PAGE FCUR Thiirs(la , I , THE-'OAlLT KEwS Jl -.Ji,. Jr., BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMamjs DryCleaning DON'T TRY TO KID BY UOVE - t'M GLAD 0 VOL) OUGHT OF COURSE I CAN r ! IT ' '.. U DO YOU KNOW t WHAT? ME- THEY DON'T I'M HRE IR-JIGGS- TO BE GLAD LIVE MUCH CHEAPER NECEARY LIVED ON A . EAT ITALIANS IN TO N ENGLAND THAT VOL) GUINEA. A WEEK t ENGLAND- ENGLAND- , at BE ANY III ) SHOULD eun.nninicM LIVE? IKJ IN I LONDON-? OMODNI'? r VI. lit WHERE. f m 4fosu . -m. f life- n txnJr'1 Sr . PriG6S; Sw Most Modern Drycleanlng Plant In City Phone 118 Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and Mdlrlde Street BBBBBKBBHniHIHnB OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE of MEN'S AND HOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS is still on Montreal Importers Third A venae J. H. Miller. Proprietor VE Gll'Y0uRCOAu5''lCKEP) We pass our coal over a screen four times larger than any other coal screen in town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and best prepared coal. We make it a point to get coal for you that will give the most heat with the least waste. Let us have you order for delivery ' now. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 Trappers! Are you getting enough for your furT If not, come to tioldbloora. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of All.kJftdi, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if wej:annot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large let, wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, if you want a square deal eell to Goldbloom "The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue COAL Prices DOWN AlWrta SoolleiM Eire IllQuT Alberta Lump $13.00 Theite Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 133 Second Avenue aloft by George Scott, was played In by Piper Hugh Smith to the strains of the old familiar tune "There was a Laddie Born In Kyle." The address to The Haggis was given by A. A. Connon. Following the supper, there was a brief program. The toast to the King was duly observed while that to "The Immortal Memory" was responded to by Rev. J. R. Prlaell. honorary ohaplaln ot the Society, who paid high tribute to the memory ot the poet thus honored Un. H. C. Fraser. Mrs. H. N. Brock leb nd J. E. Oavey, all In good voice and cccmpanled by H. N. Brocklesby and W. Vaughan Davtes. contributed to the program with solos while A. A. Connon delighted the audience with humorou stories. During the evening appropriate greet ings went received from the St. An drew's sS?le ty-ft Terrs ee; which eMler the day had been communicated with by the local oretntzaUon. An old time member now In California. W. O. (Scot- Dennis, was also heard from, his message being accompanied by a waU picture of Rabble Burns as a gift to the local society. J. S. Irvine, president of the Society, ccupled the chair during the evening. his opening remarks, he welcomed the Rtteats on behalf of the Society and, appropriate to the. reuntoa occasion quoted verses from "The Cotter's Satur day night." At the conclusion of the program the tables were cleared and old time dane log was engaged In until 3 am., the orchestra comprising John Bremaer, James Watt and W. Vsughm Davie. The committee responsible for the Mscess of the evening's arrangements 'consisted of Howard 8 teen, chalmtan, Oeorge Scott. J. McLean. Mrs. John Murray and Mrs. William Thompson Alex Clapperton presided at the door. WORK PROCEEDING ON ELEVATORAT VICTORIA To be Unlit nn Intimlatlttii of rile and CoiM-rete at Ogiten loliit lwk powerful pile drivers and donkey en gines beclouding the scene with smake snd steam from exhaust pi (en. work 1 proceeding apaoe on the construction of the Panama-Pacific Grain Elevator s; Ogden Point. When the piling foundation la com pleted In sbout three weeks' time, it Is anticipated Smith Brothers A Wilson Ltd., the builders, will probably engage force of from 180 to 300 workmen to complete the erection of the structure. Half of the shoreward pier warehouse it Ogden Point has been cut away and he main operations at present consist excavating a huge rectangular hole, :')0 feet by seventy feet In dimensions. An Industrial clam-sheU la doing this .rk, digging to a depth of eleven feet t the point over which the workhouse a 111 be built, and of six feet throufh-ut the area over which the storage nrt of the elevator will stand. A total :1 2.500 piles will be driven In this rec tangle and over them will be laid the concrete floor of the elevator. While the clam-shell bucket la biting hug mouthfuls of sand and gravel and depositing them in small flat cars to je hauled away and dumped, two pile- .wlwsrs are In Mbn r opposite ends ;r the basin. The pUln wlll lbe completed within The elevator itself will be completed jy September 1, in, tune for next ) jn's grain trade. SWEDEN RICH IN ORE BODIES One Professor Ha 6,000 Sampje Many of Which, However, Are of no Commercial Value STOCKHOLM. Sweden, Jen 36. The old Swedish mine of IstangbanshytUn In the province of Wenaisattd In western 3weden has become an international sentre for mineralogies! ' from many -.ouatrles. and sccordlug to a recent . eport has this year i yielded new lm-Vwtamt finds. Tie mine la situated on m earlier eruptive grOtntd. where the nagma of the ip mixed with earth bis. been thrown all kinds of met! ores nd of her elements, thus nroducim an nflnlte series of minMaV no to be 3und elsewhere. Prrdfrsenri nd atu- dents of mineralogy etMf year aaeem- We here to hunt for itff species sftd are richly rawarded foL tbetr Mbwrs. Profsssor Amino of tp Stockholm re. as yet, unnamed. jb analysis and xanilna-tlon of these asmpr is a com-'Heated and difficult praeaure. as tiny -r.,. turns, . half fjif4meter In 'hlckness. sometime hastf to be cut out ann microscopically aSsrtiied. after which they are quaint ' jinnies such as malalNt; stalactite. l-er-''l!.e, mant:ironailte Wdonlte, etc. Though glittering in red. yellow. green, blue Sfid all kinds of brilliant color combinations they are as a rule of no use for commercial, industrial or ornamental purposes. The collecting of minerals has venerable traditions in Sweden, and the oldest collection In the world, begun 500 years, ago, is to be found In Stockholm at the. Royal Academy of 6c.ence. The Swedish Interest in minerals Is b;ised on the fact that the Swedish -oil contains Inexhauetlble reserves of mes. This year several new Important j re deposits have been discovered In the Vesterbotten district by State geologists and staked for the crown. Thus, .n the last few years, sensational discoveries of new ore deposits have been made in western Utpland. a district now called "Sweden's Klondyke" and found to contain considerable quanti-;ea of gold, sliver, copper, sine, arsenic, sulphur and sulphuric ore. The richest of these- finds are at the mining centre of Bollden, and big smelting and refining works, the third In siae In the world, will now be built at the port Skellefteaa nearby for the purpose of exploiting the Bollden ores. BASKETBALL TO RESUME League Schedule to he Keopened lomorrow .Mrrnt damen With Kincolith Arranged At a meeting last night, the executive of the Prlnoe Rupert Basketball Asso ciation decided to resume the regular league schedule of games tomorrow fight. Weather has sufficiently ameliorated now to permit of better czmfort ' far players tod spectators in the Binibttion Kail. It w felt. It was decided to aecept the offer of Kincolith for a series of games with I'-lnce Rupert here on January 81 and February a on a 7S-38 percent basin. Players to represent Prince Rupert were Micted as follows: Vic Herutte. Dave Balfour. OeorVe M it-hell. Dido Ourflch. Eddie Smith. A. 31ccomb. WU1 Lambie. Splro Ourvlch. Jack MeNulty and Clarence Thomson. l ee DeU and Ralph Smith will be joint managers of the local team. Port Simpson will be offered a game on a similar basis later In February. SPORT CHAT Joe Jacobs, manager for Jack Delaaey. says that he plane to match the Bridgeport. Conn, heavyweight contender for one bout every week until his quest for a title bout with Oene Tunney Is rewarded. Jacobs believes Delaney can ftsep'ta better condition by tbls method, than by working out l . training;, cafnp. With soooassrw koocMout Vlc-tdrtea over Paul , Berlsribaoh, SwJJy Vfontgdmary ar.eT Jack Humbeck unW his bstt. Delsi:er wlU take on . Bat Lev iney in- pjtuuurg tomorrow night. Negotiations alto are under way for a Delaney-Jack Renault bout in St. Louis Another "logical contender" went the way of many others when Jack Delaney battered down Jack Humbeck of Bel gium in Boston before 13.000 fans. Humbsck was naved from further pun ishment when the referee stopped the bout in the sixth round of what waa M jl rtched in goodnes msiijeooimwml 1 B. J w mffm without "oxo." Hi nre.M.i.J. M.Ja.wJ j ss - vaTaJLiri lAy ' - -wws V antecC For Sale For Rent CADMIUM PRODUCTION RESIDUE FROM ZINC l Heplt el vn Alumlnnss start Inf. Mteel After HelHg ISe-dls4trtl TRAIL, B.C.. Jan. 36 - Every year the -olentlflc magicUns at the Trail smelt er bring forth somelhlng new from their box of metallurgical tricks. The past year haa witnessed the pro duction on a whale tale scale of the hitherto little-known metal called cadmium. On the basis of production A this very valuable metal In the Immediate future, the Consolidated Min ing and Metal Company will produce in sa plant here one-eighth of the world's total supply. At the present time the world's production la around two tons' day, and cadmium 'pencils" bring around 80 cents per pound The Trail cadmium plant, erected last year and brought In about six weeks ago. will produce 500 to 800 pounds a day. The production of cadmium here la an offshoot of. or in association wita inc production. The metal la recov ered in the laat stags of purification of the electrolyte before the atne la electroplated out, the Bine having la issorlatlon with It In the residue both cadmium end copper and minute quan tities of other minerals. The recovery Is by a proBaas very similar to that used for atne, the cadmium being redla solved and then skiDoslted on aluminum TnM tmw m estremeif Ttnwse eMrcial use, mm: of them ta oot- fnetMh"wtth hardening other metab or I in coooectlon with IU property of giv r. i . . - . . . . . M a nam aursaoe capame oi a nsga Cadmium sulphide Is also used In making high-class yellow paints. MANY FAMOUS BORN IN '28 rresent tear l Cenlenninl of Jiirlh or Noltd ri-ople In the World's History LONDON, Jn. 38 The year 1838 will have its full share of Interesting re if. tcnarles. although the birthday are somewhat outnumbered by the anniversaries of death. Among the former are four distinguished names In llte-ature John Bunyan (who waa born on an uncertain day 6.' November, 1638 1, Oliver Goldsmith (November ltji Tolstoy (August 38). and Oeorge Meredith (February 13). A figure, however, which Ktmtds for a much a any of them In the wojjd ntrtory It that of Captain ' rookrtBfeoWY 38. 17f). , yn,r' th f surgeon, was bo'rWon PebYHary 13. 1738. anu on April 13 18!i8, Mrs Josephine Buttor. who de- ! I voted herself to the abolition of ti Ciintngloui Disease Acta. September 3, 1728 was the birthday of Mitthew Bout- ton. the :nrtner at the Sbho works. In , Blinilni'hHni. of Jame Watt, the Inven-t ;i of the teani-enr!n. Orttber 3 la .. divined u the of ,he Chevalier i. 'Eon. a dlplomaUat of mysterious aura, v, ho fluttered through the gossip and I t: ,-Mi'iiH of the eighteenth century, and' mcd in Loudon in 1810. I bbbbI Wm I BURNS NIGHT IS OBSERVED St. Andrew's Society Celebrates Occasion Wjlh Dinner and Dance S One hundred and twenty-five persons feathered last evening in the Imperial ' Order, Daughters of the Empire, hall to celebrate the 169th anniversary or the birth of Rabble Burns, Scotland's national bard, at a supper and dance given under the auspices of the local 1 St. Andrew's Society. The event was o great success, enthusiasm was high and j the eniertolnment was apparently en-Joyed to the full by all those present The tables were laden with all man ner of Scotch home cooking in unstinted abundance and, when that coarse was reached. The Haggis, borne tor f I BBa DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c WANTED WANTED TO BUT -ESTABLISHED IN-turance Agency. Send full particulars first letter, t. M. Rhoads. 3830 St. James Place, Altadena, California. 33 MAID WANTED. APPLY MRS. L. W. Patmore. tf SITUATIONS WANTED GIRLS WANTS HOOSsWORK APPLY Box S4, Dally News Office. 33 to have been a ten-round fray. When she fight was halted, the big blond Belgian had his right eye closed tightly and was In otherwise no shape to con" .Inue. Humbeck was sent to the canvas In the fifth by a wicked right smash to the jaw and after that De-ney scored almost at will, although the Belgian waa never completely out 3l the picture. Humbeck a heavy swlnga frequently found Delaney's body but seemed to have Inflicted no sub stantial F0USALB ONE ONE .10 30 HP. HP. FOR SALE FRISCO Standard in first clnss condition; recently overhauled: with full equipment. Apply Ward Electric and Mar-ltte Supply. ' 34 FOR SALE. I0OO BUYS A NEWLY An la bed house. 6 rooms, bathroom, pantry and basement. Hsndy to ssw-mill. Phone Black 831 tf FOR SALE EDISON DIAMOND DISC Phonograph with seventy-two records. Cheap. Phone Red 401 38 FOR SALE.-SICOND in good condition. Apply Dally News. HAND CARPET 10 ft. by 13 ft. tf FOR SALE - OLD NEWSPAPER TWO large bundles for 3Se. tf High Low High Low lh Low Low. FOR KENT FOR RENT. ONE OOOO APARTMENT with three bedrooms. Down town. Stork black. Apply Stork's Hardware. tf . for RBrr- out boarlT. Blue 181. HOUSE BATH A. Furniture. -BOOMS WTTH Oft WITH 1 Ontral location. Phone ' tf FOR RENT. 8 Apply Munro MACKENZIE, ROOMS Bros. II. J. ZIMKF.IIR (leneral Handy Man AND tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOOK Apply 318 Fourth Ave Esst tf .MISCELLANEOUS CAPITAL FUNDS NBOOTTATEO. OEM-rral Corporation Service. Confidential; Address PO. Box 1863. Prince Rupert. 38 I't'HMTI'RE AMI It.Wmift WE HAVE IN STOCK BEDS, SPRINGS, matlreae, linoleum and linoleum rugs, carpets, window blinds, curtain rod. curtain good and drapes, dining room suites chesterfield suites, chairs, table, floor lamps, blanket, sheets, bedspreads, quilts, range. skutUes. kitchen hardware and moatly all house- hold articles. All new Phone 178. CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Re paired. Chlmntea twept. Cemetery PloU Cared For Phone Red 343. Prince Rupert, BO EXCHANGE .ifili'sr.ioMi Uiiu nSiMTt nr. best sad soW and exchanged. Player ptano and Two Cash Registers in Mack. . i PAr.tiiopri.os MtViM .etfO TlifrM'rV,,lTMM 818 ridiNLK KUrEKT TIDES tVTt t44Svtv URIIR8IIY. J AM It V tg High I :ts .m. 18:0 p.m. Low 8:16 am. 3143 pm. Tilt ItstlAY. JAM AltV High 8:88 a.m. 16:48 pm. Low b 88 p.m. 33:30 p.m. I KIHtV. JAM'ARY tt High 4:38 ant. 16:88 p m. 10:48 am. 33:01 p.m. 1TI ItlltV, 4M AltV 38 "MW 8:33 a.m. 17:38 p.m. Xnm 11:36 a m. 33 6 pm. SI'MIVY. JAM AKY 39 6:18 a.m. 18:01 p.m. t:4l Pm MOMIAV. JAM'AftV 30 T 36 a.m. 30:60 pm. 0:46 an. uh p.m. TI KSIIAV. JAM AltV 31 8:86 am. 31 :46 p.m. 1:83 a.m. 16:17 pm. nlvllMlKllAY. rEBi,!.HY H1?h 3:M am. 99:81 pm. 8:07 a m. 16:31 p.m. 168 ft J 6.6 33 38.1 30.7 68 3.1 30.1 ft 16.4 " 6.3 " 4.4 " 30.0 18.1 63 68 19J ft. 188 " J) M 168 ft 168 " 7.8 " 6.8 - 30.1 ft 10 4 84 " 86 " 1 308 ft. 17.1 0 1 " 4 6 " Article, Loit md rounds, STEAMSHIP MOYEMENll For Vancouver Tuadar-M. Camnsun Friday as. Prince Hu.: t Saturday ee. Cardeua t s. Princess But c; Feb. 1 ee. Prince m. Feb. 18 -as. Prlnrr m Feb. 38- -ss. Prince m . I'rom Vancouver Sundayaa. Cmoin; Wedneedty . Pr it nj.. Saturday, as. Cardena Saturday a. Prtncen n. ,- , Jan 38 ss Prince M . Feb. II ea. Piinceu it Feb. 38 . Prtncew M l'r Port Blmpson ami .last klrn-Sunday ea. Oamosun i I'rsin Port Simpson and Niai tli Tuesday s. Camosun Tor Anyox and Kleaart Sunday ea. Camosun la Wedneedty as PrinrfR' IVem Anyot and Mrasrt Tuesday ss. OamoKun Friday ea. Prince R;- I J I'er Queen Charlotte Jan. 38 as. Prince .loir H Feb. 11- as. Prince J I ij Feb 38 ea Prince J' ll ream tjueen Cbarleltes Jagt. 38 e. Prince Join Feb 8 ea. Prince J" Feb 38 sa. Prince J, v Fnr Alsaka Jan. 36--S. Priaes M Feb 11- ea. piiacM m Feb. 88 as. princes Mt rtmn Aleska Feb l -ea. Mrlnrev m Feb. 18 at. Finre m Feb. 30 ss. Frtncrs m MAltlcHEDUlE Iwr tht Fal I rem the lvt JlM AItV. Mi Mondays, Wednesdays a. closes Tuesdays, ThuraSay an i due Ti TneHiter Tueadayt ftatttrsaH CP4R. Vwb. 1. 16 snt .' Train. Uondy. W.i Setray Item Ynroufr 8Htn8ny WedaaMitt Saturoayt CP R. Jan. 3. Feb n TnUBs, SundajHt. Tud Am mm T) Anjoi, Allee Arm, ttr Premier- 10. l lll I -.10 ail Sundays mall I""''! - - ' I lfim Ahjot, Allre Arm. M"1 Prmler Tneaday Fridays To Xaa niter mints- Sundays lYem 's niter Points-Tuesday To Alaka Points Jan. 36. Feb. 11 and 2 rrem Alaska Points twb. i is uis to To Ijtieen Chsrlotlf Wand Jan. 88; Feb. 11 and r rrem (jneen rharlolte -',nl Jan. M: Feb. 9 and i C.II.R. TRAINS For the BasI Mondays, Wedneedsys st1 at 1180 ant. Frnm 'he rit--TMesdsya, 81 Thursdays. M 3.30 pm. IN PROIIATE IN TUB St rilF.MK t'OI'RT OT "W In tbe Matter of tiw a.i . Act: and IB the Matter of the ev Rudd. Dneeased. In"-' ' . TAKE NOTICFS thst i Honor, F. Men. Younu. December. A.D. 1037. I w ' ' imlnlatrttor of the cm 1 Rudd. deceased, and " ; Ing claim against H"' are t ' " I hereby required . nraiMipl MvifiA in tut' 1 n the 3rd day of Jsnturv a t1 all parties Indebted tu required to pay the n' Indebtedness to me fori:1 NOltMAN A W A ' 1 Official i! Prlii- 11 . Osted th 3rd dsy t '" ' 1037.