PAGE TWO PRINCE RUPERT 'N.Y.AMERICANS WON BADMINTON BEAT CHICAGO Lost One Ganse and Won Two From Cathedral in (lames Saturday Night The Prince Itu two matches and tnf tjalhedral one of Saturday evening's post-, poned Badminton Leaffoe fixture. Scores were as follows. Ladies' Doubles. Mrs. H. L. 8h4del ap Margaret' Palme (IJrinr ertt heat Mrs., 1C IB. Dl HOCKEY MATCH Scqred a Goal and Then, Played 1 Defensive, For Kest'of f the Game CHICAGO, Dec. 17:-r-The New Frank. Russell and Mrs. G.' played on the defensive for the Bryant k Prince Rupert) beat Ly-i remainder - of the game, ' displaying - - Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert , , DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating .T,, 20,000. tTon Floating Dry Dock , Engineers, Machinists. Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant it equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 4S and 385 WONDERFUL WORK OF THE WHEAT KING IN PEACE RIVER COUNTRY. Entertains Many Distinguished Visitors at Farm, and Garden is Admired MONTREAL, Dec. 17: The Wheat King and Queen of the world, left at trie week-end for Brooks returned on Thursday fol- home. They have been in attend- lowing 'a three weeds' holiday, ante at the grain shows at Tor- trip to Winnipeg. I York Americans climbed to first onto and chicajro where they ad nine in iha int Arns tifnnl trroiin i AaA .f rcah tfliifalo AAA, Cjinair.Wt TT j-j i Y .jp - O - a 1 v a Vk M 4 w B V bald Uil CaU a, Miss , fading of the flatioi Miss Llicy Pillsbury (Cathedral), ' n. Conacher scored for the Am-!duced on ns farm the largest lo-l, 15-2. ericans in the first period and !croP of registered seed grain ever Mixed Doubles with that lead the won a new honor when he cap The daii news Monday, December 17, i928 District News TERRACE Jas. Smith left on Saturday for Smithers where he will assist A. C.' FtowJer at the George Little Ltirr.ber Yards there. Mr; anfl Mra, T. Elwood! L. MeKenney Dal Hockey J Ion p list of agricultural honors. smjU a few days in Prince llup- j iUPJ League when tpey defeated tnei"' "u iu m. u mo rnu vi me weei on, AB$3lak. Hawks-here. last nfght 1 tofthis$ear is the fact that he, pre pojioe 4ties. Mrs. Wm. Sims of Kaien, ar-! Americans I grown by one Individual in the rived on Saturday to spend a few' history of the world. With his days with friends here. wheat and oats crops combined 1 t 1 1 1 j 1 i m r T . man Hinton and Miss Frances ! a checking game that turned back ne na li canoaas oi nign quai- air. wcn oi Vancouver who' Cross (Cathedral), 9-15, 15-6 'every thrust of the Hawks. W rra,n to be 80,d at seed some years. ago spent some time, Prices- and vhich is in de- here is 15-13. At Yrk th. n9n .irB, renewing acquaintances ! Li-... tw n , ...:. Imand over the entire west .lien n iiuuuiV9 j'wfcu umvu ivugais winning William 3 to 0 and thereby is the old story with Mr. Trelle, It in town. Mitchell (Prince Rupert) lost to their lead in the American group ; 7 T " .CT "A ... , V R,I",r' " . R. Bartlett and nd J. V. Clyne (Cath- of the League to five points over '"1 7' iLi 1 "ll . ".T! ' w A c 2 , L "T edipl), 3-15, 8-15. T.. . Prince Rupert 1? $ I. 0. D. E 1 5 Cathedral 5 10 Regiment 3 9 CHRISTMAS A Christmas handicap billiard! tournament with games of 200 ; points has been commenced at the Grand Terminal Club. The first orise will be a turkev and !mCX8ni;r0n(l dP i ijwr1 of Herman Trelle s ' " i : 'JZZ rlK" th. Peace River is eU worn J. Haaspton left on Tauraday 7 the final 5' ' 3 STOCK QUOTATIONS I (Courtosr of 8. D. weMuon Co. Ltd., niTTi i nnn:: . .: . Tournament Started at Grand Terminal Club With Many Players Entered Bayview, Nil, 5. B. C. Silver, 1.30, 1.35. Beaver Silver, 19, 19l. Big Missouri, 64, 65. Cork Province, 23, 24. Cotton Belt, Nil. 50. Dunwell, 12, Nil. Duthie, 70. 73. George Copper, G.25, 6.50 Georgia River, 28, 30. GoJconda, 79 l j, 60 third prise, hoi 6t effeara. -' 1 J ' lwependjce. . Following are the entries and ! Indian, 4y4, Nil. handicaps 1 C. P. Baiagno -CO vs Georgf Mciimoyie -36. J. Hillman -15. vs .G, P.. vTin- ' 1 ' ' ker -20. W., J. Neaofl, m5.,j(s.I?rlt-chard plus 50. Fred Stephens -ag'txMM.' F. Biggin plus 50 vs A. IIad don pins 60. ' ' J. Downey plus 55 ? E. Smith plus 80. ' C. Youogman plus 30. a? , J. Dougherty plus 25. ' W. E. Williscroft scratch vs W. Battesr plus 10. E. Yager plus 65 vs T. Walker plus 35. W. Neabitt plus 85 vs W. II. Jar man plus 15. J. Campbell plus 25 ts D. Smith 'plus 85. A. Donald -20 vs W. Mitchell scratch. F. G. Pyle -GO vs J. Bulger plus 35. ! G. Waugh -35 vs M. M. McLach-,; In scratch. i i. Stracban plus 50 vs jMarcus, Andrews -20. i , A. Strachan plus 60 vs A. Mar-J y pin Mi. ' V .Games Plavud k. Inter. Coal & Coke. 35. 37. Wpteny Florence, 22, 22. Kbotenay KFng, 30'2, 31 Va. . L. & L., ,7,, 7y4. Lakwiew; 1, Nfl. ' Lucky Jim, Nil, 24, , . , Marmot MetaTs,'8V4, 84 Morten Woajsejr. &Vif 5. National Silver, 174, 18. Noble Five, 50, 51. 1 Pend Oreille, 9.50, 9.90. Porter Idaho, 66V2, 69 V. Premier, 2.1B,' Rufus Argenta, 264, 27. Ruth Hope, 64. 55. Silver Crest, 7, 8. Silverado, 65. 76. Suntock, 3.55, 3.60. Terminus, 13, 14. topley RkhId, Nil, 45. Toric, -50, 2.60. WHotfion, 18V.. 19. Whitewater, 10, 1.25. Woodbine, V, 4V4. Eastern Stocks Noranda, 50.75. Nil. Oils , Fabyon Pet Nil, 6Vi. INFORMATION WANTED . Gaines so far played In the fifty , , . , , fwVr1" Is wanted eegard-. Tbtfttf hwvt resulted as Daltgao, 149; George MeK:ia tn present whereabout of Hmoyle, 200. , ,Charla Jame Sweaney, formerly J. Downey, 200; E. Smith, 181'. of Stafford Parish, near Fem- W. NesbHt, 139; W. II. Jar- broke, Ontario, and last heard of imn, 200. by his relatives from the Nor- A. Strachan, 136; A. Murray, folk Rooms in Prince Rupert lij 200. 1924. Any information will be' Entries are also being received gladly received by the Daily News for a snooker tournament office. 300 one new. and has beep trodden to spend a few days in Prince by men high in the affairs of the Rupert nation and empire. -Lord and , Lady Willingdon have revelled in Mrs. ite-jawet-. garderf Which MraL. aUfprt Trelle faithfully tends frometfr rfeferrth to year, and a continuous stream " Thos Brooks b&d the ' t.all' in ar tome fracture a rib. i l.Yi5Uor. "throughout: the sum- The soliciting of fanda for. the mer find their way to the place Community Christinas Tree is and hear Mr. Trelle preach the meetinr with considerable uc- Gospyl of the north country. cess and a Christmas treat will "We find that we have to keep be assured. A good program is a patch of 20 or 30 acres just also being prepared, for show purposes," said Mr. Trelle, "so great is the number! of visitors." This year Mr. Trelle STEWART tured the worlds championships " - in field peas. This gives him Chariaa Young, who has been now three world's champion- assisting his father, A. E. Yoang, ships, . inj addition to reserve. in.,tb:Aaafer business here, cha.mjiolhify given him .this,. for Vaaemfer. year aacftlas&in wheat and. oats. For three years in succession -he , William HcGrew, one of- the has won the prize for the clean- pionper mining own of this camp, est farm in Alberat, and has a waa married recently by United record of 75 first prizes in grain State Commissioner Arnold at lomscreaii. Myder to Mra. Helen Agnes I OLD-TIMERS ion. GREAT DANCE monton Recently EDMONTON, Dec. 17: (CP) Theyt come out after a good time an they sure have it" This was the cheerful comdment of an onlooker at the Old-Timer's dance. It was a grand party. Every body was there that is. practically everybody, old timers from far and near, their families and guests, for this was guest night with the Northern Alberta Pio neers and Old-Timers' Associat The stentorian voice of J. A. McCool rang out in the numbers of a square dance: rirsi iaay out to trie rigAti .( mlng. the t .gent with., ,the 'KCTW&ftSS looJj no neat ; Nbw the? one that ijooks so vweetrt: ... '; , Now your qwnand don't cheat your'own. . Allemande left Second lady out to the right, Swing the one with the -white mustache; Now the . one that makes the mash; Now the one that cuts a splash ; Now the one that cooks your 'hash. Everybody swing and Alemande left Grand right and left. Lady: to the right " Swing' he one that ''stole the sheep- '' ; Now the dne" that parried it home; Now the one! that packed the bones; Now your own, "an on't cheat , yqur own. . , , Everybody swing and Allemande left A novelty was the waltz quadrille. The directions were sung: First couple down the centre an thedn you divide; Lady to the right, gent to the left; All balance to partners and don't be afraid, And swing corner lady With a waltz promenade. losng of Seattle. Mr. and Mra. McGrew hrffc taken up residence In Hyder.11 ;.; D. Musr left last wek for a visit in Prince R pert- Mr. D. D. Kimball left last How McCool Called ;jOff theiweek for a trip south. tMjuare vance & AtA'" Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Ioa of the Mountain View mine left last week for a visit to Seattle. W. Hood, accountant for the Canadian Northeastern Railway, left last week for a visit in HOME LEAGUE SALE REALIZED FORTY DOLLARS SATURDAY The sum of $40 war, .ealised from the sale Saturday by the 8alrat!0n Army Home League. those in charge of the different stalls being: Sawing ana fancy work Mrs. J. Joyce and if re. II. Smith. 4 Home cotfkiais Mies Evelyn Pierce. Tea tables Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Barter, Mrs. Macintosh and Cspt. Anderson. QUIET WEDDING ON SATURDAY EVENING A quiet wedding took place Saturday night at 7 o'clock when Miss Dagmar Wick, sister of Ans-kar Wick of this city, became the bride of Herman I. Lilland, fisherman, aiso of this city. Following the wedding a banquet was served at the Boston Cafe at which 65 guests sat down. Toasts were proposed by Rev. John Hanson, Mrs. Hanson and others. Mr. and Mrs. Lilland will reside at 112 Ninth Avenue East. Try a Daily News classified advertisement for results. Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Age Kaffir s Uellrved by SANTAL MIDY Sol4 hf All DrufElli TWO RECIPES WORTH CLIPPING --they're different, rich without cloying sweet-ness, deliciously smooth I Easily and quickly made with Borden's Condensed Milk, and economical, too. Cut out these recipes- try them for the holidays. Also mail coupon for more tested recipes, sent free on request. SWEETENED CONDENSED gives you tbe largest can, and milk the richest in cream contents of any packed in Canada. THE DOWN I'AYMEisT "Jeaeph, If your father could save a dollar a week for fou? we-kN, what would he then have!" "A poiinojfrajih, a new hat, a ri'frijren.tor und a set of furni 51- Zfo CatiJllaftQ Aeje 9olidai Candiej CHOCOLATE TRUFFLE3 KeaaBorden'tCondensad Lump of butter lize of Milk walnut H pound sweet chocolate i tcaapoon vanflU MjMcboeokte in a double toiler. Removt from fire, add batter, then condensed tm!V and vaoflla, stirrinr welL As soon ai mixture btfins to thicken, drop from point of spoon onto a buttered platter or bakinf sheet Half nut nar be placed on these oooUte drops, or they assy be roiled is chopped eat meats, chocolate ''sprinkles'' (chocolate shots) , or grated chocolate. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS 1 cap Borden 'sCoarirnsed X cup com synsp hfflk J tsMsapBee butter H rp water 3 squam awswectened Eagle Brand Milk lf cups sugar chocolate 1 teaspoon vi m'Ha Mix a& the isrsdMnU except vanilla, brine traduaDy to boOne pomt, cook ortr low fiam until mixture wiH form a firm ball (24S'P.) when Ustad is oaid water. Remove from fire, add vamHa, pour into a greased pan. Wnen cold, turn out of pan on bread board and cut hi squares with a Urge carrots knife. I 2 llemer Arcade Hide , I Vancouver J Plrmn fnd tn, tr, book oSim- I pirn Condtned Milk RrcJft. FOR ALL YOUR FLOORS lea DOMINION L f n f !!! 1 1 I ' "'1 t&zi -with the m&L new mf& DOMOLAC : FINISH ture." Dfim tttmtlrwt4 M limmintw imlmli You will Marvel at its Beauty Inlaid Linoleum, lone DOMINION noted for beauty of colour and d- is more anracuve irut year than ever. It now has the DOMOLAC Finish, a mellow soft-lustre lacquer, im-parttng an appealing softness of tone that most be seen to be appreciated. Dominion Inlaid Linoleum with the new DOMOLAC Finish, it a real help in home decoration. It is stain proof and wearproof and retains its lustre indefinitely' You could buy no more beautiful or practical floor for any room fer anything like its reasonable price. Po lishes readily . . . and beautifully . . . with a minimum of effert. IK The Domolac Finish in Tins This new and enduring finish it alto available in convenient tired tint for sp-plicatioo to your present Dominion floors. Other Beautiful Dominion Floors Wider choice than ever is offered in Dominion Linoleum Rugi and Dominion Printed Linoleum. Long-wearing, beautiful, easy to clean . . . priced even lower than you expect . . . cither makes an ideal floor for any room. Dominion Linoleum Rugs and Dominion Printed Linoleum do not have ths rtnitn. At House Furnishing and Departmental Stores Mm,li In Ctnidm if (At , mlrra f fta fmmoui Dominion Bmllltthlf Lmctmmm tiStttil J Try a Daily News want-d