'liir.'.fl!i.v, April 10, lOg fH3. 0AIC7 F'&Yfii PAGE FTVH Prices at Prince Rupert of the New Chevrolet Litfht Delivery Chassis $0:11.00 1-1 Ms Ton Truck Chassis $HOO.OO Roadster flWty.OO Roadster Delivery $S(t.S.()() Touring $808.00 Coupe $0:1.00 Coach $0:1.00 Sedan $10:),00 Cabriolet $10:10.00 Imperial Landau $1080.00 Front Bumper and near Rumerettes standard equipment on all Passenger Models. Disc Wheels Standard crpiipment on Imperial and Cabriolet only. On other models $:W.OO extra. Spare Tire and Tube, $10.00 extra. Kaien Garage Phone 52 II. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. MERCURY FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE Chiffon and Service Weight) in (lunmetal, Itlnrk, Atmos-.hiTi', Nude, Kvenglow, Mer-ida. Flesh, etc. From $1.75 to $2.50 The Hose for Satisfaction H.S.WallaceCo.Lti). I'hom 9. 3rd Ave. & Pulton. Selling Out Our whwle ttlock must he dipod of quklly COME EARLY AND OCT VOI R SHARE OF THE BARGAINS Montreal Importers Third Avenue L H. Miller. Proprietor. RICHMOND'S Louvre FAMOUS V0) VAI.UU In Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cmh price tickets. Mcllrldc Street Btor uow closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy . llthflt. Telfphone 637. PROGRESS MADE BULKLEY MINES mtKKXT IN DISTUKT IM.KATKI. IV M'MISI'II OV UKMm .UtltANtiKO THIS YK.tll MANY ARE FINANCED IIK II DhTKKT IVTKIIEKTH CAI'ITU. r'KOM .11.1, IWHTH ol TnK i m NTKV SMITH ERA, April 9- The proves of mining in the Omlneca division and particularly In the Bulkley Valley and urroundlng mountain l, well indicated by the mining deal, put through thu yew and the financing of operation bj whleh dote to thirty properties are aa- ureal of active development. The following la the list aa compiled by the Omlneea branch of the BC. Chamber at Mines: Silver Cup Mine, New Haaelton. taken under option by Duke Mining Co. Ltd. and put on shipping own, now starting on concentrator Option price u 40,000. ' Mohawk Mine. New Haaelton. taken up by Mohawk Mining Co. Ltd. and now hipping. Comet Oroup. New Hazelton. taken under option by W. B. Dornberg and company organl ed. Now developing. King Tut Oroup. Km I then taker, under option at 35.000 by J. J. O'Brien, developing. Victory Oroup. Smithers, taken under option at I1M.O00 by J. J. O'Brien, developing. Emerald Oroup. Slbola district, taken under option of Consolidated Mining & omening Co.. development to start shortly. j Olaeier Oroup, Slbola district, taken under option by Consolidated Mining Smelting Co., development to start shortly. Curr.iU Oroup. Kvelyn, being developed under new finances by Mount Evelyn Mine Ltd. Masai Oroup, taken under option at MO.000 by J. F. Outhle. to be developed shortly Hyland Batln. Rablne Range. Smlth--r. options by . O Brown at 150 0O0 with eaato payment of WJM. develop-nent to start aa soon a weather permits. Rloo-Aspen Oroup. now deal made on 3-year cptloo with $1,200 cash paid and funds put up to develop this year and :ejtt. Topley-Richfteld Mine company financed by Miller Court A Co to extent of 4t7M0 by underwriting sale of hare, being developed on extensive teal Ooldea Eagle Oroup. sold under option to Vancouver intemU at fla.OOO. with cash payment or 12.000 Cup Oroup. Top ley. taken under option at tftc.OOO by Vancouver uttereau. and now being developed. Oale A Ltrton properties at Top ley being financed and developed by Vancouver capital Ooronado Oroup. repotted to be under option to J J O'Brien at (100.000 Martin Cain claim ad)olnlii Mohawk Mine at New Haaelton. optioned by B. O. Brown and oatu payment of tl.MO made. Utile Joe property in Bablne Range reported under Interim option to B. O. Tl.MBEK SALE XS693. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 30th day of April, im, in the office of the District Poreater, Prince Rupert, the Licence XMM. to out IMMO l BM of pnsee. Hemlock. Balaam and Cedar on an area situated at head of Kynoeh Bay, Kynorh Inlet, being a portion of Lot MO. Range a. Coast District. Three ill years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction In otrson may submit tender to ae opened at the hour of auction and treated aa woe bid baud Iteei"" Hli y .. t'r'H 97 Begtftw t HUM. this,11 or' ton ;and Mrs. Warren Johnson played a Diamond Belle Oroup. Owen Lake. p,ano toU- taken undi r option by Frank H. TayldTI with view ta development this season. I MUs Vln lDVr h" ,,ft toT .Bablne Sliver King, control of com-100"" whB h U"UJ to take U pany purciia,.,d by Buffalo interests and !reldene. Her position on the atari u be deei',ped to extent of 100,000 ' the 1Jwnko ""' " n taken mis year, inrhidlng installation of ma-,br Mu" Mb' TatAt1-chlnery. 1 " .. Victoria Oroup. Bablne Range, taken c11 Bt, a moving patter over by Bull Mo Interests for develop- nient this year. Sliver Buddie Qrcup. Bablnes. taken up by Buffalo cspltal to develap this year Four Lake. Orouo. Bablnes. taken un by Bulfalo capital to develop this year. Sunrlne property. New Hazelton, taken up Jar drvel jpment under option. Sliver Standard Mine. New Haaelton. reported financed to re-open and oper- ate thin year Cranln Mine, reported that arrange. menu made to continue this year. New Hftlion Oold-Oobalt, re-organ- Used and re-flnsnced and to continue de- velcpment this year ! MANY CANADIANS ARE DESCENDANTS TRIBE OF BENJAMIN Thai I trrwrdlae to l-nrfe-wr o.tlem Wh. Tra.-e. lib. Own Decent VANCOUVER, April 10- The com-mnn t nritfln In the trthtfin of Jurtfth anl Benjamin of the Jewish people and cer- tsln of the rare of northern Burope was the sub)eet of an address, followed ' with close attention by member of tlie ! Concordia Club at the regular luncheon nwlln. of tl rJnh hr 1 The guest f honor snd speaker was ! Professor B. Odium, who said Judah's ' history was a history of suffering, but i nevrr from A.D. 70. when Titus had ! cattered them, had Judah as a peo-nil- been false to the Ideal of the love tor lb 'utn o? liberty. It wai through the train- Property reign''0 cit,a UP th workings and camp In plantation of the tribes in the of Tltua that one branch of the tree readiness tor examination by an outside of Benjamin could be traced to northern latitudes uld Prof. Odium. Thev snread north into the Scandinavian nenlnaula. h4 sM to become ancestors of the Norsemen, who later overran northern Prance, which was known aa Ncrmandy to this day. The speaker claimed descent fmm Normans who entered England in the followlnp of the Conbueror. nd theie - fore, orlelnallv. from the tribe of Bec- uam Tht irrepressible power which Ilea In Judah. the speaker said, he attributed tn the nivlne nlsn srhlrh nromised thatliO '" in tne near future. ISLBPVSr. X Si2JSf5"X,fcWtse fn" the Deliyl. K'payal 1 ipwt vnmwMi vesj r, rum i TIMIIIHt SALE .VJ78B 1 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria. B.C.. i:ot later than noon cm the 23rd day of April. IBM. for the purchase of License X9786. to cut J 120.000 P.B.M. of Bal-um. Hemlock. Spruce and Cedar on an area situated on Roacce Inlet, mouth or Moot a River. Range S. Coast District. Three IS I yeara will oe allowed rur re moval of timber Further partlculara of the Chief For ester, victoria. aj . or uisinct rwwiti, Prince Bupert. P C. IN IMtOHATE is rur. mtbbmi: roviiT or iiuitisii run .mu i In the Matter of the Administration Art- snd In the Matter of the Estate of Benedict Steffan Johnson. Deceased. Intestate. TAKB NOTICE that by order of Hli Honor P. MrB Young, the 32nd day of March. 1B2S. I was appointed adminis trator of the estate of Benedict Steffan tnhtunn dsesucd. and all Dart lea hav- ino-rlslms aealnat the said estate are i..k mnini to furnish same pro ties indebted to the -tate re to pay the amount of their Indebted- to .. foNnhw.thN A wArr Official Admlnlatrator. . Prince Bupert, B.O " NOTICE IN TUB MATTKr" '"PPn,c,a,tlor f?I of the umie of a Provlsl.in.il Certificate Title to tSt sixteen . .. Blor.ltrdn (181. Town of Stewurt Mp mba Satlafactorv proof of the loss of the CertiVTcave of Title covering : the above land having been P'0"1", .J"!; 'f my Intention to issue after lft ""J; month from the first pub. tlon of one tonal Oeri Ifleate Hcatlon hereof, a Pmv of Title to the above land m """"; tm-iiate Of Vflt nCKtll? The ordinal Ce of Title la dated theJWtli octooer. 1910. and Is numbered 271 t,)r. iors stcsp Only vapors can reach colds direct. That's whjr Vicks brings such quick relief. When rubbed on at bedtime it is vaporized by the body heat and breathed right into the air passages and lungs; at the same time it stimulates the skin like a poultice. ways at onco NAPOR I J PI Oven t? Million, Jars Useoycarly Brown with v to development seas -n. ; a? the end of the aire, Judah would enter into it own , . - i - im i i i I service I . indxetryj Contractors Equipment To complete a contract at the lowest cost the equipment used must give long and useful service. The equipment supplied by this Company is simple, rugged and defend able. We can aupp y concrete mixers in all sUea. from the hand miser to the paving machine; concrete carti, wheelbarrows, hoists, alioveli, brick and concrete block machines, roek cruthert, and any oilier equipment, tools, or wppliet that the con. tractw may require. CANADIAN Fairbanks -Mors o COMPANYmtU4 VANDERHOOF On account of Illness of members, the Vanderhoof Choral Society has had to discontinue Its practices. The provincial department of public works last week received a carload e( lumber for road work in this district. R. O. Sutton, district agriculturalist jyun IlFMr rrlIlce ueorge, arrriounce clover need growing compc'lt londln a- held thiN year in Prince Georg. Vhorhoof dJjstrlcU. Harry Emslie and R. J. Redmond are attending a stock Hie' at Calgary. Alex Kynoeh and Oeorge Hamilton of Fort St. James hare been spending a few day in town. There were special services In the local Angflcsn Church on Baeter Sun day. Mlas Crelghton. who formerly taught school at FVnt St. James, is spending the East Vacation here and at For. St. Jamas. There were special service In the United Church here on Baster Sunday., aaiowip sew rraaer Lane Mt wees. II. B. Samson erf tht Forest Branch has been relieving Ranger E. F. Wynne Hetn 01 Vanderhoof and lunger WeNer 1w,uon " ron rrMer Mrs. W. Campbell Is still serf- ously 111. her condition showing little unprovement. 1 Oeorge Strlegler. who has not been " ,or verJ "hs. still remains m CTT poor health. The recent scarlet fever epidemic In jthla district Is now under control. Mrs. Ernest Smedlvy has been very in during the past week, being under the ea.-e of Dr. W. Roes Stone. Dr. R. W Alward of Prince Oeorge will rep! t the local t10" protlneiai oonvenUan u heW Bel month to Kamloops p Following are . the delegates of the Vanderhoof Ooneervattee Association at nomlna" conrentkm for Omtoeca riding in Burns LaHs today: Frank no u. savnwet Wi-oentsev I. luibew Jone. E. A. Mltchstl. Robert Reld. Bd fward Roberta and Ernest Smedley. V Ur lh' P. f m convention. STEWART James Nesbitt and O. Vloreau left laat engineer in the near ,roture I Spcnl Raster services were conducted in St. Mark'a Anglican Church here on Sunday by Rev. Walter Allen. H. O. Dnwln. managing director of the Ore Mountain Mining Co., is turned here laat week from vaneottver where he !sPn' n"r nd waa successful in i'1"" "nnoe fvr work I A small crew has been at Ore Mountain throughout the winter tending the im," ci ana more men wni be put P. J. Oroesland. Vinooutee mining engineer, 14 es sec ted here afreftly from Vancouver to lay out development program Mr both the BordWand Vir ginia group of claims. L. R. Poggett will He in charge of the work on Border while William Bunting will superintend operations on the Virginia I Oeorge A. Cameron, asanaglng director of the DalboHsie Mining Co., la back I from a trip tn Hsselton whew he went In connection with the shipment to the I property hare of the "baby" tram from old Hocher de Boule mine. jthe I The Stewart Board . of Trade laat Tuaaaay In the Portland Hotel Inaugurated a series of monthly dinners with which the regular meetings will. In future, be combined The Union Steamship Co.'s freighter Cbilkoot. Oapt John Mulr. waa last week the .first vessel to nee the new Crawford -McLean Mock here. Mrs. Ethel Kelly left Iftet week via Ketchikan for a vllt in Portland. Pred R. Jancowski. wbo eoaae time ago purchased the 'ii street vt James Douvilie in the Oold Cliff group of mining claims, has. together with William Dana, organized the UOKrti Oold A Silver Mining Co. for the purpose of devetoojag t&s, prooiiJlvg,4nterty. The pnpttv. It la hoped may gooit' become a "hlpfsir. NEW HAZELTON Tht Muwea Mathers ol the Four-mile school, ICIsptex, are speh.dlig few days In town, the guests of tltv. and Mrs. J. II. Young. The Easter sale of home rooking. n iis ;.: J -ewl'i" In the Uiiitfd lohurvii on tuuijuu) axiviuovu wu very i n ml Gin? mMlJM m ml iSS iWkh m 1 ml ll m I OR a London tradition and is thoroughly rectified to obtain perfect purity and sparkling clearness. Sterling John Collins C Twofrords cocktail gbas Sterling London Dry Cm. jukc of one lemon, piece of ice, one taaapoonful sugar, bottle coM soda. i j 1 1 J J LONDON 30 S T ON S Tg& LI NG G I Sterling (T One lump ice m tumbler, juice of one lemon or time. Sterling London Dry On. FtB up with soda water. Krw f,ami- mwm DRV Tills advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Governmeht of British Columbia I racceasful In every way. Those assist- ng at the different tables' Included Mrs. H. C. Wrlnch. Mrs. B. Tomllnaon. Mm, Falconer. Mrs. J. H. Young. Mrs. Langlandt, Mrs. Newtek. ; Mies Moffatt la enjoying a change of; air and scenery with friends at Prince' Oeorge. Carl Wilson, of Sheensn's school. Is also holidaying at Smithers. After having resided in Hazelton fori jcverbl jfi.r'i flnu. Bugg has moved his wife and ioinlly to New Haaelton. Bugg is engaged in the hauling of a for the Hanson Co. The latest reports from the hospital state that Herbert Hankln. who wasjing his leg. He Is at present a patient stricken with a stroke last Sunday Is Improving nicely. : A. D. Chappell la working overtime moving from their residence beside the Telegraph office to the MacKay house lately vacated by Mr. Walsh. j Mrs. William atwnt is i . a few days at Smithers visiting her; daughter. Mrs Kllpatrlck. j TERRACE Ales Thompson at the Whltaber sur vey party at Phelan la spending a short holiday at his home her. H. C. Creelman of Usk here on Friday. Considerable Improvements are to be carried on at the C.N.H station grounds here In the way of cleaning up and clearing out stumps and underbrush. A row of spruce tree, is being planted w Which It It expected will take the place of the enow fence, which hsve formerly been put up aa a protection to the track. The trees are being furnished I by the vfuage and the work of planting la being dona by the C.N.R. Hy. 11.11111. village cert, has been nouiiea dt ine aeperuneni 01 pumic works that Lakeise Avenue has been Is 8. highly concentrated quality Gin possessing the flavor, a,sk for Sterling London distilled by experts according classified as a primary road while BUlum Street Is s secondary road. Lakeise Avenue Is s continuation of and will form a part of the provincial high- way when it la extended west from this point. H L Prank la making arrangements to Mart work on the West Hill road this coining week. An unfortunate accident happened recently to WHII.im TrestDn of Kalu.-n Lake, who left a :.jrt tune ago for Stewart. A party with whom he waa travelling waa upac'. from a sleigh and while extricating one of the paa- leengers the sleigh fell on him- break - In the Prince Rupert hospital. Miss Doris Robinson and her friend, Miss Walker of Prince Bupert. are spending their Eastet vacation at the former s new heme serosa the river toga Lever was a vlattdr to Prtnee Btfljert last Mrs. Akerberg and daughter of Prlnee Rupert are holidaying visitors st the home of Mrs. V. Souci. The United Church Bible atudy tests were conducted here on Saturday after noon for C O. IT. , and Trail Ranger giQups. Rev. and Mrs. William Allan presiding. Twelve girls, and three boys took the tests which were based ptft-tly on the Uniform Sunday school 1. of the past six months and partly on general knowledge of the Bible. C. O. Duncan, representative of the E D Judaon Pile Pole A Timber On of V(mcouver, h,Te a on their timber claims In the Kitsum K rlm, from tn, fcturUv ,nd will apend some time here in the Interests of his company. A. Walters of the Bank of Montreal staff left on Saturday to spend the ft The boy tcouta under Scoutmaster 8. Klrkaldy made their first route march of the season on Friday night, when they hiked to the old ferry site and enjoyed a baked potato fesat. 1IOTKI. ABIUVAI-S. Prince Rupert Oeorge Rings tad. Port Edward; Joseph Stagers, city. mitral W. It. McLaurln and Oua Henderson. city Savoy t. Patterson, Ponher Island. Subscribe for the Dally Nw. most pleasing Dry. (( It is to the beat Cin 'Rickey GUN DRY : BIRCH JACKPINB AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double Load $6.5(1. Large Sack SOc COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Waa had Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Seccnd Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving.- Radio Radio As well as specialising on the No. 17 Hadtola. we wish to draw your atsenttati to the Sad tola No. it. ft Is another of the up-to-date, last sis months models, a all tube recelvsr Price, leas Baaiotrona .... D.Vxi Price, with Radlotrons ... JII1.I3 Price, compute wHh Radlotrons and 100. A Loud-apoaker 91S3.M r. w. riitsni.r.K Exclusive Wholesale ' Dealer for OlfleelfflUh St. Ikts MS rtmt Rupert. ItC. 1