ia "d:.y. it 'toad August 18, 1928 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Annoying Bladder of .Kufrty Old Weakness Age Waterfront Whiffs lirllrvril iy Hold SANTAL hy All ItriUflNln MIDY almon Run at Skidcgate now on Yacht "Discovery Isle" in PortSome Canneries Close Onlv in f ' - II Silk Hosierv : j do vou find uch exquisite lionulo combined with extraordinary wear and perfect fit. II sizes and shades of thin u lienor hosiery always in stock. "Hie Nobby" (M Roofing nnd Specialities Mineral Surfaced Hoofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Uoll Hoofing limiting Papers and Felts f vrrjet Elastic I'aint I'lastic Elastigum Shingle Stains ( reoHote Oils Marine Scam Pitch. li ;tributors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 COAL Your choice EUSON CASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Ilulkley liny and (J rain. Ai" 'in for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. ii The salmon run, habeen keeping all hands very busy for tho last week but jvith Hqqkeye' fishing closing today many of the canneries are io.Hint5oown ana most aMhe rush i already over. The close or tfte Rockimihinr affectiTthe Iiushby plant at Tuck's Inlet too whe!e thejflDfoe much less activity from now on- Many of' the fchooluoys on holidays and more than a few older lolks have been -amusing themselves in "dibbling" for salmon in the harbor, and more than one household has had fish for dinner without buying the fish through the fish dealers. Norman Wilson has been trying out lila 16-horse power Evlnrude on his rowboat and teems entirely satisfied vlth Its performance. The engine weighs about 8 pounds and Norman gets ' lot of extra exercise In carrying the engine to 'ami from the boat. But he Kays It's worth It all. . William Campbell with his seine-boat Tip-Top of the Lagoon Bay Cannery reports a great run of pinks at Skideyate. from which point he brought in 30.000 pounds yesterday. It la not often that "wearers of the cloth" give any cause for talk along the waterfront and so we are glad to tell of Bev. John Hansen's exploits on and In the water this week. With friend' jStcpp. of the tJnii-d States Customs, an expedition was planned to nsh at McNIcboll creek. Mr. Hansen first at- But a trine like that does not deter VP ardent nsneranan and toe Journey was continued across the harbor In the boat. And when the catch bad been I completed there was a considerable gap I between tide-waiter and the boat so our two aabermen "stepped" It right royally und with much persuasion physically, 'introduced the boat back to tbe water. The proof can be found in the presence of blisters of various slsea and shapes :on certain band. And that the shoe might be kept dry, they were taken off 'though we think they bad not been taken off at the first Immersion Tne 'expedition was altogether a notable one. leven If he spectators were few. When things get dull along the waterfront one need only invite Claude KirkendaU's Jerry to entertain Osorge iMwrmans Trutte If one Judged tbat Trtxle'i disposition would be as sweet as her capacity tor candy, be would be readily disabused of the impression ill he saw the two canines meet. Tbey 'are not on polite speaking terms and .Truue makes no secret of tbe fact. The Canfieeo. the motor yacht of the Canadian Flan Company, with R ft Payne, production snsnassjr for the company, waa In port on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Payne was accompanied by Mrs. Payne and sen and left veaterday morning for WaW Island. Ketchikan and Queen Ctsarlottt Islands Mr and Mrs Neil Hassle of Vancouver were also in the party. I Manager O. S. Windsor had a much quiet istutn when be went back on tbe Cmflsoo without his nappy and ' beauteous A. L. Hager. prealdtnt af the Canadian nab Company, and F. Booth mil-ll-nstr sardine canner of California wit Al Bcoth bla toother, from Chl-rsgc. want north on tbe Frtnaess Alios nn Monday Inst on a big game hunting -xpemkm that will take them to the c.isilsr district and which will last for Canadian National Hlic Largeft Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE BBlllngs from rUINCf IHTKRT for 'AXf Ol'VKIl. VICTOKIA. NBATT1.K. MONDAYS. TIII KSIIAVN, 4.00 p.m . K.VTI'KDAVN, 8.00 pjn. ANVOX and HTHVAUT. MONIHVK. FKIHAVH, 4.00 pjn. f r MAHNETT INl.tiT. MONIUYH. 4 00 pm. yr koitii qii:KN ciiaki.ottk Fortnlghtry. 'ir KKAdWAV. Hi:i)NrSI.VH. 4 00 pm. " PAHNCNdKK TRAINS l.l'.AVE PKINTE HI'ITItT HAII.V KXCKPT MJM1AY at 11.30 a.m. for I'KINCK OtXmOK, EDMONTON. niNNn-Ed, all puliiti Eastern Canatla. t'lilted stales. AflENOY All OCKAN STEAMHIIIP LI KM. 'ITV TICKKT OmCE. m TIIIIU At. PKINIT Kt l'EKT Phone MU FIRST WKKK COUPON 200,000 EXTRA VOTES This coujion, when accompanied with thre yearly ub-M' iin or their equivalent, to the Prince Hapert Dally, ''. entitles the candidate to 200,000 extra votefl tf tub-' ' iptioiiH are turned fn AldAnff tne tp(t, Vfc of ..entry, N'iime id Subacrlber 'iime of Subscriber Nme of Subscriber Ciindldate'B Nume One Pirrt Wetk Coupon can be voted by each candidate, for very three one-year subscriptions, or their wiulviileBt, turned ,n during the oondldate'i first week in the canipi- some weeks, Mrs. Hager accompanied the party and will visit in Dawson -ill the etui ot the month before returning south. It was a nappgr bunch of glTls who returned with Manager O. E. Wlndson on the Edaoreoa on Thursday from the Wales Island cannery where they have been aooumulattrtg fortunes amounting in the aggregate to over $1,000. .There were fourteen girls In the party and those suflteletrtly Interested can work out the Individual fortunes of the girls, but the girls claim that It would be :;uite impossible to estimate the amount ot fun and excitement the experience i id afforded them. The canneries at Carlisle on the Skeena and Wales Island have finis bed r Derations frtr thu vuon nri Via v- Wia. tracted attention by hU entry Into the down oohoe nets wUl be out after IT 1 Ut'D Tn,,f! J? nlth ut there are few can- llni,b"We inerle. that mtf It proAtoble to can this " " ' r JJut variety of ft consKWrlng the addlttoo-rather much of a strain on hit nneL. , . "7 .... . physical attribute, and when he failed i to move the wharf closer to the boat was given an involuntary bath. state of the market for this grade tn the canned flea industry . Albert it MeCaHery are expecting the Bel or any day with a load of lumber and eement for their local yard. Tbe Olvenohy waa loading coal the McCaffery wharf yesterday. at And mention of tbe Olvenohy brings a smile to the face of C. 8venson of the halibut boat Chief Legale. It also makes one think of the unreliability of circumstantial evidence Tne Chief legate bad been oil lag at tbe Imperial Oil Company 's wharf and while the skipper had gone ashore to tne offloe the crew sleeted up tbe engine. This Is a full Diesel engine and makes a bit ot a fust when starting, up and. tbe fuss sounded unusually big to tbe staff in the oSsae. A baety look through the windows revealed a huge cloud of sroefce towards the fish wharves and putting two and two together and making Ave the of! tee staff had the da tails of simthsr explosion on a gee--boat complete forthwith. Telephones were almost torn from the walla and when Charlie niggTstsrl that the noise might be the engine starting up he was promptly squash ed. And that's why be Is laughing he j was right. And the smoke was from tbe Otvrnchy which had no intention of figuring m anything so exciting as an Alls weU tbat ends weU and we can sympathise with the staff for their scares when weird 'noises burst on the arm air. We have memotiea of ducking cut beads pretty fast when after tbe war we beard a noise in the safety at an total, that reminded us of the shells that used to whistle past our cranl- urns in the trenehea. We though that tbe pepsins; of never mistaken lor anything so alarm lag. The C. N. Captain Oeocge Nssss new seine boat which has been fitted with a 40-hp Zastern ffaiadard engine sailed for Vancouver Island whese she will engage tn the fall Ashing. The (Men Keen, with John M ureal aboard, had a very eaciting' etowuhg on her way from Jap Inlet daring the ok and narrowly eaotped betnf swamped. Dontta, Captain It. Kottrt. was in 'row Queen OharVstts lalaade this week lor mtnor repairs. There have bees several losses reported along tbe front the week. The West Lake a Japanese seine boat char tered by. the Inverness Cannery stranded off Point Lambert in the keena ttala wtek and Wed. She waa towed in b the Prtnee impart Selvage and Towing Company and is at the local drydook where ahe Is having refauta made. Oon- slderahle daatage was done to the engine and eieotrteal eutpmeat. Another aslneooat the Alberta' Q i- kngiug to Invernew Caiuvesy atrMded and sang in the rtciulty of Masaett Intel The Salvage tyurasj happened to be at hand and picked up the Alberta O. which Is In operation again. j A third casualty was the Agnes w Dod-ie which is repotted lust off Artau-bel Islniid. Ho Uvea wre lost but Ui" boat has not been located yet. The suggestive name "Discovery Isle" with port of registry Hong Kong attracted attention at the Pree Rupert Yacht Olub'a floats yesterday. Owned and sailed by Mr. E. Q. Beaumont of Victoria who la aoaompanled by hit wife the motor yacht was built in Hong Kong and is constructed throughout of teak. The boat oame from the Orient however, on the deck of a Blue Funnel line. Mr. and Mrs Beaumont left Victoria about four weeks ago and since then bare been north and called at Bkagway. (continuid on page tlx) DISTRICT NO. 2 District No. 8 Includes only those par tlcipants residing outside the otty limits of tbe City of Prtnee Rupert. One of the prise case and as man cash awards as there are active participants -will bs awarded to candidates Ueiag in this district. The names of these entered tn District No. a, up to the present tune, together with all votes cast for nsbiisatlon up unto yssttcdsy noon, are as follows: Anderson. Miss I. Burns Lake . 5.000 Uravea. H. R. Queen Charlotte Olty 8,000 Blrnte. Arthur 8.. "Pets." Bmlthers 480.188 Campbell. Miss Chsrrte Stewart 471. T75 Clccone. Q.. Port Clements 478JS0 Dover. Mrs. Oeorg. Terrace .. 481.500 Byo'fson B F Oaland 475.150 Laoey. Mrs. James, Tanderboof . . 41.400 Leverett. William. Burns Lake. 5.000 Mcintosh. Mia Margaret, Maasett 5,000 McKensie, R. O . Queen Charlotte Olty 5.000 Saneum, John 1 ... Cedarvslc 14,100 Taylor. Mlas P- :gy. Port Btslng- ton 7000 Wilson. Mtw Nnitcy. Anyux 5.000 j Marks The End Forever of the Biggest Vote Period Phone 534 THE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS Campaign Department Open Daily 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Phone 534 r -ii an n r NEVER AGAIN after Monday night will you receive as- many votes for subscriptions as you will on the present big vote offer. You can "cinch" the prize you want in the last few hours of the big vote period. Study the vote comparisons shown below. Remember you cannot have too many votesit is bettef to win by a majority of a few thousand than to lose by a few hundred. You shouldr do your very best NOW. IT'S BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY DISTINCT NO. 1 District. Mo. 1 includes only those participants residing within the city limlta of. Prince uupert. One of tbe prise oars and as many cash awards as there are active participants will be awarded to candidates living In this district. Tbe names of those entered in District No. 1 op to the present time, together with all votes cast for publication up until yesterday noon, are at follows: Aillstone, Mkes Mary 42,T Bailey. Miss Jean M BSS.1M Bussey, Mrs. win gag .400 Culllson, Mrs. J. M SMJOB Owninato, A ggi Frickaon. John X 18.400 Mrs J S4.40O FrbSKll, Miss Laura ...' 888,786 OUker. Mlsa Bdna L 895.775 Hersaan. Miss Mary 83.000 Junes. Miss Maxgmet 807,450 Krlakevaky, Miss Victoria 8M.M8 Love, Mrs. A. B BvOeO Macdonald. Mrs. A 848,810 McAuley, Miss Helen 61. BOO McCrea. Mlaa Alice K 838.435 McKlnlay. Mrs. Hubert L 83.700 Morgan. Miss Gonna tatM Postolu. Bpero . . 104.835 Prltchard, Mrs J.jH 887 MO Rood. John 114,900 8hea. Lloyd b.000 Smith. Mrs Hugh M 886.459 Bteven. ,)ohn R 751.100 Stuart. Miss 8hella 301.288 Wicks. Roy 5,380 Wprmiu Mrs F 887.838 Ungei. Miss Rliia 818JS0 ZareUl. Miss Knny 834.775 Vote Comparison FIRST PERIOD Up to and Including August 20, the following number of votes will be issued on subscriptions: s FOURTH FBRIOD Tbe last period terminating September 14, the following number of votes will be issued on subscriptoins : Votes for Votes for Votes f or N- By By Renewed New o. By By Trs. Carrier Mall BubscrtpVons Subecrlp'ns Tza. Carrier XIaU 1 $ 6.00 $ 3.00 12,000 42,000 1 $ 5.00 8.00 2 10.00 G.00 30,000 90,000 2 10.00 G40 3 15.00 9.00 75,000 166,000 3 1S.00 9.00 4 20.00 1200 150,000 270,000 4 20.00 12.00 5 25,00 15.00 250,000 400,000 5 25.00 16.00 G 30.00 18.00 360,000 640,000 G 30000 18.00 eltber new or old Subscriptions 3,000 16,000 30,000 00,000 "100,000 176,000 No candidate will be permitted to enter The Daily News office after 9 o'clock, Monday night, August 20 for the purpose of turning in subscriptions to apply on the big votes of tbe first Iteriod. All candidate in the office by that time however, will be waited on and their subscriptions will count on the present big vote schedule. ANY subscriptions mailed in ANY nostoffice ANYWHERE which are postmarked not later than 12 p.m. (midnight) Monday, August 20, wH also count on the big votes in effect until Monday night only, even though they do not reach this office until Tuesday. or even later. Those candidates who live in towns where the mail is not postmarked frequently will be given first period vote on all sQuscriptions postmarked for the first mail after midnight next Uonday, August 20. Every eendidate should make Ibis period the DIG PERIOD In their campaign. The biggest vote offer of the entire campaign is in effect until next Monday night only. Every subscription you get by Monday night will count yen many more votes than it will at- any later date in the campaign. You must work now to win. Campaign headquarters located on the second floor of The News Building; 243 Third Avenue, are open each day from 9 a.m. until 8 pro. (next Monday night oatU 9 pjn.f Come In today or this evening and receive full partiealiini' YOU CAN WIN BIG. ENTER NOW. I'll ONE 634. It's Neck and N eclc m The News Big Race! In juat one more working day the biggest vote period in The News $4,000 "Everybody Wins" Subscription Camwaien vvil: be history and the voting value of subscriptions wi 1 be reduced. After 9 P.M., Monday, AuEMst 1 rrmtinrfi vv ill f.nnnt loss votes and they never again will count so much. A lead held at the will be more easily maintained. Most candidatesvpre fjuht at ift busyicol- banning $a0 S second second period period IeWng in tK&t)ratsos made earlier in the campaign. Others are going back Uffm rfiendjfolrmvj' previouslv Subscribed to get them to subscribe for another year or two; a very reft long term subscriptions turned in NOW may be the very ones needed to "cinch" the prize of your choice. Make Your Sprint Now While Your Efforts Count