Saturday PAGE TWO g DifjLY NEWS .it r Tn i' - - For 35 years trie public have been daily testing MAKE MONEY IN "SALADA" Tea in millions of teapots Over 200 million pounds have been sold More is demanded every day Do you know how good SPARE MOMENTS "SALADA" is? Sold at all grocers - Ask for it. KllISCKIl'HOXH SKYT IN now joint! I OK MANY MOKE VOTES THAN , MTKK. AN E.trVl.'V MT.tKT . him. itis AivAr:hfeois' T W.H P wrtri. "A bate fj ihII ii The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUJIBIi Published Every Afternoon, except Suttday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mafl or ear-Tier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $:.o0 Or four month for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year ... $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporter Telephone - - - DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations witn jaa mm, mnsl-KHpw we -the writer ja, A SACK OP WHEAT 93 86 Saturday. July 20, 1928 SIR HENRY'S SPEECH Sir Henry Thornton spoke more optimistically yesterday in addressing the Board of Trade luncheon than he has ever before done in this city. He announced that a big car barge was to be built here and inquiry after the luncheon showed that work on the barge had already commenced. The provision of a boat for the Islands run was also announced and, throughout, the tone of the speech was of an intensely practical tenor. Tfce news of the car barge work will be especially welcome here as it will provide a local payroll which is badly needed just now. LETTERS MUST IIB SIGNED We have a letter inclosing one dollar which was sent in from Wark Canal for publication. It was not signed so cannot be published. If the writer will call or write we shall be glad to return his money. We bwe no way of returning it otherwise. As has often been said, letters rmwt be signed. The name of the writer may not necessarily be published but to keep good faith Yesterday the Daily News received a miniature aack of wheat from the Vancouver Sun, advertising both the growth and prospects oi Vancouver and also the prosperity of the Sun newspaper. It a very interesthrg tittle eaelc, and is good advertising. THE GASOLINE AGE There is consternation Ui British railway circles because of the Inxse which the four consolidated companies have sustained during the last year. This is not surprising. It is possible to travel now from Land's End to John O'Groata in a motor bus. The whole country is a neiwonc oi mis more iiexime iorm oi transportation. In some districts orders recently have been given for the removal of street ear tracks in order that motor bus sen-ice may be brought up to a higher measnre of efficiency. There is a suggestion that the British railway companies are "cooking their accounts in the hope of obtaining wider powers with regard to road transportation. To some extent this may be true ; but the fact remains that the age of gasoline has cone to stay. With the high state of perfection to which the motor bus has been brought on this continent, we may assume that the day is noi far distant when street cars, like the horse, will be more or less museum specimens. Man in the Moon The man who tried to je out working Is a failure in Ufe. UUi- Some places become prominent because of their prosperity and others because they have DoUMtobor parades. Men pass up the very because must have wTtajji fhi-y can show off. brainy girls someone to Nf that the election Is over, how about looking lerwai:: to 'he t Mi" When we can ah lo.ik at i.iin .:h. in prejudice rrnt to the edlt-rs were rejected as no .good, but when I threw them In the 'rtcre the firsf Just roared." Huron 1 8he Htm could you Hve without me? j Be Kweh cheaper. Father ow. Tommy, you've been at chcol along ime What Is the wife nr an Indian called? Tommy- a s,uw. dad. ratrrr oond and can you tall me what his child Is called? Tommy A squawler. A aentleman was walking down the ;trert with a Utile boy nt Ills side when the little hoy cled out "Oh. pa! there i-oes an edltcr' Hush, hush.' s)d the father, "don't lrnke Hpnrt of the pxir man. gondneaa. fnly knows what von may come to 'fmrll miiM rtav Whole Wheat inWholesomeForm Selected for Hnest quality. Shredded for easy digestion. Thoroughly baked for ready serving. TRISCUIT - crisD and tastv for luncheon Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company. Ltd. Persons contemplating ..entcrm tOIIONTO ItEVIKWM IIKANTIU. KITt'tTIIIM COAST -111 Dally News big campaign ln ula (tend ' or bring their nominations i:- immediately. 'Injse who arc uitert-vri ::. Me-i:.g Iheir friend becoming candidates should see that they arc nominated without further delay. All n mmai :ons received no, u.ll be given a Ted:: of 5,000 votes. Remember, tlx-re Is only cue way to make nomuur ion. Candidates must sltner nomi..ite themselvefc or be the choice of some trtend who will do it for them. The managament 1 not fo-HU to place any name in the cam-palgn and if you want to be sure that your name is among those from which the owners ol 'lie grand prize.-, are to be choten. the surest way is to send , in or bring in your nomination coupon j ycursclf do this at onoe. j Bear in mind that it will not take lung to win o:.e 01 the b!g prizes. The campaign will be n very short one And 1 at the clo-e of i he campaign the votes, vlll be ouh.vd bj h committee of pro- ' ni:ne:it business men These who have Maine d the groaten rumber of vote j w.i! be formally presented with the nandsame prizes prizes that were ob-mlned by collecting votes In their spare time. Now. right now. TODAY. Is the time io begin. li you want w new car, if you want tc own an automobile at your own ao that you can ride whan you wish ant take, your frionds or your family driving there Is no reason why you cannot get ft here. Think of having a oar all ycur own to go where you with and ray aa long as you pleas a car that has a reputation of reliability all the way thrcugh, luvurlous. comfortable and powerful. That' Just what you can hare If you are willing to rut forth a little energy and a little trust le and energy during your spare time. l'EOPLK BAT, "I CAVT Nearly every one will say "Oh, I may try but t feel that I cant get a car.' Ml will be of about the aaie opinion But. the man or woman, boy or girl. i who first wecides that he or she is going to win will and has the confidence to do his or her vary best la very likely to be proclaimed among the winners of the very biggest of the prises. Understand too. that there win be more votes given for subscriptions now than at the end of tht campaign. This Is done In fairness to the ones who get :ut and battle at the start. Of ccurss you c SecontplKh nothing toward sharing In the grand . gift dlar trlbutiun until you get started. Ao It s very Important that you out out the nomination coupon In this and send or bring it In thlk very day. Once start-id. if you are the ambitious sort, you will become the possessor of the kind of enthusiasm that will lead you to ;reateT things enthusiasm that should make one of the big prises yours. lET IN AI WIN You should receive full detlala of the campaign and start today. Bear in .nlnd that every active participant who it-res not laud one of the big prises will be paid In cash for his or sfforta. Campaign headquarter located on 'he second floor of The Daily News Building will be open today and this evening aa usuad and you are Invited to call for any information you desire use the telephone. The number BS4 Come in and have thu generous pro position explained to you in detail and leum about the costly prises that are awaiting those who are privileged to participate. The entire campaign la ao extremely hort in Its duration, that an early start is imrerattvc 'o those who desire the rger prtaea. If you nave not yet done so. and wish to share In the fiesrteat diet ton of gifts ever made In Fruwe Ru pert or its a i -rounding territory. RUSH YOUR NOatKATlON coupon to the DaUv V-ws Campaign heardquoartera at once. Campaign department open evenings until 8 o'clock. Phone SS4 'ACKERS EXPECT TO MAKE MONEY NBWKP.U'EH ON THIS ACQUIRES MILLIARD'S That nothing short of an actual fldn famine can prevent the new British Columbia Packerp Company from mak ing a profit this ear. is the opinion of interests close to the management of the company: and as a fish famine la nn event of extreme remotensSl there eem little doubt but that a sUfntlal profit will result 'Mm yel sub- tm .li . jnti rs operations, an in rantciajj. I of Toronto. "Sfn-S iwnrpf flsx much below avers t KMI''mnan that athkc a good pmnt." wia one autn- crity on the sub)' rt; "and granted an 'vcruxe K'otl ru). jrroflU will be quite I'tlslartnrv " Tlie reason for the unproved proa-pertK is two-fold: a change in the ln-trnor emnomy of the company and deflnalely Improved conditions nf operating in the trade Itself, wi:ii s nalhle restrictions of Rear and i'(iupment td be used in the years to cum The umliltlnn for many years of the big purki.Ts in this area has been to secure sensible co-operation Esherman's Luck is always good luck if you take along a tin of Ogden's Cut Plug. For, no matter how the fish are biting, a fragrant pipeful of Ogden's will never fail to soothe and satisfy. Its exceptional mildness, coolness and sweetness puts a man at peace with the world. li lb. vacuum (air-tight) tins 15 and 20 cent packages among all the fishing and packing companies ao as to. ensure only proper amount of gear In the watet rem year to year, and a steady suppl; if flab In all cilatricts Instead of i wasteful plethora of (tab. in some dls trlcts and a virtual famine in other, due to cut-throat competition and It resultant uneconomical operations I'.UKKItS IU AdKF.EMKNT This ambition of years has now toeei realised; and practically M the Brttlsl Columbia packers have affixed the!: signatures to an agreement that shoulc make possible profitable operations foi many years to come. This agreement ut recently auocesafiflly oonaiunmated restricts for a per. or of five years tb amount of gear allowed to eMh can uety. and specifies 'dtofjtr the ami' tl operations of the vartotia cannerta By these means two things will be ac jom alls had; the total certab m my one yfar can be brought within aft rnfheat limitations WIthaut working serious hardship to flicbera; and there should be an even and equitable dlvls Ion of flan between the various can nertes operating, thus ensuring steady jperatlons for several months In thr year, instead of the unawMQr tnd in termittent operation, even In the midst nf the fishing season, that has been the case for many years past. This In itself la sufficiently as big a factor as to make all tne ouierenoe between nroflta and losses with the product telling at Identical prleea: Tor the Intermittent opera Won of their canneries has been aa expensive pro- is for all the compaaW eoncerned and has made operating oosu soar si- DURING BABY'S TEETHING TIME The Bovtels Become Loose , . f "'.Villi IJj tffmnifent thcnwelvw; the jtums le- oone: swollen, nnd &nkcrs lorm'in the mouth. This iia tbs timo when the mother should uao and pnrhans save the baby's f& m we niaxsoi tor ou ytiB. i Woo, 60c a bottle at all druggbU orj limn J 1 ENS CUT PLUG SAVE THE VALUABLE "POKER HANDS" ost beyond belief. MKnffcKN MAVIGCMFA'T Another factor In B. C. Packers' leratloas la the matter of Its own tertor economy. An operating eom-lttee of five trained packing men lee ted from the old Gosse and B. . Pish boardt, is actually in mn-rtal oontroi of the company: and ese men resident In British Columbia id fully conversant with the details this business, have already effected any economies. For one tMng they ve reduced the number of canneries be operated this year by nearly one urd. This means a considerable ur g in stan and overhead because the malning operating units are at noo MBpetlUve points, a constant ' aqaply, i isso b .assured, and an etpaojolcel tmjrty f labor ean be rrgutarly env loyed. It is now announced that B, C. ackers have Just aqulre the Mil- rd riahtog and PaflHaw O, This, one of the smaller oompank but tth a very nice cannery business. '1th the addition of this output D. C. ackera will likely pack around W er cent, of the total pack this year. SEERY AND HATTON BECOME AVIATORS IN LATEST PICTURE In the picture "Now W re In the Air" lowing here tonight Beery and Hat ton become aviators when their clot Ives are Mown off when they get In front of. a lattery of airplane propellers on the esttng blocks at a flying field. xney ran in love with twin slaters, he or whom has been raised a Oer man. tne other a French etrl. Mane ji tneir auiloultlee arise over their in ability to ten their sweethearts apart wnicn is not surprsnnc when, it' lsJ eonstderema-t thejatme tou Bkln plays ptb,..pruspbly,snd rt&rmtnairfl .s re new and frequent tnrougnom tne picture and will raise Beery and llatton to a atill hteher plane as laugh purveyors. They have spfendM support in the cast, which includes Malcolm Watte, aa the Oer- mwft spy. Duke Martin aa the top aer-gent, hard boiled aa usual, Entile Ohstrt..rd and Russell Blmpson. Now We'ie in the Alf Is good for a Ifttfh In any language. L. W l utmore sailed by Mie Prince George yesterday afttrnoon on a business trip to Stewart. (l hero gn, with its call to th( Qront -Outdoo t,H course of the next few weeks, thousand? of m vVill forate the cities to seek rest and recreation lake and stream and irt the depths of the coo!, Forests. Remember! This is the month of July when the Fire Haz.-r ! at its height. Be rigidly careful with Fjre. Oct camp fire permit ; have it always with you and f. ,: its simple instructions The conReioimness of i your part to Protect the l oie&U will add m:it lo your enjoyment of them. B.C. Forest Service We are pleased io announce that the Ford Canudi i tor? will soon be in full production. The exceptional value in the Mddl A iar has Imm h walUnt: or. The fellewiag models will bp on displav at our I Avenue shwwrooni on and after July 17 for a few day FOUDOIt AND TUDOR SEDANS, 1'HAETON AND IJUSIXKSS COUPE, 1 x TON TRUCK. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED K. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" TnE DAINTIEST HREAKFAST POOH . Smoked Dally by. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., LA I'rlnce Rupert, B.C. FREE VOTING COUPON Good for 100 Votes In the Daily News "Everybody Wins" Grand Prize Campaign I hereby cunt 100 FREE VOTES to the credr Mlas, Sir. or Sirs Address Thta eouimri, NEATLY Clji'PKD OUT. name 'and 'ail1' I of Ihe candidate filled In, and mailed or deliwred to t ampalgn Department of the Prime Rupert Dally New- " eoAt m 100 FREE VOTES. It does U S anWhin,-cast these coupons for your favorite candidate, and vmi : not restricted in any sense In voting them. Get all tun and send them In they all count. Do not roll or fold; deliver In flat package NOTE-This -coupon must !. 'before .voted on or 8 i August 8, 1928. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED WTfa -."O A.ert H. Z IK, H.ur,.y. , a,., IOr HTMVA,tr' VaiJlW eim rsoN. 123 2nd Avenue. it, M. smith i ... ., , . ,,r Tliroueh IKhels sold to VI tor a and na Sm. '""I. rr!nf' "LUL tliei'fcsS lliriMieh to drstlimtlon " batjaie i