PAGE EIGHT I Support the Home Theatre and keep your money in the City WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 7 and 9 P.M. SATURDAY JIATINEE 3 P.M. , u j vmv -7. . . . EMIL JANNINGS In "THE STREET OF SIN" A powerful photo-play in which the great star appears at his best. l ay Wray, Ernest V. Johnson, Geo. Kotsonaros, John Cough Johnnie Morris, Jack Hurdelle, Olga Raklanova and many others. COMEDY "LOVE'S YOUNG SCREAM" with Anne Cornwall and Jack Duffy CAMEO COMEDY "KISS ME KATE" "IIOliGE PODGE" SCENIC TRAVELOGUE 50c and ISc. Matinee 35c and 10c MINING Stocks Npon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Sleek Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Storks on Vancouver Slock Exchange. We alio have facilities for accepting Wheat order. on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D.Johnston Co.Ltd. G17 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C WHAT IS IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dressed? OUR SERVICE PHONE 649 to have your clothes pressed. We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. For that Suit We have fine Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings on hand. Come in today and let us take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style; all guaranteed. Best materials and reason able prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 RED Transfer Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone CS7. 95c. Specials We offer good valucvfor the above amount. Toilet Paper, 21 rolls for U5f Fels Naptha Soap, 12 bars for i)."f Lux, 9 pkgs for . Lux Soap, 12 bars for . . !).; Sunlight Soap, 1G bars for r(f Jiff, 1 pkgs for Classic Cleanser, 12 tins for 1)5? Chlorinated Lime, 6 tins for 05f Lifebuoy Soap, 12 bars for 95c Gold Dust 3 pkga for . !)."( Klondyke Soap, Slurs foi D.'fc Lots of other assortments we make up for the same value. Secure your requirements early. Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. The Real Money Savers Phones i8 and 81 US. Wallace Co. Ltd JAEGER PURE WOOL WEAR Jaeger Underwear for Ladies and Children Vests Bloomers Union Suits Hose Blankets, Etc. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Phone 9 Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Nut. Nanaimo-Wellington Mine-Run. Beacon Hard Sootless Lump. Beacon Hard Sootless Egg. Telkwa Lump. Of the above there is ONE that is particularly suited to your heating equipment. We shall be glad to advise Albert & McCaffery Limited Phone 11C and 117 CATAHRH t.i ih BLADDER , Swttuhl Week-end Specials l Nabob Coffee, 1 lb. tin .... (10? Flour Purity or Five Roses, 49c sack $2.r0 Robin Kood Quick Oats, pkg :(;' Nabob Red Plum Jam, 4 lb. tin l.c Libby'a Corn Beef, lv, 2 tins" -IS? Nabob Red Pitted Cherries, 2s, tin Tea Garden Maraschino Cherries, 6 o. bottle :f Or Sockcye Salmon, Horse Shoe, 1-2,1 2 tins ... -ir.f Nabob Sliced Peaches, 2s, 2 tins, for !.? Heins Peanut Butter, jar .... iV$ Jap Kice, No. 1 3 lbs i:."p Clark's Catchup, 2 bottles .. !." Chocolate Eclairs, fresh stock, lb :rf Mulkin's Honey, 12 oz jars, 2 for 4."f j Evaporated White Figs, 2 lbs Mr; Chateau Cheese, rich and creamy. 1 lb. pkg. 4rf Per 5 lb. Box '2M Fine Gold Coin Potatoes, sk Sjtt.OOl Fancy Mcintosh Red Apples, 3 lbs 25 jf Circle "S" Picnic Hams, lb. iMf Sliced Conked Ham, lb i(c Lilebuoy Soap, 3 bars - f, Rinsp, 3 pkgs . . . k J."f j 1 Alberta Market 5' P. GAMULA. I'loprictor 1 ifth Street. Phone 208 t'4 Supitmcs sn lltigancc HOSIERY Itecause of flawle texture Corticolli Silk Hosiery keep its Lustrous Loveline throughout a remarkably long life. SNUG FITTING SILK & WOOL HOSIERY in lovely shade o( Peach, .Beige, Champagne, Lark. etc. 'TheNobby' See Our Windows Frida TMK UAILY ' NEWS CAPITOL FEATURE SCREAMINGLY-FUNNY COMEDY TONIGHT! I Dorothv Mnpk'nill X.- .tinlt Mnl. hall are co-featured in Iheir meat-1 est comedy success "Ladies' Night j in a Turkish Ilath," showing to night and Saturday at the Capitol. The Picture, a famous liroadwav farce, abounds in gay titles and ' amusing situations. Local picture - natrons would be well advised to avoid the old tub this week-end in favor of L.idies' Night in a' Turkish Rath." i MARSHY DRAG" AT CAPU'UL lONIGHi: Miss Madge Rush, whose offer-1 ings of the Fan Dance and "Jaraot Tapitio" have been so popular ati the Capitol this week will be seen to still greater advantge on Friday and Saturday in her rendering of the most talked of dance of the day, "The Varsity Drag." Miss Rush's interpretaton of this number will be eagerly awaited. EDMONTON TO BUILD PLANE! 4 r ... . in- i,iu .MaKing nans lo go Ahead With Work This Winter EDMONTON, Oct. 21. aeroplanes may be in service here next year, the initiative in this regard having been taken by the local Aero dub. Within a few weeks a start will be made, at constructing a Cran-well light aeroplane which will be similar to the type now in great popularity in the old country. j Plans for the machine have already been-received, and at a recent meeting of club officials it was decided to go ahead with construction; The selecting of suitable spruce has engaged the attention of Instructor S. A. Yorke. who says this material can be obtained here, making it necessary to purchase only the engine and wheels. It is estimated the machine can be turned out for between $2,500 and $3,000. The finished machine will be of the biplane type with a speed of 85 miles per hour and two-seater accomodation. it will be equipped with a two cylinder 40 h.p. engine and should give good service. Inctructor Yorke says no date can be set for the finish of construction, as it is the intention to obtain some instructional value for the club during the period the Cranwell is being built, the same time there is a need more club machines, so when the spring opens there will be at least the Cranwell and the two Moths in operation here. There is also a hope that the federal government will bear thecost of a second Cranwell after the club has turned out the f fw one. It appears that the main problem in connection with building the machine It Co set the right measurements and so forth for the Datents or "moulds.4' When these have been adjusted and the first aeroplane turned out, it a simple matter to feljow wjth the construction of other of this tyi. i HOLT IN HOSPITAL 1 MONTREAL, Oct 26. Sir Herbert Holt reporM feeling very well In the Victoria hospital where he went fbr observation and possible treatment for a i i ..i,i i II1JI1UI UUUUIff. A good-sized crowd attended the weekly half-holiday dance coal 7mstr Your choice Cartage and Morage EDSON CASSIDY . WEL- Phone C8 . LINGTON TELKWA Cartage. Warehousing, and Also Dulklcy Hny and Grain. Distributing. Team or Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Motor Service' y Ihone 58 Coal, Sand and Gravel IVnce Rupert Feed Co. w' ISIS&SZ 1 BATHE YOURSELF IN LAUGHTER I WASH AWAY YOUR MATES With DOROTHY MACKAILL SSBBBSBBSSBSmh H MOVING BODIES ROYAL FAMILY loom lleing Made at St. Georges Burying Ground for Sver eigrw and Heirs i nvnnv n ot vi win, v.i. .ine containing bodies of minor members of the Royal Family in cluding, it is said, those of three relatives of Queen Mary, are bj- I removea irom St. Georges Cbapel. Windsor Castle, to ground npecislly consecrated for them at Freymore, Windsor I'krk. The iMirial place of Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort at St. Ooorges' was oocoming tull and restrved lor sooverriirns nnd heirs to the throne. CONSERVATIVES GAIN MONTREAL MONTREAL. Oct. 25-One Liberal and one Conservative were ejected in Wednesday's provincial fey-elec st Mary's diviaoQ f Montfeat. Mayor HouHe of Montreal wis the Conservative elected by a comfortable majority, u gain for the oDnnaiilnn in bee Kast O. Droubin. Liberal was ! elected over Piece Turdette, Conservative, by a majority of 1,100, th representation being unchan- 4Th nlnial4, ft... j ii r.-i-iv; ui nouaes over rns ihree opponents whs over five ; nunncen. ' 0 its TEEMING STEAMING SCREAMING And on the Siaf e . CM,,,-. . 'LADIES' NIGHT IN A TURKISH BATH' And JCK m LHALL Madge Rush in 'The Varsity Drag' Will Edmunds Evening Adults 5(h", children 15c Loge 60c. .Saturday Matinee, Adults 30c, Children 10c. in "THE BASSOON SONG' x and Cello Solo Two continuous i commencing 7 p in l at ! p.m. The Prize Winning Loaf in the open Baking Competition at (In Prince Itupert Exhibition was made with Rnhin Rood Guaranteed to please you better. Sold by all good grocers. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East. Thone W Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Rate Nepal" USED CARS We have several excellent bargains In used C an Easy Terms if desired,