sssaysa-Kr SO-isS flTHANKS you Ll GIVE FOR WARMTH AND HEAT THAT OUR COAL GIVES IT CAN'T, BE BEAT! Thankful for the bird, of course! But more thankful for the -fire to cook it and the heat to warm us un. You'll have a Happy Christ mas if you use our coal. It gives the finishing touch to the day. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 nnd 117 Trappers! Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wol f, foxes of all kinds,' and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we .lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot, wire me and I shall call personally. Remember if you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom The Trappers Friend." Second Avenue Wood DRY niKCIl, CEDAR AND JACK PINE Single Load $.10 Double Load Jji(U0 Large Sack 50 1 0 nUNlil.ES DRV, K1JJD-, LING, $1.00 Phone BHO HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Block I'hone 675 DENTIST MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBrlde Street stora now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - lltli'ot. Tclcplinnr SS7. AVERAGES OF 1998 182 1448 181 1794 179 2141 178 1522 169 1684 168 1220 128 300 150 1189 149 897 149 1570 143 417 139 1105 138 138 136 1008 128 1004 128 1217 122 BASKETBALL LEAGUE GAMES The Prince Rupert Basketball League schedule for the remainder of ttoe son follows: JAM'ARV 13 Drill Team va. High School. Big Four vs. High School. Blfcs vs. Native Sons. 17 Stars va. Tuxis. High School vs. Elevator. Elks vs. Terminals. 80 Drill Team vs. High School. Elevator vs. Big Pour. Terminals vt. Native Sons. 24 Tuxis vs. Stars. Big Pour vs. High School. Elks vs. Native Sons. 27 Drill Team vs. High School. leva -or vs. High School. Elk vs. Terminals. 31 Tuxis vs. Stars, - Stevetat vs. Bag Pour. Terminal vs. Native Sons! li:illt('.HV a Drill Team va. High School. Bag Pour s. Hlgn Softool. Blsvstor va. High School. Xlks vs. Terminals. 10 Drill Team vs. High School. Bag Pour vs. K levator. Terminals v Native Sons. 14 Tuxli vs. Stars. Big Pour va. High School. KMu vs. Native Sons. 17 Drill Team vs. High School. Elevator va. High School. Xlks vs. Terminals. 21 -Tuxis vs. Stars. Big Pour va. Elevator. Terminals vs. Native Hons. SPORT CHAT It looks like a Happy New Tear for most of the big moguls of sportdom. A few upsets may be lurking In ambush, but for the moat part the campaign of 1928 get under way with the principal champions apparently more strongly entrenched than any group Is retesrt' years. Take Bobby Jones, Helen Wills sad Rene Iaooete, for es-smple all are youn. in their r!y iweaties; twt aies just about ss supreme In their special fields af action u any uwe-noioers nave been in s blue Jones has acquired the habit of lift ing at least two major golf crowns s yesr. Sines he baa decided to participate only In the U.8. open and amateur tournament In 1928, It will be cus- temsry to find him s top-Skeavy favor lie to t either ar betu. Queen Helen wkU seek foreign oonquest again, but ures to make It three straight over the "r we congregation, a not old Manama mauler in their scheduled ; heatln J"" h" " nsstslled 1028 engagement. Johnny Wrtaaamller, ' wnU?n ta acldd success and a gnat the "human fish" of the Illinois Ath- 'P forward from the stoves which letlc Club, has been loading his psr-! hAA n haang the building formerly tlcular parade longer than any other jT nothr n eatue is the new ruling king of sport. Johnny has been wUI bMrd ' th "rst crawling" out ahead of all the short- tune nm ou,m"T dlsunre swimmers for seven years, but " Psrm " music na song he looks good for another winning cam- DtTO r wis event wnicn palgn. in which the Olympic Is the wlH mTk nother milestone In the main goal. v usi i uapiisi onurcn or. The Prince Rupert Badminton Club ha been very much hsndlcapped through the winter by the bad coiidl- tlnri of their courts tbrouxii water Fox Trots with Vocal The Sis Jumping JscLs. rrince nuperc. L. V. IIOTF.L ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert Lsne. Anyox; L. O. 3699 Lyoett, J. "My Heart Stood Still" (from "The Connecticut Yankee") and "I Fee! at Home With You" Fox Trots with Vocal Choruses. Harry Archer and His Orchestra. 3720 ELECTRICALLY RECORDED RECORDS "You've So Easy to Remember" "Love Baby" Fox Trots with Vocsl Choruses, Abe Lyman's Orchestra. 3G32 uikisvS0Kig Is Ended-" u Among My Souvenirs" Watties jrlth Vocsl Choruses. Regent Club Orchestra. 3723 "Here Comes the Show Boat" "Go Home and Tell Your Mother"- Choruses. Music by World-Famous Artists and Orchestras Now at Your Brunswick Dealer's. On 10-inch Brunswick Records, 75c. On 12-inch Brunswick Records, $1.00 i'i il in tt'. ''M MacLAREN'S MUSIC HOUSE I'hone 7 EXCLUSIVE IlKUKSWlf'K DEALEltS Ensy Monthly rnymrntfi Third Avenue V anted I For Sale For Rent GREEN-EYED SIIARR WHALE OF LOBSTER nig fifth sri 16 Inrhes 1ji. Itnmiiloli Ke.1 In Color: (he l.oMtir M liKlies lAllg PORTLAND. Maine, Jan. A green-eyed shark and a whale of, a lobster - a twenty pounder came Into port here recently when Captain Charles Train of the Natter Poflice brougUt bis craft borne with a catch hauled aboard oil New Ledge, 40 miles from Portland Lightship. The shark, according to Captain Train, was s regular seagoing traffic ! beacon the way he was flashing green flgnsls from his eyes when he flopped out of the net. Long after the nhark FOR BALB wss dead the phosphorescent green eyes glared at the fishermen. Walter H. Rich. Maine agent of the United States Bureau of Ptsnerfcr. and local fishermen were unsbls to Identify the species and a description will br sent to Washington tor irtn!f!nt!or. by experts there. The fish. 4S lnche long, was brownish red In .color. The !oblrr was 36 Inches long.. EDMONTON BOARD OF TRADE ISSUES MONTHLY REPORT OF ACTIVITIES EDMONTON, Jan ll! Owing to the steady growth of the Edmonton Board of Trade some difficulty hs been encountered In keep tug all members potted on the various phases of the work being done by the attanlsatlon. with the result thst President P W. Doherty and the executive have deslded to Issue a monthly bulletin summarising :he board's activities In the first issue of ttie bulletin, which appeared on Thursday morning. Prenldent F. W. Doherty po(nu out the wonderful opportunities thead of Edmonton in lfM, and asks for the fullest possible oo -opera t lug from all member in making the neW year one of unprecedented civic development sud nusliiess expansion Recently the board hss bean sctlve In jrocnrlng relief tor points suertill pbUited an vnuevslty stronf KsSstaHtSsj, to do everything possible to get an outlet for the Peas illvwf sountry, has pressed upon the mintsssr of Imalgxa-tlon the neeeasltf; Of a better Immtgrs- w- Lord Dunedln said: "TUe committee By George McManus BRINGING UP FATHER ' sMws01 m - . WOW- THft I A BUM 5HOW I.LJL 1 1 : J M 1 I P? liyueaninj IPTHISMAGIC;AM VOULO HI fHE'c, CJTTItV pRTQ. cone' E ( NOW-HAA ANY LDV f, WOULD IP I HAD HW ONE. GOTTE VOU 1 N I 1 IT A LONG TIME. AGO BEtfe J J at i CREATTRtCKj minute T - I ft M THE AUD,ANce Vancouver Prices Most Modern DryclennlnR IManl in City Thone 118 i loneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and McRride Street BILLIARDS IN TOURNAMENT In the Grand Terminal Billiard Tour nament the averages of-players to date are: Division I. Played Ttl. Aver. Ool. McMordie 14 4155 297 W. H. Long 11 3250 294 W. J. Nelson 10 2832 283 T. O. Pyle 4 1101 278 C. Balagno 10 2036 264 J. Andrews ..10 2021 282 J. HamiHo n 7 P. Zleman 14 3165 Division II. J. Iltllman 12 2371 A. Msodonsld 12 2273 R. Young 20 3754 Lee Arnott 9 1673 3. Judge 7 1291, C. Youngman n O. Howe 8 B. Salt 10 P. Williams .. 12 K. M. MeLachlan 9 J. Bulger 10 R. Meagher 10 IHvkliin III. J. Lawrence 2 B. Hemming 8 H. Skattebol ., 6 J. Murray 11 Wilson 3 R. J antes 8 P Armour 1 L. Holtby 8 J. Rosa S J Strachan 10 unless "Beaming Betty" Nuthall hounds along to greater heights no one appears likely to impede the triumphant sweep of the Oallfornlan who now holds about all the women's tennis honors In sight. Serene Rene U jJtt about as firmly lodged at the peak of the men's tennis as TUden was a few years ago. Sinoe the young French ace was able to turn back 'TJlg BUI" on American soil two yean running, he figures to repulse aU rivals on home courts and help keep the Dnvls cup on Pranoe's shelf. There are quite a few others with a bright and rosy outlook for 1928. All .hat seven other American League clubs ire thinking about la how to stop the New York Yankees and their brace of battering-rams, "Babe" Ruth and on Gehrig. It Is difficult to figure 1822 2C0 how the Yank can be checked except Z2B ; by a railroad wreck or gas attack. den Tunney. whether he bss one or ioa two battles, seems to have nrettv firm seeping through the roof. Only a few of the more hardy players have ven teured on the floor under these conditions. It la -understood that repairs are to be made at once and that by nest week everything will be in proper order again. CHURCH IS TO BE REOPENED Pewa Installed, New Heating System and n New Organ by Iiaptlht Congregation The Baptist Church of this city which has lately undergone a complete renovating will re reopened Sunday. The interior has been tinted and the woodwork varnished throughout. Another decided Improvement Is the 189 ; hold on the heavyweight sceptre. Hav- i "stslstton of pews to replace the for 188 lng weathered probably as furious an m,T "nmjrs. mis cnange wm unoouotea-180 ! attack as Jeck Dempeey ever wlU be!1 to th sppesrance of the church 184 able to turn loose again. Tunney fig-' " ss providing more comfortable DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c R. Honeyman and O. C 8cott, Vancouver: A. D. Balllle. city. Central L MacKenate, Anyos; Lao Pa ulcer, Alice Arm; Prsnk Ostrom. Stewart;' O. BanM. O.N.B. WANTED OntL WANTED TO KEEP HOUSR FOR family ot three out of town. Only small house but must be good plain cook. Ideal home and light work. Oood wages. Apply Bos SS Daly Mews office. II WAMTCD TO BUT. OVTICI TABIC, small typewriter table and offlce desk. Also sectional filing cabinet. Say where seen nnd price to Bos BO. Dfltlly Nin Offlce. 10 WANTED SMALL OASBOAT AROUND twenty-five fi-et long, in good running order. Sate ensh price, make and age of engine to Box W. Daily News offlce. 10 WANTED OAS BOAT OR HULL, about as feel. Snap Cash. Apply Poreiter. Bos 4 3D WANTED A SCHOOL OIRL TO WRXZL baby after school and Saturdays. Phone 405 9 FOR SALE SECOND HAND CARPET In good condition. 10 (t. by 13 ft. Apply Dally News. tf FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPER. Two Urpe bundles for 35c tf FOR UBNT t'lUMITrRE ANI KANBN - j- Hew stock will now be arriving every week. Also the I82P patterns of Unoleum Rugs and we will earry s complete line. They are called the Jubilee patterns. Call in and see them, please. A. MACKENZIE. FI'HNITI RF. KXrilANtJH MItV AMI SROM HWil M RXITI'HB L ,fbpngtit sntf aold and eschsnged. nmjwr r mil mnm Two OaSh Bjsglsters in stock. PAPAIiOPULOS M.ilLlS j JsJI5sW .F""swisseaswsswsxsi 1v lJin.lMliHl V MM wuik ivnr ujr ncr man Trelle. winner of the fraud chant -plonslilp in oats and the reserve championship (or wheat at the Chicago International, and has llkewjae honored J 11 Brown of LlftydmlnsteT, winner of the Board of Trade trophy for the best field of utandlng wheat. REVIVES BARONETCY INNOVA SCOTIA Prlty Coaftril llrraminends Claim ( AJrxsniler i:iphlnHiwie. Whine n-retor Held IjiiuI (Irani LONDON. Jan. 11. A claim to a BeottUh title dating back to December. 1701. snd which hss lain In abeyance since 174J, was successfully msde by s military offlxr before the Baronetcy Committee of ihe Privy Council r-rntly. The claimant wss Alexander Bphln-stone of Olack. a major in the reserve of officers, living (at 40 Kildare Terrace. London. He claimed to be heir of the POR RENT ROOMS WITH OS WtTM- out biard. Central location. Phone Blue 1U. tf HOUSE FOR RENT ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Munro Bros. tf FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. Apply 315 Fourth Ave Euat. U CIIIMNEY SWEEP 11. i. 7I MKKIIK General Handy Mas Furnsces snd Stoves Cleaned sad Repaired Chlmnies Swept. Cemetery Plots Cared For. Phone Red 343. Prince Rupert. BO PKINCR RUPRKT T1DB8 a. 4 a s a 4 lVEhNESOtV. PKf'F.MHRll 11 High 4 40 a m. 18:31 pm. Low 10 38 s m. 33:46 pm. Tlllttslitv. Jsnnsry I Hluh 5:3S a in 17 00 p m. 'w 111.1 m. 3S 37 p m KHIIIAY, JtM Uiv 1.1 High CIS am. ie on Din. "w 13:07 pm AT1 RIIAV. JWI ARV II wish fl-58 a.m. i pm. tow o lo ii m. 1:IM1 pm. SIMItV. 4M MV "'ith 7 -53 a m 30 33 p.m. to OSSa.m. ii 14:18 pm. IS Mftvmv nvi in . 11.7 ft. IS 4 " 78 ' 4J " 19 1 ft. 18 0 " as " 18 " 18 8 ft. 18.8 " 8.7 " 18.5 It. 15.6 " 7 3 " 8.0 " 181 ft 15 a " 8.5 " 88 " I"'w!" nv...'rl t apotiand snd 'HUM vj. .nu.u I Seat anv .. tii tt Jsmes Elpnlnstone M Logle Low i as a- a! - was stated, Of hit contributions to the development of Nova Scotia, where he 15 88 p.m. s.l TIRvntV. JAWMtY l r-.M . vi id.uuu acraa. nigh . 8 33 aJfl Major UphlnstoM. aeeordlng to endn- 13:80 pm sel for the petitioner, wa the nearest Low e'.j, ,m heir male collateral and male represen-' is :s rm isuve oi ine patenteo. So far as the - 183 ft 18 7 " 101 " 7 4 petitioner was awnre, the dignity had M' MMHIBR Ktl.l.Kn. not been assumed since the death ofl .,, . " Sir John Eluhlnstone. th. fourth KM0. Jan. 1 1 -Alessndsr Naske. s Rtivisn 33 ytnrs of age. was killed hss decided to ecommeiul the claim." Z T"tnh,u",, lln rmD Ins - was struck by a falling susg Articlei Lost and Found.&e STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS For Vsncoufer Tuesday as. Csmosun i( Friday ss. Prince Rupert ,: Saturday ss. Gardens ' ,J is. frlncess Bestrlci 1) i Jsn. 4 a. Princess Mary p: fan. 18-se. Princess Mary p; From VuneouTfr Suisdsy m. Osmosun 4 1: Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert iu :ioi: Bsraroay, as. usrarna . . i; Saturday as. Princess Beatrice iJ Jan. 14 as. Princess Mry ml jsn. as as. rrmreas Msry t I for rirt Slmpsqn snd Nsai Klver- Sunday ss. Qsmostin I pi Frsm Port Slmpnon snd Nsas Rlift- Tueaday . Oimoeun i t: Fur Any us Snd Hlensrt Sunday at. Okmostm i;i VfexUesdsf-as. Prince Ruper1 lu pr! Iti Anyox and viessrt Tusadty es. Csmasun Friday ss. Prtnct Rupert far (neea Charlotte Jan. 14 as. Prtnee John.. Jan. J ss. Priaee Jaiin . . . From Queen Charlottes Jan. It ss. Prince John Jsn. 9S as. Print John . . Par Alaska-. Jsn. 14. ss. PflMfss Mary Jan. J as. PrltMess Mary Chhii Alaska Jan. 44-as. Princes itary. Jan IS-as Priaesss Msry erases MAIL SCHEDULE ' j.tkDAnv. im I'r the KaiM ' ' ixm the rest 11 vi i:l s(:l MaSsHys, Wjrdbeaisys. gaturdsyi. itao i Tuesdays, Tiltridsy snd Bsndays. su das i a sso pi Ts lsnrMtfr ' Tuesdays i. ., 4 Is pi PrMsas t SsturdSjl Ill cjrnm 4. is r Tr&h IW&Wl. Wednesdiys . Sumttf .t.a?J P St 1130 IM. Frsm "he .toaa iw til wvoFMiaajy :ipt r n tat 4atas Tk ) ts jtM aw- wss. . Tralaa,' 8um(. Tuesdays and t" daya ....iU a sops k Ts Anox,, Allrt .Arm, Hlrwart sn4 Premleiw f ) ' ) Sundays rosll closes i pi Wedaeadays .: sp IVm A ii tot, Alice Arm. siewarl ss Premier Tueadsys k. i Friasys a ts To Vass River rint Bimdays 1 P ream Vase nirer relfils Tuesday J. . .maU dut is To Alssks rolslt 3ty Jsa. 14 and 26. W. rrni Ataks Polnta, an. 14 snd 18. !, Tq. Queen Charlnlle IsWTnd Pnliil- ' tm. 14 snd 28. Tram Oueen rhartnlle flsnd Pulst-I Jsn. It and 36. CM TRAINS rsr ib ! Mondiys. Wednesdays, snd 8i r" Steads vs Thurarlavs Snd B1! St 3.10 pm. in proijate IV TIIK HITfKKMK I'Ol T Of IKIT1', In the Matter of the Admin ' . Aet: snd la the Matter ot the Estate of " Rudd. rVMiea, Intestate , HrMVsVr. !). MftR Vsiisis IK at . I if 1 riYsWKAf in 144 t Z.'-- .saswii. '..1 f- mlftkitrsUr of th4 asute of Rttda. deceased, infl all pnt'- ' lag olsirru sgiihsk the ssid sre beraby required to furni"' !. property verified, to ml on W nd day of Jnuar. AD t ' su parties inrt,tbted to th e. i ' required to psy the smount ' ,v IndeMednast m me forth with NORMAN A WATT. Offleisl Adminl'i' j., Dated the ard dav of ruumin) ' I 187.