PAGE TWO Mi DAILY NEWS Hfest PMiiraMe MtTHE ORIGINAL) li'..': M 'J Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Graal It Smt UauU4. QmfoUick d BlociuCInliTt Oialillond. Dull-Uwn4-Gltcw. Scotland. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Let them get their own ! A This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily Newn, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION HATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 60 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $8.00 Or' fett months for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British EmpTre and United States, paid in advance per year $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.60 Transient, Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line 26 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word .2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 16 Contract Rates on Application Friday, Feb. 10, 1028 RUDE PEOPLE ARE OFTEN LATE Rude people are often late. Many of them do not realize how , rude It Is when invited for nine to arrive at ten. Hostesses are very much annoyed often by such negligence, for it is usually peopln who nave no reul reason for being late who have a habit of beimr so. A person with a young family may well be excused but those without family care and with no apparent excuse often are amony the worst offenders. To impress guests with the desirability of being on time ho$-'tesseajn ieisptrentrea-of fashion are adding in wtjrojk "(sharp" to the Hour at which they are expected. ' DEVELOPING ART SENSE : The development of an art nenae is one of the things that Canada must strive for. This is a new country and we are apt to become very materialistic. We think mostly of making a living. "Get money" is our motto. However, as the country develops it gets beyond that stage and artists are then developed. Hpwever, generalities do not help much. What is necessary is to get down to the practical application. What are we doing or can we do in Prince Rupert to develop the art instinct in the community? A few suggestions may prove helpful. The first thing is to improve our architecture. It our houses be as beautiful as we can afford to make them. Let them be set back from the street and surrounded by pretty lawns and flower gardens. Then choose the picture with care. Study art and compare the pictures in the house with those in the art galleries or in books of art. Gradually the taste for the best develops. It is better to choose pictures from time to time than to g to a store and buy a lo of stuff not at all suited to the rooms. The musical art can be studied i n the hiimp im.1 in tlii. ti..Unl. " 1 " The gramophones have done much to encourage this and the radio ciirrvinu it nn vaiv aiifwihuVii i. iim....,... u: . .i i i . ----- . -..,, fii.pum uici inne piuce pi musical training. As, a general urineinal everv child wviavniiu IIIV J , j run in Aiinnn ami ni miiaiyai nnmi,, Uh l. .. L. l i , - imi" auu w Huie iu recoirmze ores n nrl i-wttmriut fhtn , In 1..., ...... . i , f ' vuumries music is a pan of the daily program In both primary and sWondary educatioh. With a good groundwork artists should develop from the mass of people and Canada should eventually take her place as a country where culture is a habit of the people. The fact that there are very few poor people in the country is a great aid. FAULTS OF ARTISTS One of the faults of the person with an artistic temperament is that he or she is apt to be slovenly about the person and either dirty or untidy in the house. This is a mistake It should not necessarily follow. Development of the artistic sense should malt for cleanliness, neatness and general improvement of the living conditions. The art that does not do this is a false art. There is as much beauty about a well kept home as there is in a beautiful painting. In fact, a beautiful picture is quite out of place in a iliis' v. tlovenly apartment. Children choose it for its taste It's ready to serve with-millur cream Filled with healthful nourishment MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS SPRING CONCERT -ACTUAL LIFE OF UNITED CHURCH j MARINE SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL1 j Here Today Pirst United Sunday school at Its au- ... nual spring concert . presented Scenes)) Through negotletl jus with the UaHed from the "Court of King Cole" to , litf',' ' government, life in the large audience last evening in the church j tjnited States' aiarine Ci-rpa, aboard nud.tirlum. The theme of the whole battleships, in barracks and in the ileld program was ihe celebration ol the in action, has bee-! filmed In what la King i birthday when his subject from j prbat9 the most elubnraie attempt far and hear gathered before the throne ever made to picture the actual life of and by play and song and sweet strain , a greet government service or miiiir snuirht to make their king's : TbJa was (Lone In Tell It to The heart ,ilad. Ably assisted by the Sunday ..choul orchestra, which rendered two at-lection, the scholars put on a very OrchMtra selection. Indian Campftre Ceremony and Dos , Dance by the TraU Rangers Cornet Duet Bill Puller and Garfield j ESTIMATES FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL phone, etc Janltnr. contingencies and repairs, the uitals being: High School HMO Booth Memorial 5.800 Dcmeatlc 8c!ence 4001 Manual Training 0001 Borden 8ireel 4J00 1 Seal Ccve 1J10' Westvtew 546 j Tfjchers' Salaries 55.000 ; Substitutes and additional j I teachers . i 3.000 ! Insurance 35B Medical inspector and See 800 Secretary office and expenses 80 Workmen's Comp. Board 00 City Public Works 760 December light, phone, etc. ... 500 The extraordinary estimates are made up as follows: Playgrounds 800 Replacing Domestic Science range Pattlne seti oa it' .,.,. . Approach to High School MO Man in Ihe Moon JAKE says the difference between Liberal and Conservative la much the name as the difference between a fiddle and a violin. WHEN you go walking on the snow you use a ski and common people pronounce it "akee." But If you are a highbrow you pronounce It "she.'' for that In the way they are said to do it In Scandinavian countries. WHIN I go walking on the snow I load my feet with skees. Inhale the healthful winter air And brave the wintry breeze By when my highbrow friends abroad i Oo eliding off with me They get their impetus 'tis clear Prom thing that they call a "she. POSSIBLY vou know h married men get the habit ot sayiifiJjnr fef." ' Married men always tel Up 4Jn'r- RIDICULE la the most powerful In the world. tJse It sparingly. IT'S much better to think correctly than to be smart. Marine, the new ej;ic of the Marine Corps, here tonight and tomcrrow. It was played aboard battleships and in editable entertainment. Trainers were . the marine barrack, on the field with Mr. Manaon. Mr. Stevens, and Rev. A. regular members of the marine corps In Wilson. ' bittls and manoeuvres. In a romantic The program follows; j story In whleh a notable cast tells the , Orchestra (election Violins, Doris life story of the "sjkners of the sea." i Robinson, Ruth Wilkinson. Bernloe i Lon Chalfty play the principal char-. Rose. Victor Thomas. Wlsner Bryant, acier rck In the gigantic production, in , Walter Johnson; planlat, Victoria Krlk-j which tfce great battle lieet practice of evsky. the Pacific fleet . shewn; in wnien trie ; Court of King Cole King. Gordon huge guns are seen in action: In wlucl- Anderson; Herald. Edna Ireland: Guards. ; marines, In the field, fight a battle l.e;lle Wilson. Herbert Morgan. Edwin against Chinese bandits m 'h:.n 1.200: J.-hnson. men take part, anc! other thrilling de- Chorus bv Junior Choir j tp Us. Sketch. "Uncle Hiram's Cold"--Charac- ; The picture wa-. staged on i htigr '.en were taken by Bob Irvine. CI la wsle; entire Cfc n - towns mcv built Steen. Florence Thcmpscn. Ruth Wll- at-.d destroyed; tin wh.-le Pan fir ileet klnecn. Bernloe Roes. Bronson Hunt co-operated m some of the .vjt spec Hid Victor Thomas. i tacular aoene of the g picture Piano solo Hubf Krlkersky. Tableaux-- Upside Down In China- o 1 1 n AJ7 I AHIpC' WFAR town." by following ztrU: ntn Bteec unwi v uuiiuu iiunn Mildred Ketchum. Mildred Hunt. Attaol i Russell Jean Wilson 1 I I THE credit or a speculator moves steadily downward unless he happen io strike H rich In which case It drops like the mercury on a cold night Advertise In The Dally News CREATES NEW RECORD AT RICHMOND'S LOUVRE Richmond's tOUvre wish to convey MoKlniey. Aleela McKlnley accompanist their away thanks to the shsppen of Minstrels "The Corncob Family at Prince Rupert tor the splendid asiist- Home": Ma Corncob. May Thompson: Pa anee they gave the stare In the 3lsuhter Corncob. Rev A. Wilson: Rev. Corncob , Sale of Ladle' Wear. Prlday and Sat-DJ.. ' AW. Skettebol; J. C. Corncob. M.P. urday's business lest week created s new Bddte Anderson; the Corncob Cook, Olen record for sale and sevaral lines have More. ; been cleared out altogether. The value Other mischief Corncobs weft: Victor offered, of course were real values. Thomas, Bruce Stevens. Bob Irvine. Jim which toot buyers were not long in find- Bryant. Jlmmte Irvine. tag out. We consider it good business Finale, its have our present stock cleared out Ushers were Mr. Klrkaatrlck and Mr. Irrespective of profits rather than to Krlkevsky. : have to carry any over unti: next fill. ' ' It le food business for us and it Is good i business for our customers, too. to be enabled to get 'a r?al bargain. For all ' 1 cur bargains were real ones. All our big stock of ladlea' hat, nightgowns and.eilk slips Is 'jompleiely j sold out. We atUl have a few crepe-de-1 chine and crejre back satin dresses and s lev af.ernoon and evening dresses j left, ana a very few ladies' winter coats. We wuh to move t.e- out. too. and to, , do this this weak., the prices have been Total Set i"1 further mr"ed ,own um" Ordinary Cost at $77,080 lhf ,, . . . 0 . , ; are at au absolutely give-away level. v un sums i o- miraormnary j 0ur new season's stock Is now coming tailing $1, 100 ' ; in and do wiah to see every garment , I of cur prent nock go out of our doors I The schoolboard at Its meeting last j thu we4K. We are Using our loss to night passed the estimates for the com-1 accomplish this and at the prices quoted lng year totall!nK S77.08O for ordinary . , our ,dvertliem?nt. every single thing ckpendlture and S1.400 for cxtraor- ' have left ought to go qui;k. j dlnary. These were set forth In detail your friends can tll you of the bar- j and Included for each school cost ofjm, lney got, but Jugt drop Into the: fuel, furnishings and supplies, light, Louvre vouraelf before Saturdav and see i the value offered. It will pay you. -Advt. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert ' fTKIII AKV l, tOIR. Reports presented at the annual ' meeting of the Delta Copper Co. la this city showed the concern to be In ex- cellent standing with a mineral proper- ' :y near Ranelton which all mining en-Hlneen agree is moat promising. The) I property la fully equipped with camp! and machinery and only needs a small aasount ot pipe and a than piece of tram before it wUl be on a shipping "Nevkspapera and (tree ear are 'our best medium of advertising" declares T. A. DeWeese. sn American publicity expert. "We are burdened with maxa-clnes and would be better off If three-quarters of them went out of business " The death occurred yesterday of Mrs. Smith of 711 Fifth Avenue Kast who is survived by a wid.iw and family The funeral win mkf place on Monday. Rev. Dr. Dr. H. H. R. R. Grant Grant ,'fflclaUng. ,'fflclatlng. Advrtie in The Oallv News sTS'J!i?w?J"" 1 sasaiwsiajEwea i K55pI3 mm I n. I find ti hc&ir for cleanliness IWt vsll Ihe plemtsr wtirn Ihr sink drain ifts, choked. A Hide CH'HI's 1-7 will prabablf rlrsr II In s frar minnlrm Hrsrts f lhf? vs's sroani the ssaUarjr hems. GILLETTS PURE FLAKE LYE The Borden Co. limited. Vancouver Send mejru booklets core f baby Nami ........ IS Aooam. EAlGLE SCHOOL REPORT FOR JANUARY The regular monthly report of the; reboot principals presented at the meeting of the school board last night; were aa follows: High School Total attendance 155; boys. S, girls. OS: average percentage j cf attendance 4 4 - Principal Peddle stated that the basketoall league had j lecommenced play: shooting at the: ' miniature range waa general and two teams were entered In the D.CR.A. competition. A cadet route march had i .een made: an Interesting lantern lec- j ure oj n n. Brocatesoy waa given and much appreciated. Mr. Peddle sked 100 toward the school reference library and a covering of cinders for ihe school grounds. Booth Memorial - Total attendance boys 8S4. girls 100: average per-isntage 05.77; highest class. 84: 'chcol savings 0IMJS. Mies Mercer taported t Mt MUs LetUih had , joined !'r staff during (he month. The half-yearly mains, showed that satisfactory progress had been made. The principal thanked the board for a act of Canadian history readers whfch had ::ean provided. Borden Street Total attendance MS: boys loo. girls 165: average percentage W.3: highest room 07: lowest 05. Money banked 1172. The report referred to a change made In teachers and the overcrowding of the receiving class room with 40 pupils. Division of tins rlaaae wa.i urged by Miss Mills. Seal Cove Totr! attendance 57: boy n. girls 30: average which had been affected by Illness 01.9. Mrs. LIsney naked for supplementary rccler. Westvtew--Total attendant: r 30 boys 11. girls 13: peroentage affected by 111 i r-M BO O. His.- Helton ell asked that some ground be cleared for playground iind for school garden. MILBURN RETIRES INTERNATIONAL POLO NEW YORK. Peb. 10. Devereus Mil-burn, rated by many experts as the giewtest polo player of all time, baa decided to retire from International con-petKlon. A dominant figure on every United States "big four" since 1800, Mllburn pointed out that he will be 40 years old when the next international matches roll around and "that' too old for International eom; ctition." AiniiiriAL murium Artificial graphite, an electric furnace j.. Kluct, Is made near Niagara 'Kails, Kulli, Ontario. Ontario. LJ II Friday, SioMerJbve obligations Ur you would keep the Roses in their Cheeks -the Glow of Health in their Little Bodies be SURE their food is right! If you cannot nurse baby DO NOT EXPERIMENT turn in confidence to Eagle Brand, tried and proven, the leading inf ant food since 1857. Babies thrive on it because it is absolutely pure, always of the same strength and quality, and so easily digested even in cases where all other foods have failed. S.L. " -sia J U. ' CONDENSED Vf I LK. ROWE'S Sheet Metal W ,rk Rowe'n Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work ;n Office and Show Room on Third Avenuo, ju-t Canadian Legion Uuilding, and will tarry a lin. eve-troughing, flashing, otove pipe and elbows vanlxed, all sixes from 2 inches to 8 inches Sinks, faucetts, water pipes and fittings--a1j make anything in aheet metal. V? repair siom -that needs repairing. Our Tank Shop at Cow I: care of your Chute and Tank problems. Hot Air i of our specialties. Phone 310 Will Get uh Night or Day Having had quite a bit of experience in the rrni we have decided to cut our credit to a minimum ROWE'S Sheet Metal Wmks t THE FIRST SMPMEHl of new Spring GLOVES KAY8EK MAM In newest stvlf mill Pair $1.50 FRASER& PAYM The Universal Tradinu " To Every Woman who is eager for new ideus In home decoration- in u combinations for the sun porch, new color schemes f i room, new color benutv evurvwhara In ih Kmwa "111" l '11 Ing Lacquer comes as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 ' ...