, mm ,iv 1928 n1 VslllQ .00, ..ier 'tbivMk.a vcri-MnivaHSfyjat V . . , ic price. ' The '' regit-. i,-,' is $20.00. :!;..) k"iil filled cane 1G Screw back and front, :, t, Is, white dial with , i ',. hands and figures. V. , guarantee it to be at-: ry im we have handled make- for ears and find i lie best timekeeper at i ire we ever had. DMY l'OUK IN STOCK ' Jfwellers IF-J ., smwr WITH THE CLOCK n VM ACR CO.. LTD. Mercury mil Hose !' "iiitcd Heel. Fine Silk. The outline in Silk Hose KJe.sh, Aloma, H .mpugne and Pair $1.95 IS. Wallace Co. Ltd. 1'hone 9 iT ' i nue and Fulton ev're Here! V i ,;v M(H)i:i, i U AM) HKrrKK 1 V aaw I SV VAWeW be seen at the awn barapp i all (antral Motor Products 1 1 1 m 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily ii Wrecking Service 1'hone 52 'I U (JHEAT CLOSING out SALE of MEN'S ANIl ItflYSP " OTll.M; AND FUUNISII- INUS i still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue filler, Proprietor "ADIOLAS AND ' KVDIOTKONS And f: W. CHANDLER Al hi -ivc wholesale merit ll" '"''"'e Uupcrt and District A; KNTS WANTED I n i mix oia liH Sivll. . 4 MANY MATTERS BEFORE BOARD Terrace People Complain of 1)1. crimination and SuRjrest Novel Way to Popularize Meetings month!? ibUtina 10. The romilar fc - m wwniu Ws tlHUV CUU.IC.L 0 Tud.y tven,n.( 111 the) Trtar Hot and was well attended by council members u well , number or other members of the association. 1 It wh decided to leave the muter of chucr of University extension lecture ,Wlth the University authorities to make the choice and send what waa moat ; suitable to all. ; Letters from prospective settlers, rs-imrding condltlona and climate again i brought up the question of tbt neces-,'ty ii a pamphlet descriptive of mat .m-atevH and the feeling waa general tlmt something of the kind should b C mnllctf. In thlt fn nt inH . , L iwii m n l C read frum A. E. Blow, CNR. Coi-oi'laticn Aneui. commendlnp the Idea i t enrluung a number of pamphlets Irr rn small prairie town In the hope thai they ml-ht prjve ol latere .t ami e'v- unce. Atler cc,nlcl"rable dlscuwlon as to the mcst suitable form of folder, the matter waa left with the publicity committee t- lnulre into with the suggestion that ait vert is; ng might be solicited to assis In covering the costa.. A letter from W. H Bobertaon. provincial horticulturist, aent at the lnstl-gtlc:i of D O. Munro, regarding aultable fir-Hirer and direction for special care of irult orchards and Instruction for grading, parking, eta.. In preparation Uf making a display at the provincial fair at New Westminster, was passed on tn TIMBER SALE X'J69t Sealed T T.den. will be received b the 'District PoreMer not lah-r han noon on the land dcy c.f February. 1B28. for the liircnase til licence near head ol jNow.ch Cove, ttusaii UUnd. C.R. 3. u i rut liSa.COO ft, uf Laard measure of Upruce. Ceiur l!em:oclj and Balsam saw- Two ;J year will be allowed for removal of timber lurther particular! of the Chief For-c.ter. Victoria or the District Forester. Frlnoe Kuperi. B.C. IN THK COUNTY COURT OF I'KINCE HUI'EIM' HOI.MKN T I'HIM t; 111 I'KICT Between: A Sulear. Plaintiff: And: D. L Sttwar;. Defendant. To D. L Stewart, of Prince Rupert. B.C. TAKE NOTICE tbst A. SutaW Of Butedale. B.C., has oaouuenced an action against you in the County Court : Prln'jt Rupart. on Ike list of January . ito. tot the sum of HMM being the baiance of afta due to hlna bf you and that under and by virtue of an order of His Honor Judge Young dated the 3rd of February. IBM, It ciu ordered that publication of this n itie for three consecutive days be ood and nufflcient notice of the Plaint mid Summons nuued In this action pon y in. and ycu are required under me said jrder within ten days after the Ui publication of this notioe to defend the ssid action by causing a dispute note to be filed In the aald ' action: and in default on your so doing the oaid A tSulesr nmy proceed therein snd Judgment msy be given in 1 yuur sbesnce. i You may file a dispute note personally or by your Solicitor in the above Court ' a: the law courts. Prince Rupert, B.C. DATED at Prince Rupert, this 7th day of February. 1938. WILLIAMS. MANSON It GONZALES, I Whose address for service is Royal Bank Chamber.'.. Prince j 33 Rupert. B C ilN THK COUNTY COUNT OF F1UNCE HUI'KHT ikii ih:n at ruiM K m i kut Between: A. Buaiell. Plaintiff: I And: D 1. biewart, Delendunt I To D. L. Stewart, of Prince Rupert, B.C. ! TAKE NOTICE that A Bun tell of 1 Prluoe Kuper... B.C . has commenced an i action against you In the County Court I of Prince Rupert, on the 21st of Janu ary, 1V20. lor cne sum oi ssiu.uu kiui ' the balance ol wages due to htm by ' vou and inai unovr ana dj viriim w au order of His Honor Judge Young dates) ,the . .ol Pwkyuarv, ".. V i was ordered that publlcillMl 61 thUr ' notice for three consecutive days be good and sufficient notice of the Plaint I and SummoiLH Issued In this action I upon yuii: and you are required under i ti e said order wlth.n ten daya afier I U-.c last publication of thin notice to I dt fend the said action bv caualng a I dispute note to be filed In the said l nctiou: and in default on your so doing the said A Uuutell may proceed therein and Judgment may dc given in yjur absence. You may file a dispute note personally or by your Bollcltur in the above Court nt the law courts. Prince Rupert B.C. DATED nt Prince Rupert, this 7th day of February, 1988 , , WILLIAMS. MANSON It OONZALEB. Whose address for aervlce la Royal Bank Chambers. Prince S3 B!M'rt IN THK COUNTY COURT OF IMUNCK KUl'EKT lllll.ltEN AT I'KINCE III 'PERT Between- O. W. Nlckerson. Plaintiff: And: D. L. Stewart. Defendant To D. I. Stewart, of Prince Rupert. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that O W. Nlckeraon of Prince Rupert. B.C.. has commenced an !?r, iSE "orThi sum of ,730 86 being I the balance due to him by you end that under and by virtue of III ordwof HU Honor Judge Young Sated theVSrd nt February, 1928, it is ordered that publication of this iTLSffiTlxSi c,-,Mcutive day. .be Sod and suttlclent notice of ine naini Smf WrM issued m this action ami onnun .nlr-rt mirier ".a'ldorde? tl hln" ten day., after tbl Est publlcallon of this notice to lit.nrt trS said action by causing s SfiSSt note to be riled In the said tcuT and in default on your so dolnk oroceed the said O W. Nlckerson may therein ! ami judgment may bo given In yTot"!na? impute no Jl ",f ab.ive toun hu vnur a-illi'll.'i i" DtTED at Prince Rupert, tnis 7tn dVlVn?M88r MANSON, aOKZALES. ' . r ' c ii i .".il Hi i' I'huiuDers. Prince S3 nupeit, B.C. Racked by Rheumatism "Fruit-a-lives" Brought Speedy Relief MR. S. FLOYD, ki-ad this honest letter: Xanaimo, B.C. "I had been tuffrrins with rlicurnalic pains in my shotiklers. liccidrrj to try 'Fruit-a-tives'. In a very short nhilc I hud relief. Also bad a touch or Weeding piles, 'Ffuit-a-trm' worked like a chirm. I think they are rcaliy marvellous." Mr s pjj "7!!-!-!" Is composed of fresh fruit jukes intensified and combined with tonics. The easy, natural action corrects constipation, stomach, kidney and bladder troubles, rifh the system of poisons, purifies the Mood, and banishes rheuma-ti-ra and kinoicd pains. "Fruit-a-tives" is told everywhere. 2Jc and 50c a box. Test it to-day. the Farmers' institute. The secretary reported that he tad been asked to propcae that steps be token to have a road opened connect-lnj the W. H. McDonald Rsd and the school road, thereby giving a more direct route to the school for children living In the vicinity of the McDonald. Road. I was left with the public works committee to approach both the municipality and tbe government in connection with, tbe onenlnw not nnlv of th one I where a road allowance la already marked out, but to have a road allowance appropriated as a continuation of tn western boundary of the village ao as to make a more direct route to school for tbe children affected. E. T Kenny drew attention to the Isxuem of the public works department , in mt making any attempt to repair i the West H1U Road,, the slide on which ! has caused muob lnconveulenoe to traf- I fir for months. The matter will be taken up with headquarter IllsriMMINATlON fll AHOEIi A complaint against the CJf.R. for dlscrtmlnatteti against local business houses in favor of Prince Rupert firms In allowing a one-hslf rale on freight from Prlnse Rupert consigned to section workers along the line as far as Pacific, while Use full rate bad to be paid from Terrace, was voiced by I. T Kenney and waa referred to the railway committee for Investigation and au attempt at re-adtustment. A motion to base tbe quarterly general meetings made more of a social nature, with smokes and tight refresh-menu, waa carried and arrangements left with the entertainment committee. MATKIIItLM IOK CEMENT Materials aultable for the manufacture of Portland cement occur In all provinces of Canada NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for an I act. 1. For the Incorporation of a company I to be known as The Alberta. Peace River I and Pacific Railway Company, or such other name as may be given, to construct and operate a railway as follows: is) commencing at a point at or near tne my oi uemonage: tnenoe iu a Westerly direction to a point at cr near the Town of McLeod: thence Westerly and Northerly in a direction Generally parallel ' to tbe Calgary and cLsod Branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway to a point at or near tbe City of Calgary; thence Northerly and West of the Calgary and Edmonton railway to a point at or near Lacambe; thence Northerly to a point at or near the City of Edmonton. bi From a point at or near the City of Edmonton by the most feaslblS route to end aloft the right bank V aft? 8(asoMta lUvscie earuasJhg K the smoky River near lta Junction with the Wapiti Rim at or near Bezanson to the Town of Oreude Prairie in the Province of Alberta: thence South Westerly through the Monkmsn Pans to a point at or near A less Lake on tbe Canadian National Railway to the Province of Brltlah Columbia. Id) From a point at or near Grande Prairie in a North Westerly direction to s point at or near Pouce Coupe and from a point at or near Pouce Coupe in a North Westerly direction to a point st or near Hudson's Hope on the Peace River: thence In a general South Westerly and Westerly direction and North Westerly bv the most feasible route through the Pine Pass to a point at or near the Town of Stewart In the Province of Brltlsn Columbia at the head of Portland Canal. (d) Prom a point at or near Hudson's Hope crossing Peace River In a general Easterly direction to a point at or near Whltelaw; thenoe In a Northerly direction to a point at or near Fort Vermilion and thence Northerly and Westerly to the right bank of the Hay River at or near Its intersection with the Northern boundary of the Province of Alberta, The said railways being declared to be tor the general benefit of Canada. 3. To authorlw the aald Company to construct wharves, docks and hotels and to osti and operate vessels snd to collect oharges on telegraph and telephone messages of the public, to file upon and acquire water power sites and to generate electric and other energy and to dispose of the surplus from and collect chance therefor. 3. To authorise the aald Company to Issue securities in respect or tne said Hue of railway to an amount not ex-oeedlnc Fortv Thousand (tt0.0O0.00i Dollars per mile for the prairie sections, and not exceeding Sixty-five Thousand 166,000 001 Dollars for the mountain section. DATED at the City of Edmonton. In the Province uf Alberta, this 4th day of January, AU. iwb (Signed) J. STEWART CLARK. On behalf of the Applicants, o-o Ewlns. Harvle & Bury, Barristers. S"!'"" tr . I r" - Dunk . f Tirunto Bldit., . l'Mi.ijtitnn, Alberta, ' Canada. SHB DAILY NEr73 page Fiva COMMITTEES NAMED FOR TERRACE BOARD TRADEBY PRESIDENT TERRACE, Feb. 10.- President Oor-don of the Terrace Board of Trade has named the following standing committees for tbe yer: MsBjAophlpr-A. Jl. Barker. O T. SunsQUBid RMk.W, Allaif PulPwplkeTE.. T. Knry, Arthur hOarr. y Civic fc; H. Keatiey. Rev A. w. Robinson, W. H. Burnett. Agriculture It h. Prank, W. n. Thompson, H. A. Swain. Mining P. Nash, T. Turner. J. Wlll- man. Lumber Oeo. Little, W A. Kirk- patriak, deofgw Dover and A. Y wn- eos. Publicity If. IlalMwell. R. W. Rlley. C. n. OUbert. KntertsUunent W. II Burnett. J. McLaren and O. S. Seamen. Railway A. 11. Barker, E T. Kenney. Oeorge Little. Oolf A. H. Barker. W. II Burnett. R. W. Rlky. Raoeption J. K. Oordon, W. Allan. L. II. Kenney, W. A. Kirkpatrlck. TERRACE FAIR STILL IS MATTER OF DOUBT So lew Attend Merlin Tim I Tlhw I1lent Refll to Proceed tfltli !tenrr.aiil?.itlon TERRACE!, Fwta. IdD The meeting called by v the Hatpera' Institute . for Wednesday evening in the hope of reviving Interest in the Terrace Fall Fair was no more successful than tbe tiro previous meetings called by last ytar's fair board. Undoubtedly heavy rain kept a number away but it la deplorable that ao little Interest Is shown tn the aaatter h. Hull i well. secretary of the board of trade pre sen ted the leaulutlOii passed at their meeting the paawtoun evening when sympathy In the project wss extended and every possible assistance promised. C. F. A. Oratn madw It very clear that It bad not been ttte Intention of the Institute to attempt to take over the management of tbe fair but the meeting had been called In the hope that a board of management might be chosen from the audience and the fair carried on as formerly. With the small crowd present this was Impossi ble but on the atraiigth of the good will of the board of trade It was decided to call another public meeting for Wednesday evening February 22 In Progress Hall, when the matter will again eome up to be acter upon. The project of joining with the Sulkley Valley and Prancols Lake districts in sending a : combined exhibit of northern B.C. produce to the Provincial Fair at New Westminster, which la being so strongly ail rocs ted by D. D. Munro of tbe Land Settlement Board, was discussed but no definite decision made it felt that the fair was much too early to collect a dis play of fruits enough developed to make an appearna?awhich ould do Justice So the pbasinitles of the TERRftCE E. T. Brooks and Frank Watt return ed to Terrace on Wednesday after accompanying A. I. Little to the- Prince Rupert hospital. The voters Hat for the municipality of Terrace baa been posted In preparation for the forthcoming election of Village commissioners. Bee lion day is et for February 30. George Porter returned on Wednesday from a visit to Pore bar Island. Chas A Oordon Nelson who nave been trapping aa the OtttvadeK river return ed to ora on Wednesday to secure a canoe, further erosalng oh 'thslee being unsafe. k' ' .; Prior ..te her eepertursl r Thursday for Vancouver. Mrs. George Powers was guest of honor on Wednesday afternoon at a tea given by the members of the Rebekah Lodge. Terrace, at the home of Mrs. D. A. McXlnnon. During the afternoon Mrs Powers was present ed with a pin, emblematle of the order and expressions of regret were voiced at her departure. Refreshments were serevd and the afternoon spent socially. Mr. and Mrs O T. Sundal enter tained at bridge on Wednesday evening. She Coughed Night and Day Could Not Sleep Mrs. Leonard" Haywood, Victoria Corner, N.D., writes i "Last fall I took an awful cold which I caught while driving in an open tar on a cold Oay. "I couched night arid day, eould not sleep at sight, and my eyes ran water so that 1 eould hardly ace a tiling. "My husband got ma a bottle of lir. '' v L, in i Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup and before I had taken the whole of It my cold had disappeared." . "Dr. 'Wood's" has been on the market for the past S3 ytari) price 33c a bottls, large family site OOci put ft? only Uy TJe T, UUburn Co., limited, Xoroato, Oat. Iff" Kichmo nd s :: Louvr Thanks Prince Rupert's Shoppers for their assistance this last.wceli ajthcir of LADIES' DRESSES, HATS, COATS AND LINGERIE. FOR CASH ONLY V We sincerely thank our customers for their assistance in making this sale such a success. It has been a record for our store. We have very little left on this sale but that little we wish to dispose of this week. The prices on the balance of these garments we have still further cut down to do this. As to the values offered, just ask your friends. Or better still, look into our store befove Saturday night and see for yourself. 23 only, Crepe-doChine and Crepe Back Satin Dresses, whose regular values run up to $20.00. Slaughter Sale Price, each 4 75 LADIES' AFTERNOON DRESSES Regular values up to $45.00. Go- insfor---- $19.75 LADIES' COATS 5 only, Ladies' Winter Coats. Regular value to $80.00 each S10.50 4 Ladies' Winter Coats Regular value to $45.00 each 19.50 5 Ladies' Winter Coats Regular value to $09.00 $26.50 No Returns No Exchanges The balance of our stock of Ladies' Evening Dresses, and there are some beauties, too. Regular values to $40. Slaughter Sale Price, each 1 Q75 27 ONLY, LADIES' HATS Regular price as high as $12. Go- tog 1.45 Sold out. LINGERIE 9 Suits Ladieg' Pyjamas. Regular $7.50 value for 2.95 Ladies' Silk Nightgowns Regular value to $7.00. for 81.95 Sold out Silk Slips Regular up to $6.00 for $1.95 Silk Bloomers and Vests, each. . 95c Spld out. OUR SPRING HATS ARE IN Mail Orders at these prices Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. five tables being played with prises going to Mrs George UtUe and Dr. Brummltt. Mrs. Oeorge Powers and three children left on Thursday tor Vancouver where Mr. Powers Is now located. P. Joudry is spending some daya In town this week end in the interests of tut profession. Ur. Cmuvcnm Is spending a few days in town with Mrs. Haven, sr. Mrs. T. J. Marsh left on Monday to attend the funeral In Smltheia of the infant eon of Mr. and Mm. A. C. Fowler. Maui Eva Butt of Usk waa a visitor in Terrace this week. BROKEToTFWRiSTS SENT TO HOSPITAL Itrnther of George Utile Tame Into Unpen on Freight Train for Treatment TERRA OK, Feb. 10 - An unfortunate accident occurred at the local mill on Tuesday afternoon when A. I. Little, brother of Oeorge Little, had both wrists badly broken when he was run down by a push car of lumber and jammed against one he wee himself pushing. First aid waa rendered here by Dr. Brummltt and the injured man iws,ttas. tp, .Prince Rupert hospital on a ireignt train eariy uw iiwl inn where x-ray examination showed a bad fracture of the left wrist with dtit-p'-i,'-mrnts. and n simple fracture of the right rrist. GUESTS 1pRESSED WITH PNG ON TIME NEW YORK Feb 10. -The campaign lunlnst lute coiners nt evening func- tiona has added to many formal invita- DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST HIH5AKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C Ltd. Prince Rupert. B.G tlons the notation: "Nlne-fifteenaharp." I' Is a new feature which may end the Inconvenience to hostesses who have suffered In silence the late arrival cf their guests. Mrs. Frederick Vanderbtlt waa the first to emblaaou the word "sharp" on her invitations. WAFFLE BREAKFASTS ' ARELATEST THING NEW YORK. !). 10 Waffle brruk-fsets have been Introduced as a novel feature by New York hostaatce this season. Mrs. Frank Storra and others entertaining debutante daughter, started the Vogue by serving waffles and hot cakes lb the early mt-ning hours of late parties. Advertise In th Dally Ntwa 'Deniers are now showing "Billie Burke Sport Dresses Phone 27 P.O. Ilox 327