CLASSIFIED HABIT Everyone reads the Classified Ads. jf you lose, advertise for It. If you find, locate the owner. Whatever you need, advertise for It okt Tin: classified habit. Vol XVIII- No. 170. CMR. NO NEW -ft Complete Revision ot Monetary Structure of Railway to be Asked Would Wrilc Off Water Valuation, Government Railways and Return Advances and Deficits TORONTO, July 21 A despatch to the Toronto Star from Ot-,iy that the proposals for the recasting of the financial basis rauadian National Railways, recently referred to by Sir Henry nr.. 11, president of the systPin and regarding which recommenda-wni be made at the ner.i session of Parliament, are much more ... hinK than has ye' been indicated. It is understood that Sir reference to the matter was an indication that the C. N. R. I wi.uld ask for a complete revision of the financial structure t up along lines suggested in the comprehensive report made PRINE GEORGE JOINS DURBAN UHM.I ST SON Ot KIM AMI 0,1'EEN IO III ( ((ME OITM'KK III' LIGHT (1(1 WHICH YISITEI) IIEItE -- I nlnetynlne years for the sum of tl.- !XN. July 21 Prince Oeort. 1 and. thirdly, that, from the total of -1 son of King George V sad j tbe goeemmetit advsnoas plus tnter-M.iry. has bean appointed Inter- eet nampuwnded to dte at sis per cent .1 Frncb aboard Ul. Durban and k aewaieastsaW dsSSMta of She mw in Paetfav Coast waters vf eyeless slate it as under government He w.ll leave for Quebecebout j idle of August and will proceed I o Vancouver to ,-u his ship, Durban vlsi'.d prince Rupee vy-k in the course of her cruise , ' st. NO CHANGE IN PARTY STANDING': i!i'T.nviiVEx a 111: roMTiEi is I.II.I.OODT AMI MACKENZIE Tl)ltli: IS (HUTS. 1 I.AIt ' 1 " VER, July fl With the elec- 1 ill'ioet of B O. Carson over 1 M ;ni oonoadod as well as that of Msiison in Maekanste over W. the provincial election stand-iuht sbowd that the Oon-had dec ted thirty -our mean-nit Uegtalature while the 1 i thirteen aeaU. Utelttdlng II. ' ' - here the ejection of J R. ) inhtrul. and Labor one. Tarn FlTllle. LONG SOUGHT of MAN ARRESTED MTTIIMV 111(1(1 AU AITItl.HKMtEII T YKldlllt ON IIIAUOE 1 KOM ATLANTIC CITY 1 1 I'OlttA. July 31.--Matthew Btgeiar ' "Ml here aa he dlMcnOarked u-iimer Ntaeara aa It arrived ' A nnuls. He Is wanted by the ' city police ftc swindling a i' nt I31.4BS a year ago. Dur- ' "' 'line police all over the world 1 -"min him. TWO NANAIMO MINERS KILLED BY BLOW-OUT l:iilmiT of Wrelrm lurl f:. at lie-M'e Ue Their l.ltra hon Aflrr lining on Mild. ,!NA'MO Ju,y a'-Wllllam Cooper ' "Hue of tfc vcatern Fuel Co. ' yeaterdav and I. R. Rutkl, ' ' tiled a few minutes later from i '"vxiiitiun due to a blow-out. The lust gone on afternoon ahlft. ,r as mmer here for forty TWO AUK IMtOWNEO ' APE (( MAY. NEW JERSEY. July 31- '-"111,1 gmrdsmeii were drowned and rescued when a patrol boat FINA .U the board by A. B. Oueat of New York who wh retained some time afo to study the situation of tbe Canadian National and affiliated lines. What to contemplated. It Is under-Hood, Is. firstly, tbe writing out of water In the valuation placed upon common stock of the Canadian North-em. upon first, second and third pre-. ere nee stock and common stock of the Q rand Trunk; secondly, the leasing of the Canadian Government Railway to the Canadian National Railways for control, ahall be deducted and four per cent inoocne bonds issued to the mln-1 jleter of railways far the difference. 1 1 4 t t t JAI'AME I-EOATIOX TO CANAII OI'EXEII OTTAWA. , July Jl The official announeetnent of the opening of a Japanese legation In Ottawa la made from the Office of the prime minister. Shuh Tomtl. formerly consul -general for Japan In Ottawa, has been appointed first secretary and will act as charge d'affaires pending the appointment of a minister Plenipotentiary. VICTORIA BANK TELLLER TAKFSHIS OWN LIFE M. I.. IXerxon ot lliink of Cunimrrre ItlM-iitrrnl with llullrt In llrail. VICTORIA. July 21. D. M. U Peterson, bank teller In Oak Bay, was discovered with a bullet wound in his head at hat living quarters tn the Canadian Dank Commerce. STOCK QUOTATIONS Noon CloMng Prlrrs Today on Yanrou-vrr EtrhaiiK I Courtesy of S. D. Johnson Co., Ltd.) Did Asked Argent Rufua . .10 Dayvlew V .8 Big MMMWrl ... .06 m DC Wlvwr 10 .IM Cork Province , n Dunwell .It 18 Duthle . 1.00 1.07 Oeorse OonpeV 4M 4.78 Oorgla River J4 M Glacier Oolconda Mli M Orandvlew M Independence M Indian & 1 Kooteny FTorenee.... afl L. As L 0 ' , 10H .4 Lakevlew 3 teadamlth Lueky Jim ..,...- A2 , Marmot MeSaifc. -1 , Marmot Riees OoMtff ). 8H NtUonal lveKn.i WW ln. PcndOrellle ,4-l 18.00 Potler-Idaho 74 7 Richmond 2.30 "rentier Al Ruth Hope Silver Creet IJ .70 1.00 Silverado Silversmith 12 10 .13 Terminus Topley RiohfteM .58 aM 2.80 Torlc 2.30 White Water 1 .JO ' '"'i .inu(unk b a freighter; Wcodblut mam Northern and PIUNCE WORK BE INITIATED BY DKSTKOYFR IN BELFAST: H.M.S. Wal.efu! g, Dulftrin Dock, visiting Belfast with the fifth .'. PA1TULL0 HAS 94 LEAD NOW II.M.Y EIGHT POLLING STATIONS ItE-MAI.N l m IIEAKK 1KO.M OsLANH, IIIITO lLAM) AMI CTMsHKMA IN 1 Aeeardlng to oomplUtlon of the ro lumui 01 (leer, the mal&rrty of Hon. D jttullo, ijberal. In Prince Rupert riding aa a result of tbe recent orovm- caal election over James II. Thompson, Conservative, stood this momlnc at 94. vne uuu vote acoounwa ror w ant oei nan tor rwtiuiio; ixn ior xnocnpi son. Sin- resterdav returns were rel colvwd lrom Osland Cumsehwa. Hippo Island, all of them tnciwntlng PnttuUo'a majority, further absentee returns were recalved Fbltowtng la the list of polls eo far reported: PatteM Thompson Buckley Bay 3 3 Ha report 14 7 Inverness t 13 Lawn KIU 7 1 Hasaett , M M Port ClasnenU M 4 Port Idward X 11 Port Simpson m 9 Prince Rupert 9M 911 i Oueon Charlotte M S4 Skldagat It 16 Sunnyalde Tlell 4 Tow Hill 4 Watun River 9 Thurston Harbor ...k.. Banks letand 4 Fie win's Float ia Oeorgetown I Onna River tt 19 Oaland is t Cumahewa t 0 Hippo Island 3 0 Absentee (to data 106 I0S Altford Bay. Baxter's Camp. Jap Inlet. Jed way. Lockeport. Oceanic, Refuge Bay and Bandapit are yet to be heard from. HIS SHACK TURNED INTO HUGE STILL Jioulh Yanrourer Man Hat Surrle on Krl liming Home lrom Trip to Interior SOUTH VAWOUCSH, July 31. Nick Megm returned to his shack here after a three months' abHenee In the interior and found the place piped and tanked for dlatlHIng with new locks placed on the doors. The police say it Is the biggest still that has ever been seen here. There la no due as to the owners of the equipment. , UKI'l-tCEN IIAl.'NTI.KSS LONDON, July 21 IM. DaunUeas. recently, damaged while entering mil-fax Hatjbor. will be replaosd by HiU-Caradoc In the British West Indies squadron. An Adams Across Canada tour party of ome twenty-five people from Toronto arrived in the etty from the Bast on this afternon's train and will sail for the south on the Prince Oeorge this evening. In charge of the group is C. A. Adams, under whose ausplcee I such parties have been for t lit- pint tine ytaio. brought here PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper RUPERT! B.C. SATURDAY. JULY 2. 1928 ly 1 v r.'iirr.g ' . r Flotilla nf V Ministers to Clear Preparatory to New Administration in Victoria VICTORIA, July 21.-Hon. Hon. T. O. I'attuilo, minister of the north to attend, a meeting of Election Act, a jmwt of twenty date of the polling and the making of the official count by the re- turning officers in the various election will not be over until ni..rnrn.n thA.rr. lll ni Ka eyen( Meantime, no new work will nd tbe Trtou depnrtments will bee- ataged In cleaning up their affairs In charge. OtaUscta Uiat have been call- toT tndr that have been re- celved since the ele.-tlon wai launched will, according to Hon. Dr. W. H. Suth erland. minister of public works, be allowed to remain una warded for tbe j new minister of public works to deal I with. I In Liberal circles, there la a good .tunt . fn UBJSJU Mlft gsvlw llHtuisf s isjsib a ww , Hon. Dr. J. D. MaeLaan so that he' .-night continue as leader of tbe oppo-j anion. 8cme party supporters feel that tha mtlrln Premier should continue at '.he bead of his party while others contend, now that he Is defeated, that he should step down and allow one of the ministers who carried hh seat to 1 replace him. In this connection the names of Hon T. D. Pattullo and Hon. A. M. Manson ace prominently mention-d. If Dr. MacLean decides to remain, however, It Is unlikely they will seek the honor. BOYS HONORED INEDMONTON Local Hand (iiven Luncheon Vttflcrday by Mayor Itury and Commissioner Mitchell Col. S. I McMordie, mayor of Ihc city, is In receipt of n lelegram todny from William (iilchri't htnling that the I'rlnce Ilunert Hojn' Hand was entertained by the city council of Kdmnnton at luncheon yesterday with Mayor llury and Commissioner Mitchell as hosts. The luncheon wns followed by a ('rive about the'cltv. The boys who are all well, expected to return to the city on next Wednesday nfternoon's train after an absence ofijwo wceRa. AMEHI0ANS TO MEET IKEMII IN TENNIS AUTBOILL. FTtANCE. July 31.. Amertoaoe defeated Italian In the finals of ftiter-rone tennis and won the right to meet France in the anal struggle for ' the Davln Cup. It 1- Boston Grill IS FAR REACHING DEFEATED GOVERNMENT her moorir.L'.- in the Briti.-h navy. Up Offices Making Way for A. M. Manson, attorney general, and lands, will reach the city today from the cabinet da Mosul Under the - one days nrost' elapse pee between the ridings. It is pointed out that the bring a great deal of business to j eighteen-car ferry barge costing -no as ieing started-at once. This aould add considerably to the amount j of emptoyintnt at the port. The dock j ivould be kept bust on the boat un til it was completed. In addition to that Sir Henry said that the provision if a boat to ply to the adjacent Islands was now a settled thing. Sir Henry went on to speak of other matters that would add to the prosperity of Prince Rupert. One ot these wm the big crop which was expected on the prairies 'this year. They "ft! !Te ?ta 'wfd shipped to the Prince Rupert elevator during the coming year and oaoe this port a ed as train route be "to' "see the MiMUess in that particular commodity keep up. ' Sir Henry spoke further of the this count has been made and the!mlwa development of the district v.Hn Krr- ,l,t l which would be of material benefit be initiated by the government f 4. 4. 44 f CAMPAHIN oriTCE IS OPEN EVEMXOS TbA nallv Mmm1 lumMlm . '1. second floor of Tbe Dally News building are open each week A rtv (Mm 0 MA until A n ffM ' " . tor aurnM 0 free working outfit and giving information regarding the . Dally News' 14.000 "Everybody Wins" Prtas Campaign. Come in this afternoon or evening and learn all about this mammoth prlre offer. Telephone 834. 176 4- MAJORITY FOR WRINCH 132 ONLY IIVE POLLS YET TO HE POUT IN INTEUIOU KIDINO Latest information available from Sheen a. with but Ave polla to hear from glvea H. C. Wrtnch. M.UA., Liberal majority of US over Frank DoekrIU. Conservative, m a total vote of 803 to 880. Polls yet to report are Ctexton. Copper City, Duthle Mines. Kltlmaat. and Swanson Day. The detailed results follows Wrtnch Doekrlll South Hsaelton 4 13 Pacific 8 8 Dorreen 8 8 New llaselton 87 ii Oak 13 w Ramo 3 io Amabury 8 2 Rcaawood Kwlnltaa 3 3 Olentanna 18 10 Smlthers 371 ,w Terrace .! ll 13 kaaelton ' '7 ' SWJtWa .:. 84 M klsplox .'. 13 1 Oedarvsle 9 IS Evelyn 19 18 Skreim Crosmnx 7 7 Morleetown 8 7 Woodcock .' 9 3 Dutedale 8 24 Kltwanga 31 11 Little Canyon 7 4 Port Easlngton 33 40 Advertise In the Dally News. LA ltd E CABARET Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing rvrry Saturday night from S to 12. Dance Hall for Hire. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Five CentR Sir Henry Thornton in an Optimistic Mood at Luncheon Yesterday Told Members of Hoard of Trade That Rig Eighteen-car Barge Would be Ruilt at Once and Other Things Which Would . Benefit Port At the luncheon yesterday given by the Board of Trade for Sir Henry Thornton, M. P. McCaffery presiding, the president of the Canadian National Railway pleased the members very much with the statement that he had three announcements to make that would be of great interest to the people of Prince Rupert One of these was the building of the three large modern steamers mentioned by him in the south, which would operate to Alaska and would this port. The second was that an about $100,000 would be built here NEARING CLOSE OF WORLD TOUR ' to the port, especially the mining In : ty-three days. the Interior. Peace River also was SPOKANE. July 21 Mears and Col-more nearly tributary to Prince Ru-1 'ler left Spokane for Minneapolis after pert than any other large grain pro-, a brief landing here, duclng area and he expected lie devel- LOCAL opment would be of Immense advantage to this city. The railway president mentioned the general agricultural development of the district. He thought that the advantageous posltlo' of Prince Rupert would eventually tell but It took time to develop a port. As be looked back he saw bore substantial progress and he had always felt sure of the ultimate destiny of the port as one ot the great ports of Canada, There were only two others, Vancouver and i victoria. The people nere oouia rest 1 assured that tbe railway would do all ;,t e0"1" " advance the Interests of ,ne P" As far as the rauway was concerned their financial progress was admirable and the net business last month hao practically doubled. ' With the pro- financial reconstruction the . II. MEAHNS AM) C. II. COLLYER HOPE TO MAKE KECOKII BY REACHING NEtV YORK ON Ml NIIAY VICTORIA. July 21. The world flyers J. H. Mearos .and C. D. Collyer, armed last night on ignpress of Russia from 4 uTem ana leir tiui morning tti their own plane for Seattle en route New York where they expect to arrtve n Sunday, completing the circullng of the glebe by plane and steamer In twen- Union freighter Chllkoot. Capt. John Mulr. arrived In port at 2 JO this afternoon rom the south. WANT MINISTER OF MINES POST NELSON rilAMIIEIt OP MINES AM) 110 Alt l OP TKAliE UOl'LII HAVE UK. ItOKDEN OIYEN POKTl'OLIO NELSON. July 21. Members of the Chamber of Mine for Eastern British Columbia are taking action wtth a view to having Hon. Dr. S. Tolmle, when he forms his cabinet, appoint Dr. L. E. Borden, Conservative member-elect In move. The Kooteneys have long clamored for the mines portfolio. BAD REPORT FORPASTOR PKEMIYTEKIAN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS AGAINST KEY. S. KOII- EKTSON Oltlt. VANCOIYEK I VANCOUVER. July 21 Finding that Rev. Samuel Robertson Orr, pastor of Central Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, was "guilty of conduct so unbecoming a minister of the Gospel as to necessitate the dissolution of the pastoral tie between himself and the congregation." the commission appointed by tbe Presbyterian Church In Canada presented Its report to a meeting o the Presbytery of Westminster this afternoon. SAINT ROCH LOADS" REINDEER CWW MAKING TRIP NORTH POINT BARROW. July 21. Enroute to Hedachel Island headquarters, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police boat railway would be placed on the same j Nelson, as minister of mines. The Nel-flnanelal basis as any other railway aon Board of Trade la also behind the would be relieved ot the responalbUlty. It would be shown that a state owned railway operated to serve the people ot Canada could be a success. In conclusion Sir Henry said he hoped to come every year and lay some gift st tbe feet of the people of Prince Rupert. And he closed wtth these striking words: 'PuU up your a'aocka and atlck to It." M. P. McCaffery. In Introducing the guest, spoke of the trust the people of this city had In the railway head and Mayor McMordie, In thanking the guest tor his address, also emphasized the same. ARCHBISHOP LANGE OF vadi nrpmrn mru iimr urrniL mun nncr nn n i UTrnniinv ruoi ur uumriDuru LONDON. July 21 The DaUy TeJe- graph learns that tbe Archblahoprls of Canterbury has been offered to Most. Use. Ooetno Lang. Archbishop of York. and that he has intimated lus aecept-3 shoe. Archblthop D&vldsen will retire 1 shortly from Canterbury because bt4- vanred age1. ; OAXACA IlEKLOATEIIf Radio reports last night Indicated that the steam yacht Oaxaca, Oapt. O A. Hancock, which had been on the Saint Roeh loaded 2.000 reindeer car-rocks In Wrangall Narrows for over a oases from all Eklmo tor the North week, ' had been successfully refloated. ( Reindeer Cor xwattoo. There was no official confirmation of i - thla. It Is believed that the Oaxaca J VANCOUVER, July 21 Wheat was will be taken u Vanrouvn- following j quoted on the local Block Exchange In- floating. if day ,u 130!..