jjmiduy, December 17. THE DAILY NET73 PAGE SEVE i , . . JSS-. . - TOURIST PAID FOR A CHURCH CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & F OUND Mission at Morlcetown eUnefiU THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE REAP BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. by Donation From Paescr by at Smithers The aftermath' of a tr1fllhr 'n-'jaa cldent at Smithets station ha had the happy result of cleaning all indebtedness from a church and priests' home says Fatherless J Allard, who Is now located In1 Prince Kupert Father Allard tells the story that the church at Moricetown j was in danger of collapse through rntten foundations. After " sulfation with the Indian con- jfrefrution. the supports were re- ncwed, and the priests' home, gturted several years ago, was also completed. The total cost wa- $581, and Indian contributions amounted to $280, leaving an unpaid balance of $301. Where did the balance come from? Four years ago a man and woman, tourists from Kitchener, Ont , stepped toff the train fr a fij-utb of fresh air as the train waited for fifteen minutes at Smithers. They strolled around the station to see the town. There they witnessed Father Allard, who had just come in from a trip to Babine, piling up blankets, grips and a portable altar in his old auto. He was the object of the tourist' attention f ir some time fcnd he finally remarked to the onlookers: "You tnay think I'm a hobo, but I'm a t ru st iuHt the same." "We thought so." said the visitors as they came closer to chat f ,r fiv- minutes before boarding the train with the parting offer to Irt them know when help was rei-iirid. "Well it so happened that help was needed when the Indian church so urgently called for . rTr 1 I Urd' '" who added : . "I dropped a letter . o my five-minute acquaintances i of four years ago. a cheque caew . . . ..... t.ong ana the work at nonce-1 . -,vn rompleted. Rut the major-'v of the expenses in this caae tv. ro nit met bv the Indians, but hy other charitable .souls frogs .. .... r -i.. t .1 - ramc them, for their left hand, jwers to ignore the goorl which fc ir right hand has done." Advertise in Th News. COAL Your choice EPSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKWA A No Ilulkley Hay and Grain. Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. TRAPPERS Get every cent your FURS arc Worth. Ship them bring them to BOYD YOUNG Port Simpson, D. C. i Man in the Moon ' Mussolini ha placed a tax on1 bachelor. n,l ' jmut man. " " "' "ni ii.cii nuvii it nms timn m other been lured into attending an afternoon tea but nn roi hi man is at home there. , Did you ever find yourself A captive at a tea With women all around you Anu the tup Blip off your knee? Hid you ever sit and tremble Lest the bread and butter fall. Or a crumb utch in your gullet? And your going, disturb them all. Th difficulty with these people wHo never tell the truth it that their memories are so bad. A yard of silk or lace or tulle Makes a girl a frock And a man a fool. It's a wise Christmas turkey that can keep off the table. Some people have to use effort to keep themselves decent and others are decent by force of habit. Edmonton's new slogan is AU together M jSa fl torTru Hart and o. the slbgan "Forward' Prince Ift pert." ..-.. . f - ; , ....... H i Teh Years Ago A-ln Prine Rupert , . Imri t7' 1918 The Anjericap,, halibutj j boat PauanuC Capt. Henry A (let rem. is in pqrj nd reports, ibp loss of yro, memVcfui ojt her j crew, John 3eien $1 M iason-. They "were fiahing In a dfcbr off, Cape St. Ellaa when a j atorm came up. The new awmill of the Granby Co. at Larcon Island, ntar An, yox,- has been completed and the plant will atari cutting lumber on April 1, the manager, George P. Wells, who was in the city Saturday bound south for the winter, re porta. The following new native council at Port Simpson baa' been elected: David Lawsen, chief councillor; Nathan. Lavraqn, sec retary; Sam- D. Jkmn4t,-'T)wyer Green. W. SL. White, iUther Peak, Brneatunjion1.GJprg!. 'l?iry, Peter Wc waTeyrVTflfiun u Illart. Joshua Ryan and Joseph Iradley. '" v Htlernl Handy Man Side walks, fences repaired Grading or any other odd jobs, contract or otherwise. Phone 101 I- FOR A REAL ENJOYABLE MOTOR DRIVE Rent One of Our HEATED CARS AND DRIVE IT YOURSELF Walker Motor Co., Limited Phone Blue 389 2nd Ave. and 1th St. Advertise in "The Daily News" FOR SALE FOR SALK--Grade t'oat, iro.ib.j with two kls; also grade doc 10 months old. 940 takes them. Chinchillas from registered stock. ?5 nair. P.O. Box 925. ! Phone Illue 590. 297. FOR SALE Oak dlninj? room Rufte, Monarch stove, Brick Hn :d hr' Electric fixture, ete, APP'y 403 Rlffhth Avenue W, Phone Black 518. FOR SALE Newly built combination fish boat 38 feet by lOVSs feet. Apply K. Tsumura, Cow Bay. 298 FOR SALE Delco automatic non-battery plant 110 volt, i KW. direct current. One year old and in first class shape. Price $300.00 cash. Ap - i ply Port Simpeon Hospital. ! 307 FOR RENT FflR RENT furnished housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red C07. tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' j phonographs and sewing mach-J ines. Walker -Music Store. FOR RENT Two rooms for light! housekeeping, $12.00 per month, in a quiet home. Phone Black 443. 290 WANTED WANTED Girl wants house wwk. Phone 007. - 297 WANTED Girl for housework Phone 225. 297 WANTED Girl or woman to do i Kpuseworl. livrng.out wKdTe $j5u ,i psn ume. anpiy i iox bt Daily New . , M WANTED Housekeeper wanted for Ocean Falls. For particulars apply Employment Bureau. 298 KvANYED Secretary, must have etperlente In Stenography and Bookkeeping. Address in writing, to Director of Fisheries. Experimental Station. 295 CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. Ztimkthr General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phone 3 Prinee Rupert. B. C. HOWE'S SHEET 3IETAL WORKS We have moved our office and showroom to H9 Third Avenue, where we have' everything in sheet metal pipe fittings and furnaces. Phone 340. Box 467. 19 Third Avenue i:1v Tl Si UK It S ALK VtMOB Petted ttenden 1U b received bv Ux District ForeMer. Prince Rupert, not later I had noon on the 27th day of De-ONAber. 1998. for the nurehMe of Li. cenoe X10S0S. Slaters' Inlet. Coast Rangd 4. to cut BSO U feet board nuu nt Spruce. Cedar. Hemlock and Balsam 8aw-loga. Two year wUl be allowed for re-moral of timber. Further partloulada of the Chief Forester, Vlotorta. the District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. or Ranger L. B. 1 Webster, Ocean Falls. B.C. RED'S Transfer Fifteen yeurs' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. H A I RJ) It E S S I N G! New Method ; PERMANENT WAVK Given by Mrs. Allen of MI LADY BEAUTY SIIOPPE Price ?l'0.00. Also Finger Waving, etc. Phone 055 GOOD HATS CAFE (Under management of Mrs R. Peterson A gooa place to eat MEALS 50c Home Cooking, Home Made Dread, Pastry and Cakes - SHOE REPAIRING LOUIS SCIIIBIG announces the opening of the old Gunsmith shop on Second Avenue and Is now buy MAKING AND REPAIRING SHOES The best leather, the finest workmanship .and pver 30 years experience awaits your orders. LOUIS SCIIIBIG 333 Second Avenue SALVAGE AND TOWING if It's on or under the waler we do it," i PRINCE RUPERT SALVAGE & TOWING COMPANY LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrpi- tions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Engines. an Blerck, Easthope, Hicks &.' Ballantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidgn .Propellers Phone, Day orlNight, 501 .P. O. Boxj 1561 I LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone ,68 Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano ana Furniture Moving. , WHAT IS IT ! that keeps you always look-i ing well and smartly dresi- ed? OUR SERVICE PHONE 619 to have your clothes pressed. We call for and deliver to i all parts of the city. For that Suit We have fine Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings on hand. Come in today and let us take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style, all guaranteed. Best materials and reasonable prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 Coal! Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Nut. Nanaimo-Wellington Mine-Run. Beacon Hard Sootless Lump. Beacon Hard Sootless Egg. Telkwa Lump. Of the above there Is ONE that is particularly suited to your heating equipment. We shall be glad to advise you. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 chiropractic CHIROPRACTIC VIBRATORY MASSAfJE INFRARED-RAY GET WELL ! I Ry the use of these approved drugleas and scientific methods Sou will find that this office is fitted up to give you the best of service and satisfaction in these branches of DRUGLESS HEALING. Consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL G and 7 Exchange I'lock Green: 211 Phones Illack: 283 Open Evenings RESULTS COUNT The recent addition of new ANALYTE to our equipment enables this office to give you the most reliable Chiropractic Health Service obtainable in Canada. Consult R. E. EYOLFSON, D.C., Ph. a Phones: Office Blue 83. . Res Red 589. NATUROPATHY Acute and Chronic diseases, fractures, sprains and dislocations treated. Observe! Treat- ment given at your house only. For appointment call Green 510. Dr. L. W. Thelning, N. D. 292 MINING STOCKS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE W8 are 'prepared to take' jprdfers 6n the Vancouver 1 Stock .'Exchange .', , Our ten years experience on the floor of the Brussels Stock Exchange is at your service. Prompt dealing with any orders large or small. Representing Nanson Roth-well &, Co. Ltd., Vancouver, B. C. Morning and afternoon closing prices daily. Theo Collart Ltd. Capitol Theatre Building Phone Blue 428 P.O. box 66 Trappers & Buyers Gentlemen: For twenty years you have been getting good treatment from Goldbloom. And Gold-bloom is in the market for every kind of fur, ..... For a square deal 'urfhg your FURS to Goldbloom The old reliable house MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board dally. We can give Instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We alio have facilities for accepting Wheat order on Winnipeg Stack Exchange. Representing Miller. Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johns ton Co. Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian Nati cThc largefl Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Railing from PKIXCK RLPEItT for VANr(lfr.K. VKTOKIt. 8RATTLH, and IntrrmrillalF point, rarit HCIDW t:iw a.m. for HTCW.IKT and A.N VOX, tut UKDVKMi.VV. lu.su n.m. lor NORTH A NO SOUTH (Jt'EKN ( Il.UtlOl K ISI.IM. Kwtnljlillj. PASKKNOEK T HA INS LEAVE PIMNTP. 1(1 I'EKT Each MONHAV. WKIiNKMMV and SATI XKAV at ll::in aJn. fer rKIM'K (iEOKOE. EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, all nuliilx KaMtrrn mnada. I'nltrd KUIe. AOEXCY AM. OCEAN HTEAMSIIIP LINES City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave-. Prince Rupert Phone 260 a inri Ari,iriuj Sailings To Ketchikan, Wrantrll and nkagwfJttrtmbtr 1. 1J. 29. To anrourr, Vh-titria and Kntt! NuvnubM- 19, DrrrmlMi- 5, 19. PIMNTfSS ROTAL Tor B-ffdal. Iit 1VIW Illa. orin ran . Nana. Alr nay Campion Kher and Vannmtef trrtf IrM.iy. It Ajrnrjr for all Stramahlp Llnra. 'oil intf.rniatlon from- 1?. OR;:i;.Uii. Crnrmt ttnl. 'mnrr of tlh ttrt and fd Arruar ITI nrr Kniml. nr. (-nr i UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing! front Prlnrr Runtrt. Knr VANTOUVEU. VICTORIA. Hwaum Hay, Itutrtate, Alert Bay. ' t Tursilar. JJO p.m. tor VANf'Ol'VEK. VICTORIA, Uuttdalr. Alrrt hay, rte, Friday mldnltliL tor Alirt: ARM. NVi. XTEVVAKl. WALES IMJlMK POUT MtlPMiA NAAS RIVEK, Sunday, S p.m. ;11S tna. Atenurt.v ..a k..,m. UMITII. Asenfc Prim Kai.rrt. U Thruujli tlfhfl noldto Victoria and fMttla. and hariatr chrrkVd ihrnugh to dntlnatlor , 1th DEMAND j u upert Brand" TIIK HAINTIKST Smokt-tl Canadian Fish & Hrincr City M (SELVIO BROS.) 3rd Atenue MKAT. FISH. QNAL B.C. Coast Steamship Services from Prince Rupert RltKAKI AST KIMMi Dally by Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Kupert. H.i; eat Market Phone 763 VEOETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NOKWKttlAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and immediate delivery Observe I All articles are of superior quality and absolutely frosh. ' HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 5S0 JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double load $g.50 Largo sack . . , ...... 4 . . 50c 'coal pWibEsriy.divN ; Pembina Peerless Egg . . . . $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Largo Egg $12.50 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal. Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Baggage Day and Night Service 139 Second Avenue