B fhetvisa nm I wonderful jpj 1 I satisfaction of iy I I ritisliCoiisols 1 Arcadian Hose A New Shipment just Arrived of this Popular Hose Made expressly for ourselves, every pair guaranteed. Made from the finest pure thread silk, reinforced art silk, mock fashioned double soles, toes and heels. Seamless, site 8 4 to 10. In shades of Blush, Oak Buff, Sand, Grain, French Nude, Silver, Pearl Champagne, Black, Woodland Rote. QKo Pair V0 Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. Bast. Phone 83 Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks. Flat Rate Repairs USED CARS We have several excellent bargains in used Cars. Easy Terms if desired. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupsrt DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating (i.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Kn.-ilneer. Machinists Bollermnkers, Hlackmlth. Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. EI.ECTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kind. of MAltlNE AND COMMERCIAL WOUK. PHONES 43 and 385 J Market Prices J Price current are as follow: LAKD Pure 25c Compound 30c EGOS B.C. fresh pullets 4te ,B.C. fresh first 50c B.C. fresh extra 56c Local new Uld Me NUTS AU)cnd. theiled Valencia 64a Brazils 3So Walnuts, broken shelled 41c Walnuts, shelled halves 56c ; AUnutid 35c ! Peanuts 20e Uancburtan walnuts 35c California walnut 40c So. 1 mixed nuts 3Sc (New filberts 35c ' Black Diamond California soft hUel I walnuts, lb 40e j FEED j 100 lbs. Wheat. No. 8 11-00 Oats Ml Bran Shorts tM Middlings , 8I.1B) Barley (20 Laying Mash 8875 Oyster shall tM Scratch food MJS Beef scrap U.J' Ground oil cake 14.36 Baby cnick feed HM Fine oat chops M.23 Crushed eats UJi Pine bartej chop H-00 fish Smoked kippers, lb l&c ' Kippered salmon, lb. 35c Smosed black eed. lb. 20c Finnan baddies, lb 2Sc MEATS Fowl. No. i. Ib. J3 and 48c Roasting nstken. lb. 45c ( Broilers 45c Ham. sliced, tint grade 50e 1 BasA. whole. Am grade 40r 1 Haa. picnic, lb. aoc I Cottage rolls, lb 29 ft Baton taps, siloed 90c 3acan. side SOc P-wk. jry wt Sic 'vrsaire basse. Ib Jc eal. atoouMer 35c veal, loin 46c "eal. lee Mr P rk. ahoedder aSc Per, loin 44c Pork, tag 4tV Beef, pot roast 15c to 30c Beef, boiling 120 to lSe Bee, steak Me to 4o ' 3f , rostet, prime rib SSc Lamb, chops aoc Lamb, ahjwilrter Sic Muttoa. leg toe ; ; amb. leg 4 So Uuttoo. efaops aoc ' Mutton shoulder ssv unrrex jlo. 1 creamery st I No. 3 creamery 4T& i CHEESE iCamembert cbeae. 8 or. pkg efc.-J Kraft Umberger, Ifs 30 Ontario aolkls age New ZaaUod solMs 34 Stilton, lb. 44 Kraft 454 Norwegian Ooat the FltllT oalttornla aaaaWed ftnam lb. . . I ; We to Me iCailtornta peadhea. doean . . . .40c to Mk. 1 Apricots, lb u we jvpnotjaa, craw tlJW Otttyea, Valengla, cteea .. 4t to Me umons. samtstt, doeen .... 40c to Me Imberlal Valley grapefruit 1 for 30c Bananas, a b gg aum ted honey, par ar Mc Oomb hotkey . Date, bulk, a lbs. tor 36- Ratsma. balk, par lb lie J California Dainty Dates, package .. 3d- j Cantaloupes 16c. SOc and 38c 1 1 Cocoanuta ggg j Wenatchle OrafenaaMn Applsa. lb.. . lOr 'jOreen Oxtklng Applea (B.C.I. 3 lbs 38c oeedteas grapes, lb. aOe Pears, doeen ; 40c I Preferring, crate HMi Prnnes, crate ijo I DRIED FRIITS Lemon and orange peel iOc ,Oitron peel joe Btock aeoklng flga, lb 30c Wfill tfi. 3 lb 253 Currants, 3 lbs 34 Apples Peaches, peeled 35c Apricots, lb age Prunes, 90-100, 4 -lb 35c 35 lb. . box tlM Prunes, 60-70 lb 3 lbs for 3de 30.40, Jbt. j... J8 40.60, 3 lbs JSC 35 lb. box $3.80 Eraporated pears, halves, lb 25.. 23 lb box is. so VEOETAIILEH Beets, lb Ileets. sack Carruta. Ib PdUtcea,. sack 4c . . H.75 . . 4- Parsley, punch c OsAta, Imported, per U Wo New tsMkue. lb 6c Nejr green onions, per buasn .... 9c Twmpa. e it i Orated nuns, lb Rhubarb. 3 it. Bunch carrots. 3 for tfc miacsi'Wrs. 3 for 34c Runs ypb.ee turnips 10c FWS mint 5c Vaoecwtx local lettise. 3 tor .... ate Qm twtppers. b Hcttsaos tomatoes, lb aft nm cttk ic 845. OrJarv 3 lor 35. JsaiUfldw.r Me tot B -9-fm greeu peas, Ik. Sit ret Beans lb I. .78 Miu. lb - 10c 3suaah. lb lOr Field tbnwtces. lb 4c White ntckl ng Onions. 3 lbs 35 Pickliaf Cukes. 8 lbs 36c Tcfvkatto slarrow. lb 5c Wasstsasicn. lb .' 8c Jasaba Meier, lb 10c HnelSgdia melon, lb 10c ?unsnln. lb 1U. iMt nataues. 3 lbs. SSc STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS rr Yaamutt-r Sunday a Prince George 11 pjn. Tuesdays - Calais 3 pju Ttraradavtt as. Prince Bupstt.. 11 pjn Friday- ss Frlneaae leoral 1O pjn Saturday ss C'ardena 7 am Sept. 33 ss Prlncras Louis ..pjn Oct. 9 as. Princess Loufcst .... pjn Oct. 14 as Prlnosas Alloa pjn. Oct. 14- -a Prlasesa AUca ...... pm. am Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn Wednesday- -as. Pr. Rupart MM sjb PrJa- s Cardena ajn Prtday as Prtncoss Koyal . . 4 pm Saturday Pr. Oeorge 10J0 tun Sept. IB- as Prlnosas Loukat am Sept. 80 is Prlnoaaa Louise tun. Oct. 10 as. Frlncaas Alice Oct. SO- hrtnesss AUca .. Oct. Si a IrUicess Alice .... 1 at Part MmiMusi and Sum lilt ounday -a catala Friday cardena ajn Fraan Part MmpMi ami Naas Kltrr Tuesday at. Catala 11JM sju Satvrday -as Oardatia ajm. Far .taysja ' Sundaf- Catala 8 piu Satorday as Prince Ctaofg 4 psm. Iraaa Aayoa Tw 1 my -ss. Catala 1134 sju Bundajr- as. Prinoe Osnrga .. I pa Par laart and Premie Sunday- s Oatala 8 gvsa. Wadnaaday -as Prinoa Mnpett It pjm. Iram Mwurt and Piamtr luesday- as. Catala ItJW aaa. Thursdaya--aa Prlnea Kupsrt 8 ajn. lar (iiees) rtaarlatte Maaai Sept 33. as. Prlnot Chartaa pm. Oet. 6 as Pr.nca Ctsarlea .. 8 pjn. Oct. 30 as. Prinoa Charles .. pm. Frew ( CJsarMte l4anit Sep. 30 aa. Prinoe Ossarksa Oct. 4 as. Prinoa Chartaa Oct. 18 m. Prince Oaallee Far Atka Wtdneiday as Prinoa Oeorge. .4 Sept. in ss Prtnceaa Louias .... 3epl 2B as Pr.nceas Loulae .. Oct 10 as. Prlnosas Alice Oct. 30 as. Prtneeas Altos Oct. 31 as. Princess AJiaa Napoleon Umberger 70c,T,,, AhV Rwjwefort lit fiwltU' Brookfleld. lb 45c Oorgonzola, lb 75c McLaren's Cream. Jars ... ASc and Sic ErootfleW Swiss eaecse, H lb. pkg. 3M Oruyere 45 Brookfleld Oaaedlan cfeeese, lb. pkg. 3c Oolded Loaf. lb. 45c, Jk. lb ee Rosaajko Sardo. lb go Oaaasaeaest. 4 Its ggc Sin A It I WTist. per 100 IT.M Tallanr. per ten tM FLO I'll PI04ff. t sHM wheat vfcmu.m .... Pastry fmr. Sunday 8"t Oct Oct. 1 Oct. Prince For Ntewart and Prtncnaa Prtnoaaa l r the Bast Mondays, Jednesdays LnaUS) Allc Alloe MAIL SCHEDULE 1 pm . pjn .. pjn. .. pjn. Saturdays, aaa. 10 JO SJB I raw tbe IkHt' Mondaya, Wedneaaaya sad yndays, mail do 80 pm .. m.iatrr. iWdeya Id 9 Tltpsdasg. M itnmtaaya M pja sfcturdaya 8 am QM.-fm- laV B. 3. 14. M .. pj. tr.Ha YaktSmif'r . fajadayt 4 p n. Wsjinssdaft .tXS( ad TMsys a. Sstitrnaya ,. 10:30 in CP R-djapt. la. Oct. M. , at . . ajn. Far Aaysa aatt AM Iras Sunday T JB aturdayn F.. II pjn Frew Anysu AnsI AHr Arm Sundays ... 1 pjaVv Tuesday .... II JO a Sundays 7 pa Wcdresdsya t pm from Htcwart and Premier Tuedyt 11J8 am Thursdays' 8 BUd To Nan Itltrr Points-Friday . . 7 From Neat Blrer Points ' is:t,r.i.. maH due a Mi To Als.ka Points C Oct. 10. 30. 31 ........ ajn, ttm- tUska 'Polnfa Be t 33, Oct. 8, 14 34 pjn Ta 'luern CharMtea r ' '3 7 pjn Oct 8 30 7 pm T "ivs 8 p.m Front North Queen Charlottes Thursdaya 10J0 ajn Far Kkiulh l)urrn Charlolle Sept 13. From Kouth neen Chariot t Sept W. Oct. 4. 18 OTP R' an i hi, iv stlon 10.08 J.oo'pjn, wuectwa. n aa One rollertlon uiily mm am ud Av a and i.io 8.40 3rd Ave t Pultoei St 10 15 84i Sri Ave 6th St 1030 8 5fi r DOES lar naif Holiday. The trustees had aesented to this with the exception of the chairman and he had not objected. Originally he holiday was to have been on Wednesday and the members ot the band were also to Ret Thursday. When the holiday was hanged the afternoon off waa banted. Trustee Gilchrist olamed the chairman for not notifying the principals and Mr. koc neater refused to take the blame saying he had heard noth ing about Friday off. A letter will be written to the bandsnaster stating that bovs must not stay away from school to play in the band. for the C.N.R. TRAINS bail exeept aunday St 11 JO aaa. rrani the Fast Daily axrepi Tuesday t ijm pm LKTTtU IIOX ( OI.I.IXTIO.NH A U Ortham & Atlln Ave g.oo 1st Ave At 8th Bt ona oth Am. Ai Fulton St g u Bth Are. It Thompson 8t . . ft is lltn Are a SherbrooHa ago Utb Are. As Conrad fit 8th Are. & Hv Cove vr Bin jth Are Sth Ave Hsyn Cove Circle 9 38 ft C;Hrm St 8 00 5th Are At flrw i st i ll.pt: , 9 40 MB Art. At Mc Bride St Hi Pror. Oov Biiil(:iin 9 jo Prur i.toy' Wiurl y 1,5 OTP, Wiiarl 1U(W WSMTER AKB YOUR HOME i A FAVORITE PARKING PLACE CODE INSTALLED There U no room Cor gocsseorlc when a waxen air has ring oyster Is inetsJktl (h acoordanca will, the pcclewatsoru ot the StanJarJ CoJe. Ask us for Ml partlcaiters. P.M 7J0 7Jf. 140 1Af 1.VI 7 t n 01 808 7 00 8 It 8 18 8 30 H e ji S J v TUSTas long as an old, smoky, inefficient f imacj remai'ts. mi will Old Man Winti-r . a' t.,. . i., nc s iuu j;rni io uicKr inin. Give xut home a McCIary Sunshine Warm Air Furnace ... a heartrtj plant that will provide healthful comfort by mean of pure, frc.h, cjq. stantly rocirculalcd warm air. The McClary Warm Air Furnace doesn't lp you waiting for the heat. It act rapiJK, cnJinj heu to ttvry room in the hfrtne. Why pay double when you can get a v onJcf. ful McClary System imtallrxl in a dav? Wew H inttdll a McClary Syatcm that will exactly lit your requirements. F5 wtrfV t7 GENERAL STEEL VARES Product AUTIIOKIZEI) DEALERS Ratchford & Shenton TRIFANCY (IF DRIVR SlfiWI Y city ?mmm to Claim jiade That They Sla)d A way from School Witbut Permission That members of the Bovt' Band abaented themaelves from school oa Friday without permission of thdir teachers was reported at the monthly meeting- of the school joard Ust nicht. Trusts Gil. cbrist said ha had taken the mat ter up with the school hoard on behalf of tht Bora Band enm- r.ittea, aakiM that one afternoon ha giten In addition to the retru rr." - J remove wm i Recent Myelin- i Complaint Made at Hoard Meet-' t ,al n k ! In I .ant Night of Car on Marr F r ! Itorden Street jsaw. M V , , . (lasi aighf -.u' The safety of pupils attending aa tMtiurt,d ;., Borden Street school was dls 'w- ...i .... jeusaed at some lenirth l.tst nitrht. nou,(. th it oeing reporti-d by th- principal Avenue and t . ; iss Wills that cars were in riinnK whi. h the habit of driving fast past ben miia , the school when the children jnlorrm.,i ,were coming or going and there ne.r. wa9 . was no -idewslk for them west ment prperU of the Also driver, or j. T r,ok, .,n, cars bad a habit of backing down authority to tau and turning, in the school tn- t clew to it -trance disturbing the ' school. siIpnt Uolic m., , It was decided after consid- at that intern. ' erable discussion to put up "Go t redu,.e tn,. i , Slow" notices and also a tres- through the h passers warning notice at the vjcw school. If this fails the police td Collar! ' ' will be asked to aid in protecting neit,hb.rhoo.i t, he school. It was also suggested urUtanitJtry and that porhapa the city could be ,nto by mp,n, a induced to build the sidewalk ,ld Tinker ' west of the' school. thjnj, 8houI( , : ' cirtfH to hiivc . LACK OF PLAYROOMS AT BOOTH SCHOOL medical heiiitii matter. The mayor he had looked n ' a comp'aint m;id- The lack of playrooms is a " to r 'fu? "r" serious problem at the Booth st'ps, ' Silw.l rnrHlno. t tk. nrlnrl remedying th. 1 pal, Miss Mercer, who drew attention of the BonrJ to the con. WHAT HII' D IlW milin. nf Sko kolla A,.rln,r I "Whv." US id The boya plpyed in the shed, who was watt hit v t which was badly crowded and for the first tur 'now that the room formerly used with the club sh. 1 for play had to be occupied by Her companion. ; 1 new class, the congestion of answered: "I mih the halls was very serious. number of times n I It was pointed out by members the hull. And of the board that nothing could annoyed over it. . . 1... j 1 1 if 1 1 , ur uone nun year v relieve 1110 - nituation. i MUTUAL SlW'KI ! onipous Iju1 Accounts for the two weeks ' Krt l,n-' ' lending September 11 toUlling I donner moi " ; $3'2.20B.7O were pussid for pay yon waiters im leenl at laid iiitfhfw cotmeil ' Waiter ipot,,,,v , lilttliliK. IMiudum )Cull l i'll