Save Money The cheapest way to buy the Daily Newi is to subscribe by the year. The coat u 15.00 and your copy U delivered to your address earth evening. Just figure out the small coat to you for this dally service for twelve months! Vol XVIII.. No. 84. 4. : nry thr era it vi st Atka "u"u x.v.n Muuig,rd t committed Itself to it. paage through r empk'WK of the ha leflslature. A government committee the touted islsnd. of Br- " pc-IWIltW of tbe rne ship was t'j have calleJ , teacher's plan. - Harbor three weeks .erf m irma are rep.irted SCHOOL GIRLS MINNEAPOLIS WON ago eu . to have . it. Bering aea T . vug vessel l cwned by the ' luui'bing Co of Seattle and n. i by CapUIn Harold Bowman. j 'i the company , TIIIKO AlAO MKIIIOt II I- I KOM M'I1. MKMHT-; AU. IN MklMIO IIOOM Hi KNE. B.C., April 10. - Two sirls " :ir rccclvutl class of the Mitchell at the Vancouver oenersi l rxanilitad the Isolated germ kl the rflMlM wmm not Of CUl- .i. i to the disease. He thought it 'Ul.irrH, Minn., April 10 held Duluih to a one-all tie last i , nir.Nt ii tn:s i CAU'I TT.. IMilt MADK UK. ILKlllT Hlls H-condary lufectlmi following ""-- ' " i in from some other cause. STOCKS BEGIN MOVING DOWN " ikioh which carried scores of Issues CALCUTTA. India. April 10- U 'DMudonns Oostea and Joseph Leer's. French flyers, arrived bare todf from Hanoi. Preneh lado-Cbins where they arrived veatemav after a 3000 mile ATEBURNEDIE,;;:;:: i mi lulu Island have 'died and, mi claasmaat, boy. may de from Argents 'Kill. Dr. W. tt. Hill, directory ol Bsyvlew ... . Diu IJ iMniiri STOCK QUO l ATIONS Kuotenay Floreiirc L snd L Lskevlew Lendsmlth Lucky Jim Marmot Metals Nstkinsl Silver premier Porter Idaho M-:w YORK. April 10. Marking up Richmond .. 'II mauefiJkie ta'alk rxnr oent Bufus . a. J : Cloalitg ITIee T.ty mi Vattewd- vrr KirlMinire (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co Cork Province Dunwell lorm. The pupils occupied the " PP" roam which u locsted In Uio O'scler oisdstone nt of the building. w K. HsU. medical h!th oraoer. Olasalr .. ,iu iu.i. thst Oolconda u . Hum . , or dampness of the room con Independence Ruth Hope . liver Crest " from two to nine dollars a share. Silversmith 'r(f WHfe had moved Vrrier Mocsn Kins numerous girthi of from' tHre to1 BOntoch . . . " Holing . share, more than a score Terminus . . 1 1 j ii Torlc registering a new peak. Whitewater .Woodbine rimininMPIlin crDICC Oeorgla River v-iiitinriuiVMiir jluilo Ot snd view "'Kht and ob the championship serle. iure. 39. '" l'ir American Hockey Association by one In the round. Bid .41 .00 .09 .43 .36 . as .07 .87' .30 .00 V4 .37 .30 .10', .06, 38 14 17'. Pend Oreille 3100 Cotton Belt so .TO .16 .40 .00 .11 '4 .19 11.70 45 .47 60 WF.ATHKK lll l'OUT. Prince Rupert an m - in m m m mm n m mm tj an n n m m ' u n m mm m u-w mm m urn a mm mm mM mm mm mt mm mm n m mrm I W I Bf m n n 10 m MJL H I of & H S m BUN Thousand Teachers Hear Addresses by Viscount Willingdon, Premier MacLean and University President Head of B.C. Government tells of difficulties j VOTERS' LIST euucuiwn uui siaies correspondence pi AtJFC TftHAV LLuufcu lUlMl courses are success j April io. a thousand teacher at the ninth an- hmknt spell of activity iib-nual VAMUvtB, conventiiin of the British Columbia Teacher's Fedcra-I mxi heuimtiution or foik lion were addressed at the opening session today by Viscount I OB nvE M simmi reoru:. Wiinngdoii, Premier McLean, Dr. Rufus von Kleinsmid, president!' " ,i -.!,, I. nncrsity of Southern California at Lo Angeles, i oiawor.bie .citv ty m the rostra ... lien ol voters f;,r the . , lottiicomii.g i tfii- j i ,l l prj- Lord Willingdon urged the teachers to impress the children LlncUil elec ou M a c;jtc t,, Mtii the necessity for maintaining and upbuilding the Dritish idy. Registrations w:n oca w; t.,, L i ( . I ! -. jllau close at 6 o'clock this sftcrno.n a Tlic Premier reviewed the progress of education in the province jthe government sge-.ut office. aiic SEARCHING FOR LOST VESSEL !or the past ten yean and aald: In'that time the only opportunity for goi the very near future there will be an."1! on the list will be on May i set on the atatute books of thU pro- hen the court of revision will be heli vlnce making provision for a retiring ' which It will be mocssary lo applicants to appear personally. uowanc iot teacners r Dr. McLean further poluted out the difficulties of education in view of the .a of tbe pruvlnce sod the sparsenes of population. He' stated that oorrei- MOTOKHli' IKI U MlsMMi FOU pondence courses were roeentiy tnsti- w ru rtr IN HfiHNU " ike use of etoikuwn in the out- 1 lying lstsfets and tbwy Bad been found ttl A n 1 fc- .,r,l IB llnkjM r-i mlnrr VSfy SUCCCaSfUl. Be motenluy iiusb of S"HttaMki eoani pro- Ltd. I Asked .43 .10 .70 M .30 4 76 .06 .00 .44 ' .90 .13 .10 '36 Vi .30 16H M .06 .40 .16 31 50 2 34 73 .17 .41 .01 .13 .30 .11 4.00 23 633 2.73 .48 1.00 .48 .66 cloudy. " ''t' Advwlt. 1U lUa Ni'- During the isoent tpcil of activity In which all political as wc! as candidates persons!'.; . ..ave been toiy It Is estimated that possibly ooo or SO names have been added to the lis.: I, the course of the last couple of days about 100 rcglsUaUctis have been Uled declared that tbe 1 it seem to be the general concensus need f4iAae that this wUl be the final for optional subjects la tbe (sigh srhoo: opportunity of getting on the list tc . .umber ol Aleutian nsnm HMM wee maxing secouoary eaucauon unlit far In Bertne a.. t the '"T avaUable tor everyone Th fmm said he wished to be S e flaherte. esU and c a . certain that the plan suggwated by the r vi fmm L'..s. teachtrs commiitee for pensions ..... ..e.ll s-rvM ( lu jsa m. rt swvfi 1 :j THIRD GAME IN 4 MOrrrBSUL. April 10 -Jce Miller, whn earned the title of "Relief Ooelte" ot the National Hockey League will take the plsse of Lome Chabjt In 'he New York Bangers' net when the Stanley Cup series is continued here tonlilit the viaiUng Mew York Bangers meeti.tst the local Maroons in tbe third game ol tbe series to decide the hockey championship of the w irld TWO VICTIMS TRAIN WRECK t)IJB8MC, April 10-The bodies ot two victims of the trs'n wreck at Drum-mandrllle Sunday night were recovcietl yesterdag. The body of the baggageman Joseph Robin, wss tsken from tha partly submerged bsggsge car .ilo the body of Raoul Thlvecge, expr messenger. MURDER CHARGE LAID AT FERNIE FIRItlS. April 10. A formal charge of murder was lsk' agalnu Arthur Southern, ollss James Sutherland, st Cor-bin by Strgea nt Oreenwood of the provincial pr!lce following the death In the hospital here of Patrick Nicholson Sunday frokn a gunshot wound received PWday Bight at Corbln DIAMOND DRILLING TOPLEY-RICHFIELD PRINCT RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1928 WORLD SERIES MONTHJiAL MVHOdNH AMI MM OIIK U.tlHf TO MKKT IN TIIIRO I1AME TOMOIIT STARTS jTHISWEEK Work on the diamond drilling of tbe Topley-ftlohftsld mine Is expected to commence this week, aacordtng to Larry Warner, secretary ol the company, who is in tha city today. Mr. Warner saps that owing to the formation of ttw rock they were able to get sn unusually good price on the drilling. Stone At Knight have the contract st 6.1.73 a foot. It Is planned to put down ten holes each to a depth of 600 feet. The machine for the work la coming n ,-m Edmonton. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper .TI7.J fit's, linn MOT CtTME LUMBER Ai.'Kl.Nd AlK TOL'K OF FOUR CONTINENT.- Dieudonne Costes and his co-pilot, Joseph Lebrix, arri.ed in Cali.u.ta today or. ii eir lou. of four continents. Big Bay Mill at Seal Cove Will Commence Cutting Lumber in About Ten' Days Announced by Management about ten dya it ia expecled that the new sawmill of the IN Big Bay Lumber Co. at Seal Cove will start cutting. Mein- -time. instUtstion of machinery in the completed mill . - - - . buildings is pWKYMtrig. - Lumber is being cut in the old Riel mill and the entire personnel from Georgetown, where the company has cea.ied operations, is now in the city. The lumoei carrying barge Bingamon is in Seal Cove unloading a million feet of logs In the booming ground adjoining the mill. CANNERY AT KELOWNA IS BURNED DOWN IIA.tlVOF. sV.T T flR4l.oa AMI t'AUM&K Will. HE K1I.OHNA. April IB. Tbr KeliiH-Ha ptant of Ike iHwilttlon Tanurr. rwntreiled by tbe CsnadJaM raanrr'. was eVslrvyed tost nifbt wy fire. The hsw K ex.tlni.iim at SIxii.ihhi. Ihle Im-liHllag o.tMNi easef at t-unued A blgli wlrtd a w Itlwwlng at I lie tlase but I he -IrenMesja efwrt f tlie tlnherroea mh'iI the HnliiMrlsl riltrtrl sf Ihr !. In HlUrh the plant bk leraletl. The harnlng ol nil- plant rlouly curtails the rapi M at Ihr local cuneefN in Ihr iiuulllng of thr tomato BNd c4hrr i r..h. I his rur. PORT ALBERNI IS GROWING RAPIDLY PORT ALBBRNI. A of Port Albert!! is i 1. 10.- ANGLO-INDIAN ! IS FINE SHIP 1 A - hip resembling the motorsh i King James somewhat in type and appointments is tlvc British steamer An-glj-lmllau. Prince Rupert's twenty-third gram ship of the sessou and Bei . niiing to th:' Nitro-Produi-'r.. Steamship C Ltd. of London. Bngland. The growth and th.- first vessel of that fleet to creasing difficulty u providing school was mult In W2, at Sunderland. Kv,-rrmmmodatlon. The public schcol ban land and Is of 3300 tens renter. Sh' grown In recent years from lour rooms lis 430 lect long ami carries s rersonne to nine rooms, and uie present demand ol 30 Her speed 1 wiled is 102 km is for a i.ew high . liool and the de- per hour. voting of the old hi H school to public Subscribe lor tie Dally News. . Murder and Suicide or Double Murder at Hammond Yesterday When BdardingktiWttfMe&rbyed April 10. Mrs. II. Oyama, 36 years of age. pro-- HAMJl'ONl), prletress of a Japanese boardlnghouae, and Thomas Yotoku. h boarder, are (lead as the result either of murder and .-urn-iil" or a double slaying, which occurred here yesterday afternoon. 1 1 addition the Oyuma baby ia suffering from burns and the boarding house is completely destroyed by fire, which has led the police to believe that the purpose of the fire was to wipe out till trace of a 1 horrible crime. The woman's body revealed a gush in the throat mid niliei' knife wounds. The body of Yotoku was found but whs burned U-' yond recognition in the min i of the building. i FISH PRICES BETTER TODAY TOTAL OF IM.90B Ot Nl Ol' IIAI.I- m t komi t rvnixsuE this 1 MOUMSU i . Otrrbuv prises one of the lluert ocean-going filghter I ""Jb that has evei visited this port Tiu-Ainji. -Ii.dlsn arrltrd In the liarbor at 4.30 yestertiay siteriioon Irom Nfw-cnntle-ou-Tyne which port she left .n Msrch 1. Capt. Orrenhtll. the masti'i reports hnviny hid an uneventful joy-i;e . la the Panainu Canal in ball i- .Tin- vr.M.-l is tied up mi the ocean do-It where c rtain fittings sre brlni! ni I before ahe ices under the spouis st M. Unprevament st the Pish Exchange this mcrnUig. Ten American vrsels were pa d from 12.6c snd 7c to iSSc snd 8c i for i total of 03.900 p-uiids whl seven !C:isdlari vessels rfoelved from 11? to ,6c to 12c snd 6c for 60.000 pounds, farm for the day totslllng 133.030 p:nr.ds. The arrivals aud sales wrre as follows: AMKKK AN A"eiU'c. 25.000 pounds. Bocth fisher is. U.7c snd 7c, N rd c. 1900 pounds. Canadian Plah & Cold 8toraite Co.. 12.6 and 7c Oarland. G.500 pounds, snd June. 4- SO0 pounds. Canadian Flah et Cold Storage Oe 13 6c and 8c. TMKNTV-TIIIUli fiKAIN VEnhEI. of, ,.,.e:i, 4.300 pounds. Pacific Plsber-i MLIMIN JIKKK TO LIAII FI LL FOB les. 135c and 6c. ! I .K. ' OK ONTINK.NT ' ' "lm 'k' 20 000 pounds. Booth Fisher- j i s. IS.ic and 8c. Krr.nrlKc. 8.300 pounds. Pacific Pish- e . IJ.Hc and 8c. itkinMer. 8.000 pounds. Pacific Plah- c . and 8c. Actor. 3.60S po unds, and Jack. 4.000 Booth rirhrnts 18 iK and 8c. f'AXAIUAN ! b it" looo pounds. Royal Plah t ' 11 jc wnrl 8c Eric Roy. 8.300 pounds. Csnsdlsn Fish & Cold Stcrsgc Co.. lie snd 6c. Inrr H S MO pounds. Canadian Pish A: C: Id Sto:uge Cc 11.3c and 6e Qihiion 7.000 Canadian Pish Cold t 'iii;e Co. 12c and flc Atll. 6.0C0 i'Ui:cl.. Canadian Fifth At ithe elevator to start loaum a full tX)ld Storage Co. 116c and 6c ' rsrso for the United KiH(,lom or Cui- f "'"V T- 13 000 pounds. Atlln Plsh-tment crln 1! 6c ,,d & She is already lined. She .a ciimclty for 10.300 tons of whej' Mayflower. 3.000 pounds. Atlln Fi.h-iind will pnbably take mie of the larrest erl snd 6c ,r n carrots that has ever Utii loack'cl h.-re 4-T dllM K OF UAI.KH KF.F.I 0 I M.I.IMi Tl Mlll:) TIVII K TOIIAY FLAOMOOR. Derbyshire. April 10 The Prince of Wsles su-tiiined h'K reputation as u horseman aaln today by falling twior in the High PnK point to point race. He was not Injured. . j FORMER LIGHT KEEPER I DIES AT VANCOUVER ANCOUVKR. April 10 -Robert Oeo -ar'ett. aged 84. for many yean light house keeper at Egg Island, Queen ! Charlotte Sound. Is dead Mere. He was ! D'jrn In Dublin OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL F.NUI.ISH u: KllL. IIIV. I. Birmingham 0. Newcastle 3. Huddomfteld 2. Mtddlesbcro 4. WecliHsilay 4 Tottenham 2. IHVIMON II. Hi ills!, 1 Notts FV,rs'tit 0 Ii. :. I';., i -1 3 Wi,'!.ir!...!;.p;uu 0. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best (or the least Phone 457 Price Five Cents IN TEN DAYS FLOOD MENACE IS LESSENED (Oil) ULATIIKK lKEt KNTH ltlh IN tVAll.KM IN (I E-llt( ritOVIME MONTREAL. April 10 The flojd iuei:uced uiany sectl'jns of Que-: d the past two days Is subsiding, th.ugh icveral dlsutcts is.e . u.-.itr dbnuc lroxti water backed up jy the ice Jams in the rivers of tbe ,. .V ild weather prtvslls. pre-ii .i j further r: in many rivers n r.e Siutern townships, which were ine hsrtlrt alt by the n jocU. Water levels are becoming hourly lower. Sonic tecilurm of Montreal are tlU .. t.. . grip of the flood caused oy 1 e ovtr.l w of tbe St. Lawrence be-bind a huge Ice jam. 'l..e death lut of the province s'lll ititnds st four. OTTAWA. April 10. The cold weather has practically eliminated tbe Quad menace in this district. TORONTO. April 10. Floods la OM-tral and northern Ontario continue to cause apprehension with property dim sge and interruption to steam and-highway traffic already reaching 4aarty serious proportions. PBTERBORO. Ont.. Apl. lO.Through tht night people here watched tbe ris ing waters on tbe Otonobse flooding many streets and buildings. ttona went made tm oaunent of the southern pan ot- (be city. SHIP MAY NOT CHANGECOURSE KIOIIT ill' WAY MAY I1F IIE1.II AMI OTHER YBNHBI. KBSl'0.!tlHU: FOR ACI'lliBNT WASBINOTON. April 10 An Im portant rule In tbe navigation of ships was lsid down by tbe supreme aourt today, which decreed that vessili having tbe right of way are not required to change their course to 'prevent a oat uskm. Tbe decision went against the con tentions of tbe Pacific Mali StcawwMp Co. arising out of tbe eolllslan of UMtr stoamshlp Newport and tbe steaas schooner Bres in November, 1983. Tbe Svea had the right of way and algnalled but held to her course.. Tbe lower federal court be Id that tbe Svea should have changed bar coarse when It became evident that tbe Btwpart Intended to bold her course. Tbe collision was osT Ban Pranolsoo. TOMMcHUGHIS GOLF CHAMPION ItLAT HON TtlV ON Till) 38TII OlttKX I.N THE FINALS I'LtYFll YKSTKHIIAY 5IISS WII.SON WINS VANCOWXR. April 10 -Tom MtHugh of Seattle won the B.C. amateur gclf championship besting Bon Stein of Seattle on the 36th - green In tbe final played yesterday. Miss Hsrlon Wilson of Vlctoiis won the women's title, defeating Mrs. B. C. Sweeney of Vancouver en the Nine teenth green. OTTAWA WORK NEARLY ENDED I'KACTK AU.V 4,1.1. OUYCKMIKNT HILLS Milt llsFOKi; I'AHLI V1IKNT AMI ONLY tMTIMATLS REMAIN OTTAWA. April 10. When the House f Comnioi.s reassembles this afternoon r will be confronted with sn orde;-paper that la not conspicuously outstanding. It la said that tbe government's bills sre practically all now before Parliament and several committees .till have strenuous days a&eed, notably the committees ou Immigration and pensions but It would appear that the majority or the work of the balance .1 :lu .....u U1 be uit tUii tsiuwtas,