Specials ! Northara Vmrme Freight Batumi S4 Stttlnn Mitrt v.tNroi vek. h. c. Ran ad! WMr iHlMMMM'il11' specials i Vacuum Bottles 50c Hair Clippers 75c Modoss ....... 5,0c, 3 for $1.10 Face I'owdcr 25c A frrish shipment PAGE & SHAW'S CHOCOLATES Just in Jfjc Pioneer Druggists THIRD AVE. L SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8? u 200 III I Ml W III I I I'lM I II I Pll III I ! I W PI I 111 III i Wm I li m ill i rtzsmiMKA jMtn DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD Smtked Daily by Canadian Eish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert. B.C. CATERPILLAR" Tractors WfifiKU THAN THE WEATHER! A 8tc for Every Use A Hundred Uses for Every Size 2 ION, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY itFrrrcK quicker cheaper Literature and Prices on Request Sole Distributors for C. C MORH1SOK TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LIMITED Branch Offleet llliiperwin HMk NtLSOV. IIC. an National Qfo Xargetf Railway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Haitian ffMM HUM t Bt t V.MOl'EK. VICTOKIA ami vrttTii!. Tllt BMiAVM and WMUVS, t II pm. for STKWAHT. HKhNMIlAV. 10 p.m. KfclTMIK.W SATlHlltY. I p.m. K,r AXOX and f"r NOMH'aM qKN rilAHLOTTE IM.ISIW. Hrtiilntly. IUSSMMH-K TaMINH I.K.IVE mlNCE HLTiRT Etwn CaaHa. tnltrd State.. WIN.NirfcU. M P""" inrjscv ith OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINTS. Tl.lltl. AVE.. PKINCE EUKIIT. Phone t. CITY TICKET OrTIW. rtCAJWOMNJ vHWTJ .-B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert . .. e. .....kii,-.. i. switfiubrr 19. . H,oUer 10, 10. 3. Ort.it.rr 3. 11. SI. To Mtrnmuyer. YlftorlS. and M.IUJtlte.nlrr Tor ll.ite.UI.. tart 11 IWla. Ocean fall.. Namu. Alrrt luj. t-snipbHI HUM and Vanfouw every ',? I:lll,.ton ,,,,, u Inlornisllon Irom- Ageiiey for all StMnmlilp l.lnw. W v. OIU'IIUIII. Ornrral A.rnC. cmnrr of 411. Strr.t and jYd Avenue. Prlnr, Huprrt. II.C. Phone 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED f, VANCOI-VEK. VI&K f;rnUfu;:U,;U..r. Alert ... etc, for TvAN(V,Vn?' vin)niA. vniuZ ' for PHUT SIMPSON and N AAS KIV EH l;.'N1I?,I M.AM. ,, 'pout I OUT SMll SIMPSON. sun. I..r AMIi: ARM. ANVOX, STEW Alt I. WALES siimtiiy. pail. I'rlnif IIU.erl. I1.C. Arrnt. I I "iii rnui- It- M. .m.tii SMITH, rtg'"1;. ,ii biciait flm'lifil Sraltlr. and l.Ku Ihrun-h llcurt fnild .0 VlrturU and I'li.H 'ii iii it -iiimtlur , 8. Local and Personal 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Rig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist. Dr. J. H. (Joshc. Phone 686. . . ... Chiropractor, Phone 134. Permanent Black 783. C. O. wavniK- Prince Rupert Girls' drill team dance, Oct. 12. Moose Whist Drive and Dance. Friday, September 21. Cah prizes. Rev. John II. Hansen, Lutheran church minister here and United States vice-counsul, left on thin morning's train fur a trip to Hut-ton after which he will proceed to prairie points. At. 7.10 last evening the fire department was called to ex- day evening. 7.30 by expert operators at Mi Lady Beauty SJiop, Third Avenue. Special price $12.60. Make appointments early. 219 Owing to unfavorable weather. the Salvation Army Young Peo ples Legion was unable to hold the paper chase which was plan ned for last evening. The meeting next week will be featured by a mock trial. .William Davies of the local C N. R. telegraph staff will return to the city tomorrow afternoon from Fort t. James where he has been this week handling press despatches sent out in connection with the celebration of the. centenary of the arrival at the historic interior point of Sir George Simpson, governor of the Hudson's Bay Co. The Salvation Army is now holding its annual Harvest Festival and the campaign for the raising of funds for institutional and general Army work will be in progress until the end of the month. On September SO, special Harvest Thanksgiving serv ices will he held in the citadel. Union steamer Catala, Cast E. A. Dickson, returned to port at 1 o'clock this afternoon from Anyox, Stewart and other north- ern points of call and sailed at 3 p.m. for the south. Passengers leaving here for Vancouver on the vessel included J. W. Cope-man, George F. Tough, G. 8. Russell. A M tfyers, C. G. Bar-rle, Dan Kennedy and Miss ANNOUNCEMENTS Vegetable Compound Helps Run-Down Condition 4 Catholic Basaar, October 24, 25 Presbyterian Basaar, November Moose Basaar. November ft, . Anglican Cathedral Basaar, No vember 22. ONTARIO BENEFITED Bbneot, Ont. -"For several years I have had a run-down feeling, caused from overwork. One day a neithbor came in. I told her all about what was wrwit with me and he told me she hfd suffered the same as I had. She said the only medicine she tried was Lydia E. rinkhnm's Vetti-tahle Compound and she advised it to me. I sent to the drug morf smi k' bottle and now I am on the fourth one. Where before I was dizr.y, tirerl nd 'all in' in every way, now I can cat ami enjoy my meak, am gaining in flesh and able to do more work. You may be suro that I will tell ot bri who are milTerinu lika I whs." Mus. lu.iiKitT Hai i Box 10'J, U. lt . N v. 1, . uut J, Ontario. tf mcvom Q if u"rat v. am a I : laf )TJS&1 R?5u IrJ I Miss Fl''!-' n, port last evening, arriving from the south at 5 More desks have been ordered ,n,?8 by the school board in order to accommodate the large number of students in attendance at the J high school this term, it was re ported at the meeting of the board last night. J. R. Black of Kewanee. Illin ois, vice-president of the Na be reprimanded by the board for not returning in time ' In AmmMA.A WArlf at 4ka ..twin- Harlan I Smith, of Ottawa, Dominion archaelogist, and Mrs. Smith have been spending the p;ist few days in the city. Mrs. 1J,. CaWer.wjtf)d of Ditrby island, who has been visiting w ith hed ister in Anyox returend to the city on the Catala this afternoon from the smelter town. Kfnrjre II. Arnott returned to r hi city at the first of the week tcr having spent several weeks in the south. Mrs. Arnott and family have taken up residence in Vancouver where the children will attend school. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erskine of Digby Island, who have been holidaying in the interior, visiting Smithers, Hazelton and Ter- ace, returned to the city on yes terday afternoon's train. Mrs. Dutton, who was called to Vancouver to attend the funeral of her father, the late George Bard, who was drowned j-ecently ! )i i n :t Id of un- : - f i it i a i . . i trip to Etimonton and J." Mair, C.N.R. baggageman w(tll .. . at her, and Mrs. Mair left recently, for a holiday trip to Prince A1-' j., iraprovement construc-bert. Norman Dalgleish is in tjon b Uwg coverl bui,di charge of the bagKageroom here of cement ,,dewaIkl on varJoU8 auiniK .nail 9 auncmc. J .ImaI. fi'nnll.i ..... of a sidewalk on the west side of Fourth Street be- , C 1 1 tl : 1 A. 'smnre resulting, according to initial readings, another meeting centre of an extensive big game and fishing area. The fort it self, the summer resort hotel, L.rrn . , i iii i , ii i iiirii Mvpiiiifn . . . . P-m. : . .. ... . uougias Lodge, and every other l'Ml nnvunii irau- available 0,.,1K accommodation . 41... the pace t!-::i:k The breakfast any one can get --3 . (continued from page 1) in i 4im niruur. mu r lien lu Lilt? .... . . . Pny s neaaquarters in such a couvcr wa a n-.-ent visitor in - ....j... tinguish a chimney fire in the 'the citv while en route for a trJtn lwav 88 to mark the ,irait ot premises at 245 Third Avenue West occupied by Mrs. James Clark. No damage was done. Ticket No. 600, held by Mrs. J. O. Reddie, wone the ham in the Hospital Ladies' Auxiliary raffle in connection with the Fair last week. The winning numbers were drawn by Miss Leah Be sure and see our permanent wave demonstration on Wednes niiai lie liiuukiii. biiijuiu uc 1I 1 w- Ittk laOTMrtt!- ah fka Mrtvtli atirl . J Lancaster in a letter to Then Mid Mr Sa,e Mrs. Stephen. Room 9 Besner' hV would like Ucure went batk t0 HudB' Ba block. B permanent wave ob- f of oW pfanS 711 SJ?"' anS PaS? Mar,' .L .. 11 ferred to the Board of Works is the visit, that he made on that aV tfH 31 Ready to eat no preparation necessary. Just warns in the oven for crispness, and add cither hot or cold milft. Sold by every grocer. A healthful between meal wafer THIS GUIT Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Co., Ltd. CELERUATIOX OF CENTEN ARY OP JIUNDSN HAY CO. OCCUPATION IN CENTRAL R. C. UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE HAVE MEETING Members Tell of Holiday Experiences and Make Plans for Coming Season Banquet Next Monday Even, ing The Young People's Society of Pint United Church had its opening meeting of the season last night, the feature of the occasion being a series of speeches in which the members, in an inter esting manner and covering a second Jow. to Fort St Jam thdr iBlir We experiences. G. H. Stocks, vice- p o i . . . . . president, occupied the chair and ted 45 m es north of V.nderhoof. there was the usual business on the Canadian National Rail- ' ,, - ,v,i..i. , W"" dchiuij m " ftiiiiu jiau nolo .umS ,..., -... bet..,. J...... Notional . considered and adopted at last ior tne lortncoming winters ae- . ... . . . , . , . , ,. Enrounto toAhce Arm whence in-i PcJL .nd J"f Hti viUes. Election of officer, will she will rtturn to Vancouver ; . "s. a thriving fur trade post and the'.i lt t Union fteiKhter Cilkoot, Capt. construction it,atit!e ,aw John Muir, made a brief call in which will be held next Mosdajr evening. on ! LrBeat Blue, Hyder lawyer, and shore of Stuart Lake have not l Ir- Woe arrived in the city from been enough to take care of the1"1 north on the Catala this af- There were five fire alarm. crowd(S that coffie fo, theternoon. urin? the month of August, no celebraMon and tentB bae necessity been erected. In this , Jsmes Calvin, well known pion- he of Fire Chief D. H. report mpect U)e white viitor8 at'eer prospector of Alice Arm, was McDonald presented at last niirht's council meeting. Ex- D-n.v . of the department for the n.onth totalled $1,208.54, including $1,151.33 in salaries. The iiiat ii es a .(Hj iii 'SMaiea i irn. i nr i a', i - i v . t I one with the Indians who have1 arrival in the city on the Cfl-I poured in. a bizarre crew, fromjtala this afternoon from Stewart. all parts of the country side, it is a big day for the Indians uuiw. Airpiane i.umuer to., inc.. . . . . om-ss. squaws and papooser returned to the city on yesterday -? They played their part in the nftamnon'. rrin fnllowimr . v- na equipraeni was in gooo or- it of inspection to the company's logging, operations on Big Falls Creek up the Ec stall River. der. pageant yesterday morning; in ,the afternoon they threw them- . . , . selves fervently into sports an! n i Pursuant to a decision made , . , . , . , . . . , game8,followed by their feast and iwi itctm agu, iiic ujihw jiruviu- . . . ,. . . nuuu uiu i ti.-iij iuiicii iiiuiau nrtruction of the Miss M. B. Henderson, of the fr4the flnd thp njyht wftg High School teaching staff will " T " . A. ed with fireworks. u i waa uruuiini ' in ait urn niani ; ... , . school .. . "he whites were almost as en- iiiuiiiii iivcliiik a iiu (iril 1191 thusiastic as the natices over the squaws' horse races, the tugs of ing of school. She wrote explain. l"""u"1." 7"f "" war. the snow shoe races, the ing that she had stayed over for n(?n WeJnfdaf to recon-; dugout races on th lake, the .der and adopt it. The the New Westminster fair. passage dj d ax.throwinf coa. TZi W,UJfT" ,l Petitions, and the exhibition of 'rk wing proceeded with as .. . . The twular month I v Hinnpr of , T . .... rrU- - UK uiu unuic VI Lam ai tuis . , p . . 1 the Prime Shrine Club soon he Prtinent Rupert "l"e,fs was I)articularl go of the oId was held last night in the Com-in position to do so. 1 . . . . . . . ; modore Cafe with S. E. Parker, made a glorious show in their: occupying the chair in the ab-1 .A 'etler wf na at .,a"tjbuckskina. their Chilkat blanket.1 sence of President W. II. Tobev nights council meeting from featherg and th-ir furi. Ani Business was merely of a routine Adair Carss Chapter imperial s & Joug Order Daugh ten of the Empire.! nature and there was no pro- eJr , d h Kram. :,h.'.,7 " . V .jingling thimbles. All the chiefs.: to ootain me service 01 some , . . , . . ... rii. . 1 . ., . , . . and head men were presented to; Aid. Collart announced last person in the narks department , ,,.,. ' ' . the and ail received uilv . governor u. u- w.j t..,j ,t , night that he had business to to cut the grass and otherwise . v t 1 tike up with the council in priv- look after, the . soldiers' plot ini,,,e""'" "" ' i "I"" 1 ate session 7fer adjournment Fairview Cemetery, for which ' h';.""' ' Hn mn l ti.n There , was an Ominous hush as work the chapter was prepared d.dJT? V AW- : 1 . a a . I IMtllVlVIDII JUil U. 17, UTl. jr' llK't . tilic urwiipnpsi iireu uiauv icpssin- VU pctj it iOawIIAiflc ailiuuiit es 1 - tions to depart, not an inkling of though it had already spent Aid. Collars special business be- much in this connection. The ing revealedL matter was referred to. the Board of Works with power to In answer to questions as to ... the publication of the High, School magazine, Aurora, Prln cipal Peddle of the High School told the sehobJ board at their meeting last night that it was ev HOTEL ARRIVALS Pont ml of British Columbia, Judge F. W. i Howay, of New Wesminster ; I Roderick Mackenzie. M.P.P.. Wil-1 liams ljke. B. C; Rev. Father, Cot-cola of Fort St. James, and G. : W. Allan, Winnipeg, chairman of the Canadian committtee of tfaej ' Hundson's Bay Company. The Lieutenant-Governor de-, ij.. Tvinr ?mir,pr- T Turk-' ' red thot it was one of the pected to be out by the end of vr $ s yoote and W. Marsh, lareatest things the Stuart line this month. TNP 1 had ever done when King Charles The schoal board at its meat-) Inir Inat niirht o-rantetl nermiaaion ' TOO LATH Tfl CLASSIFY jll presented the charter to tne Prince Rupert Hudson's Bay Company. He paid . r..rA v Tomrh and H. L. ' his "reverent homage to the 4a .1. UAVri tlnnrl in ll ma flla t,l. r nnAHAV tv D Till t T Dioneem. who were empire build bu Mir I'WJS eii ' mx. w- UMbtCIi V UilVUUIci raa - Booth school auditorium for 01e Philinnson. North Pacific ers and aUtesmen, and declarett practices one a week during the Cannery, autumn. Tat object in using this was largely for the purpose (if Savoy 4 'Inlet; Robert Watson, city. FOR SALE Two goats, one year a m! tour months old. Cheap. . Phone Mack 441. 220 I WAN ''KM--Two girls or woman ( in ii :.ve room .inH board in 1" ,1 home with 110 children. !', Ill ii. 170. 'FOi: UFNT Four roomed hoarse High .ii' -i .vir. close in. $15. 0. Ap- :-' '" Fifth Avi tiur West or Low i i ' nirecn 40J. '-'1 PRINCE RUPERT TII5BS Tuesday Sept. 18. I 3.57 a.m. 18.9 ft. 15.54 p.m. i!0.2 ft. a.m. tl :'. ft 22 p.m. l i t j that their stirring story, so close-ly woven with the early days of 1 the province, was a great stint- using the piano in connection W. H. Thome, C.R.N.; John ulus for the future, he expressed W . 11 A.! A. I A. 4.1 S with a Christmas entertainment Brown, city; Charles ttey were iteparing. ; Toombs, Port Simpson. Royal Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Sullivan, O. bis gratitude to the company of Jap 1 adventorers for their gloriouJ service to Canada and the Empire. We .E. Walker, manager of Ar-randale cannery, is in the city on a brief trip, having arrived from the Naas River on the Ca. tala this afternoon. Guy Ludgate, C.N.R. baggage man at Smithers, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the interior to visit with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. Davidson, Seal Cove. ; CAJthe! j service, 1 industry! Fairbanks-Morse Steam Pumps The high degree f service- . ability and dependability of Fairbanks-Morte Duplex ritton Pattern Steam Pumps U a result of numerous refinements in deiiaa and con-itnictioo. These pump are adapted to many claiaca of entra! pumping and have a wide range of application. Manufacturing and selling a complete line of pumps, we are able to supply the rithtv pump for any serviae. Carryma in stock a larat aupply of parts, we are able to give exceptional service, Os CANADIAN Faixbanlts -Morse COMPANYOmlM je.OMWvae'.Mt t? City Meat Market (SELVIG BROS.) Jrd Acntie Phone 765 MEAT FISH, VEGETAHI.ES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and immediate delivery , Obserte! All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. -1 m ft