rd,r. July 20, 1928 rTrr Int. ACME Season Q A I 17 Better Mi r V M Lady Assistant It IS A REAL SALE AND APPRECIATED AS SUCH UY OUR CUSTOMERS REMEMBER! We sell Quality Merchandise wily t : Now IS Jodak Time KODAKS, KODAK SUPPLIES FILMS Developing and Printing for Amateurs Six Hour Service. .Films left before 12 noon, prints ready G p.m. same day Qroies IM. ytc Pinnvcr Drttttjtsts THIRD AVE & SIXTH ST. -TCIEPHONLS L200 Dentistry PLATES that give you a natural ap-jm , rai uc mid lend beauty to the rot. lour of the faoe. r. Maguire Over Ormc riHine S2S City Meat Market (SKLVlti 1IKIM-J 3rd Atcnuc Phone 70S MBAT. IISll. VK(;KTAltUi8 ALL KINDS OF "NOlWWilAN PKOIWCir at low prices, and immediate delivery Observe! Ail articles ure t superior quulity und absolutely freak New D rapery Fabrics impoktkd CrttonncH, Chlntva, Damask and SunfuM Fabric '" Cretonnes, faat colors, exquUiU ' -Iwr-L Mtf"IV i'T '' ,IOt, ,-.He- 23 ni h Frcmh ilHiid KU.ik Printed Civiciin. s, HHMM-ted d-siKnH and colorings, per yard ,-a;i' "0 inh Silk Damasks, fudt'leHB fabric!, h.avy wfiifbt. per ynrd Fraser & Payne Unlrcrsnl Tredtnf Ce. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Local and Personal Church Notices 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Illg 4 Taxi. Dentist. Dr. J. a. Ooavt. Phone 680 Dr. Dickey, Bye. Eear, Nose and Throat Ollice Itotel Prince Rupert. Hours, 10 to S p.m. Evenings by appointmenilS5 Mis. Olsa Koloaoff. of McCrac Bros.; 1 1 1 1 . lisvea lor a vacation in Vancouv isnigED., sailing on the Prince Oeorgi Mlaak. Alvaaoff, who has been here la 1 connection with the new theatre, leave for Vancouver on the Prince Oeorge tola evening. ; Among thoee booked to null on the Princes Loulae true evening tor the south are Ralph Bemey, Oeorge Haw kef and Karl Ilanaen. J. Field Strang, manager of Sunny aide Cannery, arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon train, being here on a brief bualneas visit. H. O Olsen, 8m i Uteri manager for the Hanson Lumber and Timber Co arrived in the eity on yesterday af ternoon's train for the Interior. Mrs. M. E. Home leaves for Swal well. Alberta, on Tuesday next. J. N Home leaves on Tuesday next but will continue through to Halifax, NjB. Mow then folks I Whet about that double load of box cuttings? The kiddles like to handle It. Can you beat it t Sf-80 per load? Hyde transfer! Phone M0. tf T. J. Shenton, inspector of mines, left this morning on the Cardena for Butedale an route to the Detroit Western Mining Company's holdings at Khuua Inlet. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. White and two children of Begins passed through the city recently en route to Vancouver whore they will spend a months vacation. John Dor, district superintendent of Government Telegraphs, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the Smltbers district on official duties. W. E. Williams, who is spending two wseka at the BUlmor Spruce Mill Construe Uon camp, was in town yesterday. He and Mrs. William and two daughters will return to Vancouver at the end of mm week. J. T. Photon, general superintendent, Oovornment Telegraphs, registered at the Prtnot Supsrt BoM following a trip through the Interior n atfte-u duties, leaves tonight on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver Having hee delayed unloading hcvf cargo o freight at Ocean Fails CP R steamer Princess Royal. Oapt. 8 K. Oray. arrived at 1040 tact night from Vancouver and wayporta. sailing at midnight on her return south. The finest summer trip In the world vis 84. Prince Charles. Stewart. Any x. Maaaett Inlet. Leave Prince Rupert Monday, return Thursday. Or a week iid trip to Terrace or Smlthers. Very low fares. Cnqulre City Ticket Offlo Phone 900. 17 Mrs. P. BaUoch Oarr. who has beer vksrung her brother. Ouy BaUocH. dis trict engineer of the public works department, leaves for bar home in Bow York an the PrUtoe Oeorge thlr evening by way of Vancouver and tb Oreat Lakes. Raving completed what business war offering locally. Sir Henry Thornton pmstd'-nt of the Canudlan National Rail ways, and party left for the Raet at I JO yesterday afternoon Instead of S. as was originally scheduled, o the special presidential train. B. O. Johnston, manager of Inverness cannery, arrived In the city from the Skeona River on yesterday afternoon's train and sailed this morning on the Cardena tor Victoria where he will obtain treatment at the handH of specialists following a five weeks' Illness. B. C. Koetey. Pacific Coast agar of Canadian National Coast Bteamshlpa. who arrived in the city veeUrday front the south with Btr Henry Thornton's party, is making the round trip to Stewart and Anyoi on the vtvamer Prince Oeorge. upon which he will return south tonight. Mrs. W. H. Wllmn Murray leaves for a trip to Scotland on today's east-bound passenger train and aaiU from Montreal on the nu-nmer Audanla on August 8. Mr. Wilauii Murray ucoum-paule her as far as Terrace where he will be the truest of Mr. and Mrs. Thinuu, lVddle who are holidaying tlienv m;, . - -.-nr.- Their tcrlh are of tougtv. n which matteathemhold their keen cutting edge uiv dr every ussge. eiMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MONTItCAl VANCOUVtR. ST. JOHN, I TonoNTe The Doctor It is essential that my car should always operate prop, erly and accordingly I use Champion Spark Plugs. Champion if the better park plug because it ha an exclusive ill- manlte insulator specially treated to with, stand the much higher temperatures of the modem high-compre. sion en cine. Alio a new catented solid copper Cuket-iealth-tremaint absolutely gat-tight under high compression. Special analysis electrodeswhlchsssure a fixed spark-gap under all driving condition. CHAMPION SparJlugs WhuW, Ontario A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT Miss Peggy Weiner was a passenger lor Vancouver on the Cardena this morning. CP.R. steamer Princess Louise due at 4 this evening and will sail it 5 JO for the south. Otof ll-oson left yesterday after noon by the special CN.R. presiden tial train on Ms return to Smlthers P. O. Dawson left for the East lsst evening on Sir Henry Thorntons pedal train. He expects to return to toe city in afeout ten days' time. Mrs. C. V. Etrtt returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Terrace where she "ha been the guest of Mrs, R. L.(McIntoh. Balling on the Prtficcse Royal last evening for Vancouver were the Misses Holstein. Rev. K. Maekawa for Ocean Palls and. O. Uakl for Vancouver. Leaving on todays train to visit re latlves In ""fl-M Bep- Baxter of the C N.R depot, will "SalT k from Mon treal on the Uner-LeUJU on July 27. E. A. WUlen leaves oh' the eastbound train today en route ib his home In Halslngfors. nnfand. "sailing from Montreal an the IfftlttV July 37. via '-Jverpool. Dr. W. T. Kergln. aosompanled bj Misses Margaret and Bdtth Kergln and Miss Dorothy OUllncham, left this morning for Zaljas Island where they xpect to spend the next week. CUR A freighter Canadian Farmer, which has been having tanks for car rymg ftth-oU Installed at the local dry tfock. toft this morning at 11 for thv south. W H Tobey. CUR. divisional sup. rlntendent. left yesterday afternoon by 'lr Henry Thornton's special train to ccompany tlie railway president over division as far as Jasper Park. In city police jourt this morning efore Magltrate McOtjrmont. Joseph McKay. Indian, for intexteatlon, was lned 18 and SSAO costs or 14 days :nd Cecilia Oeell. Indian, was fined M0 and MJ0 costs or 14 days foi .n toxica Uon. Bruce MeMaster, young son of Mr tnd Mrs. Alex. MeMaster of Anyox. as arrived In the eity from the smelter town to spend the summer vacation with his grandpa rrntt. Mr and Mrs. S. A. Nlokerson, 711 Fifth Avenue West. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Marentette and family will sail tonight on the Frlnet Oeorge for West Vancouver where they will spend a holiday. Mr. Marentette lll be away three weeks while Mrs. Marentette and family will remain In the south for six weeks. Owing to so many members being away on holiday the neml-annual meet ing of the St. Andrew's Society set for last evening for the election of officers was postponed till August 10. Final arrangements for the ple-nlc to Orassy Bay Tomorrow were completed and It was reported that excellent progress ad been made In putting Into good Kliape the trail leading to the beach. A very usucoesul strawberry tea and uk' uj;,ame, cooking wa.,toeld yester "S i(tarrtsar In tbeiKlub rooms dri' 'wend Avenue by thf Ladies''' Auxll-.11 y t.i the St Andrew's Society. Mrs Mr-R.ibbl waa irenerai convener and Mrs James Haddon and Mrs. Jack Wat- win were in charge of home cooking. Mm. Oeorge Scott was In charge of afternoon tea and was asslitrd by Miss Jennie Watson. Mm Charles Taylor, Mrs. Marfie. and Mr Morln. Mrs. J. S. Irvine whs rusliicr During the afternoon Mi- James H. Black entertained with .". ti.ii j.:.,u.. .- ikctlouk. BT. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Rector - Archdeacon O. A. Rlx Services at 11 ajn. and 7.30 pjn. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, first Sunday of the month at 11 ajn.; third Sunday, of the month at ,8 ajn. Bap tism by arrangement. CHRISTIAN HCIENCE hOCIETV Service every Sunday morning In the Hay's Block, 245 Second Avenue. Subject on Sunday "Truth." TesUmony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. ritESIJVTEIUAN CIH UC'II Mlnlrter, Rev. 3. R. Frlzell, LL.B. DA. Residence, The Manse. Telephone 643. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. There will be no evening service during July. UNITED CHt'RCH Rev. A. Wilson, Pastor. Miss I. Haddock, Deaconess. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Even' tng service at 730. Subject, THE WIDE VIEW FROM THE NARROW WAY." Sunday School will not meet Mlsncs Lily end Jessie Scott are leav tng on the Prince Oeorge this evening for an extended trip to Vancouver, Vic toria and California. This afternoon's train due from the east at 330 Is reported to be on time. Imperial Ooll Company's tanker. Im perial. Captain Oeddes in Command, la at the Imperial Oil dock from loop with a cargo of refined oil. NOTICE TO 1TIIL1C The Kalen Island Highway from Prince Rupert to OaUowsy Repide will be eloaed to traffic until sur facing Is completed, beginning Monday July 23. J. A. BALLOOH, 172 Acting District Bagtoeer TIMBER SALE XIJ238 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minuter of Lands at Victoria, B.C., not later than noon on the 6th day at August, 1S28, for the purchase of Licence XS238. to cut 18.280,000 FJ3-M. of Spruce. Hemlock, and Cedar on an area adjoining the Weat boundary of S.TX. So38 p. in the vicinity of Sfcide-gate Lake, Moresby Island, Queen Char lotte uiana ana uistrict. Thirty (30) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For ester, Victoria, or uisinci roTester, ter. Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X9691. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the Eighteenth 18tht day of July, 1928, in the office of ine uistrict rorester si ronoe itupen. the Licence X8691. to cut 6 .266 .000 F.B.M. Spruce, Balsam, Hemlock and Cedar on an area coverins a Dortlon of Lot 305 at the head of Kynoeh Lagoon, B.ynocn (asi uuasei) imei, nange a, toast uunnei. Three (3) years will be allowed for removal or timber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of aucttoa and treated as one bid. Further particulars of the Chief For- ster. Victoria. B.C., or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X7091 Sealed Tenders will be received by lie Minister of Lands at Victoria. B.C.. .iot later than noon on the 8th day f August. 1028. for the nurchane of Licence X7091. to cut 3.64.000 F J3.M of Spruce. Hemlock, and Cedar on an area adjoining North Boundaries of Lots 139 and 842. South Bay. Skldegate Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Tblrtv (30) Years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For ester. Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester. ter. Prince Rupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X9237 Staled Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at victoria, il.c not later than noon on the 6th day if Alurust. 1B38. for the purchase of Licence X9337. to cut 2.018.000 F.BJt! of Spruce. Hemlock, and Cedar on an arcs so joining uot isi f, vicinrty oi sendMMt. Norm end oi Moresoy laiano Oueen Charlotte Islands Lands District Thirty oo) year wui De auoweo tor "th-tvsi or uninx. Further particular of the Chief Far- ter, Prince Ru'pcfH, B.C. Act": and IN PROBATE IX THE SlTltl.Ml. rOI'ICT OI' IlltlTlSlI I'Ol.l MI1I A In the Matter of the "Administration In the Matter of the Estate of Peter McDonald. Deeeaaed. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 11th day of July. AD. 1828. I was appointed Ad- mlnlitrator of the estate of Peter McDonald, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 12th day of August. AD 1838, and all Dartie Indebted to th- estate are re quired to pay the amount of their tnaeoieaneM to me lannwiw. NORMAN A. WAIT, Official Administrator, Dated the 12tn day of July. AX 1938 Prince Rupert, B.C Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Aire Hafely Kelletrd by SANTAL MIDY Sold by All DiufzUU mm. 6 a ind fMi rMv Oil tfitiwi -in. .at 9 AW WW v tl' nCP- . U3 4lUr . Civ -,C -t 1 & & -e A .it he pe CuTH0ril2tD flStU DEALCrt WALKER & ROSS, Prince Rupert, B.C. uc-ti.y.Jia GOOD FOR 10,000 EXTRA VOTES First Subscription Coupon Accompanied by the nomination blank and your first sub-bcription, this coupon will start you in the race for the magnificent Daily News gifta with the grand total of more than 25,000 votes. This coupon may be used only onre and is valid only "when accompanied by a subscription remittance. Name of Subscriber Candidate's Name - Amount Enclosed This coupon will count 10,000 extra votes when returned to the Campaign Manager at the campaign office of the Prince Rupert Daily News, together with the first subscription you obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash,' and the subscription must be for a period of one year or longer. The 10,000 free votjs are IN ADDITION to the number given on the subscription as per the regular vote schedule. SECURITY FIRST Royal Insurance Co., Limited Liverpool, England Established ISIS Total Funds $ 1 7.t,1 i:i,l05.22. S. D. Johnston Company, Ltd. HEALTH FOLLOWS chiropractic comers niiiWl ON SPINAL NHVU IN OtSlASISOf Agents PRINCE RUPERT. Phone Green 211 or Black 283 IKtrOOt)WINOOMlo4 HH'; nurax'iuri, ipw CHE1" t'HW ftUINS tAVITOMACll iWpiicej vLvw WHtoncrs Viowctt fwirvT-7. W. C. ASPINALL ClIIROl'RACTOR IVIIUItl P. .. J T Ml. ........ 11l..l, 11-1 IJ iin' o u Avaiij,c iMiniv, i (line liujvi i,