ftitix-: XTt iave Money Boston Grill 1 ' .... . Nci .-, is to suoscriDe oj me Yiie Host la 5.00 nd your i vitrftJ to your addreea , juai figure out the t ( you for this dally ,, twelve monthsl :'.4. 111 "oii. oapt. T. M. H1U. mas- " the vessel, which Cam via the '" " t'Hu.i in ballast, reports an "mil yaKt though weather wan I ,, toriny as he neared Prince orr the coast of Mexico, a ' ; mbera of the ortw. are re- I" ' "I In have tMH .1.1 . '" ' "'V Ulch resulted In thstr halne 1 " imns. Aly. which Is of 30M retle- " ,,""l!' and oarrlea a crew of v '"" men. belonas to Sir R Sons and b.bilM port Is Hiirticpooi, sWjind ; Tfte vessel, lrdy lined, Is at anchor "" Mrim awaiting a eerth at th '"'' when ik. i. hi 1,1 Mabrltou. are at present tied "" Kolnd may ioasibly get away with . full cargo for the ''Ingikim or Continent and K "' Mabrlton will then be "i (U-rl with. '' ' pyne, of the firm of Fraier u" M.lleti thu morning on the H'li-en for Vitucouver on a buy- Equator. mean In the m"1"1 the Pacific." .m.... ihn Chicago it hu tire fell tit..: 9- -i a international railway of great startegic and develop-j iliilitien looms up as a possibility, say the Financial Post A group of American financier who are stated to have r: f Washington, are working out a scheme to link the i ' .lie and Alaska by rail. As at present, steel is laid from Hit' Peace Kivir Uistrii t. the actual plans of the present .over construction of a line from Peace Iliver to Alaska 'In- valleys of various rivcre in Northern British Columbia i ukon territory. The line would link Dawson City and' . Whltehorse lii Canada, and Juneau and (Ef ISION COURT HOLDS MEETING ,nen to (i.T.P. Develop- m .in i ii. in Heaped of Ap- pi.iN -To Sil Again on Monday plans of the promoters Last week he said: Gold In the Klondike, and copper at Kennerott have brought Alaska to the attention of world finance But there are those who believe that in Alaska, as in Cnllfornln. agriculture wUI eventually far out -rank the min eral interests. Alaska Is more then twice as laree at Texas, and Is capable of producing talce as many catile. "During Cleveland's administration, the government boimht a thousand reindeer and located them favorably In Alaska It Is estimated that today there are In Alaska 100.000 relnaeer Rv.ral Decking houses are ensaged In the shipping of reindeer meat It U said thet the Laplanders have turned reindeer meat, and have from fish to now plenty of clothing from the reindeer sklna. asm in: iT.rr. on r vnnr "When In the future. Canada and the United Stale- build a railroad through the now undeveloped agricultural valleys of Alhcrta and British Columbia Into Al,.k d a naval the Behrlng Sea, base Is established on iiw Pacific will be assured. further talk of a and there will be no polble Invaslou ol the i-scmc For from that point by any po. the United Slates can protect the . . . . W. tlMM Philippines na neip w anywhere in the Pacific. "No naval ship iona o,i America or cross , fuel enutigh to return. HIIU L. Indeed, salllim x""' could be fueled doubUul If a war ship to effectively cross the Pacific. w loo AlMk" wl1 One has only Ai...finn Ilnnds from the sUnd- Pole Instead of the point of the North atiiii MAT Wlirsv ulhrr point in Alaska directly with the; rest of Canada and the United States. A branrli line would be built to serve Uw' PrUand t'mial n.li lag area but this line would ijrocnt greater engineering dllfl- cult:e limn tlx mUn rouie because Ofjs the m ire difficult mountain ranges to, be cros ed. rUKKfL llOZk.V KI.OMIVKIM i It was polased out to The rtntpal jrrst by one in touch with the new 'railway pronto ton Um(, the mineral pufciloilities ifejog Uk roia("'iaii enor- mo u and this senile man propose lee urt of revision. t a brief ,Bt , doM, KMndyhee wtll be ."ound may afternoon, considered b, ,h(1 miiway builders In the val-' appeals other than those ley4 of tne rinlsy and other rivers Ii mtn adjourned until Mou- lhr 1K)r.h ol British Columbia are ulcred Its decision to W ,ut(,(1 to be many thousands of acres .insistent taxation conunls- ()f tllwnl agricultural land ranking i.e Canadian National Rail- m tlJI pr.tvntlalltlei with the Peace . matter of appeals on val- Rvfr country The cllmale Is slated nam lands ot the Omnd , excellent for wheat grcwlnR and " OevwloBment Co. Sllgln ral:). being warmed by the Pacific rrc allowed the concern on Co, wmds and currents Timber Falrviaw Cemetery and in cxllU , VMt commercial quanUtlts. "ii the betght of laud near Washington's sympathy toward tbe h"eet. proposal U stated to be based upon i iuree of the discussion on ,trtelc considerations although the ni'iiiioned piece of property. lmJ oI tne promoters are to carry on s hospital site was sun- , KWat pioneering work, similar to the Mr MeLaroon stated that opening up of the Middle West or the s sateswed for nesrly ten ro..r,ic,,on 0 the CPR amount, the company was , In U) ponnecUon a most slgnlfl-:i it tor 5O0 Some mem-:r4llt paragraph appeared In one ol the court were of the opinion jW lM Btrret Mrmon of C. W Barron, ii ijhi well be used as a hos- ....wn.i.or of trv. Wall Street Jou .mi. 1 "Mel that negotlatlona might iahn who la .tated stated to to be be In In touch touch with the 'I into whereby It would be i' uch a purpose, 'of revision now stands ad- in:. 1 Monday morning. iTEAMERASHBY ON MAIDEN TRIP ili-ll I'ri-lifhl.,. VI,UI, Arritnl in Port UhI NIrIu for Grain, is Brand New Ship 1 -l hritliri Msaea Bs.iei.kk wiVtatv uu-h is now on her maiden ' " " litd port at S 30 last night " nuitiisiupton. England, which -;o left on December 81, and u KuiH-it's iltteenth grain ehtp can round tlie Pacific mining of peace on to Tlehrlng Sea the significance of a ,llw i. , have n,iH railway. But It Is Benin i' '"r Amcrko-Ci' mi 4 1F.KIC.K IF.UIIU K K OITKKH OITKKS I'ltlZKM I'ltlZKM lOlt lOlt KkMWS LkHWS 1 i ok ok i;mi'Iiik i;mi'Ikk wr.r.K wi.r.K TKURACE, TasHRACE, Feb. Feb. 10. 10. Tbe The council council of of tbe tbe B-wrd B-wrd of of Trade Trade t IU meeting thla week set aside small sum for prizes la en essay contest open to school children on the subject "Why We Should Buy Empire Oocds." Details of the competition wltl be decided on at the next meeting. The merchants of Terrace are also bring asked to display Empire good during Empire week, which Is April at to 38. The board took action as a result of a circular letter received by them from the Empire Marketing Board, suggest-in some such action. GRAND CHANCELLOR 4. 4 GARDENS AT TIfE SCHOOLS Matter Incidentally I)Iscued by School Hoard at Meeting Last Night IteferrlNg to a request Of Miss I UHI HI fur the Hearing lit a plot trf tu ml tor a srlMml ganleti. Trustee IIUcarM. at I he meeting of llw aehtsel Ixwrd lat iilglil, kiiliesled Ihal this ihiM If a K'hmI thing. He lulil of selionl gardens they I tail at CTSHbrwik. due ol lite teacltera t larre lied taken a aperlal rmirH In garseahig and had aiiM-rlHleinled Use work. Oialfasaii ltrlielrr aalil II' was u gwml ales. "The fittest I blag la the wwrM." The Instrd slutnhl lewd all Ike awKUnre ptiaie to help out. Trastre MrMrekln suggested lltat swaiellilag might be done at Ihsalli HehMl. He sasgesteil (he Janitor might help clear a M. Traalee t. eterf llwnghl I he jwaltstr ImiI enuugli lo do there ami sncgeM' Trustee MrMerkln might uadrrlske live work. AT K. OF P. MEETING At the regular meeting of trCntghbi ol Pythias the Grand Chancellor. T. J Y adman of Revels to lue, was present last night and gave an address. Following the lodge meeting there was a aoeie.1 gathering and solos were given by Mrs p O. Miller end Mrs. rorreet and a re ni tation by W Burkin. BefreahmenU usjI stmst sat Jr tmewHIal tiaras aa araant " ' ' .trsnsfer tlieni to MALCOLM McLEOD IS DEADAT TORONTO TORONTO, Feb. 10 -Malcolm Me-Leod. 71 years of age, a retired general manager and chief engineer of the Canadian Northern Railway, which is now merged in the Canadian National. Is dead. dtan peace Instead of leading to trou ble. The project naturally tends interest to the endeavors of British Columbia to have Peace River linked with Vancouver by direct rail communication. It now seems possible that the Cana dian government will return the Peace River block to Orltlah Columbia msk Ing It possible to utilise this rich prlee In land and timber tor bonusslng a direct line of steel to prince oeorge. where It would connect with the Pacific Q rest Eastern If and when the Pacific Orent Eastern Is complete to Prrnee Oeorge, this giving t'.w F.O.K new traffic to tap. relieving the drain that the railway now represents on the liniun'irtl res Hirers of the provlnro PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE UUPEItT, B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 1923 fe rr t , Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Five Cnu L- m.. " ' . - ! EPORTED S lew Railway Proposal to Link Up Alaska with Chicago as Outlined Taken Seriously by Financiers financial Post of Toronto publishes plans of scheme to include Peace River Development and line to Stewart TO PURCHASE P X.E. FOi WITH DELEGATES FROM 21 NATIONS assembled at Havana, Cuba, for the Pan-American Congress, the city was gorgeously decorated, and everybody took holidays to see the celebrities. The car of President Machado with leading . delegates being escorted by an interested throng Report That P.G.E. Will Be Taken Over by C.N. R. Is Not' Denied by Premier Maclean VICTORIA, February 10. When told of reports from Edmonton to the effect that the Canadian National Railway would shortly take over the P.G.E. as part of the scheme of Peace River development, paying British Columbia $17,000,000 for the property, Premier MacLcan replied that ho had nothing to say. No comment on the reported deal was forthcoming from the government. PRIVATE BILL PUTS DIVORCE UPTOCOURTS Proent Session of Dominion Parliament to Deal With Question in Ontario and Quebec OTTAWA. Feb. 10 (By Canadian roes) The subject of divorce will be thrust Into the PtfliajBent of Canada at the session whlob has just openeo By a privets bill to the Intrcluced by Senator Willoughbv of Moose Jaw. ttu whole matter ol divorce as it affects the rcvlnoe of Ontario will be thrown open o debate. Senitor Wllloughbys bill would reuiove Ontario divorce esses Irani the Jurisdiction of parliament and of the province. the Supreme Court At the present lime special com mittee of the Senate of Canada heais all applicants for divorce from Ontario and Quebec. Wimeaaas are called ana heard and hearings are given to the opponents of the applications. In short. the Senate Divorce Ooaunlttee fulfills all the functions of a court. Such divorces as the committee eeea nt to grant are put through both the Senate and the House of Oomaaons as private bills, each requiring three readings and a oommlttee stage. Thhj system is re (anted by many as cumbersome and ex pensive in the matter of parliamentary tune, The Senate oosmaalttee Is also at ft' dlsad ventage in that whUe perteria lug the functions of a court it. has net the power to proseouta for perjury or other breaches of law. The Increased number of divorces coming from the provinces of Ontario and Quebec ithe other provinces handle divorce by local court) have more than once oaused something of a congestion in Parliament mid sub-committees were required to meet the tide of applications. Between l3t and 1998 almost SCO divorces were granted by Senator Villn,rhhy. who has serv MOTHER OF LOCAL WOMAN HAS PASSED Heath tMt-urs 11 Ktealng In Alberta at Mrs. II. iil.. Mother f Mrs. IV. V. Armour A telegram received last night by Capt. W. P. Armour, manager of the B.C. Towage A Lighterage Co.. announced the death at 6.S0 p.m at her home In Mun-ou, Alberta, cf Mrs. II. Daly, mother of Mrs. Armour who. with ail other members of the family, were present at tne bedside wiien the end came. Tbe late Mrs Daiy. wtu was 54 years d age. succumbed following a lengthy and ;Mluful Illness, an operation having been perlormed last Saturday but in vain. Mrs Armour will have the sympathy In her bereavement of many local friends. HE VY RAINFALL DURING PAST DAYS Rainfall tiurinu the oast day or so : Former Local Lawyer Arguing Court of Canada Ottawa Today OTTAWA. February 10. W. E. Williams, of the firm of Manson & Gonzales argued the case against the Dominion ! department of fisheries attacking their claim for control of the n.,. l ' i , t ; . . i 1 c il - a canneries in sruisn loiamoia in an appeal ueiore tne auprenie Court of Canada here, commencing yesterday. Mr. Williams argued that jurisdiction of the Dominion ended when the fiah were taken from the water. The fish then became persona) property under the classification of property and civil rights and as such were under provincial and not Dominion jurisdlc- Th appeal was brought by the fish-: rnes department against a ruling of Mr Justice MoDjaald at Vancouver rl?rlar!ng that the section of the law nnde- which the Somervllle Cannery j C .many of Prince Rupert was sued was il.rs vires of the Dominion Coun''. ; re for the D .million. Eugene La- f'e.ir and A. B. Mscdonsld: fee Jape-i-e fisherman. A Gregorian Slid E. F. Ncwcsmbc: for British Columbia. W. E. Will ami: for Quebec province, C. Lance- t Prince Kupcrt set a record which j B'H t--ourl v!ll take some bcalliiK During the a.CoMt Copper Cork Province hour period, ciidln pm. yesterday. H. D. Tee. DU! Inland. Dominion , A'eaka meteoroloxlat. reptrts that there was a Dunwell otal precipitation of 07 Inches. Dur- Oeorge Copper !nx the previous M hours to this, .TO :Olacler if an inch was recorded end another Gladstone half Inch fell between 4 o'clock yes- lOolcunda terdsy afternoon and 4 o'clock this I Indian morning, or well over four iuches for a nd L (jertcd of alxty hours which was amply Leadsmith ... wtn ailav anv fears for the!Lucky Jim ... time being at least as to a water short- Marmot Metals age In these part "All roads lead to Premier Porter Idaho Rome, but the 8"r Crest milw mi which leads to self-realisa 'Surf Inlet tion and complete peace la the road to Sunlcch Terminus vrrk '-Oeorge Clemenceau. Tortc . . . ar chatlrman of the Senate Divorce Whitewater Committee introduced his bill at the Bid. Asken 1 50 54 55 52.00 .31 ', S6 .08 .37 38 400 43S 0S, 06 V, .00 .10', .76 .81 .09!, .09 , .18'a 08 31 .S3 .17 .18 J 53 J 80 " M .68 10', .01 P, ( JO 3 25 SOi, Sl'j SIM) 435 a.3o lust session of parliament when It A. C. Oardlner travelling auditor for into the House of Commons when Par- been In the rlty for the pt several llsment was prorogued. The Senator days on official duties, sailed by the has snnrunced his Intention of re-ln-' Prince Rupert this moinlnn on his I 1 n-.Ktui-'i'i- the 1 1 1 Hil- ve.ii vti in Miutn ( LOGGING FOR BUCKLEY BAY Ed. Crawford Camp to Cet Out Pulpwooi for Const .Mills- Conditions Quiet on Islands Just Now tot: for Or.tarl", r D Hogy i Blnce the DirutrUn had the abs-lu.r Contracts for pulpwood from the power under the Br Hh North America Powell River and Ocean Falls paper Act. Mr Lafleur submitted, the K.iveni- mills will result In resumption of n.ent power to regulate In aid of the operations on a larger scale for a few fishing Industry as ancillary' and e- month at leain of the logging camp ceaaary for the fjevernment's rights over.ct Buckley Bey conducted by Kd Craw-thc fisheries followed. The government ,uui formerly of Swanaon Bay. ae-also had the right t j tax floating can-1 cordltig to word leeelvad In the city neries since the.r operation might tend i :roni the Islands on the Frtnoe -stoiui toward pollution of waters or become obstacles lo navigation or might Interfere with the licenses of fishermen authorized to fish In the locality where eaiinerlcj. were established VANCOUVKK KM IIANtJE 1BC. Silver --terdsy afternoon. Industrial conditions are generally quiet on the Islands at tola tine. The reope.ilr.g of the big sawmill at Buck-'ey Bay seems to be somewhat uncer- ,im aitiioutih it is hoped that it may rxtnnc operations before long. The Islands appear, however, to be n for a somewhat quMt tiaae until lni'-n fuhtng recpens. Tbla should he a good fishing year on the blende. JURY FINDS HICKMAN SANE Will be 'Sentenced Tomorrow Morning and Notice of Appeal Will ljfc (Ijven LOS ANOBLOS, Fab la The Jury In the case or w. g. Blekaun. the caaf eased slayer of Marlad Parker, law yesterday found him sane on tne murder charge and also sane on tbe kidnapping charge. Judge Trubucco anoeuaeed that sentence would be passed Saturday morn-lug. Jerome Wxl h. H'ckman's chief counsel, announced that he would give no- passed the Upper House without op- the Canadian National Railways with ' tire of appeal from the verdlot at that position and had only been Introduced headquarters In Vancouver, who ha time K ATllKIt HEPOKT Ptliue Rupert -Raining, light i. ul tcinpf r.iturc. 37, S.W. "A