CLASSIFIED HABIT l fieeted by a recent order of the board. He character- a 1 . d it as retrograde ed they were undoubtedly part of that young Northcott had plotted, to lo kill a " man ",a" and a"u wife w,,e wno whoe HIGH RIVER, Alberta. Sept. 18. i tlTinl, It naMunrv. n. hv nnnointini? a sewintr work on a farm- UanlB Mra a ' they are ' i 1 H.1 1 1 V ivlttiirv v a--wwa.-- j f 11 o ufiniiig from lye poisoning ove. tlon of the work polhle for the 1 night appointed medical Inspec equipment was already there. Mr. Brady said that in fho tarhnleAl school was ab- POISON HERSELF many who did not go to the University and here it would a serious step if the board ne-i fiKNWALL. Ont., Sept. 18. glected to continue the work. Ii-. Dt-lian Lagreois is under Chairman Rochester explained li.o iruard in the hospital here1 that it wrfs only a temporary KhI operation, Dr. Robert Wal- ' 'wag ripe for an assistant in "i luiuuiu mw manual training aim uuhwhv mi years in the penitentiary' uy ,, .... the most vital Jurivfe Cotsworth yesterday. Walker was found guilty by a V in connection with the death t January of Mary Flavin, a 22 1 ' 1 'ilil Ntenograiiher. pducatlon today, The chairman remarked that they nright yet arrive nt a solution tor of school by the school bard last night, the salary to be $500 per annum. LOCAL NKWS ITEMS George P. Hart, accountant at Mill Ray cannery on the Naas The time of the teachers River, which Is now closed down iu, u the police charge was self- was already taken, iministered after her two young Trustee Gilchrist thought thfl had been drowned in the .tenth grade could be given domes-iM .f the Lagreois home here, tic science, as there was a vacant ,lhalf day which could be utilized. N ipnlron Lagreois, husband and j Spencer suggested that In r. discovered the tragedy help m-nt gvtn Miss Rogers . r n hf returned irom wont il in the sewing while she was at i.ijht. TEN YEARS FOR tendinir to the cooking. There I was plenty of room and equip ment. I Chairman Rochester remarked that when the high school was TORONTO DOCTOR 5S TnitP Gilchrist drew atten- 'i'lUONTO. Sept. 18. "ii u iharge of performing an tion to reports which showed al- ,n.t mfl ner cent attendance i. DroHv in hi he thouuht the for the season, is a passenger on board the Catala this afternoon going through to Vancouver. R. O. Krickson, well known in Portland Canal mining affairs, and Mrs. Rrickson, are passengers aboard the Catala today bound from Stewart to David Mcintosh of Edmonton is visiting in the city as the guest of his son-in-law and daughtei, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Vance, 60S Fourth Avenue Edit. He will return to Edmonton in about a week's time. Mr. and Mrs. John Flewin of Port Simpson are passengers aboard the Catala this afternoon going through to Victoria where Mr. Flewin, who Is secretary of the Port Simpson school board, will attend the convention of the of the problem and the matter '.School Trustees Association of was allowed o drop. 1 nim..i. along the river. TraDned in a blazinir kitchen hundred Dunams near the Jewish. Brewer 'Was Kidnapped ai d He!d For Ransom and Then Police Tried in Vain To Trap the Extortioners DETROIT, September 18. Samuel J. Lowe of the Carlin Brewing Co. of London, Ont., was kidnapped at Windsor, Ontario, and held for $35,000 ransom, it became kno'vn yesterday, coincident with an unsuccessful attempt of the local police to trap the unsuccessful extortioners. Lowe was released a few davs ago on a promise of meeting the demand of the kidnappers. WILD APPLE OF HIGH PRICES SKEENA RIVER FOR HALIBUT Crop of Peculiar Dis Very Palatable, ow at Best I 1 AA J f hnrl fan fl, AM ,1 ts.UI I -,UU . - M4 i. ! W W Q VC. 1 canu twn jli ? vii anu iiiv vi in iiiir m'uuiri r 1 111 uansa iumiiui uia . ... . !,ntV Of accommodation IOr lwa ui iue jwuimiiri.. aire 19c nu c- . i--lM.ak-w Ki. iM aU v... l lasneK.t the same time, purpose of the establishment of hoJ iStT"! S' 8.000 pounds. Pacific , science rooms, jth. department was to look a fUr taKd tf ja'SLte1 S'.rUMm. 20c and 9. Mr Miadv nresented to the tne interesia 01 ooin nign scnooi - ----- , , ,, 1 e"iJon 3S2d 62 public school students This j t " W by ,. per-,.nd ,i I p. uion sis iieu , Northcotfs father described ,.- - f ,, .. .u antA i watchman at Kwlnitaa. declare Canadian Hose Spit, 20,000 pound. Can-' ?""' P"eJLr"Z7" Lril .i:in a. an ape man with ab- that ton. of them are available adUn Fid, .ad Cold Storage Co., 1 j (ii iik me nign srnwi, .. .. - normal emotion normal emotions. . .h.. ..v.rH find means of con- science and only seven Latin. If anual training cut out it were , , , n e t he classes. would be serious thing' for -in .!!...... .nininoii fhat h a DROWNED CHILDREN THEN ATTEMPTED TO these students. The addition of a MEDICAL INSPKCIOU teacher would make the contlnua-l Dr. J. II. Carson was last lGc and 8c. , Mrs. Norman Fraser of Alice Olier.Hesner returned to the Arm is a passenger aboard the . city on the Catala this afternoon Catala today going through on a ! after having made a weekend trip to Vancouver. trip to Anyox. Terrible Destruction Wrought by Hurricane In West India Islands Florida Also Included in Scope of Fierce Storm With 139 Persons Known Dead NEW YORK, September 18. Sweeping across Florida a tropical hurricane added 28 known dead to the heavy toll estimated at 1300 which is claimed in the West Indies. Porto Rico had the highest number of fatalities with 1000 estimated and 300 known dead, although proportionately the Frendh 'dependency of Guadaloupe with 235 known dead aridi800 estimated dead was the hardest hit. The hurricane was apparently moving with force along the Atlantic coast between Savannah, Georgia, and Charleston, South Carolina. Among the British possessions Montserratt is reported to have lost 25 known dead and Nevis 13 while St. Kitts lost six. MIAMI, September 18. The death list of 139 persons in southern Florida is reported today by the Miami News. STOCK QUOTATIONS The following quotations were , the other worn couia pro-; , jy Went to the farm but became nle for lam rrmkimr bumoW' 3.UW pouna., UM-ibid and asked. d t the same time, there t-,wa. persona .y in accoro m. .r . . . ... ''VZ . .I- M . dian Fish and Cold Storage Co. urtT of 8 D. dOboaon Oo.. Ltd.) Argenta Ru.'.s 26 V; 26. Bayview 5:; 6. B. C. Silver, 1.36; nil. Big Misouri 50'.; 51'g. Cork Province, 26; 274. Cotton Belt 60; nil. Dunwell 11; 13. Duthie 90; 96. George 'Copper 5.05; 6.00. Georgia River, 33; 36. Glasiar. nil; 11. Golconda, 87; 89. Grand view 46t; 47Va. Independence 14; 16. Indian 6; 7. Kootenay Florence 21; 22. L. L. nil; 10i. Lakeview, 14; 2. Luck Jim 25; 26',. Marmot Metals, 84; 04-Marmot River Gold, 04 Mohawk 6; 64' National Silver 14; 15. Noranda, nil; 80.60. Pend Oreille 18.00; 18.60. Porter Idaho, 66; 684-Premier 2.33; 2.56. Ruth Hone 574: && Silver Crest 10; 11. Silverado 62; 68. , Silversmith nil; 104-Slocan King 6; 6. Sunlock. 2. 20; 2.40. Snowflake 47; 47. Topley Richfield 61; Gl Vi. White Water 1.86; 1.88. Woodbine 13; 184- OILS tfabyon 12; 124-. Home 2.55; 2.58. AURESTED NEAR CALGARY Boston Grill LAHCJE CABARET Evtryona reads the Classified Ads, Special Dinners Thursdays and If you lose, advertise for It. Saturday, Dancing every Saturday night you find, locate the owner. from 9 to 12. Whatever you need, advertise for It Dance Hall for Hire. PRINCE RUPERT Accomodation for Prlvae Parties (j EX THE CLASSIFIED HABIT. l'none 457 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol. XVIII., No. 210. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1928 Price Five Cents Lumber Corny is Asking Pribsjes If Mill Establish Here Kcquest Made for Fixed Assessment, Water and Power and Wagon Road to the Mill by New Concern TRACING APE DIES RESULT ! CANADIAN JEWS MAN'S CRIMES OF BAD BURNS FOR JERUSALEM AT RIVFRSIDF Won,an Trapped In Blazing Kit- Settlement to be Made Near There HI III T MJlWJkLf U c,en 0f Farm House is Vic- and Land is Already Acquired ! time of Fire for Purpose Officers Diguing Over Whole Place to Find Remains of Boys Said to be BONES ARK HUMAN Celebration of Centenary cf Establishment of Hudson Bay Co. Occupation in Central B.C. British Columbia is British Because of Activities of Sir JERUSALEM, Sept. 18. Four George bimpson and Others Hundred lears Ago in a farm home on the Hatfield I colony of Peatach Tikavh have FORT ST. JAMES, September 18. Had it not been farm, 25 miles south of High! been acquired for a colony ot f g- Geonre SimDSOn. Governor of the Hudson's Bay . , it ir i : mj? - CJ ' ,llver, Miss ueterman, za years uanaian jews, jurue. iuC.- OOITipan, ..ilOaG h-rm-if nibtOllC visit Visit tn tO this tms lttie ittlp nrtr pOSl n a nun- rinn- of aire, housekeeper, was fatally man of Cam da is nere to com- i ... ..... .,, . . , ....... i u- i. nvari rcsco arm rnrlav is nmir not nor rlphrar"fl TriA nm . i t -i i .1 -, ,;v,f Atiempis ,iaae to r.nuce uinern burned sunaay evening, aying e e w igcmm ' "t" o i" Announcing that it .., was possible the company might, to ,,ace Made by Young MoBday The hired man, abiishment of the colony, it is vince of British Columbia would be in the possession of br able to use for the Construction Of a Specialty Sawmill Northcott Savs Witnesse Mcfiiven. is in the ho.wital suf- -ted that forty Canadian Jews ua TTit Qfnfoo anrl Canada u,nn1r1 hav nn mit.lor. tn a portion of waterfront block "I" on the outside of the , fering from burns but is expected will be organised to settle on the pap;fic Ocean PerhaDs this statement made ves- vaiiwav track including a small island about fifty feet in los angeles, Sept. is. Two :0 recover. Lumber which stained with what the diameter, the National Airplane Co. Inc., .. - - . , ' i police said was blood were found the manufacture of here contemplates airplane spruce on the Northcott ranch at River-from timber on its limits up the Ecstall River, through 8-de today by a small army of of-t - vice-president, J. R. Black, had a communication be- fleers digging up the farm foot by lore the city council last night inquiring what assurance foot in order to prove or disprove could he given the company, first, in the matter of fixed 'J four youth' were assessment, say for a period of fifteen years, secondly, The officers declared that blood-in the matter of wagon road facilities, and, third, as to stains were also found . on the electric power supply, rates and installations, it being cellar steps. The neighbors said hkelv that from 150 to 300 horsepower would be required. hat '"J "!fd"?,d. they L"fd The needsofthe millin the matter of water, it was fRS pointed OUt, WOUld not be great. was ued at midnight to wash The matter was referred to the board of works and down the step, utilities and finance committees for report. ' The e,der Northcott is being The site which the National Airplane Lumber Co, X -mr-Kiipp-ests it might be able to use lies in the vicinity of the der farm.. 8tory told DJr Sanford McLean shipyard at Seal Cove. The concern is under- ciark, 15, of Saskatoon, who de- stood to be negotiating With the railway company lor elared he had been shamefully the site. Plea Made by J. C. Brady M.P. For Continuation of Manual treated by young Northcott over a period of two years was not an argument of the boy's imagination ' Mim t Ha fmlla frftm f?ivr ide anatomists. After examining the .bones found daring th past fnvr days scattered over the Hiree acre raach, Ukoty experts dflottb ,( . I n i human nuraan bodies. ooaies. janunasni ,' Abundant in I rnininv in iff me tnp 11 H Pti octlOOl aight young c,ark added lricl Frult-limiting utwwtl nU 8tory bj. teIllng officer8 l9 N( Hand terday by Charles Vincent Sale, present governor of the ' company of adventurers, did more than anything else to I impress on the minds of those gathered here for the centenary, and the American interests for 'the importance of the exploits of the country went of the Rocky the man who has been called the Mountain that Simon Eraser Cecil Rhodes of Canada, the ro- founded Fort St. James in 1806. mance of a century ago was The Astorians came and vanish-brought vividly before their eyes ed, and in 1821, the United State in a pageant, which resurrected j proclaimed her right to the Paci-Simpson's journeying across the fie coast and Sir George Simpson wide stretches that ultimately be-! became a Hudson's Bay Company came the Dominion, but after all, j governor. Three years later the living picture of the governor and his retinue arriving at the fort could not even indicate the far-reaching effect Simpson's activities were to have in the history of North America. 1 "Fort St. James in those days," said Governor Sale, was the out rd post of an empire; the visible sign of British occupation: a were paid at the local Fish Ex th th Rnuhn ru.r,n. ! Simpson, to put the affairs of the Columbia, district in shape and save the coast from the United States and Russia, crossed the country from York Factory, making the journey in 84 days, 20 days less than any previous rec- and established the (Continued on Page 3) eentre of government." He went on to tell of the claims of Spain TlIA If II I VT to all the coast south of the Rus- 1 f V HILL Jul sian possessions, of Spain s yaiv- J ing her claims in fstvor 4f the; United States. 'Our American neighbors," he iii,.,ere die,! I. . posed to, believe that -their title, iune prices oi me season WM clear to an the territory com- ON A RANCH change for halibut this morning And it might have been butt,,. ' ... T. when three American vessels re- ..j- -,.t. Woman Mctim of Aault After t a a m - . f . J Ma j j-v j rri. f ,onol ti-oinincr nnfl rlnmoetif arrivals irom ine interior re tu awc .nu wn two outer men as Alexander Mackenzie, anai iu ciiiuiiiu b names were Uahl and add their Dort that all alomr " the Skeena -v.. not -- rar below while a - sinele e e,m iu c . , it i r i i ..Li i ...:.!, Bimon rraser. joni .SCf ilCc irom ine Ulgn acnooi WOUiu Of a serious nuaume four sons to the list of alleged tor- River front Skeena City to Am- Wnadian boat was paid 16c and Sir Geonre Simnaon v .i v trpKsivl before the schoolboard last nieht bV J. C ture and murder victims. I bury a large crop of wild apple 8c. i "ft waa in fho mtrntrtrm and be- Br-idv M P who addressed the school board at their J- t. Solvation Army is now at it. best, the fruit being were as follows: :tween tne Nortn We8t company " . ' i. t. n i f n. m woman, said that a man named in an abundance that has not me-ting lasi mgni in oenau ui uwuaiouwui uic iU1jiia 1 nr .vhom UtaMtlmA frmm h(MB known fnr mnv vafl photograth as Northcott had There are three varieties yel-1 American AckMngton 18,500 'pounds, j roflraue action action and anil could COUIQ not not be'.ieve oe.ieve that mat it ib , a asked asked for for the the name name of of a a family family low, low, red red and and yellow yellow and and red- red I " r :' , ... ii .... i: f.,v,; ,i4i, ,..,1 -uim 4i. ..u i. .... iiasei n., i.ow pounas, ana i V as anytning more man a ieiupui-aiy eAcuiciiu i-mmci - t"""""" iw 7.000 pounds Atlin Pish-i Man Had Keen Shot in Mouth SHELTON. Sept. 18. Joe Kirk, 22 years of age, a worker in the woods, and his young wife are dead and an intensive manhunt is on for Albert Shaefer, 25 years of age. accused by Mrs. Kirk before her death of having shot her hus band to death and attacked her at their ranch house near Dayton, nine miles west of bar last night. Mrs. Kirk related, during a period of consciousness that as her husband stood in front-of a window a shot from the outside narrowly missed hint. He got a gun and went to the window again and a second shot grazed his body. lie then went to the door where he received a bullet in the mouth, dying almost instantly. The killer then entered the' house and attacked Mrs. Kirk, tearing off most of her clothes. In the scuffle his revolver was fired twice wounding Mrs. Kirk in the cheek and foot. The attacker then dragged her into the bush near the house where she was found this morning. The man escaped in a touring car. Mrs. Kirk related that Shaefer asked for work at their home a week ago. They let him split some kindling. The authorities state that Shaefer was released from the Easter State Hospital for the in sane at Medical Lake three months ago as cured. Pursuant to an order In Council dated August 16th, 1928, empowering me to Investigate the question of pilotage in the Canadian Waters of the Pacific CALGARY. Sent. 18. Follow- Coast. I shall sit at the court ing an inquest at Ponoka in the house at 10.30 a.m. on Wednes- case of Dr. Arthur Hobbs Scott i an attendant at tne institution was arrested and charged with manslaughter. nesday. pert. Signed : September 19, Prince Ru- AULAY MORRISION, Commtaaioner, 113 n