Tuesday... Sejvjf mer 18, JL928 THE I;AILY NEW3 Clothes Cleaning Price List like this Is worth keeping in mind! Ladies' or Gentlemen's SuUg steam pressed 7? Overcoats t Trousers '.Kit Skirts :r,( Boys' Suits "0r SUITS, Dry Cleaned and steam pressed .... $2.00 Overcoats JfU.OO Trousers 75 e Skirts Vof Boys' Suits $1.00 Also Ladle' Fancy work at reasonable rates- We call for ami deliver to all parts of the city. Our Special Low Price on New Suits Made-to-measure sflll Continues LADIES DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EAHLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone G57. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 08 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. If I " jLE or STOUT V Builds Up Ymrlltallh Dated Auguat oTirr. or tN-rivTiov to Artl.v low I.KAWR Or rOBKHBORE In the Skeena Land Recording Dla trlct. a.id ltu:e. fronting on part of 13'. as. Range 5. Cuaat Diatrlct. Telegraph Parage. TAKI NOTICK that the Brltlah Columbia Pishing & Paokirg C Ltd.. of V.-rccuver. BC.. orrupntlcn ruhing and racking, intend t-j upply for a laana -f the follawlng described foreshore: C-. mmen-mg at n rTr planUd about tcnty chulna ncrthwsMerlv from the -uthwe corner of nald Lot SS; thence rM. T i rhalna. thence northwesterly, D'rnlli'' tn 'h gemral run of the hore line, flftern crialliw; thence east to mean h!dh r.ter t.'.!irk ten chnlna. more or Kn; thence acuMicH'terly. following mean hlgn water nwra k ooim oi r. m-v.en'-emenl, containing fifteen arrea. mrre or lean. BRITISH COLOMBIA M8HTNC1 ft PACKINO CO.. LTD Bv Jama Henrv Buahncll, Ak-ent Dated Auguat M. 1MB. 308 IN PRO U ATE IN TDK SI PIBMB COgttT Ol I1UITISH roumiiA In the Matter of Administration Art: lind . .. . In th- M tter o( the Batnte of Albert n oed . ... TAKF NOTIOK that bv order of HI Honor Y NfcB Y -UIW t!-e th dnv of Admit Rnel tl'-rlninn "-reiitnreit !K'(I to of O.-t il l-.rl-h'i.d phv (lie . me fcrth T ,i or u ' " ' - i h .,11 nnrtlM havlna tat the t'l erte are hereby hirnlah -anie. priperly verl-on or vf -re the 11th dy A.D l'i'-'" uitl 'l partlea th e' if ire r"iilred to mnt of 1 1n-!'' indebtedness to v,)HMV A WAIT. Dincial AdmliilHtiator, Prlnoe Rupert. B.C. n,frl the lllh dny of Replember. A.U. 1U211. IB the 8avtns Land Recording District, and iltuate. fronting on Lot 187. o. coaat OBtnci. inverneaa TAXI NOTICE that the British Ool-umbta Pithing Bt Packing C. Ltd.. of VBBQBTr, Bp., occujj '.: n Fl'h'.ng and Packing, rntenda tr apply fcr a lease Tf tht fsllcwlng d.nfed forMhcre: Ocamanoinc at a p t .ln;d at trie n-rt&at ?orr.cr of .ld Lr. 1ZT; thanoa waat, twanur chain mo.r or leaa. to an mtaTaf:n with the weat bcun-dary of Lo: H'7 proUui.'i c?rth: thane: I folic. ir,,; .. 1 pr Juctio:) jf the wast hrundarj cJ Lot 127 louth to mean high water mark: thenre eacterly. following the BVtan high watat mark to point of oonunancenwBt. and containing ten ?crea, mora or leaa. BiUTTBH OOLVMBI A FISHINO St AOXINO CO.. LTD. By Janaa Hawr BuahnaU. Agent Dataa Auguat u. 11 19M. Mo. If (Bectlon 88) LAND AfT. NOTirt OT INTKVriON TO APTLY Ftllt l.i:SK or lOUESIIOKE In Skrena Land Recording Diatrlct. ,-uut'e and fronting on Lot t, Rang? 4. C-at DlitrW, Lcwe Inlet. TAKK NOTICE thai the Brltlah CW-uoiblu Phlng A Packing C. Ltd., of, Vnnc'iivcr BC. occupation Fishing and Pai-k'n. nt: utla to apply for a laaaa if the fallowing deacrlbed foreshore: Ccm:r."iclng at a poit planted at the authffnt crrer of aald Lot 2: thence -!iith. two chalna: thence weat forty i ha inn. mnre or leaa. to an lnteraec-1 tlnn w. h iho wet boundary it Lot 21 prr tin -rd toiith; thence nortn seven i cha'n'. m re or le. to the ajuihwest : corner A lot 3: thenat eaaterty. follow ing the n-.?an high water mark to toe point oj conimencetnent, and containing elulit-ru crea. more or leaa. Uul lIKll COIUMD1A FISHINO tt PACKING CO.. LTD. By J-nip Henry Buahticll. Axant. Dated Ausiwt 28, KI28. MB I Form N-. in iSertlon 88) LAM) ACT. NOTIf'R Or IVTFXTIOX TO APPLY t'OR l.r. eK Of rORBHHOMK In tin 8kcna Ltnd Recording Dl- tr!rt. 'tun" and fronting on Lot 11, Kinge 5. Cout Dltrlct, Oxtail River. TAKE NOiTd that the Brltlah Oal-in, hin T hi : Packing C. Ltd.. of j Vi.'ii 'nr er B c occupation Fishing and I Pactlug. Intfi da t apply for a leaae j rf the fuUjwlng deacrlbed foreshore: i Commencing at a post planted at the 'northwest comer of aald Lot 11; thence w.'ft. ten chain; Mtence aouth forty ch ilna, more or les, to an Intersect Ion with the aouth beundary of Lot 11 , produced wert; thence enat. following !i ri production of the aouth boundary of Lot 11 six chains, mere or lesi. to . .! h uh wn-r mark: thence northerly, fdllowlnv the menu high water murk to nolnt nt corn men cement, and containing thirty ncrea, m-re or le.se. BRITISH COI.UM9IA FIBHINJl At PACKING CO . LTD. Pv Time" Henrv Bushnell, Agent. D-iti-d August 25. 1B28. 288 FOlt RI'N'T Four room apartment, hot water heated. Apply Smith & Mallett, Ltd. tf V anted For SaTe For Rent DAILY NEWS CI ASS1FIED ADS.' 2c per worJ in advancr.' No Advertisement taken fcr leaa than 50c WANTED WANTED Carpenter work by day or contract; no job too mall or too big. Phone Blue 7IJ9. 219 WANTED A real live man to take over the sale of our products, supplying, hundreds of .satisfied custome'-s in Priiu't Rupert ar.d district. Ileal opportunity for good man. For further information apply The J. R. Watkins Company, 876 Hornby St., Vancouver, B.C. tf i FOR SALE FOR SALE at a bargain Light . horse, five years old, with sad dle. Apply Munro Bros. tf FOR SALE Brick lined heater; soHd oak library table; child's pujih cart; phonograph with 16 records. Thone Blue 412. 220 FOR SALE Launch Gwen, four horsepower Eaathope enjrlne, all complete and in good running condition. Apply Pullen, Daily News. tf FOR SALE Special. Lots 20, 21. 22, 28, block 7, Section 5. fronting on McBride Street. ance $200 yearly at 7 per cent. Apply owner, v. Arnett, Dauphin. Man. 243 FOR SALE - -Unprecedented values in used Trucks 19'f Fiaher Fast PrBijrht l'i; toni truck ; 1926 Dlry-Elder Worm FOR RENT Clappertoa House, Ninth Avenue East.- Rent reasonable. Apply City Treasurer. City Hall. tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 807. tf FOR RENT Steam heated room in private residence; centrally locnted. After October 1. 'Phone R'.ue 412. 224 FOR RENT Pianos, Player-Pianos, Phonographs and Sewing Machines. Walker's Music Store. tf IX T1IK SI IMM Mt: rtll'KT OF llltlTKII ' Ol I Mlll t In the Mat ol ilw Administration I Act: and In the Mrftur of the Estate of Esther' Klllns. c n.". fr Solomons, De-; ceose:' . Inte' v TAKE NOTICE Unit by order of His, Arti W Lot and Found, ftc TUITION . r. Williams Vlonlnbt of Wetlholrae Thratre TALL CL-ISSES TOR VIOLIN Tf'ITIOS Studio, 113 Fourth Avenue Baat Pupila now being enrolled For term Phone Blue 4SB Honor F Mm Vui.tig. the 6th day of a GOOD ASSORTMENT OF LINOLEUM i Sutemter. A ) 10J8. I was appointed; . .,., Inlaid ., Artnilo . : 1 nl: LOST LOST Between Sc.ond Avenue and Fraser Str ft. vh?n moving, black velvet dretis. Finder please phone Green 899. 220 I PROBATE the estate at Katlter Price gt.000.00l 1400 cash: bal- Klllar n e T, th r Bnlomona. deeeaaed, an;: ail pnr... navin ciainia agKinsi. the -id e-.tau- arc hereby required to fur. h saaie, properly verltled. to me 011 ji fccfnn the 11th day of October, A D 102C. .1 .cl all parties Indebted to the v.ito are required to pay the wiriiui I tbctr liulebtedneas to me ! rihw!i!i NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. BC. Dated the 11th day of September, I Drive 2 ton track; VA ton Reo;AD.. i2s firwnii Wniron! 'lVi inn Minom IN THE MATTER of an application for , . r, ' . ... the Issue o a Duplicate Certificate of inee; 1 I airioi ana oiners for neieen hundred and east terms arrange Send for eighty-three iBB3h Range five S). , . ai t , Cca t District. 1 complete particulars. Hayes- SatlJifai.t,jrv proot of the loss of thel AmlcVann Motor Co.. Limited. Certificate of Title covering the above ver, FOR RENT FOR RENT - Furnished roomed apartment with Water paid. Phone 517 tf SALVAGE AND TOWING ITRMTlHtE AND RANGES ruga. linoleum and Barry-more Carperts r.lo Simmon' Beds and' Bedding Including the Oatennoor Mattress, A. Mackenzie, Furniture. Phone 775 DR. W. C. ASPINALL, Exchange Block Chiropractor and Electric "Thera peutist. All Diseases Successfully Treated Phone Green 211 or Black 283. TIMBER SALE X10388 toara r-- Ci.t ,,, lands having been produced to me. It !l Sealed Tenders wUl be received by the -..fll IZBB Cjnintllie Street, Vancou my lntrntion to Issue, after the ex- , District' Forester, prince Rubeit, not R P 248 ulrntlon of one month from the i.rst -.tcr than noon on the 23nd dy nubllcatlc.n hireof, a Duplicate Oertlfl- September. 1838. for the purchae of - 1 . 1 cntP ()f Title t" the uhjve land In th licence X10388. Kumdl Slough, Mxett 1 KAine of .1 .el rillslinry The original , inlet, tj.c 1 . to cut 47.090 lineal fewt of ' Ortlflcnte of Title is dated the 7th Ced ir Poles and Piling Septein'w- mid nil !n numbered 3iHR Two 2I years will be nllowed for re- Land ri '-i't-y o-t -e. Prince Rupert. . moval of timber. 1 B C 2Srd July 1038. Further particular of the Chief Fir- " H F MacLEOD. ester. Victoria. B.C.. or the District For- 201 Registrar qf twr. r-rince uuiwn, u.u. DR. PAGE SEVE.N . ... BRINGING UP FATHER By George Yar RI'Si : i ' haJfnt.i.tod" ' P " wv, I 11 cM-T cqimy ""T u,i;m . ,,.HA.r j AJL-4JL- fcj ,S OTTHEC!.,wj - VOV- HEY.' THlb I TELL (iY THE 1 Dir-ri-cucF Hi it,l LONPu,i- ) WAITER - S LW6 Ol -r7 TATE? . 1 DO. i r r- Transfer ; 4 J t P flT j Phone us and far Mmj. f and Time j. 0 w (1 fMmt utrtm. i. 8-:. ' " " " DAY & NIGHT SERVICE L : Day Phones 201. t . . w-,ffagr , . - ; - Night Phones Red 317.. j - j I HHj voIr ?t j'Orv I W-fti i ZZISl w frft-ws c:LO:4T ) ! I CONVICT- I'LL KNOW THtRi: , J .Ste KMONaM r - vJmVH IhoOI M?M- vJk CT5f3" AS C 'W.OW I ltlfTrhD I QlSAV , Ly t sT A J ciMb-Htitw iawoo? ( 7 v mSBsSmh vtvt heard the. PtaKETHAT MEAL YOO HAVE TO BL H'SY GOLUV-THeV WANT gfeE 7 I "dOMETHINC "TE-U-d ALU RICHT-MACOE ISrlPI u ro thecaptajn- more than JUGQLER-5 instead r-" , aCj ME THAT I'M COIN' J - VHAT 00 VOU 3fmM l ' CF!j 1 't ' ..to rorai Ha. U (OacMQO M) LAND ACT. NOTICT! OF INTBMTIOX TO AMIT L:HR (IT ORE HO KB In the Bkama UU)d sarttnt DU-rtct. stuate Mid fronStilt on Lot of h BrlV.h 05lumt' F1hlnt Pck- ii K C ' C:uiry B.f. TowndU of Port TAKI NOTICE tBat in VKH OOl- umY Fl-hU-K Ac ektsf C. Ud.. of Vmtuiivf-r, BC a ittian Flihliig and f3-k::ix. inUmls ti apply for teaM : tiic rr.ii'.wiim tcwr.td rorewoi: C 'mmtnr.itif t ,in.: planted at th 3!ihait Tomrr : aalct Cuumtjt then.- ncruifrly. foil wlnt tbt r rfwu n of the 'rr'.j boundary of the B C F:ih' t ft Packing Oo.'a pro- trty. :i hunrtrrd :ti, theore waaterty. la' rwht auglr in th aald Matarly k.vi'dary. four hundred nod fifty ft. mere rr la u an InteriKctlon w:rh rterlv undy ' of tb BC. F.li-Jlig A Pack!i g Co. pr prty prjd'.iad a.r,!if-!y: thonrr :uthrly. followlnf "ild am ;h oonndry prodiioed al hnndrrd ftrl. morr ur vo mean high water niKrk : henre mtry, following Uvt maan b:'- watar mark to point of cotanincment, uud containing ill acraa. n -ire or ir-ja, bhitish cntntBu ranro PACKING CO.. LID.' Bv .Hit Hanrr BuahnaU, Agont. 27. T. IBM MS Form No. 18 ((action M) LAND ACT. MOftCB OF rTBN7ltN TO API'I Y H)lt LEAHB OF FTHtBXIIOHIC CHIROI'RACTlt R. E. EYOITSON '. luroprurtur j a?a Thrd Arenue. j reiepnone fc. apoolntawnt now to Blui 8S. Realdence oboae Black isi. 'trute and Chrou c Otoordera lucceaa fully treated. Beta hi labeo 1991 lND ACT. NOTICE Or IXipiTIU. Til APPI.V Til LEA?S LVNI In Bmltners Land Recording District and situate adjoining Lot M96 on East side o: biccena River. , TAKfc NOT ICR that CarJatlaa VvAfT. ; of Pacific. BC , married woman. Intends 1 tu apply for a leaae of, the following de-.acr.Ud land:- I noanmei.clng at a poat planted at the vutneaat ecrnai or to: UM. Ranee 6. , . 0 , - Cuat Diatrlct: thenct n rth 80 rhalna: Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing thane oa.t 20 chains: thence south so PHIXCE p., 1 1,1 'chains; tiienct west 20 chain, ana eon HAH ntROAIN I.N OAS WAT Agent for (aathope Bng'nea. Ooolidt Propeller, and Tuxl'ibe OU lsiat ef alt deserlptlan for Chatter Salt lakes Ferry service r-ek daa 011 the hours 1 pjn. till 8 pn Bun4ar and Holidays, 11 am till 8 pjn. Phone MM AUCTIONEEPA RUPP.RT AlCTION MART Federal III.k-Ic Pur'.lture if all kinds caught, aold or exchanred Orating and packing dona Ooorti sold on Cnmmlsalon (J. J. DAWES. Auctioneer. fltaetc tatniut 180 acre more or CHRISTINA OORLET, Applicant. Dsted Msv 38 IWW LAND ACT vonre or ixtkntiox to apply to pi KruvtE L.xn In Range 4. Coast District. Land lie-cording Diatrlct of Prince Bupert, aftd situate Rbcut 4 mile tram the motftn of the Xhutre River. TAKE NOTICE THAT Alexander Stutrt Marcul)-ch of Vancouver. B.C., octUBs-tion Btsker. Intends to apply far per- mission tr purchase the followinc de jscnoed land: I OommencinK at a poat planted near the southwest cornei of Lot M4; tkatoce weat M chains: thence aouth 40 ebalB: , 'thence east 40 chains: Usance north 40 ,w 1 chains: thence west 30 chains, and oon- tilnlrg lo scree more or leaa. ALEXANDER STUART MAOCULLOCH. Applicaat. 'NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT." R. S. C. 140 Por'er Tdalr. Mining Company Urn. Heel hereby rives notice that f has. mi'ier Section 7 of the aald Act, It d with the Minister of Public Works t'O'tWR and In 'he officii Of ah Dtret Regis trnr nt the l.tnd Raglat'atlon District of Prince Rupert at Frinea Rupert, B C . a description of the site and tfce plnn of the whnrf snd dolablns proponed tn be built on the foreshore near the mouth or the Marmot River, Portland Canal In front of Lot Number Four Hundred Slxty-.-even (487). Oaaafar Distr'ct Hrt'sh Columbia; and take notice that after the ex- n:nr ut one ill month from the dste of the first publication of thl Noti e Por'er Idaho Mining Company Minted will, under Section 7 of the ol Mid A t s;iply to the Minister of Ptibl Wnrks at his office tn the City ,f ottnwn Mr npprovnl of the laid site atjd rt-iMi 'I'd and for leave to construct the n Id wharf and dolphin. D''"l 'it Vancouver British Columbia, tint UQUi day of July. 1938. POPTER IDAHO MINING COMPANY LIMITED.