nly 20, 1028 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE ! FIVE j, J ft nc liie lowent price our history. WOOL INDIGO SERCK riff, rcfr. nfrw $57 S rjfo, n-jr. $C0, now $.-( -'.rjre, ri'jr. $M, now jjsio . , l ino Worsteds, Super mkI. Foxhound Tweed ih or Scotch Tweed, II finest quality ma-at astonishingly re- ii iceg. in todny and let u lit meapure. Hest -hip and fU guar- lingthe Tailor ! . ond Av Plione C19 i forc t our steam : ti l cleaning ser- ' nts called for and ; (I to any f:irt of the 1 I one ITS TODAY ! v. WALLACE CO. LTD. LADIES' Bathing Suits in JAXTZEN IMVEILSAL and PENMAN makes r.MIIINfi UELTS H.S.WalIaceCo.Ltd. l'hone 9 J venue and Pulton City Meat Market Selvlg Rro. vc. Phone 705 li'.iT H-iv oi t r norsk ost '.' riskekonM-rTer v' ukUerkavringrr '.f hveteskonrokkcr 1 1 i ui;skonrnkkrr Up knekkelirot riatlirod '"r o.n.v. U varer. Hilligr priser. Huriitr onihrlngelne Bathing Suits iih Skirts 1 ! lUty, (Hrl and hildrtn ' ? Hi: JERSEY WOOL i: vular 8.t0 $1.1111 Montreal Importers ' . Miller. Proprietor. 1 cnue. I'rlnce Rupert, COAL "ur choico U'SO C ASSIDY WEL-MM.TON TKLKWA li' lkU'v Hny nnd (Jrnln. " 1 " Hbin Hood P'lour. Phone C8 ... n . n - ' 1 ' iiperi reed lo. Waterfront Whiffs Improvemenf in Skeena River Salmon I ishinj: ExpecJod Next Week McLean Yard Repairing M).8.T. llulibot Holding up well ! Skeena IqSBBjuijyiire Confidently expecting a pood ran of pink Kll"9Pm. week. Many liwn have been ee jumping outsider fflfe week laJUis, tog-irier with other signs, raise hopes that the ran will Rttft.-in substantial quantity. Meantime, ,due largely to the unfavorajto weather, sockeye fibbing this week has not been so my satiafjK-y, the average being plated roughly at eighteen fish per boat. Jlw4ve Ubo been taken in the gill i netH but not in any very laffce uMlmtities as vet. While the season on the Skeena has opened rather poorly, hopes are genially expressed that they may noon be a sub-, pneumatic iteeriug gr. Comfort of manual Improvement. Condition on i m.mmadatloiis and all the latost the Naas River are unaeratood to be equipment In halibut boat leatuie the largely similar to thoae prevailing on utw venoel which carrlea a crew of tin Skeena while, from the south of ihiru-en men. Associated with bmpt. District No. 2, come report of good I-ilerten '01 the boat as fishermen ver ce me season opened, e:c men who have been with him particularly around Smith's and Kiv n flileU. A (IOOII JICJIIT I The election was the oentrc of in-1 i ouring UK ween alonR tit water- : c: .. front a elsewhere and it was possible t. ; to draw the boys out on little vi i :. Now It 1 over anil d finitely cnv.ixh v.:. ftlled. there arc no mciin:iia.i...s, i:-. supporter of either side huvim: nt i. ; k-ust something to rejoice at A lea- n ture prominently mentioned il hi:; id admirably clean manner in simh thcjl-i contest in carried out locally dt- j oM of pemoaatlttM and lellm?J that have so often been attached u; lueb campaign. A good light a in. -v and favorably carried out. devoiviu,, credit upon the organta ion ,,i h ah winner and loner to whom cont'riuiu- Frederick W. Wallaoe. who ha.s n -ctnUy assumed the editorship of the, ( s.iadUii Pishermau. publr.ocd at Cr-dendale, ' Quebec. In occcw.iun i- J sel at aahoec st Jftatornourg. '-m K - ''tarisrswbuJ fot NMV AMKUH'tN IMItT One of the "lost rompleicly rulpped p,ly flnlnhrd Slid spreuient of till j'ars new American h.i'iDut arho-nw inr rsr:"'l,'J IcanadianJ DAnrir Yvitwi . . . : ncn.-,ii ars. The vessel at area- i ..'i. .n live dories and has a flsbi id r parity of .about MANX) posnds.j After liavlr.s been engaged in lis- i .- j .itrnl on the Haas Elver under j a ; i jr liir past twe weeks re-1 v. depart men to! cruiser Metraj' r.pu;rK mtU: at she' u ' k. r Hi:; ert Towing ! iv.u.e Cr. jxwer cruiser "83" re--'J on 'llitinidsir to the tot hers i will new tx ijhcd In genc-ral work i hi comj,any. IIMIi:HJHt: AM) AlllMJTICS Many , althletes of today and :,'Uiyr!ir in the lines of oarsmen. b -rs. hkatera and runners were reared it finhernicn or followad the m- i utry at sme time In their tlons are alike due. No th. i u, i ; ile luU. Ncd H8niau OI Toronto, prob- uii onr, everyday will ue ami 10 ho '! down to builness again. ably the best ainglt sculler of hls-c ry. was. a lherm.n In Ontario. The liiir.ous Parlsi crew, oonstetlng of Boss, Tulu;ii. Hutton and Price, which was w.rid rncwned in rowing, shtty years :.'i wtre all fishermen who operated a: the Bin of Fundy. Mike and Mark X. Munaon. Is eipected in Prince Hu-1 ,.,.,. oI Halllax. slngtes and doubles ptrt within the next wc-k or so in j werr both fishermen out of tbt orrj-se of flytng trip to the ! ;.aI..uX. Th!. Belvcs crew, const tins Facrflc Ooast to renew old acquaintances and get a tine on the industry. Mr. Wallace is a former sxlitor of the CanMlan Fisherman but since 1923 has been In charge ct Fishing tiarctl: in Mew York. Further details of the stranding in Fred. Harry and Prank Belyaa and Fr..nk Lamercuux, rdrc all fishermen .u the Bay of Fundy The late Oeorge Bron tl Herring Cove H. B. Lhanip en Kindle sculler half a oen-:ur ago. was a fisherman from boy-lw .rt until death. Frank B. Clear of Bthtcn. ex-champion amateur single wrangw narrows oi uie swam yacni WUM,r of Amsrica. was Interested Otsaca. owned and comma ruled by. in f;aning ln the region of his home Cspt. O. Allan Hancock. Urn AnKols U wn Aie, Brayley of St. John. M. millionaire sportsman, have been re-1 a rivaI o tied Hr.nian. was born celved in Frlnee Super t during the I ,,llfl nr!j a fisherman and the late week. The -fallal reassl piled up on Jlm Belyea. also of St. John, was a Burnt Island, about lour miles aouthl i,,.,,mR fhorman. Hnton Barya. of PwtaMburg. a week ago Thursday i lUPthcr St John man. was born and evening at o'clock, having pasorcl j about 13t fswt to the wrong ride .: a bsaeon. the poattkm of Which had Tern altered dnnng recent dredgiiu; soric i i ' Wrangeil Harrows. Since that time ha been fast on the reef, with i.iri puncture on bar port side -.v .r rock entered two-snd-a-half feet in; ; here boiler rooss which ws torn (.jjen Froas that note, the only one id the ; vessel, water enter the entire uumi trasMIng osourad and. tle vwaisd resU virtually hiKh and dry. resting Mrwarl and af. on rocks SI aa abjht degsee port ll' The l.oat is oouaMered to be in uo da:.,-er unless a awWac storm, unuxuul a' thi !, jrd :ured a fisherman. And these verr n;! all the famous single end team sculler hailing from St. John i : irul..ily. who rre Bay of Fundy T-f.einiMi. The lute Hughle MoCor- k ! bt. Joim. KM., former pro-ic.u:":.!.: -,eeJ skating champion, was a fiDlM-rrnun from boyhood on the Kriiw Lh tan liver, Oeorge Kid La iK-ii ot Saginaw, Michigan. Ught-v i-'it Nun; champion, was s fish- nd stdbanoid at hiKa ws'er I: waajerman belore he entered the ring ne how before "High tide :).ui tiM I nt into that business again after it low tr ( no ijt lne square circle. Oeorge LaBlanrhe fenner noted middleweight w). Bp- lalised ln the pivot blow vhiih has long since been diabarrad. fished off Oiibeo Provlnoe sUui up. SaHage th. rlnr for wenty-flve years In Klurttug as a lightweight thtttM be a comparatlvtly ea-y under- luld flrihhing as a heavy, was a Nova tshlrrg bait. If avail I n-i taken ofjHr(!1(, nshornum before he went to high ttoaa this weak-rnd. it may bel B..v.ion. Mysterious Billy Smith of mother month baJore it viU be jkwsi- n.!on was ciuiaaed in Jflshlng ofl hie to patch and pull the vcl oJ! Marlt.mes before be went into There was no Insurance on the boat K;Jtint, Babe Barman, formerly of and tjrrsmgwmenla for salvage -reOB,, Ftaiiclaco and now of Hew Tork. tlKrefore. made direct between 11 I i.Fi-ed ln San Franclioo harbor before owner and the Pacific Salvsgv Co.. ;i u,, i.stlclsm as a profession wh -e salvage btait Sarvsge stintr In now j llIul fraki,. Brltt of -Hew Bedlord. st toe xoene of the stranding Mean -1 jg;.,.. was s fisherman before be de- iw. thus vHD were) en board the ves ' tit u ui devote ail his-. UM to pugU- iran Jose I isMkerdb fisherman antajtfifc, r. Canadian Pacific Rail .. llella Oiwhi raMs. Naiiui. i Kt ,-a. rr I ;oe- "vK-rotim r-.f-y ru.iy I..' Ajfiiiy lor " "J! orilUII. HihtI Aaenl. Au niie. l-rhiee Hupm. .. Comer of 4.1. Mlrrel .-" Al. Alert iwjr. wav B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert xttri&(!rt&i: go nearly krci-r rig Jnck Damps ay. the then thnmpion for a row of homers, was k South American Ilsliermaa. Stuffy M-lii.;:. Ioiik prominent on the Big rtiauiond und now manager of Is the Aleutian, own um mi ' mr i'.-.i-in i .t th Mobrrs yard ln a-ntUe i , ,1 .n iwnlnL' NsUunaJa, was en-fram Okiuoester, f t Capt. rStul Pedersen. forimr i wncr M i.- . hf!.re sang on the diamond r the Tordenskkild sh w reoern aiui . irt ie-.Momuiy, nsvuig siariea in wiej C'upt. N. B. Hew thr RiPutlir' all , N vi England U-uciir, Albion Stenros. 'til whom are well known in Prmrr , rinni.ih marathon runner, was s flah-,..,,. Ruwrt TMKirr c mmunU ol i rriiuui in lu' home laud and John k. . ih. vesnni lino alreailv UiBOVl three ratrtie at Seattle from the Hecstt Strait banks and may hr expw' 10 m,,,"' hw 0,111 1,1 Prlare Rupert before long. Smj.yi.-d flsl-lnt: th AleStiun la in dory snttywiRht fret lonj; with bam ,t IS feet nnd draft or so asm Bt l) ..: Nowf.iiir-illiuid. also a long tit'-, tir-c runner, wns a flKhcrman. too. Quite an impelling list of marlneu to be Kuctifsful und even famous MKHAIItlMl l. H. T. rvwred wltli n 135 hp. Atlaa-Usperla? , a wnrded the contract for the repairing . 1 .i.ii. nr.nri , l K..iiK, hnlilKit , Ixmt D. r a S. f T. linn ii kiui She nn a :,, i- eqifpnen it the WwnKell. Jomwi hI Skugway: Jul, . . f8. IB, 30 t i To Krtrhlkan. V..H aminnrr. . VWnria mid Htlle-ul.v 7. 11. 1. IB. t, U. . pufsrKSS ItOTAL liirnnitliin iinm I'liim SI $4 Here Is Your Opportunity! COSTS NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE OR ENTER And it may mean a great deal to you. Mail or bring in the nwnina-tion coupon at once. It may be your passport to "better times" the means of your getting more enjoyment out of life. Remember to get in on this GREAT OF-FER takes only a stamp or a trip to hcaqduar ters and it doesn't obligate you in any way to send or bring in the coupon. The opportunity of owning one of these cars or one of the large cash prizes is certainly worth that little esUsmteS at- (400 aa fcovemT by itttrfbu. n.sitai npsir- rfP! 'm- 4. The tsvlvUt m fomfAesKl Attat Werfneaiay. IfteftatMac, the owner. Capt Jim r'urscrsi, M GHri joying f holiday trip to Vanoouver on the proeeeSs of txrtag a suecesslul ptovlnciul election prognoatlcator. k is rtporU'd to hnve cleaned up a neat tlOU on the aticngtB or his good judgment or lucky hunch, which ever ou will have it. Doc Clapperton aliould soos be nW to qualify aa the msa having the most troubles in the World Doel Iffteat misfortune aa to be selected as the, tunptre for ins cricket match lent Saturday afternoon between H. M S. Durlian and tnr luoai capooents Of this game. While the Wtatff Man does not profess fj be any ecpen in tab matter f balls sn-J bats, troa what The McLean yard ut 8 si Cove was Can hear Doe must have been mistaken for the ball en at least oho occasion when s ime of the batameu came after him with their weapons lllieral r:nry- ' Fnvmgc tat wce'-ena, nun now nns ,-' " with the Job well under way. Damage P ollr lllu,ll'y w i thls antique and ninnjj civuuwd var- i-r .. of Mam. we wtMsM way , if 1 Doc knows erVcket as )mv l snacer and vsriuus ottgr ASssT ot sportfnr endeavour be was in the right and some of the playem didn't know their onli perbsssl as well ia they did aomr vtUf ago. The local hMlhut sMmsner UTtaf atone Ii on the dry deck fht cleaning and painting, aupervtasbn betas given Ihr Job by both :t. Tofrf ChtlaUvm-hen. rt maimwt. and Capl, Dill Tll)l:el. the 'klnrier I met with a minor mishap this week OF INTEREST TO EVERYO in FREE PRIZES TWO DISTRICTS TWO SETS OF PRIZES THE COMPLETE PRIZE LIST Pontiac Six Sedan, Value $1,200.00 Ford Tudor Sedan, value $860.00 One Cash. Prize of $500.00, value $600.00 Two Cash Prizes of $100.00 each, value $200.00 In addition to the above prizes a specia! fund of $1,500 hat been appropriated to be distributed to all active non-prke winners on the basis of ten per cent of all money they turn in for subscription!, value $1,500.00 Total Gift List, Value K2G0.00 T6e fJally Newa "Everybody Wins" Campsign is big enough and worthy enough to interest the biiofest man or woman In I'rlnce Rupert and vicinity. Here i an opportunity to realize as high as $1,200 in your spare time and at the same time to further the success of a heme institution which has as its aim the advancement of civic interests. The News' "Everybody Wins" Campaign is a meritorious Plan from beginning to end. Every precaution has been taken to safeguard the interests of the participants, and every one is absolutely allured of fair and impartial treatment. It is a plan which ultimately works to the interest of all. The candidates profit, The News profits and the local merchants who one the Advertising Columns profit, in that the success of the enterprise will place. The News in more homes more people will read the messages of progressivelsai ever dedicated to the advancement erf Prince Rupert and vicinity. It is indeed puzzling to the campaign management why there has not been more response to this generous offer. Where else could you spend your time more renomeratively? Where else, other than in The News campaign could you cash yonr spare time to the extent of -fl.200? And yoa cannot lose as every active' participant will be paid 10 per cent cash cftmroiBBion in case they do not win one of the major prises. You owe it to yourself to at react Investigate. Phone 534 for further information. 10 Per Cent Commission Guarantees all Nnn-prlr.c Winning Candidates Her6 is Your Opportunity Don't let it pass by. Would you like to own one of these cars without laboring hard to save money to buy it with? THE DAILY NEWS is giving away two big cars and hundreds of dollars in cash prixes in a free gift distribution and circulation campaign. In this campaign Everybody Wins something. You win. For further information call on, telephone or writf, Campaign Manager The Prince Rupert Daily News Phone 534 Campaign Office open each Evening until 8 o'clock. Phone 534 Nomination Illank In fli'IVirlf p Rnnnrt jilslljr jcnv'fBvetiMy Wins" CatTifn Good for 5,000 Votes I hereby rtr 6 east 5.0IM) votss fst Mias, Mr. arwl Mrs. Daily News "Everybody Wins iVtee Distribution. as a ciWrtUfkite in The Trince Rupert Address phone Nolo Only one nomination blank will I cmlftetl to each candidate nodrhiatefl. while on the Ward Wats tor hull I work The rssswt fewtasf her linen land sank but was soon put In shapt lataln and at aose more trsjveTrrsg the ihlnh ha:i, sppaiently none the worse ,-rtor her brief watiwn, If they dont bite ed pl U Kini Spinners -'NuJf 1.M C- XAI.VOU IS Coast Irrlhtei Salvor. Oapt. Rush, wns In port to Affcbft a McOaftery from Tuesuaw Thursday, dlse barging a eargo of coal and biHMlng materials to be used In the erection of the new theatre here. Acoordliiu to announcement coming -.nn tlie south the Ml Herd racking i-o iaa been purchased by the BrbV Columbia Packer Ltd.. the new (continued on page U) Ran ad ian National C7hi Largcfl Railway Sylcm in America j STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SUttVICK Bslllngs fro VKIM'r Kl'fKKT tor VANTOI'VKR. VirTOHl. "KATTI.K. MOSIIAYS. III'USIIAVM. 4.00 p.m.. SATI'SMrS. S00 pJH. Pot ANVOX nn STKWAKT. MONflAVN, I'lllllAVH. 4.00 p.m. r.r massktt ixi.rrr. mhsiiays. oo pjn. Pur MII'TII QITBN rilARtOTTE IM.AMIS. Fortnightly. m kkaoway. wi:iisiayh. 4oo pa. fASMRNflfR TIIAINS LtAR I'lllXtF. KfJI'UT IIAII.Y EXriTT StiMlAY at lUII .m. for IMIISri! qtMIMfK. larttesfON. MISNU'i:n, all lnti I5atern t'anad. I'nllet Stales. AOCNCY AI4. KT.AN Hf KAMNIIIf LINES. CIT TICKET OrilCK. I TIIIHH A V f... I'UINtC Kl'ITKT. rhun t