2 Prince Rupert Daily News nursaay an independent daily newspaper dev to the pbuilding of Prince Rupen and Northern { tral FE c mbis Member of Cana Pre A t Bureau of Circulations Ca D: New r A tation Published by The ! ce ) News -Limitea J. P. MAGOR, President G. PERRY, Vice-President Subs Rates ee, By carrier : $ per year, $10.00 vee Roa @y mail Per w ith PO AM Rey eee @uthorizec as second r Post OMce Department, Ottawa Hospital Scheme at Stake <<. the provincial government’s drastic re- solve to ke rinancl ssistance for |] itals dow? 1OSspl to last ve yr Ve it nossible Lo discern only one thine—the impend collapse of the ¢ tire B.C. Hospital Insw ‘e Service At this moment He it } 4] nger r hole in- the d He innot move, vet there is no future In st ! e} ‘ Presumal ( set of premiums and rel; xing of the ) ae ) aus had \ orked the Way they wer nposed te, there would have been no need to take action, The idea seems to have heen that the government would ingratiate BCHIS itself with a more gentle presentation of and that the numbe f subseribers would increase al its own accord The reverse has apparently occurred, Those makine tl ely regula payments now are said to be considerably less than the 70 per cent who cor tributed LO ine comp lsory plan, and it is expected that during 1958 the service vill fall in arrears at month. If the go ats hold-the-line edict, ernment had a chance of enforcing outlook would be a trifle less grim. But already the impossibility ] of doing so has become evident. The Prince Rupert General Hospital is faced with an which the provincial government alone must handle if-it is to make any pretence of having a workable ncrease in costs of $40,000 insurance The Revelstoke ,hospital board has announced through with attempting miracles and it is ready to hand responsibility for the hospital over to the government. The Royal Jubilee Hospital at + Victoria was alre: going far into the red before Mr. Martin’s proclamation was made. Any inclination to ignore this pressing situa- tion, which is undoubtedly shared by other insti- tutions, cannot be tolerated. If our hospitals wer forced to survive without more help, they would Have to curtai] their services and attempt to deny their staffs any approximation’ of the benefits first would be a second would be a shameful injustice, is anyone who has les of execution can yvouen enjoyed in other vocations, The menace to public health and the seen the demanding dut a hospital and their efficient The alternative is not the abandonment of. hos- pital insurance. Its value is too apparent for that, and investigation shows that 95 per cent of British Columbians want it to stay. The seems, instead, to lie in the direction of more rigid enforce- answer ment and less concessions in premiums, It is an unpopular course but failure to provide against sickness and inj ry would prove less popular still. REFLECTS Ra and REMINISCES ‘As 1952 Olympic Lesson POWELL UT I LEARNED more about rt from Finland-—-which I) Father unde 3UT I FOUND Jock analysi of n 1936 Negroes won the 100, 200 400, 800 metre run and broad jumps. By 1948 five See It hy he Etna 7 Philpott Al Child % Life O / Fesus RIVER: You can learn a lot in a quiet ek-end in this paper- making town. For in- ince I Anony ou doing { Fi 1 4 . 4 4 4 ‘ ) e th ‘ ? ’ Tt } Ss J Un Ch I B iscu j One day Jesus taught everybody to talk to our Pather d n wit! in Heaven, He gave us a prayer to say Kir di i It . ‘ + ¢ A ¢ 1 of Jesu one of the ke write ~" 3 , wn i , ois Ou a auth sucA on . “ Crreeteast t ry + * i : The Greatest Book Ever Writter I resents { Mr O tance, in the wonderful | 0k has been spe y ilbustra tes Know? t, Me © Keette n Saint Luke about th tl by Jesus. Tl Chapter VII What does tha big ward S101 ty that the family One day Jesus taught every- pass” mean? It mean i B body how to talk Father wrong done to someone. Like eea that i tne in Heaver He gay is a prayer ‘King candy trom meone ¢ hould be taxed rt } say That is a “trespass We want nt Our Father “f God to jorgive us. But only if God is not just my Father, or we forgive other ist your Father. He is ours—-the God forgive us Father of everybody Our Pather, Who art in Hea’ Olyn ame t Our Father Who are in Heav- err, hallowéd be Thy name. Thy than I eve did en...” kingdom come, Thy will be done newspaper re home, where our on earth aa it is in Heaven. Give ; and We can only get us this d our daily bre i persons wiil Heaven is our id a lor le as those from | there by loving Him our esp as we Korean war front. Jock Our Father, Who art in for hose who trespass editor of the Powell|/Heaven, hatiowed be Thy against us. And lead us not into Company Digest name temptation ,. .” f thi ountry | 1 God nan is holy and we And that means On, pie ties on Scottish clans, tar-| should say it lovit ear Father in Heaven, watch Brit riments of al Our Father Who art in and guide me. Wher ind a m athieti He | Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. good, let me do it your % mer of the selection) Thy kingdom come P ot just iy way.’ e f Canad 1948 When we ail love Him, His “Our Father, Who ar He ic tear in ive ome kingdom wlll be everywhere. en, hallowed be Thy name pertinent reasons for our | Then there ll be nobody doing kir m come, Thy will be do or 1952 showing anything wrong, bul only good- on earth as it is in Heaven, Give main point ma by M . pirtiual jo uS this day our dai bread and ndie in the well River New 0 Father Wh ee in forgive us Our trespass us hat ¥ 26 contendet »| Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. forgive tho a} trespass ae aad se ae Thy kingdom come, Thy will be against us. And lead us n ne of earl ye done on earth as it is in Heav- emptation, but deliver us from | : ‘i ' stun (C8 O62 inde ; nue} ‘abt peg We al heuld do what God And that me When we : ee € wants us to do here in this world’ have puin or trouble. G their predece t aints and angels do take ul} away. Because with he then-peerleas Percy Wi n Heavy God things are + ble A ams in 1928 won the 100 metr Our Futne?. Who art in Heay-|that is the prayer tt Je [on Se. ee eee eer en, hallowed be Thy name. Thy | ‘aught ; rhe Canadian pero? kir me, Thy will be dont oO Fat Wh art i aa cee eae ae -~ rst on eal is it is in Heavyén. Give Hea we ] wed be Tt es nits ee en he asa hg us this day our daily bread ame, Th ned We ask our Pather for what YT? A f f t é y hty Paavo Nurmi in “ial e need Jn as you , Heave Ciiwe na tt 24 won tl 1500 metres in da ’ 3.6 second Tr time Jest . as esp ‘ i 1952, would not have qu: " ‘ t him for the semi-finals. It ; t f ] along the line er Thy ; of Mr. Lundie shows that in some kit I AN be done 1 i ' key events several of the con as it is in Heaven. Give! kir er, ay tenders broke previous world’s is this day our daily bread and the iory forever ‘ ords—yet failed to win first forgive ys our trespasses as we e. “The terrifie competition ‘forgive those who tre spass| Tomorrow Jesu ‘ no place for casual or against us...” jon ve und the fishe lf-training as now carried on 1 Canad: he ay 1962. King Peature y at I ! hack. “A Child's Life of Je Pult oO ‘ Published rankiin W I Lundie’s Negro victories . sore tntrigane, He sow. Premier Urges ; qr » Ne © sprinte: ce feet Line, won tne igs Propaganda 100 metre events. At Berlir Campaign PARIS (CP)—-Premier Alecide ce Gasperi of Italy Tuesday asked MINE CARS and CAGES ind the high The painting of Prince Ru-;that he spilt blood, had a dash of six finalists in the 100)top ministers of the 14-country : ¢ HOIST, SKIPS pert, hung in tl ty cour royalty in him, knew some-| metre race were Negroes. The Atlantic alliance to stage a unit- AERIAL TRAMWAYS chamber some months ago, may, thing about Germany, didn’t came ratio of success held in. ed propaganda campaign agaist possibly bea esempblance, for e for Cromwell, roamed) other event This year the/ communism how t ! ie Y cro pirate-haunted oceans, | trend went further The couneil chairman F raf ffid : umount to? A work|@nd all in all was a regular) wr fundie predicts that col-|cign Minister Ole Bjorn Kraft of out from its rich | fellow or in other words a/|oreq athietes will soon capture of Denmark, told ministers: “We framing d } rugged, | broth of a boy even the long distance endur- now are approaching the stage mooth-shaven face } p nennaprinety ance events. He flatly rejects | at which we feel safe from out-j; ghost of a slightly haughty ex Keep your eyes open before! the theory that this is because ward aggression.” | pression. A little more, and he’d | Marriage half closed after- ; they are structurally, bodily su- He warned, however, that “the! WESTERN be next door to an imperial, ward! perior. It is a matter of train-| picture may change very sud-| BRIDGE grin. A prince, three hundred eee ing, argues Jack. “They are ex-|' denly” and the NATO goal of} £L FABRICATORS LTD years ago, could never afford And so, today, there is now) cluded froth much of the social se 0 look pleasant in public no further question about dem- ocracy in the army. General H KNEW PLENTY! S. Vandenberg (U.S. Air Force Generally speaking, the artist,| chief) recently delivered a pack- whoever he was, had the right age of cookies to Pte Nicholas dea. He must have picked up a| Baldwin in Korea In lot about the lad before cor MRE EEE CIENCIA NH NEM = ERC EE EEE EE PREC CNET Get Your Christmas Tree Lights EARLY !! “NOMA” Christmas Tree Lights AT RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC “YOUR AUTHORIZED “GE” DEALER” Phone 644 Box 1279 PDR MBB P iB no Dbl | SSR RD D life open to whites,” he says Italy, | months previously, the soldier's} mitting paint to canvas. Most! parents had asked Vandenberg | , Of us know in a haphazard way to do the delivering. And he did Dee De Be DEER Be Be Bs Be RRARRARRARRRRA balance with the Soviet bloe | has not yet been created.” } 0-OP KIDDIES SHOW At Capitol Theatre Monday, Dec. 22. — 2:30 p.m. Fishermen‘s Co-op members please have your tickets for the kiddies on or before December 19 at your Cow Bay Store or your Bakery on 3rd Ave. Other Co-op members get your tickets on December’ 20th. Admission by ticket only. Santa Claus will be there. Christmas Cake, decorated and plain, Shortbread Circles and Fingers, Mincemeat Tarts and Pies are now in stock at the Co-op Bokery or ordér from your grocer. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR DANISH PASTRY FOR THAT EXTRA SPECIAL ' TREAT PRICED FROM Sc PER PIECE VANCOUVER, B.C OTTAWA DIARY 8 Norma Sories carried in Canadian newspapers on proceeding it th ; { Ta ao i House of mmon t alwa' ik justice to or sup of * parliamentarian ose who wage yigorous bat tles, often: alone, for their pet ideas. They are fighters for leg- Two Liberals said they didn’t have time to study Blackmore theories, and he lashed out at them: “That is why you are « stupid and sfy such foolish things c ud Tom Goode (1, aby-Richmond) & S@nior member of the type Burn ‘I do not think | Of the deny asked late The | Dickey Well, t Blackm« Canada The To enue Mi; now speaking should cal) any Blackn body stupid We think the did it » hould bégintroduced to improve same thing of him as he has Z the lot of Canadians just Now indicated he thinks of islation which they helleve and t} Hon. Wy Was clever Some of them are prominent er ; of it and } 4 eye ‘ members of the house-—like _ mat finally got Canada out for the Coy John Diefenbaker the lanky ; we good-natured Conservative MP for Lake Centre in Saskateche wan, and David Croll, govern nent member for Toronto-Spa dina. When they speak in sup port of a Bul of Rights, their ideas usually make headlines However, there are others. who peak with equal enthusiasm Their sub jeets and their speeches usually | make dull reading, and new papers cannot afford to be dull} eu level ihanhe OOpy in mn these tense day ; SELDOM REPORTED One of these is Robert Pair Social Credit MP for Battie River, Alta. Pair has been bet- ting ever since his election in 1935 for the government to i t clear titles to ail veterans f World War I who established larn under the Soldier Settle Board Another an member who has fought for years to put his ideas John Blackmore, SC member for Lethbridge. Black- more never oppor tunity to explain Social Credit monetary theories to members He never wavers from his task deapite ridicule to which he is subjected by Liberals, Conser- vatives and OCPers During the Throne Speech de bate, Blackmore was again on re is misses an Kats Para spreads smoothly even when ice col Comes in 4 quarters. Slices into neat pats feet telling the government it should monetary accept his party's policies, And once main he had to parry with peakers from other parties who funny money man “er Mrs. Clyde Scott Puts on Blue Bonnet ~~ Says it’s Best! fabelied him a eo spreads smoothly on fresh bread che i you takeit from your refrigerator, Get spreading Parkay at your gracer’s ' 3 abe he. Mr Seott invites you to com pare Devoxe Bore Boxwer Margarine with ar pread at any pricel You'l r of Canada's enous Barbara Ann: Desoxe Bie fion ne fre-wd eweet flaver wine ” 4 : vervone! You'll love I) x* Bian Bonner nutritional a) ™) And what convenienc 1) x Bion Bower's pre-cut in ellow quarter pounds, each ii iy wrapped FOIL WRAPPED ectperengh wry FOR FRESHNESS! ing measuring cup needed! . } Dre.oce cervemence and qual- ( gold ellew Decuxe Boer } ver Margarine today, tn - oa c f % anit “et A f CA Z Vy a | ll) / (C f , Ske ( 7 5 , tp [ ‘Z.™ ‘ “ - ** Lg . *%4 e RY eo Be * - a y Oatley F er ny * " % aa tty fs P. Ee %, Pa +" - - 4 . te ;. k BW ' ae i . PRT HO You'll weleome CALS jirst, for us sm body and delightlul ty again, because its outst! brings you ral best buy in fine Ca i, CALVERT HOUSE Canadien Whisky CALVERT DISTILLERS LIMITED, AMHERSTBURG, ONT, ‘NE ccncn 1S NOT PUBLISHED OR DISPLAYED BY THE LIQUOR CONTROL FOARD OR BY THE GOVERNMENT © oe