We sell 8 kinds of Coal,. ' Any kind of Wood- , In any quantity"' CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures arc right. So Is our Service Fhone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. NIKht Phone: Red 317. LADIES' DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Huilding Papers and Felts Everjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elasligum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phones 11G and 117 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices op Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in baying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have fat ill ties for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. C17 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, ILC DRY : BIRCH JACKP1NK AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double Load $0.50 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICKS DOWN Pembina Peerless Ejtt $12.00 PemMna Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootlesa Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone 5SG 131) Second Ave. TERMINALS GET FOOTBALL EDGE TOOK THISTLES IM OA MI LAST KVLMNti IN M OKIM; MAT 11 Till: hTAMllVd W. L. Pts Terminals 2 0 4 Thistle 1 J 2 Heglment 0 i 0 Tre result of a rather line goal-scoring gam last evening in the City football league found Grand Terminals wlanrt ovr Thistles by 6-3. the former thaus 1 taking the flnt lead In the league standing. I Thistles were without Haig while Terminate were without Warren and Harrl- V-c Thlatle played with the hill but Ter minate were first w attack and Camp bell saved from Howe. Both tor- wards were playing fast soccer and Cur-rle centered to W. Mitchell whose pass to Ales Mitchell was converted to open toe score. Dickens then went through to level the soars. Mitchell played well and. as a result of combination between hun and Andrews. Qurvlch saved from the latter. Skinner headed away and Ourvich fisted away a good tentre from Andrews, who S meanest later shot past. Wllliscroft atoppod Lunde, Hill cleared and W. Mitchell shot past. From a cor ner Howe put the Terminals ahead. A. Mitchell shot just over aad Ourvich saved from W. Mitchell. Skinner headed away a free and then Burnett and Howe raided for Howe to add a third goal. Sam Currle was playing a fine game and sent his forwards away for Chenoskl to wore with a long swerving shot. Mac-douald stopped Andrews and Wllliscroft cleared at the other end. Campbell saved from Howe and Dickens was nearly through a moment later. Following an attack. Alex Mitchell scored M srceail goal. TnisUea were now pressing and Ourvich caught a fine centre from Andrews. Cbenoaki's shot wee just too high. Ales aad W. Mitchell ware combining well and Murray and J Currle played effective football on the other wing but found MacDonaM hard to beat. Howe scored again with a grounder that should have been saved. Lunde crowned but the Inside forwards missed a good opening. From Che-uoakl'a comer Dtekens scored another goal. A penalty award Thistle was taken by Wood woo scored with his first shot but. owing to an Infringement. had to take tee shot again and this time he put the ball high ever. A Mitchell added a third for Thistles from a corner taken by J. Currle. Wllllacroft stopped Burden. Murray was playing a clever ; game but no further goals were scored and Terminals were deservedly win-1 nets . TEAMS Thlsttas Oamfabett; WfllacCoft Br- Nklne: O. Mitchell. Hadden. Wood; J. Currle (Jr). J. Murray, A. Mitchell, W CHobeH. J. AflMSBSwa. Terminals-Ourvich: Skinner. Donald: Hill, Currle, MAcDonald, Lund-. Howe, Dtcaeata. Bosdett, Cateootki Per Thistles Erskine. starred In the defence while the forwards put up their best game of the eeeaoo. The Mltmell brothers o(' rm Aid ct nil time goals, combined welt and young Currle oantrsd dangerously, being well fed by J. Murray who was In gcod form Jimmy Andrews, who cam in at the his- minute cwlng to Haig' absence through a severe cold, never missed his centre the whole evening and thl oic! : imrr has lots of football In him yet Terminals were best served bv G id-vich. Skinner, and the three halves "nrrie la still the best centre hiOf. Burden showed up weH nt inside left and Cheiiotkl was In good form. Dickens missed some chances but got faro good toal. Howe with three goals shot hard and often. Lunde was good. George Russell refersed. AMERICANS I)EFE4T ITALIANS, TENNIS AUTTHIIL. France. Jury tl. France-T. Hunter defeated OasHnt; Hh, (t-1 6-1, 8-0 and John Haueaay etefeu d etemn wAl4prfi.i-4b iM. ti-2 In lntr-rne David Cup tennis mate ' tmlev. i ! DERBY FAVORITE IS WINNER TODAY SANDOWN Park. England . Jury 81-Falrway. which was a fawartte in 'he Darby but which failed to get Into the mosey on that occasion, won the BcUppe etakes today. Royal Mlimtri'l ' was eseond and IVioklHW. third Fmi- , way Is owned by Lord Derby. I "Now don't forget to bring me Dr. Chafe's I .Nerve Food. I am feeling so much better I don t want to nxus a single dose." II! MEN'S DOUBLES FINE PLAY Poll Howard and J ark dyne Are City Chsmptwir (Mher DmI Today Poli Howard and Jack Clyne won the city lenn:.", ch;implonshlp men's double oni Crl Brand and E. W. M&rentettr :i the flnal which was playrd lart night -h? s-ore being -, ft-S. 0-4. It vas a fast and closely contested match. In the Prince Bupert Tennis Club championships, which were played (bout a month age. the same nnalllsti met but Brunei and Marentette won. th' tables bring turned on this occa- It is pi, nned, weather permitting, to . lay final in men's singles, mixed dou-U't- un.-j ludiek' douhlco this afternoon. JASff PARK TEAM COMING Men self lleeeltes lUer a ail Is Taking KU-fM Toward Arranging Hnselwll Seri-- Il-re Ben Self I i ' cat ion ir:i:n Di Park a:i" iun. in ipt of a c-imnnuv thrrlard of J. h : the h-'f be In Prince Rupert the latter part of August, following a tour through the central Interior, and requesting that arrangements be mode for two games to played with n Prince Rupert Team. Mr. Self Is taking The necessary steps :th a view to having the games played Pnnre Hupert thi season. 1: J.i-ptr P:-i; bahali team will be "nipanled by h s:x-p.C'e archestra. ALEXANDER IS HERO OF GAME iii:u riHIJJl.S TO ONE HIT IS L'HillT IXMMiS I5IT HLBW IP IV MXTII Special to the Dally News) NEW YOTIK July 21-Old Q rover k-voland Alexundcr stood the Phillies n their head.-. .vesterSny allowing but nc hit in eight . innings but the Quak-r& knocked him out ol the box in the linth with a lour-run rally and stop- (I one short of winning, making It heir twelfth defei.t. Williams and Harper hit homers. Homers by Terry and Welch, featured the game n which New York moved back lnto seejond place by defeating Chicago Cubs., In the AmoHcan League. PhllaaVeJphla Athletics wan their third straight victory tram rV Louis Browns. Barahaw permitted the Browns but three scattered hits. NATIONAL LEAD I'C New Tork 4: Chicago 2. Brooklyn S; 'Pittsburg 7. lloston 3: Cincinnati 4. Philadelphia 4; St. Loula 5. AMLKICAN LEAGCE St. Louis 0; Philadelphia 4. Detroit 4; Washington 7. COAST LE.Mll T. Son Francisco U: Hollywood a. Portland 1: Oakland t. boa Angela I; Mlaslons . Seattle 0: Sacramento 4. 1 Around The World ; With Sport Fans x (fiy The Tramp) Waltsr Hagen. British open golf champion, will play a return aeventy- iwo-hole mii'ih, July 34 and 26 with 4rrhie Cnmpnton. the giant Brltlah profesflonul titlebolder. who gave Hagen the weirs' drubbing hr ever arcepted In tini'h ip FnKland IftHt Spring. The I: M ihiry--;x hoi' will be played at Sonrty Bi.rr Country Club ht Way- lsBeBnHvBeainBWaaslsnBBBHsaHaaBaKSfV .rrrrm JiKI-l'KD TO MAKE NEW ATHLETH ' HISTORY: Nellie lxHi-HililaK. 1 'aicifiiu. fini.-hiiij' tin- 4.00-meiri' relay race f..r uciiruh in which her team made u new mark of 50 ;,etunds flat W anted For Sale For Rent There was a large gathering at a social held last evening In the Palish Hall by the Catholic Women's League, the event proving one of both aucoewi t.nd enjoyment. Prise winners at cards were: Bridge Ladles' first. Mrs. Harold Mc-Ewan: consolation. Mrs. Curtln: men's first. H. A. Ponder; men's consolation. Mrs. M. P. McCaXtery. Whist Ladles' first, Mrs. R B. Wll-iw. ladles' oonsolatlon. Kiss Nlde De-Marco; men's first, Andy McDonald: men's consolation. Fire Chief D. M. McDonald. The attendance prise was won by Mrs. Clark and P. Cravat to was the winner of s raffle for a cushion Delicious refreshment were served , under the direction of Mrs. Carrall and dancing followed. Music was by Miss j Irene Morrison' orchestra and Harry lAetori acted as master of ceremonies Mrs. J. J. Oillls was convener of the committee in charge and asslstsnifi were 'Mrs. J. L. Blaln, Mlsa Mary Aatort and Mrs. P. J. MeCormick. LOCAL NORWEGIANS MEET THEIR CONSUL . Ludwlg A ii her t. (wiiul-(ieneral far Canada, (ireeled st Kreewthm YrNterday I AflerniKMi Some forty or nfty local Jtorweglans guthcred yesterday mftemoon in the Mrtropole Hall to meet Ludwlg Aubert I Montreal. Norwegian conMl-general '.or Canada. Olof Sanson, Bweclih vloe--onsul, presided in the absence of John nybhrvn. Norwegian riee-eansul, and a brief address wan given by' Mr. Aubert. JncK Seivig replied and B. M. Simpson I.ho made brief remarks. Karlier in the day. Mr Aubert had i.-en taken to various point if inlereitt a: d industry around the city by his 'fllow-cc.untryman. The visitor was iceplv impremed by what he aaw here end expressed confidence as to the port's future Mr. Aubert went East with Sir Henry Thornton's special train vestrrdty afternonn. TERRACE Election dsy passed off quietly here but with both side putting forth great efforts which resulted in a larger number of votes being csst than in any previous election A total or vn votes were caat- lSB Conservative, lie Liberal. 7 spoiled snd 2 doubtful. Thirty-one absentee votes were also cast Returns were secolvecl at the Terrace Theatre during the movie show t night. "Mr." and lira Trios. lSddle "VneTlam. lly. who yrived. from Prince tMpert on W(Uaay. have takw the Mbiisa of Arnold Creelman lor the summer montiis. Mm II C Creelman of Uak was s Visitor haw en Wednesday E. T. Kenney returned on Wednea-day from Haaelton. where he spoke In Liberal interests. EXCAVATING WANTED ROCK OR any kind, by day or by contract. K! Rosaiig. 183 WANTED YOTJNO MAN TO DRIVT car. Must know the city weU. Valen-tat Dairy. 1 " ' AGENTS WANTED DISTRICT MAW AO S aOCHTS I Wonderful ntw discovery PALCO-SEEL really seals nail punctures without removing tire from rim. Different- Ouarantced harmles to rubber. Cannot decompose Lasts life- of tire. Money maker for agents Miller made tS7t in five wjeks. Write for prool and Free Trial Oiler Psk-oieel Manufacturing Co. Ltd.. Alexandria. Ontario AOBNT8 WANTED TO TAKE ORDERS lor Canada a finest line of Personal Oreetlng Card - Regal Art Company. Manufacturers. 310 Spadina. Toronto. FOR SALE POH BALE- FIRST CLASS ROOMING house; twenty-six rooms fully fur-nleKed and In good condition. Ba-oellent opportunity for a counts. Apply T. Mcdymont. . tf OLD NEWSPAPEPS MAT BE USED Ui- stead of building paper m to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Oet special price on large quantities Dally News FOR SALE LAUNCH OWEN. POTJI Horsepower Eostbops engine. all oomplete and In good running eon-dltion Apply Pullen. Dally News, tf FOR SALE- WAI.NUT DINING ROOM--suite. Phone 7J. JTI FOU RBiVT "OR RENT CLAPPER TON HOUSE Ninth Avenue East. Rent reasonable ApprjClty Tjeasurer.Clty Hall tf OR RENT- -PIANOS, PLATER-PIANOS. Phonographs and Sewing Machines. Walker's Music Store. u FOR RENT FURNISHED FOUR roomod apartment with bath. Water paid. Phone 547 tf FOR RENT - FOUR ROOM APART-ment. hot water heated Apply Smith ft Mallett. Ltd. tf FOR RENT FURNISHED APART-menu - Apply Musssllem Oraoary. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS; u'.o nm;i suite. Phone Green OM HOUSEK FOR KENT w BEAIJl HOUSE NEAR CATHOLIC I Church at sao.oo. 1 sixth Avenue Went at 135 00. Ninth AveRM, rooms. tlbM and aaother gtRftO. i Tbess- are aH modern. 144 Sixth Ae-ime West for sale r. W. IIAHT USED CARS FOR SALE Kord Ton Truck, panel body .. I1M.M Pord Ton Truck. Chassis enly. ; aurter type tlMSS Ford Roadster delivery, tftt, 1 good condition 4178.00 Oakland Sedan. 192R. four wheel brakes, baloon Ursa tin 08 Two Ton Traffic Truck, new ; tlre" eM0jg4) Terma can be arranged on above ears ! KilKN UAHWli: Phone 83. 27. The party will be taken to the lake on F Nlghtwlae's oar and will have lunch at the Xaluea Lake Hotel. ! Mrs. A. Ohnsburg of Prtnoe Rupert. ho has spent the past week in Ter- ruce with frieiiua. returned home on 1 huibduy. The Aug lean picnic wiiiaa waa lo lasaa neen acna mm Thaawtay haartoor. oiS 1'insvmsnsie wwaunrr. me children were taken for a very entoyable motor ride by A. W. Robinson John Wlllman of Usk wss a vim tor here on Thursday. Bev. and Mrs Wnv Allan were at, Lekelae Lake on Thursday, setting up camps and getting things in readiness for takinir th "Tin W r-. m . i " . , . uv i ran ArraiiRemrniK have been made to Ur, n.n . . . hold tl.. Anglican Women n Auxiliary ' About ten boys ,.xtct t .p.,,. r ... uu i nuay, jaiy . wt( under canvas. S-lUl. ir AGE FOUR By George McManus BRINGING UP FATHER i i i r I 1 I I . I J THAT SING.IN' FOR GOODMES bAKE- OUST A J SHE! C.OTTO STOP THAT CH-I THINKTOUR VOICE I MRS-JtGGS- I T"IN" --H I MOT BAD-N'OT I TARTTO DO A UTTLE.'WORK- nowMN-WH Lt rra iisj y ?T. T . LEA J ? . . . . ' TWlC kig ri whTATA., AT ALL . r.. MAGGIE KAbTO START PRACT- ISIN, SISJ'-.'.KJ'-BX GOLLY- HER as., Transfer VOICE' UTTIN INSTEAD WORt jBETTER:- Fifteen years' experience FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING '. - - - 1 1 ' ' , 'learn ' team fr6ra from tike tne Alberta Alberta park park oentre oantre will will I i . ' - - DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c land. Mass., while the second half will be staged over the Westchester Blitmore links at Bye. N Y Although the financial arrangements were not made known today, the pro stars probably win play or a puree exceeding ai.000. Them aye downs upon downs of women's lacrosse teams in England where the Canadian pastime has superceded field hookey la many schools, say the Toronto Globe. It has also been token up in soma of the girls toUegee of the Baatern States, and there ere several teams la Southern California where the game was Introduced by the Canadian colony Now British Columbia has gone In for It. Lacrosse has been played by girls' teams there for some years, but never to the extent that It prevails this season. SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL BY CATHOLIC LADIES Event lJtl N'lRlit In 481111 Hall Was Well A I tended and Very Enjoyable WANTED Articla and ound.&e SALVAGE AND TmV" Prince Hupert Sah.. ,: & i , t'o. I td SmeJl Safe and T;.. Agents for Basthnp' i Propellers, and 1 llual of all deM-rlpttnit ' . ,,,,,1 Halt lake IVrrr. r IIUTSrillY.Siti;! sow ori.N fUthls M Trout Pishing on Ijikt Ut lit now opt n (i(M)l ArCOMMOIttTlOV 1 "G n 'in I'ARTII S J. BRU( f Lakelse Lake, Terrane. Xl AUCTION Sf1 Auction Rale will he dsy July St on the ; Second Avenue at 1 an ; Bouse and Lot Double barrelled she Machinists' Tools Anvils. Gramophone And mlat'cllaneotii. enld 0 DO J. tMWEB AgCTIONESKs. rniNTE KCrrtiT ti t i r IXIersI HI cm . Purnlture of srl kinder stchsnc Crating and par v Ooods sold on f' -G. J. IIAWF FUKNITUKE AND lnV-l." Fsweett Ranges Bimn Bedding enctudlng the ' trass. Dinings Room Suites. Cheslerfleld -Blinds. Linoleum ati i We sell at very rea"i.. will pay you to give our Windows. . A. MU'KIAZIi:. i I'hsw : CHIROI'RAtTl' IIIL K. e. tvoi.ros Chlraprarlof Ml Third a - -Telephone far apoo'nirr A nesldsner ph. i.. Acute and Chrunlc Di. ntOf jSrea-ecl aWaMlshrd i" RIBTAURAM OOOII CATS M'1 Mrs. Uager. I'r i Third Avenue. nrt Oo.id Home Cooked M' Baked Biei Chklen Hlauer I l:tenlng from r w e e PRINCE RUPERT H' 4 e.a'4,' HATIUIUY HI High 4 OS a i" 16 54 p in Low 10:118 a S3:U P -8IIY 41 I High 4:M sm ltl0 p 1" tow MM a in :4S p"' MIlMilVi. Jl I High tM ' MltS p n Low ii si II IKIIAV. il I V 1 High S:M am 12 -24 pn Low 43 a m 7t!S2 p in l:lllAV. in High . S.10 a i 26:11 pm l ow l:M a m I ll:a pni ;' t 4 it