m.v January 26, 1928 THE DAILY NEWS Dyspepsia Troubled LEVIED ( FINES Local and Personal Him for Many Years THE AC M of Mr. J. Savoy, Loggievflle, N.B., ON BACHELORS Puddings BO. Uodertaiera. noat il writes: "I have suffered for many years from dspepsia and could not Greater Flavor Dentist. Dr. J. B. O-isse. Phone 688 seem to get any relief. Scottish Law Once Gave Spinsters Annual "One day I told my Wife I tiougU I would try a bottle of Hight to Ask Man's Hand In Skating, dslly. 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. ti ' ' 'Marriage Tommy's Tsnrt. Phone 790. Zenitr, ' cafe, ti ftEAl" ligAP YE Alt THEN litre arc come real specials for the Hoys. These will be he -i-t Temptation Sale Specials for boys before stocktaking. HOOTS FOR I10Y8 ;,. !;ed Stitch Boots. A real wearing boot for this time ..ir. Will give Kood service. Sizes from 1 to 5. fifc ftt? :...h.i. Sale Price PWeiJ 11 to lfl.. Temptation Sale Price SWEATERS FOR BOYS !, ; ( Sweaters made by the St. Murjraret's people of , . wool worsted in brown, gray, nav and fawn. Polo col-All sizes from 22 to 32. fi-fl ftC r-Mion Sale Price STOCKINGS FOR BOYS Tin- famous St. Margaret's Brand pure wool Stockings for -,;tii the well-known double knee and diamond knee for . ,,n! wear. All sixes. QC t7v tat ion Sale Price CAI'S FOR BOYS II, ! is one lot of Cap-, the f.imous Wolfe make. They In pure wool tweeds with unbreakable peaks. All I, notation Sale Price ov' PANTS FOR BOYS i: ' Punts, in fancy patterns, made of strong wearing ,l- A few odd sizes left. Regular $1.96 value, QC ;,.mm Sale Price Acme :: Importers No l .U.I). Order Strictly Cash No CharRe Accounts Mail Orders Forwarded Epress Prepaid Schick III Schick Repeating Razor I lie Kepeatirg Razor that makes shaving easier. Il reload like a pump gun 20 marvellous blades in each clip It saves shaving time no drying. fussing IT SHAVES I.IKE A HEAD BARBER smoothly, quickly, comfortably Simple as A. B. C. plated Raior. with 20 blades ..$(.."( i i .i -lip.s of 20 blades $1.00 fines IM. Tm fJinnv.cr Druaoi&ts THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 200 SALE of . SALE Spun Silk Absolutely pure silk and the best grade; fine close even " n, free from heavy coarse threads and fast dye. In shade 1 Aral). Lipstick, Peach. Mauve. Parchment, Sand, Jade, Mean, ;i " I . White. 89 inches wid.e Sale Price 75c yd. Fraser & Payne The Universal Trading Co. . - To Every Woman 1 t t i '""in, i -airer for now Ideas In home decoration -now color color si hemes i or . iu , ih for the sun porch, new i'v color beauty everywhere in tin h '" f.a -tlir lPftSI 1 ennm. nsi hniiuahnlH 1 1 II IT. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 Get the Big 4 habit' When thlnsin.. of a TatL phone 4 v The train la reported on time, duo this afternoon at 3.30. H. Jorgenaan arrived laat night from Vancouver, on!hl boat "Zeballos." This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3:30, 1 reported to be on tunc Women of Moose heart Legion St. Valentine's Wlilat Drive and Dance, February 14. Sixty eara of grain arrived aince yesterday and 300 cars are reported on the division bound to Prince Rupert. Mrs. Oeor(,e Ltek lies seriously ill In the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital fol lowing a recent major operation. M. P. McCsfftry returned to the city esterday following a ten day business trip to the Prince George district. Mr. and Mrs. John McSwan and fam lly of Ocean Palls will be sailing from the paper town on the Prince Buperi tomorrow night for Vancouver. Provincial Constable and Mrs. Oeorge Clark and child will sail . tomorrow morning on the Prince Rupert (or Vic tori U which city Mr. Clark has bten transferred In tht police service. M. A. Burbank, dlvlalorml engineer fur the Canadian National Railway returned to the city yesterday following a week's trip over the line as far as Red Pass Junction on official dunes Dtgby Island wireless station was ! again In communication laat evening with Ms. Aorar.gi some five thousand mile from Victoria bound for New Zealand and Australia. The big vessel did not give her exact mileage. Mrs. Jack Ed wards and daughter, who have been visiting in the city for the peat few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. R. E Allen. Eleventh Street. Mrs. Edwards' parents, wiU aall tomorrow morning by the Prince Rupert on their return to Vancouver. Owlng to unfavorable weather, It Is possible that the steamer .Homer City, which has- eomateted loading fun cargo of grain at the Alberto Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert Elevator for the United Kingdom or Continent, may net get away uutll tomorrow. Late thi iteming, the sailing hour had not been settled upon. W I HULKS IICPOMT. S a.m. DIOBY ISLAND. Raining, strong BX. I'lnd. barometer. MM: temperature. 4U sea rough. DEAD TRBC POINT Raining, fresh 8.S wind; barometer. 39.80; temperature 34; sea rough. BULL HAHBOSt -Raining, strong 8JL wind: barometer. 30 06: temperature. ,38; sea rough: 8 p.m. spoke steamer Canadian Farmer, Nanalino for Ocean Palls. 71 miles from Oeeaa Palta: B pjn. spoke. tug Pacific Monarch, towing barge Blnganton and Pesuta. abeam Egg Is- lard, bound for Squirrel Cove. XfW DIOBY ISLAND.--Ovrrcest. 8.1. gale, hs -meter. 30.00: temperature. 40; sea rough. DEAD TREE POINT. -Overcast, fresh 81: wind: 'barometer. 39.83; temperature. 40. sea moderate. Bl'lL HARBOR. Overcast, SB gale: barnmeter. 30.04; tempeisturr, 40; sea rough. E.tTIIKIt RKPIIMT. Pr.noe Rupert Cloudy, strong S.K. vu:td; icmperature, 40. Haysptrt -Raining, light wind. temp. 34. pn t Slmi'son Light wind, rain, tem-trrature 38. Stewart Bnnwlng. calm, temp. 30. Anyox- -6nowlng. calm. temp. 30. Alice Arm - Sl owing, windy, temp. 98. AiyanslK -Snowing, calm. temp. 17. Roswocct Sao inn. calm. temp. 33. Trrrace Snowliig. strong esjit wind. :emn. 20 H;iTlton -Snowing. Vtndy. temp. 14. 3n't-ers--eiiiwtnR. windy, temp. 13. Burns Lake Snowing, calm, temp. 13. Telegraph Creek Cloudy, west wind. :mj. 3. Whltehorse Cloudy, calm. 3 below. Stewart Rher Foggy, calm. 9 below. Dawson- -Cloudy, calm. 7 below. lUm.L AKIIIVAIJ lTloce llnpert John 8" Kennedy. Calgary; W. H. Pj-m. Vancouver: J. D. Fraser. Winnipeg; Dr. R. O. Urge. Port 8fmpon. t'rnlrsl Carl I Hsnp'msnn. Seattle;1 'Mr:' and1 Mrs. Oeorge H. Clarke, city; James Jack, Port Simps ji. t t f H t I ANNOUNCBMENTS Ij-Kioii Novelty Di.nco January 37 Prime Rupert Oiiln' Drill Team dance February J C N H Annual Ball. Friday. Fehtsry 17 LU.i L'jbjut Apiil HO. i b jH9CT9akY9 LONDON, Jan. 'A novels were puMa an increase on the cf over 400. The remarks that whll ,lve every sstlsfa r and whea I bad fraif of it taken I felt a lot better, so I continued Until I had taken two bottlti, and now have no pains and no eootud tongue, and feel that I am completely rid of tny trouble." Msnuf aetured only by The T. llilburn Co., limited, Toronto, Oat NOVEL OUTPUT ENGLAND 3,000 Production in 1927 Exceeds That of Previous Year by 400 . -More; than S.0O0 ea here last year revlous year's total anchesler Guardian these facts should to the manufec- turers of wrlUaaHwdn and typewriters, to the, printers and binders of books, and the publlehers' readers who are paid piece rates for their dreadful labors, the writer and reader of discrimination have Increased reason fori discontent. vThe htrsr the pudding the less chance there -s J gritting one's teetto against the six penny-piece. The greater the flood of s.ory-telllng the greater the risk that a new arrival ol lualit) may be swept under and drowned before his quality has had a fair chance of notice It la common knowledge that only a mall fraction of LU this story-telling Is decently remun erative to author and publisher, but he publishers continue to add to tbe spate because their probable loss in nose of It story's f$lure is by no means .arge, whUe the possible reward if the --xjk ahculd happen to sell well may be very greet Indeed. The Ouardtan suggests that If the publishers could agree to issue only 7C 3r SO per cent of their stsndard croo there would be little danger of good work gotng muyrlnted and a far better chance of good work being duly tested nd recognieed, by the reading public md so winning 1U just reward. SOLDIER HOUSING LOAN BEING REPAID IN SOUTHERN CITY Victoria Returns KUi.) lUi-rlictl from eo of the sisessi OovemsieHt VICTORIA. Jan. 26 Victoria City has repaid to the Provincial Government eao.ooo of the Be: tee Housing Loan of 9180.000 accepted ln( 1930. This mom- lu city Treasurer Edwin Smith for mally cancelled a block of eight Sl.OOO certificates redeemed last week and received from the Provincial Government Tills redemption wis the largest single payment, in reduction of capital ac count, which the city has yet made on Better Hrus'ng Loan account. The previous record was In 1917, when the city redeemed SO ,000 in the twelve months. The bonds Issued to the Provincial Ocverrunent by the city, under the terms of the Better Housing Act. carry free per cent Inteiest. This was loaned at the same rate to fifty-seven returned soldiers, to e4d of erection of homes In Victoria. Of these loans six have been repa.d In full within the lsst three years, and only one property has reverted to the city. This Is believed to be one of the best showings msde by any community In the Province. The City saves a substantial sum In Pee For Non-acceptances Hanged ' From Five Pounds Down wards According to Wealth LONDON, Jan. 36 Year, with 39 days ! Daily Newa says; On .he face of It, It Discussing Leap in February, the bltrary arrangement. For Its origin and explanation we must go back to Julius Caesar or to his astronomers, who. somewhere about 45 B.C.. fixed the length of the year, as measured by tb suns transit, at 365 dsys 8 hours. The odd hours presented s difficulty which wu overcome bv Ignoring them for three years, and. on the tcurth year. adding four times six. or 34 hours, to the year's length. February 29 was not originally the added day. and Is not von now nnarded universally In that light. In the Rouian calendar the trier. wss worked by doubllnj the sixth dsy heron the calends of March, that la February 24. tbe year for this reason be true called "bissextile," s name still re tained in tbe Latin countries of Europe "In the British Isles, however, it has been 'Considered more reasonable, as It 1 certainly less contusing, to give Feb ruary an extra day, rather than have two consecutive days bearing the same date The English term leap year' is almost aelf-explsnatory. The effect of Interpos ing the extra day Is that after February 99 every date 'leaps over' tbe day of toe week on which It would have fallen if February's tale of days had not been Increased. Thus lsst year March 1 wss on Tuesday. This year it will be on s Thursday, and so with tbe remaining months. lA(li:i(S OF IKItKl AltV t9 i "There are grave dangers to be en-1 countered In the days when the right i of spinsters to propose marriage In leap) year was seriously upheld. For at one j Mmc mis ihwj traustii.il mm iwvuw Joke, although the origin of the custom Is lost In the mists of antiquity. "In 1388 a leap year a law was enacted In Scotland declaring that It la statute and ordained that during the reign of Her Most Blessed Majesty for sach year known as leap year each nuwden lady ol both high and low estate shall have liberty to bespeak tbe man she Ukes, slbett he refuses to take her to be his lawful wife he shall be mulcted in the sum of one pound or less as ht estate may be. except that he can make It appear that he Is betrothed to any other woman he shall then be free. IK LK OF MAIDBN Jtl EN "The motive for this devastating enactment le not clear. It was not, aa far as one can learn, an age of surplus tramen. or one In which men were, unduly backward in the arts of courtship. Tbe lact that Scotland at the time was under the rule of the maiden Queen Margaret Is suggestive, but misleading, since she. the ill-fated 'Maid of Norway.' wss a mere child who had never set toot on Scottish SOIL "No one. it issmi. has ever succeeded In tracing any reasonable, or even plausible, connection between the customs' or courtship and tbo occurrence of lee year, but It was not only In Scotland that the superstition - won statutory re-sognltlon. A few years later a similar law was passed In Prance, and In the '1th century tbe custom of spinsters proposing every fourth yeai . with penalties .'or recal.-ttrsnt males, wss legalised in France and Genoa In England the custom wai never, legally enforced but there Is no law against It. interest by taking up the bends as fast Lmbody tne ,.)Iutum of Hvm prob- aa funds accrue, ui payments by returned soldiers mu.-t by law be carried In a separate bank aeootuvt wh'.ch only carries three and a half per cent In terest. KNMV IT Surgeon (to attendant) Oo and get the name of the accident victim so that we can inform his mother. Attendaut (tnrw minutes later). lie says hh mother knows hie Answers. I'BKM.WKM K IlKt lSL'O. Permanent waving, nsenths, Besuty Ait PLftYE Ouaranteed six RS' CLUB GIVING., mm tow 5 IN CATHEDRAL HALL Prince Rupert Players' Club presents A. A Millies' cver sketch "Wurwl Flummery," also a good program of music by o!tl favuritee. tomorrow, Friday, January 27 at 8 p.m. In St. Andrew's Cathedral HaU, In aid of the Organ Fund. Con-r and have a good laugh. Pay 50r at Hie door. Aclvt Advertise lu The Dally News ELIMINATE JOLTS ON RAIL JOINTS ew S.volrm Intrnted by SwmIKIi Lii-glnrrr Hhkli l suld Will be lleltrr snil ('beeper STOCKHOLM Sweden. Jan. 98. A r.w kind of rails for railroads. td to Irms now confronting the railway build -ors and more economics! and safer in use. has been invented by a Swedish jli rer. The new mil consists of two ..'cie-.it parts. Uie font and the head,' joined together In ssigzag (union and Ir. such a way as to ellml.iAte the Jolts when the wheels pass over the rail joints, tnus ensuring long wear and I durability whll greatly reducing the' rktk of rail breaks. When changing the rail, only the top part Is removed, while the foot rem ah is. the tatter not having been exposed to wear iuid Joined to the dills more securely than the usual kind , of rail. i Experts claim that the new Mil will i be considerably cheaper lu use. sasler to ! change, and that it will eliminate thai "wandrrtng" or dlsplscement of the mils while reducing the wear on the ulllDK stock. p Coughs By rubbing throat iYS swallow small pieces L -f'. everv few hours VSk tm ga sas HiiS? sw V9i Vapo Run OvexWMiluonJars Usd ttMir Traduced la Canada "From Contented Coin" IF you've never made puddings with Carnation. Milk, fry one tomorto'w. Its flavor and smoothness vill be a revelation to you. And it will have extra food value, for Carnation is pure, whole milk evaporated to double richness. It is economical and convenient because it keeps and it saves on butter and cream. Write for free Cook Book Carnation Milk Products Co. Limited 14 AfcbMlStrnt VANCOUVER. B.C. Carnation Canadian National Steamships Co. L'mited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G.T.l'. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Uck Engineers, Machinists. Boilermakers. Ulicksmlths, Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers Etc. , ; ELECTHIC AND ACETYLENE WrXDlMJ. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 JANUARY Clearance SALE Special Bargain Tables 25c 50c 95c cANADIANlf vPACinc DRESSES AT COS PRICE Bargains In all Linus H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. l'hcne 9 3rd Ave. and Fulton Canadian National Qjc Largcft Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from ritlNTE UUI'EItT for VAM'Ol'VMI. VICTOUIA. h K ATT I.E. and Intermediate point, each HUUAY. 9 00 sjn. For STEWART end ANYOX. esch KIr:slAV. 10.00 pjn. For NORTH and SOI TII QI I KN II WU OTTE ISLAM!, PortnlghUy. I'AHSENOtK TRAINS I.I.AVI1 PRIME Ittl'ERX..., Each MOXI1AV. WEIINKSIIAY and SATI RItAY at 11.30 aSt:br TUINCE (1E0IU1E, EDMONTON. WINXII'EO. all points Eastern OBSJtds, United ' ' States. i AOEN'CY All. OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Cansdlan National Espress fer Money Orders, Tortign Cheuset, etc.. also for ysur neit shipment. . V CITY TICKET OTKICE. StS TIIIIU VB I'KINCE RUPERT." Tbene XS Canailn; PaSifiqipl B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. Ursngell. Juneau snd sluigwajr Dreember II. January II. 18 To Ysnrouvrr, Victoria ami Seattle Jasuary 4. Is. PRINt EHS IIKATItltH lor lliitrdsle. Esat Uells Bella. Oeean Kails. Namu, Alert Hay, Campbell River, and Vanruuter etery Haterdsy, It a.m. ' tgenev fur all Hteamslilp tines. t"ll latiirmatlvo from W. C. OHCIIAHll. Ileni-ral Asent rornrr of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue. 1'rlnce Rupert. RC. Thone 11 I