Monday, Pcccmoerl7, 1928 i. f- v i... .'1 : J ) The best &ift is that ) IM 'ill.' ill PHONE !) which serves hest The Lifetime pen is a fine piece of engineering work. It At httter $tortt trerywhert PENS PEMCll c . K O I D A. SHEAFFER PEN CO. OF CANADA, U eo FRONT ST. WEST. TORONTO n ' ' ''jll W exTuu,te "cauracy, and of such depend- H- f3ri lifetime In places of wear.Wispalumin, an almost prefcieus'alloy of superlative tenacity, and iridium, the hardest of all metals, are generously used. A magnificent engineering job for a beautiful and appropriate gift. Agiftl One that is a constant reminder of the giver. Ww" tn in m kUk. S7.7S; U7i-txil. KM DUi"UliUmi" tJLWi tncU.ti.Ji. Otbnlowr ) I.. m -nr nr nn nn able able material, material, that that it it is is freely freely guaranteed guaranteed to to last last its its user user , , , . rffllJKU SHEAFFER'S JHH Shaeffer Pens are sold by. ! V ' ROSE, COWAN & .LATTA, LIMITED MATIONEKS AND PRINTERS, T HJKD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT. II. C: ! H. S. WALLACE C0j LTD XMAS SUGGESTIONS JJOXED HANDKERCHIEFS in great variety. , ; . . . ,,v oin,box -30c T0 $2.25 , LADIES' DRESSING GOWNS-From .3.75 TO $14.5Q MERCURY FULL FASHIONED HOSE 165 T0 $2.50 In Christmas Packing. . , NOVELTY STATIONERY OUTFITS 35C TO Q5C .LOVES-Fabric Kid or Wool. From (J5C TO 3,50 LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S UMBRELLAS from 1.50 TO 12.59 BRASSWARE NOVELTIES in pleasing variety. from : 75c to 7.50 LADIES' SILK UNDERWEAR in pleasing colorings. Gowns, vt'sts, bloornWr?yjah?a sets, etc. .-.. ( V M ( inLDREN'SSILK UNDERWEAR Slips; govn, comWut . , i3f tions, vesta, bloomers. , ' ;, V U. ' Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, Ties, Belts, Arm, Band Sets, Garter Sets, Suspender Sets, in great variety. ' ' ' I I .A DIES' HANDBAGS in now shapes and colors. .v-:l Ati $1.00 to 1060- Sec Our'WlnXws For Varicty-Thcy Are" Different '",n FREE Scenic China Cup and Saucer with EVERY -PURCHASE $2.00 OR OVER. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Local Items Duncan Munro has returned to the cijy after having spent the summer at Stewart. Robert Blance, who has been on a brie'trib, to-Vancouver, retur ned to the city from the south on the'Catala last evening. Passengers sailing from here for the1 north on the. Princess Mary on Saturday included: Pete Page, for Carcross; A: A. O. Dyack, for Ketchikan, and ' l Reserve the date for the bigger and better Elks' New Year's Eve Cabaret. 'It Lira: Ollie Larson left Saturday for Smithers, Winnipeg, Minneapolis and.Galva, Kan., to visit hv children and relatives. Motorship Bellingham, Capt. J. E. Anderson, arrived In port at 10 o'clock this morning from Ketchikan with three carloads of frozen fish for transshipment east over the Canadian National Railways. Misses "". and A. Hahn and Mrs. George Wymari and son, for j Master Jack Gillatt, who are at- Ketchikn. Motorship Bellingham, Capt J. E. Anderson, arrived In port on Saturday morning from Ketchikan with seven carloads of frozen fish for transshipment east over the Canadian National Railways. O. Ericsson, J. W. Eliason and F. Berg, who have been engaged in pole cutting 'operations on the Queen Charlotte Islands, were arrivals in the city on the Prince John ofa Saturday, berng on theifc wky ta"Vantftrrer. tending High School in the city, sailed on the Prince John yesterday to spend the Christmas .and New Year holiday period at their homes at Sandspit. Passengers sailing yesterday aboard the ' Prince John for Queen Charlotte Island points in-1 eluded: D. McLeod and J. Daw-1 son, for Port Clements; Miss B. j Hahn and Miss A. Hahn and Jack Gillatt, for Sandspit; George L. Hill and J. McLellan, for Mas-sell; Mr. and Mrs. K. Linder, for Buckley Bay, and Miss A. J. Gladstone, for Skidegate. "TF I had only known this would happen! So suddenly! So unexpectedly! And when everything looked so promising! tA.hd to think that time after time he wanted to increase his life insurance and I talked him out of it., How hard I worked against myself and against my own interests. I wanted a bigger house. I wanted luxuries! I wanted everything except the protection he was urging me to accept. "I got my own way, of course. The Life Insurance was not taken. I robbed the children of their a . . ... . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Silver-sides will sail tomorrow afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver where they will spend the holiday period. George B. Casey left on vthisj morning's train for Chatham,; Ont., where he will pay a visit with revives. I&wM,.bV' Ejf-Ald. Casey's first trip to his nat--ve home in many years. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in port at 5 o'clock last evening from the south and sailed at 8 p.m. for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points of call whence she will leturn here tomorrow morning sail south at 3:30 p.m. Passen-&nd sail south at 3.30 p.m. Passen-includeld: II . Mair, II. F.Brandt. C. S. Elkina, Robert Blance, D. Larsen and Mrs. G. S. Clark, for Prince Itupert; L. S. Davidson, A. E. Smith and Mrs. L. Fischer, for Stewart; Mrs. Norman Fraaer, for Alice Arm; Loyal Young, for Port Simpson; Mrs. M. Pamplin and Mrs. R. Smith, for Anyox. For quick renults try a Dally News want-ad. BRITISH CHANCELLOR ENGAGED Lord Hailsham, Lord Chancellor of Great Britain, has announced his engagement to Hon. Mrs. Clive Lawrence, well known lawyer. PREMIER'S BIRTHDAV OTTAWA, Dec. 17: Congratulatory messages by telegram and letter as well as gifts are being received by Premier King who is celebrating his 64 birthday day. ) education, of my care, perhaps of their future success in life. I robbed myself of the children companionship. For now I must leave them to earn the money needed to keep our little family together - - the money that Life Insurance would have given me if he had had his way-- "--and.I'; talked him out of it." It has been truly said that, "If every wife knew what every widow knows, every man would carry adequate Life Insurance". And too often it is the children who must pay the penalty of the wife's prejudice. fife'lnsurlK Service 3RD AVENUE AND FULTON Love That y ver ic " J -Cisr-;; 13 S If V