PAGE EIGHT I Pre -In I Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Wesiholme Theatre MONDAY ONLY, AT 7 1. M. GKANI) DOUHLE HILL AT 7:30 P. M. HOOT GIBSON IN "The Wild West Show" AT J i'.m. William tfoyd In "THE DRESS PAUADE." UACING BLOOD" with Alberta Vaughn and Al Cooke. COMEDY "STOP KIDDING." OVEKTUHE "POET AND PEASANT" (Soppo) . FOX N::W 35c and 10c. Cominjf soon Al JOHNSON IN "THE JAZZ SINGER." a ventorv Now O sing Out Mi rurmslifflgs len s and Boys' Ck thing epartments Open Evenings Until Xmas. JABOUR BROS LTD. SHIRT SALE ULi. Just in Time For Xmas Gift Giving TEMPTATION SALE PRICE $1 95 & $2. 95 Shirts or assorted patterns and plain shades with collars attached and unattached. Of finest Broadcloths, Priscillas and Madras, tailored to perfection and guaranteed not tojfchrinkl With neat pearl buttons, smart cuffs and other features that make them wonderful Xmas value! ihe AC me 1 mporters Third Avenue Terms. Strictly Cash. Telephone the office if your paper does not arrive INA0RCU5 The Wild West Show" to be Seen Here Tonijjht is a Great Pklure . "The Wild West Show" with Hoo Gibson in the stellar role is to be one of the features in the big double program at the Westholme Theatre tonight. It's a circus from beginning to end, with Hoot appearing in the role of Rodeo Itill, star cow-nincher of the country, and the .ompl lea t ions he gets into surpass '11 he has ever previously experienced. He's the whole show with an extra "side-show"' thrown in by the other members of the cast. To begin at the beginning, he takes a gang of his cowboy cronies to a small town circus and because the performers don't come up to expectations, they start a riot. The noise frightens the horses hauling a stage coach used in the show and the leading lady is carried away in one of the most breath taking dashes icreened. Rodeo Bill and his gang go in pursuit and finally rescue the girl. Bill discovers he is in love with her. H in the circus as a general handy man and as the villain doesn't like him he is forced to undergo many humiliations. To cap the climax. Bill is the victim of a frame-up carried out by the or-lers of the bud man. The villain has hfh confederate! rob the owner of the circus and plant the money so Bill will be the suspect. However, the heroine, who is the daughter of the owner, overhears the, plot and helps Bill to elude arrest when .suspicion does fall on him. How it all ends happily is told in thrilling fashion by Hoot and his supporting cast. DRESS PARADE CADET STORY; Few motion pictures produced in recent yearn have the rtiri- en- KU rtalnment qualities that clistiN- K ' in uish the Donald (isp I'ltthe-IK- lAIille production of "Dress Par ade," starring William Boyd'andj. ! featuring Bessie Love which will 1 4. ijht L ... . . 1. T, . 1 , oe on view ai ine nesiroime 1 4, tonight. The spirit of West; Point animates every scene, for f 4b the picture almost in It.-' entirety was filmed at the United States Military Academy. Picture this situation a cadet lying helpless in the path of anj. artillery barrage during field i practice, and only his worst en-1 . emy knowing of his danger. There is an abundance of swift action everything from a grudge fight in a boxing ring to n spec tacular rescue under shell fire. Boyd in the snappy uniform a West Pointer is a sight to gladden every picture fun. The official Academy tailor made a complete set of uniforms for him, and he never looked finer or snappier. Material For Cossedy The interesting customs and traditions of West Point provide material for numerous comic situations, and at the same time reveal the fascinating little inside angles of cadet life. "Dress Parade" is' a picture boys will rave over Horatio Alger stuff, screened intelligently enough to appeal to adults as well. The sequence of the arrival of Boyd at the Point is a classic the swaggering, condescending hero Give Your Child Enough Vitamins For Good Health SCOTT'S EMULSION Is the Agreeable Way To Obtain the Benefits of Codliver Oil Vitamins But l & Swrac, Tana to, Oal. Tilt) DAILY NEWS Monday, Dec,. mi,, MILTON SILLS TURNS JACK LONDON MASTERPIECE INTO MIGHTY FILM Star at Jlis Best in Rugged Portrayal of ".Burning Daylight," Doris Kenyon and Support Cast Give - Exceptional Performance The droary, dangerous wastes of the frozen Alaskan plains; tho hectric excitement of a boom town; the wild, halarity of gold-mad miners on a spree against this col-prf ul background has been woven 6ne of the most engrossing films of the season. The picture is "Burning Daylight," a First National production, which shows tonight and Tuesday at the Capitol Theatre. Baaed on Jack London's thril-"' :ing novel qf the same name, it provides Milton Sills with one of his greatest screen roles, as the iaring, courageous prospector who makes and loses several fortunes and finally makes the createst gold strike of the day. On the screen has been transplanted all the color, movement, excitement and epic drama of those stirring times and the re- . WEEK AT THE THEATKBH ' J In nil ay Weotholau "The West Show," "TheJres Parade.' Capitol -"liurning light." ' Tuesday Westholme Public ing. Capitol Burning -TRANSFERS IN m-ti Wild ; ' Day- Mett- Da- : Wednesday and Thursday . Westholmt "13 Washington Square." Capitol "Forgotten Faces." Friday and Saturday Westholme- "The Jaaz Singer." Capitol "Drums of Love." POLICE RANKS Corp. Manell of Prince Rupert Transferred to Court enay, Other Change Are Announced Divisional headquarters of the provincial police announce the following transfers affecting the force in Northen British Columbia: Corp. II. H. Mansell from Prince- Rupert city detachment to v.uuiurimj in will ui uibuii;. Corp. (. G. lwrtHtr, Uaielton to Prince Rupert te relieve Corp. Mansell. of amateur boxing, patronizing, ( on9tfll,. Thomas Smith, Vlc-the officers who sign him up, tori ii,...!,. Mllevimr Corn. only to be put in his place and humiliated by second year cadets. Barber. Constable W. T. Harrison, Na-luifino to Hazelton. Constable O. L. Hall, Smi there to Nanaimo. Constable George Wyroan, Ilaielton. transfer to .Victoria cancelled and re-transferred to Smithers. Constable John Tait, Vancouver to Smithers. Constable W. W. Hlnton. Van-couver to Prince George, relieving Constable M. Martin, transferred to Queen Tharlotte City. sl n -ttm I1 ds Checked i i iT aiar- j- ly modern vaporizing lintment Just rub on V8CKS VapoRub DON'T FORGET XMAS DINNER It's so easy to forget. That is why so many people have not yet left a dollar for the Salvation Army Christmas dinner and ham- iult is a picture fraught withPr fund at the Daily News of- thrills. tense drama and sweeping ce or given it to one of the ever pictorial effects. Milton Sills has never had a 1 role which fitted him more per-! tectiy than 'the reckless, irres- i :nslhl tfancrcrmis nriventurar nf e nires out to worK,t. t,iA ,a .. .n UIU MUI VlltmiU) I VtlUJ' IU1 tt I- iest chance,1 the greatest gamble or the most dangerous venture which presents .itself, f Opposite he tirife Wr ft '.harming Doris Kenyon, who provides an exquisite contrast to the rugged Sills. The long list of supporting players includes many names well known on the screen and among whom are Arthur Stone in an excellent comedy role; Jane Winton, Stuart Holmes, Guinn Williams. Frank llagney, Lawford Davidson and many others. Charles Bra bin directed "Burn- Army officers. More money is still needed, quite a bit, if the dinner is to be a real Christma.i event. Those giving so far include: Tommy Atkins $1.00 Sirs. Morte Craig 2,00 and flowers for, decoration. Alex. Finnic 2.00 Mrs. G. A. Woodward 6.00 Sympathiser . 1.00 Previously acknowledged $87.00 NATIVE COUNCIL OF SKIDEGATE ELECTED SKI I) EG ATE, Dec. 16. Kov James GilleH. Indian agent for the islands, came here from Mas- sett on the last trip of the Prince Charles to attend the annual elet- for First National ing Daylight" tjon of the Skldwte Mis!tion Pictures. Council. Fourteen candidates T- nmlhatod and from them the following were chosen: James McKay, W. II. Rusa. Solomon Wlfnon. Timothy Pearson, Lewis Collision and Matthew Williams. Jame-.t McKay is chief councellor. The city police court case in which a charge of seduction has been involved will. It hi expected, be dismissed, the youth and girl involved having married. Walter R. Overend or the local enstoms house staff sailed last wftk on the Princess Royal for Ocean Falls where he will relieve Art Noble who is going on a vacation. TOMGHT AND Tl'ESDAY MILTON MttonSHJs it 'Burning OlilifhP SILLS in Burning Daylight liurning with (hi -i mi venture, a; ire , . everything IhjI lov a beautiful dance lull whirled her win int.. h, heart! Jack ! .null ii famous Ht'iry Immi-m i the screen a nu h most powerful r! Vi ten bill ever porii iv i RUPERT CAP1TOLIANS COMEDY M: ; First show. 7 p.M. 35C AND 5C inK Cold Weather Is Due ARE YOU PRKl'ARKi)? We Arc Prepared: To tune up your motor and overhaul your igni 1 for easier starting. To charge your old battel? or.sjU Mp a new m. for $15.00. ' v? To sell you chains and fit them your tu To put Prestone Anti-Freeze or1 denatured alruh in your radiator. To sell you Dominion Royal Cord Tiros at lnu prices than ever before. S. . PARKER, LIMITED PORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. Bast. IVne f BKBSB GIFT suggestion: DAINTY HANDKEHCTOF811ox . , 25C T0 $1.50 ,;JI0VELTY HANDKEItGHIEf; AND -GARTER SETS $1.00 , (BllDE TREE AN0 GARTER 'SETS,. . , $2.00 .NOVELTY RUBBER APUQKS .....V $1.00 pure linen LdNCHBO.m'..; $2,945, $8.95 and UM TOWEL SETS Boxwl gOQ, $1.25 d --$1.50 to $2.95, $3.50 h& DOZEN IRISH LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Hemsitchi-d. h v 'tJH- 1' $1.50 FOWNES WOOL LlNEb GAPE GLQV)QSStar top. $2.95 KAYSER TIP TONE GLOVES-Pilllover and ou-buUtn style; waahablo. Pair , . . . ... ... O'-W, -$1,50 PURE WOOL FANOy TOP S0qm'AiAtogi(F i)nd Fraser & Payne . 3RD AVENUE AND (JTII STREET