I.OiNDON, Dec. 17. A bui.ctin timed 8:15 p.m. M id : "The King has this afternoon heen somewhat i less and the progress previously noted has not been continued during the last few hours, i 'DON, Dec. 17. News from Buckingham Palace riling the King continued favorable today. While i "d too early to conclude that he is definitely on ad to recovery, he is not only holding his own, but i ans report that the slight improvement noted on! able contributing factor. The people of England Hiiir eagerly for the ex- Mffitu from the applies-; ii rapy. It was thought I'M.vi-ment would be no-..fter three or four appli-lt in generally believed1 King has now realty turn-J irner. "N, Dec. 17 It wm firially at IluckioghaaM p.nx, that a slight im- :y noted continue. I iitit ge's physician this! .a ii .- usuea tne mimwing uui- l h King ha had a fair Mth some natural sleep to- i -rning. Th slight im- rt in His Majesty's connoted yesterday coning' s physicians issued the ,v bulletin at 11 Sunday; ir: "In spite of a restleaa, H i Majesty's condition has improved." ! n issued a. R p .m. reads:' King hud a quiet day and, twnt in condition noted ; imng hu neen roaiu-Thi. was filed at 1:40. unofficially stated at the hat no vital change in the i if His Majesty had been HAZELTON INDIANS TAKE SPEEDY TRIAL SCvmour and Wilson Committed at H Iton nndWill Appear In t ounty Court at Smlthers "i;im Seymour and Moses . Hazelton Indians, who are i tn have committed an as nient'.v upon Provincial .Me George Wyman, nave mmitteil for trial at llai-itnd tomorrow will come be-Midge Robertson of Prince ' in county court at Smithers speedy trial . WAR THREAT IN PARAGUAY AND BOLIVIA ASCUN8ION, Paraguay, IK: 17:- Partial mobilization of the Paraguayan force is decreed in advices from the Paraguayan force in the border region of Charo. It I stated that the Bolivians hare seised ports three of which were later reoc-cupied. The commander said that six Paraguayan soldiers were killed as well as two Bolivian officers and many Bolivian soldiers and uniformed Indians. The Ministry of War nUo announced that a Bolivian airplane dropped four bombs while flying over Bahia Negra none of which exploded. ROSSINGTON COURT DUE ON WEDNESDAY to load a full cargo for the United Kingdom or Continent. The elevator is now full of grain and there are only a few nriil rum beinir delivered here i just now. DR. J. II. KING DECLARES PRESENT TRADE POLICY OF GOVERNMENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROSPERITY OF THE COUNTRY TODAY WINNIPEG, Dec. 17. That the policy of the Liberal and free commerce, as ' -rnment was one of free trade . MiKf tV,o rnnenmmtivn nnVwv nf restricted trade, and 1 Iteneficient results of the governments policy Mas !-'r demonstrated by the great prospenty Canada is M.vinfT .i,no0 tv.n Pnncorvjitives had predicted oiue ; were points stressed by Hon. J. H. king, addressing i-iix'vals here. i i t.-:.,.. .i i,o f fim Pnnsnrvatives succeeded :" !wer they would never be able to put into effect the ! "that would mean abso-1 ' trine they now preach, because ' min to the people of this country." 8ht AFGHANKING IS BESIEGED BY OWN ARMY NEW DELHI, India. Dec. 17: of Afghanistan and Queen Souriya have taken refuge in a fort, their army having turned against them. . While reports of disturbances in remote sections of the country have heen reported recently today's advices were the first indicating that dissatisfaction had spread to Kabul the capital. The trouble was attributed to the King's drastic westernization reforms and the Queen Souriyas'8 desire to abolish the purdah or seclusion of women. NEW. DELHI. India. Dec. 77. Itebels, who have been resisting the reforms of King Aman-ulah of Afghanistan, attacked Kabul. Serious fighting is go-ing on in the Afghan capital today and considerable anxiety prevailed. LARGE WEDDING AT METLAKATLA .Miss Beatrice Venn Became Ilride . of Duncan Ryan at Ceremony . on Saturday Afternoon I A wedding of ponsidereble in- teres was solemnized in St. I Paul's Church. Metlakatla. on Fourth drain Ship of Season Is Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Already Uned and Will Start j Rv.. Canon W. F. Rushbrook of- Loading Immediately fkiaUng, when Miss Beatrice Ad- , ;elalde Venn, daughter of Mr. and ... . ! Mrs. Peler Venn of Metlakatla, Latest report .from i the BrlUah hec&m h brjde of Dumjan teamer Rossington Court, this ft mn Qf Mr ln port's fourth grain ship of the gtephwi Ryan &fQ of Metlakatla season, ire that the vessel will Th brJde who wag b.autlfuny( arrive gowned in ivory silk, trimmed is already lined and will go on wUh Mm wJth enveIop,ng ve berth immea aieiy at m , and COronet of orange blossoms. was attended by five prettily garbed maids of honor. The groom had a like number of supporters. The village band first escorted the groom and his coterie to the church and then the bride and her fair retinue. After the ceremony, three hundred guests sat down to heavily laden banquet tables. Mr. Offrett, a descend-ent of the Kit-wil-yoteh, whose family formerly owned the present site of Metlakatla, welcomed the guests. Speeches were made by Mr. Auriol, Peter Venn, Sam, Lewis of Kitkatla, Canon W. F. Rushbrook and Mr. Auckland. The food and presents left on the, tables for the departing guests to carry away were TORONTO, Dec. 17 J . Lucas, formerly -Rt. Rev. Bishop 'of MaeKenzie River, has been ap pointed warden of the Canadian Church Army training centre, which it is proposed to open in Toronto oon. Thi! Km, carried out bv CUWDJABIT Boston Grill Everyone readi th Cltuiried Ad. L.1KGK CAftAKET If you lose, kdrertlM for tt. . Special Dinners Thursdays and It you find, locate th owner. banting rvrry Saturdays Saturday nlfht Whatever you need, advertise for It from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire PRINCE RUPERT Accommodation for Private )ET THE CLASSIFIED IIAIHT. Parties Phone 437 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper X., No. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MO NDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS . Ok, At- A. 4 RIVER KING GEORGE M FOR PROVINCE ADE PROGRESS AND THEN DROPPE King George Improved Considerably but Today Lost Ground Again, the Progress Yesterday Not Maintained lay is continuing. To this the period of natural sleep! ' reported from the fron- nf had in thn Into hours nf Inst nitrhr wpi-p flmiViHrxu ticr tate that Amanullah H.R.H THE PMNf'E OF WALES l i 'isT sun. who is undertaking the duties usually his father BROKE HIS LEG LAKELSE WOODS W. W. Hippisley arrived in the city yestedray and was taken to the General Hospital for treatment-to his broken leg. The accident happened in the woods in the Lakelse valley on Friday. First aid was administered to him at Tt rrate and he was brought on here for X-Ray examination. 4 r 4 t LEAGUE OF NATIONS WILL INTERVENE IF WAR IN S. AMERICA I LUGANO, Switterland, ' Dec. 17: If either Bollvfa . or Paraguay formally de- clares war a special session ; of the council of the League of Nations will be con-oked at Paris. Aristide Briand, as president of the council 1 the League of Nations, an- i nounced. ! -p- MARY IZARD Famous violinist dii's. D BACK Peace River Lands to Be Returned To B.C. l Legislation at Coming Session of Parliament .Will Probably Give Effect to Agreement Between B. C. and Dominion OTTAWA, Dec. 17. Parliament likely will be asked at the next session to consider legislation for the return of the railway and Peace River lands to British Columbia, Hon. Charles Stewart stated today. W. W. Cory, deputy minister of the interior, and Dr. Duncan Scott, deputy minister of Indian affairs, will represent the Dominion on a committee of representatives of the two governments 1 concerned and a representative of British Columbia will ; be named when Premier Tolmie reaches Victoria. I VICTORIA, Dec. 17. "Railway and Peace River lands are to be restored, was Premier Tolmie s report on the negotiations last week with the federal government in regard to the return of the lands to the province. A telegram to Attorney-General Pooley added that an officer was to be appointed by each government to draft particulars of an agreement to form the. basis of legislation confirming the restoration. i WRECK DETAILS ; ALAMEDA HAS I BARGE PEZUTA STARR IN TOW ! Details of the wreck of the barge Pezuta at Tlell have been receved It seems that the strand- iing occurred when the Imbre- caria was . trying to make Skidegate Inlet with the Pesuta in one of the most severe i southeast gales the Islands have ! experienced for a long time. No headway could be made against j the raging storm and, as a matter of fact, the two vessels were drifting backwards At 2 p.m. the barge struck bottom and the tow line parted. The captain of the barge thereupon let go both of his anchors but the chains parted and the unwieldy craft pounded toward shore at the mouth of the TleJI River. The crew lowered one of the life boats and made shore. It was remarkable How the life boat came through the heavy sea that was running. ' The Pezuta is reported to have cost the Pacific Coyle Navigation Co. $40,000. The wreck of the Pezuta was the third that bas occured at Tlell. Yean ago R. Cunningham's trading schooner was wrecked there and a number of lives lost, among them a son of the owner and brother of R. G. Cunningham of- Port Essington. The steamer Sardonyx was also wrecked there. Capt Hanna is -the master of the Pesuta. He and his crew are staying at the Hotel Central until they proceed to Vancouver. V i1 I EMPLOYEES OF J POWER COMPANY l The Power Corporation of Canada wishes it to be khown that its policy will be, as far .as possible to, retain the present staff of etty em- ployees of the light and pow- er departments and that it will be prepared to pay to ; all of its employees here standard Trince Rupert wages for all classes of lab- or, skilled and unskilled. advt. Line Broke in Violent Gale But Vessels Now Enroute Seward SEATTLE, Dec. 17: After fighting northeast gates, since daybreak Sunday so violent that at one time the radio was disabled for more than an hour, steamer Alameda last night sue-, cecded in getting a tow line on the disabled steamer Starr, and again proceeded with the stricken ship to Seward. The Starr went adrift Sunday morning when the cable with which it was being towed by the Alameda snapped. Both the vessels while drifting were blown 30 miles toward Res Rurection Bay and the Starr rescued just in time to save her from he rocks. A radiogram to Cor-lova indicated that 23' persons were aboaetl the Starr. Previous word reported said that- all had icen transferred aboard the MARY IZARD DIED MONTREAL MONTREAL, Dec. 17: Mary Izard, 40 years of age, Known throughout the Dominion as a concert violinist, died Sunday. She was a former resident of Victoria, and played several times In Prince Rupert FIGHTING REPORTED IN SOUTH AMERICA LAPAE, Dec. H-Reporte of fighting ; between Bolivian and PasguysQ, armies in the Chaco district say that 100 Paraguayan soldiers were killed and many prisoners were taken while Bolivian losses were light After spending six weeks ashore in Vancouver on holidays, Capt. A. E. Dickson has resumed his post this trip us master of the t'nion steumer Catala.