‘ here we es on af wns _ | been set to permit an attack by In vi f this—and here we must appear definitely | 555: Germany against West ill-emannered—much of the waterfront development | Germany toys GORDON & ANDERSON LID PHONE 46 P2MRPAIAPAARIARAARARAARD RAAT AD DARA BRE AAADAWRA TAB RH DES SS am me 4 |CO-OP KIDDIES $ 9 . aing aeke far > > 2 . + * that Mr. Laing asks for Vancouver would be better | prom a purely tactical paint applied to Prince Rupert. . of view I think the western| This is not pitti h nations made two great mis-| _ £his As not pitting one city against another, It | takes: Macarthur should have| is in the broader interests of developing Canadian | been halted on the 38th paral-| e Da nif} se ce jel, after he had made his spec- | trans-Pacific trade and we are confident that, if our | taeular recapture of Seoul | claim is just, Mr. Laing can be counted as an ally, | _ Finally, when the “truce line’ | . jwas drawn on November 27,| 1951, and the land armies on AUTOIST TO PA 4, 69 000 both sides automatically “ceased (7 | fire” and played football in be- | | tween the former battle lines, FOR INJURIES TO WOMAN Washington should never have | | sent the order to start shooting | i ‘ | EDMONTON ()—Freda Lecht, EOS orcad SS 23-year-old Edmonten woman MEN EI EEE EMI MITE paralyzed from injuries suffered | in a 1950 car accident, was awarded damages of $69,799 from Edward Penno, also of Edmonton, in a judgment handed down here by Mr, Justice Hugh John Macdonald | The judge said he found Penno | guilty of gross negligence when a car he was driving missed a sharp highway tarn near here| while travelling at 40 to 50 miles | an hour. Medical evidence disclosed the | AT woman, a passenger in the car, is 100 per cent disabled and will | require hospital treatment for ri"tnaitdes oe nes nie poin|@ ~— RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC her arms and a ee “YOUR AUTHORIZED “GE” DEALER” It was one of the largest judgments ever awarded in the Phone 644 Box 1279 Edmonton judicial distriet, Pere ete ee Or Ee CECE CE CECE CEC TE CK SESS See Eee eC SESE CCE EOS SE LESS Ce eS es Ww a | p.m. exer CCT % > iddies mM Fishermen’s Co-op members please have. your tickets for the sd Ay! or before December 19 at your Cow Bay Store or your Boke A ian ‘sion Other Co-op members get your tickets on December 20th : ticket only. Santa Claus will be there. Christmas Cake, decorated and plain, Shortbread Sivcles and Fingers, Mincemeat T and Pies are nowAy Y at the Co.op Bakery or order from your grocem | TRA SPECIA HAVE YOU TRIED OUR DANISH PASTRY a T ay TREAT PRICED FROM 5c P Hh Get Your Christmas Tree Lights EARLY !! “NOMA” Christmas Tree Lights a aeeien "This advertisement is not published Board or by t tt Govern PERTAIN H DE | Seana nn