f AGE SIX Save time Money LAUNDRY washing cleans clothes without the wear they get when they are washed at home. Your clothes are not rubbed in our laundry ... This means we can save you both time and money. Phone 8. The LAUNDRY Does it best Canadian Launc iry and Dry Cleaners l'hone 8 RELIEVE HEADACHES? Certainly! A question we frequently hear is: "What caa you do for my headache?" The answer is: "Wo can relieve it in almost every case and most times very quickly." How quickly depends upon how serious is the condition which causes the headache. For the fact is that a headache cannot exist by itself. It is a symptom of a deeper trouble and its cause must be removed before you are safe from a recurrence. That cause' may be from the eyes, liver, kidneys- stomach or intestines. Wherever it be, it is in itself an effect of imperfect nerve transmission due to spinal pressure on nerves. It is the work of the Chiropractor to locate and remove such pressure. Those who have taken his adjustments will tell you that he does this very successfully, l'hone Green 241 W.CAspinall CHIROPRACTOR Rooms G and 7 Exchange Block IIouis O.0 t. 12.:'.0: 1.30 to 5.:i0 p.m. Evenings from V to 8 Lady Attendant MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1,00 Cash price tickets. Mcltride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - lhh St. Telephone 657. L H Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST l MASONIC BALL LAST EVENING Annual Function by Tsimpsean and Tyee Lodges Proved Suc cessful Affair The annual ball last night of Tsinui- fceabr'nnd Tyee Lodges A.P. & AJil. was III highly .successful and enjoyable event which wu attended by a crowd of mem bers of the craft aid their lady frlendj which exceeded two hundred. The event took place In Moose Hall and was in progress from 9 p.m. to 2.80, those present being even then loath to leave. The music by Alf. Small and bis orchestra was of a high standard which contributed In no small degree to the general pleasure of the event. O. A. Woodland acted as master of ceremonies In an efficient and papular manner, while Ernest Unwln and II. W. Birch presided at the door. The spacious hall was decorated tastefully and appropriately with Masonic colors and emblems and presented a very effective appearance, which went to enhance the many beautiful gowns which were w,u by the rid lea. Several novelty stunts did much to NOTICE. Re -Certificate of Title No. 3094 1 to Lots nve (oj ana six (), BiocK nineteen I 10k SUwttnn .iv mi Ue-CertlXlcate of Title No 3901 1 to umm BYcnvren ill) ana eignteen (18). Block twenty-six (20). Section is tm He-Certificate of Title No. 8903 I to Lot murirvu iv), uiock ien (iu), oec- Re-Certificate of Title No. 2447 1 to Lots tony-inree (). iorty-rour no and forty-five (43), Block twenty-seven (37). Section eight (8), City of Prtace Rupert, Map 933. Certificates of Title Issued in the name of Ira K Kf.hnn Ham hMn rtLrf In t.l. offlje, notice is hereby given that I snail, at me expiration or one month ri.-m th. r( u ,A r . t Ik. ttwmi " - - - w win, )UIM1V.,IUII hereof, issue a provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of each of the said lost Certificates, unlewi in he meantime valid objection as to any be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Tr'nce IlU:ert. B.C.. thU 3rd Januray. 1928. H I Ma?LEOD. "3 Registrar of Titles. Fancy Grocery SPECIALS French Mushrooms, choice firsts, per tin nor French Mushrooms, dry, per lb. $2.00 Pate de Fole Gras, extra quality, 2'4 oi. tin : 75? Genuine Russian Caviar, 2 oz. tin , 75? French Anchovies in olive oil 3 rings, per glass (10? 4 rings, per glass SOr 5 rings, per glass $1.00 Spanish Anchovies, in salt, per tin 50? C. & B. Anchovy Sauce, bottle GO? C. & D. Pickled Walnuts, jar ."00 Indian Chutney, jar 05? Ripe Olives, 9 oz. tin . . :J5? Ripe Olives, gal. tin, medium $1.15 Ripe Olives, gal. tin, large $1.75 Greek Illack Olives, large, lb. :15? Jeffresa Olive Butter, : oz. jar 25? MacLaren's Queen Olives, 17 oz. jar 5? MacLaren's Stuffed Olives, 71 oz. jar 75? Italian Tomato Paste, 15 oz. can 25? Sweet Pimentos, 7 oz. tin . . 25? iweet Pimentos. 5 oz. iar . . "." Curtlsola, 4 oz. jar 7.-, A splendid appetiser Sea Garden Preserves, 1G oz. jar 50? Your choice of Raspberry, Blackberry, Currant Loganberry. Apricot, Ring Cherry, Pineapple and Spiced Figs. C. & B. Potted Meats, per jar 25? In Glass Assortment of Ham. Ham and Chicken. Tonirue. Tnnirm. and Chicken. Chirk-on Hum unA Ilongue. Anchovy, Shrimp. Lob ster, luntey- Turkey and Ham Turkey and Tongue. SAUSAGE SPECIALS Genoa Salami 7,'c Milano Salami 701 Capicolli, hot 05? Essex Cervelat Special Ruthenian Sausage U5? Liver Sausage j0? Premium Bologna ;0? Goteborg Sausage (1(10 BssBaBsaBBsMBSBsaBBBsaBjwj) saaaaBBssaaaBBieaBsasaaaaassaaaaaa,,,,,,, Alberta Market P. G AMU LA, Proprietor I iflh Street. phone 20H enliven the proscedlngs. One of th&e stunts included the calling to one end of the hall of all the past masters pre sent, where a humorous speech was made by E. A. Mann who Invested them with the badges: "I am a waiter." Other stunts Included, a balloon face between teams from the two lodges as well as a singing contest and there was also a two-step race In which evveral members of the older time dancing school limbered themselves tip in a surprising manner. Refreshments were served at. midnight In the balcony where the tables were effectively decorated. The catering was In charge of Mrs. Oa trail, and Mm. Lawrence. The nunch bowl, whieh wu presided over by Or. L. W. Kergln, proved popular during the evening. Energetic- committees representing both lodges were responsible for the general success of the function. WALTZ GOING BACK TO PAYOR (Victoria Colonist) The waltz Is no new favorite of the ballroom; It has held Its own against all comers for Just a century and the swing and rhythm remain unaltered basically, although the waltz today has -hanged lo detail from the waltz which the grandmothers of the present generation enjoyed. The ability to waits well was the criterion whereby dancers were judged In 1838. just as it Is the real test of dancing today. The modern form of the waits, which Is danced with the ball of the foot al ways on the flcor and the muscles of the leg. consequently, always supple and easy. Is so delightful that It la hard to Imagine In what way It can be Improved. It la much more agreeable than the old style, when all the steps, were done on the toes, and skill was Judged, not by deportment and gracefulness, as today, but by the ability to keep the heels from the floor. Competition dancers of those days bad half an egg shell affixed to the heel of each shoe so that they never relaxed heir leg muscles for fear of crushing the fragile shell. To reverse was considered to be "bad form;" it was not done by those who wished to be considered, good dancers. The perfect waltz if the old (rays was danced with endless rotation throughout the Item, and the pleasant, progressive steps of today were unknown. ItllVTlIM ItK.MAINS Br neat b It all, the waits rhythm remains, and the fundamental steps the right cr natural turn, or the left or reverse turn are the steps of the waits yesterday, but toned down to the prin ciple of all dancing today: the ball of jthe (out on the floor, and the body relaxed ard supple. There are a num- ber of pleasing variations In the waits j this year, and those enthusiastic for ' the dance have taken occasion to pick I the new steps which are bssed on the Heinz Catsup More GROCERIES AT REDUCED PRICES EXTRA SPECIAL - TWO DAYS ONLY Swift's Premium Lean Hack Bacon In the piece, per lb 12 Vs? B.C. Fresh Pullctt Eggs ..3 dozen lots for 81.25 Tea We now have our Fuller' Ten at the highest possible standard. None better in the store. Will compare with any $1.26 or $1.50 tea and we are selling it for per lb l0t A discount of 10c per lb. if included with any of the following specials: Tomatoes 26 cases large tins, while they last. 6 tins for 1)5? Corn Flaket- Quaker or Western, 6 packages for 55? (Junker China Oats Regular 45c. On sale, 3 for 25? See Our Window Circle (S) Picnic Hams $1.25 I-cmons, California Sunkist Per dozen 15? 1 doz. Lemons and 2 dozen Oranges for $1.00 Butter in Bulk a lb. Fresh Creamery for $1.25 Coffee Our Fresh Ground Coffee Is be coming more popular. Wp are now selling 500 lb. per month. On sale this Week, 3 lb. for $1.15 : bottles for 1)5? With each pound of Fuller's Tea or Fresh Ground Coffee sold Ibis week at regular prices we will sell 5 lb. of Granulated Sugar for Per lb 2H? B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 and 571 JHJDAILI NEWS Friday, Fevr;;, PAST, West, North and South in every country of the world you will find connoisseurs of good whisky, demanding, 'nicfGircr. To have achieved such-worldwide fruic, is indeed striking tribute to the exceptional quality of this fine old whisky. HIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED JlfTILLKRY A NO HEAD OTVKM : WAl KrwVIl lt CAM AO A ESTABLISHED I S5S WRITE TO OUR MONTREAL OFFICE, SI7 PHILLIPS SQUARE, FOR FRLE COCKTAIL BOOKLET "rcr Twin wi This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board nr by thj Government of British Columbin How To Care For Cash and Carry Grocery Corner Fulton and Sixth Ave. SAVE TUB COITERS Sugar, Granulated, 10 lb. . . Milk, any brand, per tin llf Tea Malkin'n Best, Blue Ribbon. or Nabob, lb 70? Bulk Tea Excellent quality, per lb Coffee Great West, Malkin's Best. Nabob, lb Coffee Fresh Ground, per lb. IDf Creamery Butter, per lb. CSf- IOf 8 lbs. in one block $1.1!." Salt Pork, per lb Bacon, Swift's I'remiurh, back, special per lb I'-iH? Picnic Hamn, per ib tTi;-tS 1? Ejfjr, strictly fresh, 3 dos. .51. IS VEGETABLE SPECIAL 10 lb. CarrotM 10 lb. Turnips 10 Ib. Potatoes (Ashcroft) 4 lb. Onions HI lbn. for U.lf Tomatoes, large tins? 0 for . . ."c Pineannle. Slniranora. 7 for ."0 Canned Fruits, assorted, 3 far H!0 Soap, rels Naptha, ler bar . . Koyal Crown Soap, per carton Fieuli line Green VeBetnblw every boat at attractive prices FRESH MILK AND CREAM IRK, IDAHO; IN 1. Varicose or Swollen Veins Itult (iMitljr Upward mul Titward the Heart si IUmmI in Vrlns Hows Tlttt War If you or any sslstlrs or frtand is worried because of varicose veins, or buncbe. the best advloe that anyone In this world can ftv you U to ask your druggist for aa original two-oun. bot tle of llmmfli KiiH-m'il oil (full "hesitation." I.e.. two steps to three beau of the barn4 fna Dat a hesitation. The older waltser oTtcn misunderstands the presVnt fcrm. hlch. If badly danced. Is deserving of criticism. while the good 4necr of the older school must not )idge today's waltz by such standards. Well danced the new waltz has aU the charm of the older form, and "cld-faahloned folk" mlsht well give It a trial. The skill they ac quired In dancing the old style waltz will prove invaluable ln dancing th? new properly. II.WfK Of !M i;s It seems a great pity that any good dancer should forego the pleasures of the wonderful swing. Ute soothing mel stieuKthi sud apply ulgtit and morn Ins to the swollen, enlarged veins. 33gu you win notloe mat they are growing smaller and Ute treatment should be sontlnued until the veins are of normal stae. 80 penetrattisg and powerful is Enimlil (ill that even PUes are quickly absorbed. Any one who la disappointed with IU use can nave their money refunded. odies and the perfect tuning which are 'as much part and parcel of the waltc at today as they have been since the . waits came Into popularity In 1MB li,e :,., of this dance of daneea Is a matter for congratulation, and tbt ' Rueim may be haaarded that bands w. aa eas msi Wtf will MUM VIISM I popularity sver Increasing. Indeed, the waits needs only the support of the dane bands of the country to become as popular as the Charleston or the fox-trot at present art. When these last-named dances have been relegated to obscurity the waits will be found; 'Ike Tennyson's brook, "flowing 011 for ever." ENJOYABLE WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE BY ORANGE LODGES A very enjoyable whlat drive and dance, which was well attended. - was hrld Jointly last night by the Loyal Orange Lodge and the Ladles' Orange Benevolent Association. The winner of a special 5 prtae was B. T. Anderson while winners at whist were: Ladles' first. Mrs. Henley: ladles' second. Mrs. McRobMe; men's first, R. Vtereck: men's second, L. It. Parry. After cards refreshments were served and dancing followed, mnsle being by Dave EasUnsn and his orchestra. The affair broke up about 1 o'clock. Vie Houston wa master of ceremon-ies and Mrs. J. W. Durran pieslded at the door. The ladles' committee consisted of Mrs. B. V. Cox (convener), Mrs. R. T Anderson. Mrs. Meth Davles and Mrs. H. Mahaffey. On the men's oommlttee. besides Mr. Houston, were J, A. Teug end tl. Mahaffey. SPECIAL SALVATION ARMY CAMPAIGN TO BE CONDUCTED HERE At a special meeting of the Salvation Army in the, local citadel last evening. Major Waller L uarruthers, divisional commaneVtft eutllnsd plans for a aeolal evanieUo osmpalgn which will be beld thU moBth entitled "The Orussde." He announced that Capt. Yarlett of Olen Vowell would reach the city on February 30 to conduct the campaign which will be In progress for a week. Tonight Major and Mrs. Carruttoers will hold a special meeting for the young people of the army. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY M4ttttet KOB 1UENT Tlirpe roomed rotlw- ; rl., lunil.liiil I'huiie IttU tiJ3. 30 ii Weekend Specials 1 Ton Robin. Hood Flour 49 lb. Sacks . ..jy . .? f . . r.. , , . ', This is less than tvTioleaalc nce. D(mil 2 ., customer. Phone your order early, as quanlin MEAT DEPARTMENT Popular prices, together with prompt service, are winning new customers to this department every week. Compare our prices: Beef Round Steak, lb Sirloin Steak, Ib :Wt Shoulder Steak, lb IHf Pot Roast, Ib 1? Rump Roast, Ib Prime Rib Roast Ib. . . iW Veal Stewing Veal, Ib lof Shoulder Veal, lb IWf Veal Chop, lb tISp Loin Veal, lb 1!S(J Fillet Veal, Ib JKip Pork Shoulder Pork. Ib. .. 'Hf Roast Loin Pork, lb. . . JSOf Leg Pork Roast, ib. . . :W? Pickled Side Pork, lb.. . f Pickled Pigs' Peel, Ib. 17H Holland Herrings, small key Jttl.oO Smoked Kippers, lb. .. 15c FinRjan Haddie, 2 lbs. trf Acadia Salt Cod, 2 Ib. bricks ."() PROVISIONS Breakfast Bacon, sliced, Ib. l--f B.C. Fresh Pullet Eggs. 8 dozen . . ., 8I.I" Finest Ontario Stilton Cheese, Ib I Or Ayrshire Roll Bacon, machine sliced' Ib :ir,v Cooked Ham, lb (lOf Cold Roast Pork, Ib. . . I."c Bologna, sliced, Ib JlOf McLaren's Chopped Olives, per jar 15? King Oscar Cardines, tin Lic Delicatessen Canned Meats .Meat Balls and Gravy, tin !W Quick Diniter. tin U."? Australian Roast Beef, tin Australian Canned Betf, tin 'Xit Aylmer Boneless Chicken, tin ."0f Osprey Crsb Meat, tin lot1 This is the best grade packed in B.C. FRUITS & VEGETABLES Oranges, 3 doz. for . . $1.00 Ripe Bananas, 2 lbs. . . itof Cooking Apples; 3 lbs. . . U."c) Eating Apples Wlnenapa, Yellow Newton and Splt-lenburg. "C" Grade and Fancy at lowest prices. Comb Honey per section 'M( Fresh Tomatoes, Ib. .. U)t Head Lettuce .. 10? & 15? Fresh Rhubarb, Ib. . . 25? California Spinach, Ib. t!t? California Celery, lb. .. 10? Cauliflower, head ;15? It) GROIKIULS Evaporated rum, 100, 4 I us Evaponued iV.u , iivaponited Iv.i. Evaporated A i -i DorolhN i 1 1 it Tall tins, 9 for Per case, tin-Why take 8 ary miik for i .,. can get 9 tin i This is the beM :;, ever handled. COMBINATION . Canned (,oii Atasortmcnt ' II tins Nabob T: : tins Quaker 3 tins Quaker tin tuaker i: , Regular ii , Special, per (! Assortmini 2 tins Quaker 1'. ., 2 tins Quaker A; , 2 tins Nabob (n , . 2Vi, 2 tins Nabob Turn 2 tins llilladiil. 2Vs 2 tins Nabob ( 2'ii's Regular Special, per d. . AttKortmrnt 2 tins Libby s apple, l's. t.il! 2 tins Rosedatt I'- talls 2 tins Rosedalc Peaches, l's, t;i! 2 tins Rotwdult- A: -tails 2 tins Rosedab I; Cherries. IV. 2 tins Libby'.'- I l's, tails Regular $" 1" Special, per doz i Wild Rose VuMn lb. sacks, eui li Shelled Walnut-Cut GlacB Chen h Shelled Almond-. Eastern Towi.-! Maple Syrup Quart tins . Vi Gallon tin-Gallon tins . Spring Clothes i' Stove Brushes. -i Beekist Qntario II Ib. tin.' special Floor Wax- 2-in l ' tin. Special, e.v i Kidirway'g 5 f)'( ! Ib. ting. Sped. i Combination p 1 package Lux 1 package Rin.. 1 bar P 4 C. Nai i 1 bar Wool Soup Special Rupert TaMe Su tl Phones mo, 211, 212 DDiy t -eesaffilefJ WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. LON CHANEY Admission in "TeO It To The Marines" WILLIAM IIAINIIqirjirAUllAN.;i:Ul)l BON, WARNERWADMnTCIlfeVV;j:W'!S. 1 K VNK vURRIER, CARMEL MYERS and many others COMEDY "GYM DANDY" PATHE REVIEW SOc and 23c -if ' 0f sir- JV 1 iHlf ' ..i i,h Ultllr Advertise in "The Daily News