aesday, January 111228. I n HE ACME'S Annual SALE Continues with an unabated flow of the Higgent bargains in li.C. MEN'S CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS r. ii only i.i this lot of Men's Chinc hilla Overcoats. These ' 1 1 ,(!. of pure wool matt-rials, tut in the very latest style, hi .k Uiick. Thi'y are beautifully tailored and very smart . ,111; garments, and a credit to ihc weuitr. Ueirular valu" ,1 worth it, too. QtZ ..t ion Sale Price BOYS' SWEATERS I ; Jersey Sweaters, the f.-unou.f St. Marj;:iret's brand, in Knsrland. Made of pure Cashmere Wool with polo col-Tlx y tome in all shades and in all Hires. This is the most luiiablc garment for any boy and what he iikrs &4 (IZ too. Temptation Sale Price eAJeJ CRIB I1LANKETS He re is a nice lot of pure wool Crib Blankets, measuriiiK :W ! . s l.y 48. They come in pink, b'.ue, and white with a in v animal pattern' woven throughout, which will interest , I, itl.- ones. Regular value $2.50. 4 ff Ji.fJ notation Sale Price VIKING AND WOL8HY UNDERWEAR lh.' finest Underwear for Men in Pure Wool. Regular . ,ii ,uid $750 values. OA OK erne :: importers IP N ( 1 .0.1). Orders Strictly Vmh No Charge Accounts Mail Orders TortvAfriTetf Express Prepaid SPECIAL Trial OFFER For 25c and without any further obligation on your part, we will give you one of the famous DURHAM DUPLEX Razors (exactly the same as those packed in their regular $1.50 sets) with one blade, all ready for shaving. The number of Razors we can .tjive away at this price is strictly limited. GET YOURS TODAY OrmfiS IlcL 7iin fiinncer Drttcjfii'sls I THIRD AVE 0 SIXTH ST. -TLLEPIiONES 8200 Canadian National Qjc Largeft Kailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Hailing from HIIMK Itt'l'MIT for UNidUKK. VICTOUIA. KKATTI.H. and Intermediate points, eicti KIIA. noo a in lor NinVAKT and AN VOX. each VI i:IINHSlA V. 10.00 p.m. Pr NOKTII ami HIH'TII W-K MAKI.OTTK IM.AMl. rVrtnlKhlly. IWSsKMUU THA1NS IrAVr. I'KINCK IIUIUKT Each MONDAY. WBUNKHIIA V and A 1 1 H1A V at 11.30 a m for TRINCt. tll OKUi:, EDMONTON. WINNII'MI. all points Beaters Canada. United Btatea. AOKNCY AM. OCT AN TEM!HIP I.INr. 11m Canadian National Kptf fr Mw) Order. r.irrliii .riiequra. nr., tioo for yqur next shipment. TITV TICKET OrriCE. SIH TMIIHl WE.. flUNCE HDPEHT. t. UOit I'heiie WW 1 o Every W oman Who 1 PMiMr fnr nnw 1Hai in home docorutlon DW Polor rum )il huiJimd f ri i Via inn iwimiv nnw enlor schemes for baby's ivnn aui lliu nun uu! f'xim. new eolor beauty everywhere in the hmme-inr cornea aa a household blending. -"01" Ilruali- Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 FINED HEAVILY FOR SUPPLYING Walter j Corry Assessed $300, nun upturn or Six Months, in City Police Court tMxPriWtMy h'aa found fullr by Magistrate McClymont in city police court tbU monjing on charge ii supplying liquor to Indium and was fined 30, with the option of six months'. Imprisonment. Chief witness fcr the crown were David Douglas, Kltae-laa Indian, and his wife. Eliza. They told of below Invited lat Saturday night to the aback of Carry on Park Avenue where they were given drinks of beer and ruin. During the evening there ' was a Melee which each side blaqied the other for starting. Douglas said that the trouble arose when defendant made an improper suggestion regarding bis wife. Cony, on the other hand, testified that Douglas had claimed (7 from him and. ' when he had refused to pay It, Douglas attempted to choke blm The outcome was that accused released h'msclf from Douglas who, with his iiife. was ordered out of the shack. ' Evidence of David and Eliza Douglas vas lorrotorratlve while Peter Weils tuitlfled to the fact that David Douglas was sober liiuoedtately before going to ccused's premise. Henry J. Damley and John Corolough. who were in the shack at the time, gave evidence in support of Corry ' sto.y. In giving his decision. Magistrate Mc Clymont pointed out that the court had had many Indian cases to deal with and that, while thc:r manner of giving evidence might be peculiar, the true facts were usually arrived at. He was satisfied that the Indians In this case bad obtained liquor as they described and be did not believe the story of the accused. Supplying of liquor to Indians had become a very common practice here and one, which through Its demoralising effects upon the natives, could be met with no half way measures. He, therefore, fcund accused guilty and Imposed the fine or jail sentence as stated. City Solicitor E. F. Jones prosecuted while John V. Clyiie appeared on behalf of Corry. David and Eliza Douglas were eecr" fined 110 for drunkenness. JEWISH CHILDREN SCHOOLATTENDANCE London Edurallonlxl Maya Tlw IKi Good Wiirk In HftMNri but Khoukl Plai More Than They do LONDON. Jan. 11 Jewish children make the best attenders of any children at the elementary schools of London, according to Sir Robert Blair, formerly education officer to the London Ooutrty Council. "I found that they made a better all-round attendance of one per cent," uys air Kobert. "Dtey had another quality. Their work was very good, but I would have llkrd to nave seen more of their numbers on the playlug fields." PIKPOKE OK NATIONAL I'AHKH Canada's national parka exist to render the ben possible service to Canada and Canadians Their establishment and development are based upon the nice that the Dominion's greatness as a nattun depends not so much upon her natural resources as upon the quality of her men and women. TDK IIKNTKl CTION OF UOLVK A a result of the efforts of the North West Territories and Yukon Branch of the Department ol the Interior, Canada, 6S0 wolves were de-ttr.yed during the last recurded fiscal jear by natives and white men. Provincial Constable Robert Olbaon of Port Kaslngton returned to the elty on the Prince Rupert this afternoon from a trip to Vancouver on escort duty. ANNOUNCEMENTS e4 4.M. Elk's Leap-year Dance, January 30. Legion Novelty Dance January 37. Prince Rupert Qlrls' Drill Team dance February 3. Rlk't Annual Dance. February IT. C N R. Annual Bull. Friday, Febrary 17. t Thompson Hardware CO. LTD. 255 Third Ave. Prince Rupert ICTnTTBiTsMlTBnWriilTI THE PAIL?-NEWS Local and Personal DC Unoerukera. Phone it. Dentist. Dr, J, B. Oosse. Phone 68 Skating dally. 3 to 4 and 8 to 10. tt MOTrnrni rt 'Tart.' 'Phons 790, titSSth Cafe, the place to suit every body's poekett , , tf Oet the Big habit' When thinking it a Taxi, phone 4. tf .. Alt A loose memoes are requested to attend meeting tonight. Election of onlecra. Uotorsblp tanker Ollnda Is In port from Vancouver discharging at the local tanks of the Union OH Co. Miss X. U. Earle left on this morn ing's train tor Ottawa. She will pay a visit to relatives at her former home near Brockvllie. Ontario. Annual meeting of the 8t. Andrew's Society will be held on Friday, January 13 at 8 pm. sharp. Election of officer. All members asked to attend. ' Mr. and Mrs. John V. Clyne, who were recently married In Vancouver, will take up reside rice in the Sunberg Apartments on Fifth Avenue West. i Aid. Jot. Greer's Committee Rooms are now open In Bentfe old store. Third Avenue and Fulton. Friends and supporters are invited tf call. Phone 371. 8 Dr. J. P. Magulre returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this afternoon from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Victoria and other points In the south. O. A. McMillan, superintendent of the Prince Rupert dry dock, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a business trip to The regular fortnightly meeting of the Ladles' Music Club Is being held this afternoon la the Japanese Mission HaU. the subject of study being toe wcrks of Moaert. The ladles' aid of the St. Paul Lutheran Church will meet tomomm at the home of Rev. John Hanson. Clapp Building. Owing to an error thlf was advertised for Tuesday. A meeting of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association wiu be held in the City Hall. Thursday fvenlng. January 12 at 8 o'clock. AU boat owners p)ease attend. Provincial Constable 6am Service of Terrace reached the city on this morning's train to take to Terrace a man who will be charged there with failure to support his wife and famUy. Sergeant J. P. M. Hannah, chief of the city detachment of the provincial police, who was recently married In Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert today with his bride. Thirty-two carloads of grain arrived during the night from the prairies for the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert ;!evator. Hallway offices this morning reported ITS cars on the division bound here. Last night's gale caused both telephone and telegraph lines between the city and Dig by Island to go down. This morning work was being rushed to restore communication between the city and the wireless station and other points on Digby Island. A. M. Ruddy, proprietor of the Omineca Hotel at Bunas Lace, who went south last week with Mrs. Rurtd" who is to receive medio treatment in Vancouver, arrived on Use Prince Ru pert this morning from the south. proceeding to the Interior by tram. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Gregg, who were recently married in Vaneouver. the bride having formerly bean Miss Belle Oqurlay. RJ., a member of the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital, are expected to return to the city to lake up residence next week. C.N.R. steamer Prt:ice Rupert. Capl D. Donald, arrived lu port at 1 ocinr' this afternoon from Vancouver. Fowl River and Ocean Falla.and will sail at 10 o'clock tonight for Stewart and Anyox, returning here at 8 o'clock Friday morning to sail at S o'clock on her return south. J. B. Lambert, assistant district engineer for the federsl department ol public works, was s passenger on the Camusun yesterday afternoon returning to headquarters In Victoria after hav ing made a trip to Port Simpson to In-I)ect progreas of extensive wharf rebuilding work which is being carried nt iy John Currlc tt Son of this city. Thi' lrh tt rxprctrrt. will lit u-plcted In about two weeka time. Paasengera arriving in the city from lMv1Wee(p$Pl3l' fttwje1r)fry nfternooa included T. J SooUmi, L. V. lane and Mrs. Bard, from Stewart; Leo Paulcer, from Alice Aryv and L. O. Lycett. II. McKenzle and J. R. Honey-man from Anyox Passengers going throuRh to Vancouver on the Camosun Included II. Donalclm. Oeorge Harris. T. Mochlda and Mr ,uid Mrs. Ed. Wick from the Naas River; Dora Williams unci "'r.nda Olllan from Stewart, snd I B Uimbvrt Mrs Ada Myles from lort S'mptou. Charlie Brown, local boxing promoter, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert tnla afternoon from a trip south. Leslie V. Lane, formerly of this city, arrived on the Camotun yesterday afternoon from Stewart where he Is now located. One of the recent incorporation is that of the Buckley Valley Coal Minea Ltd. with head office at Vancouver and capital ISO .OOO, Leo Paulcer, well known Alice Ann prospector, was an arrival In the city from the north on the Camosun yesterday afternoon. W. H McCallum. local Insurance agent, returned to the elty on the Prince Rupert this afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. David Taylor of Digby Island return. cd to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from s holiday trip to Vnr?uver and Victoria . , T. J. Shenton. Inspector of wines, returned to the city on the Camoami yesterday afternoon from a trip to H Stewart on official duties. ' Cant. B. L. Johnson ' of Vaneouver came north on the Prince Rupert this trip as far aa Ocean Fails on business snd will return south on the same a C. MoOorkell of Vanderhoof. wnr has been on a business trip south, arrived on Use Prince Rupert this afternoon from Vancouver, proceeding to the interior by train. Mrs. George Befcerman. who ha been in Taeona for soms tune on tjofount of the serious Ulness of her moUtnr. re-teurned to the elty on the Prince Rupert this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John McRac will sail Friday morning on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where Mr. Hefts will receive treatment snd recuperate following a recent Illness. The new book compiled from writings of the late Archbishop duVernet has been reviewed in Vancouver by Rev. A. K. Roberts and given a good display with a picture of the late Archbishop. Apparently Vancouver people think very highly of the newly published volume "Out of a Scribe's Treasure." Word brought to the city from Ocean Falls on the Prince Rupert this morning is to the effect that the water In the big dun at the paper town rose eight feet In the single twenty-four hours on Sunday, due to the advent of recent soft weather with excessive rain. While there Is s large volume of water now apllllug over the top of the dam. no apprehension Is felt In connection with it. WIHKI.KfS ItlTOUT. S a.m. DIOUY ISLAND. -Cloudy, strong SS. ind; barometer. MM; temperature. 45. ca rough: pan. out Camosun. southbound; 8 pm Ollnds. discharging at Prince Rupert DEAD TREE POINT. Overcast, balm: barometer. 30.60; temperature, ST sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Raining, light S.W. wind; barometer 28.79; temperature. 4S; heavy swell; 8 p.m. apoke tug Pacific Monarch, abeam Fog Rocks, bovnd for Squirrel Cove with barge Biscayea and acow; 7 30 p.m. spoke steamer nine .ihn .heem Pi" t-nV northbound; 11:20 p.m. stke sleaiier Prince Rupert, leaving Ocean Falls, north bound; 8 . m .Mh. itunw Anur HtauL for I " -rM-- - - is Anyox, 40 miles from Anyox. f NOON DIOBY ISLAND. Overcast, fresh wind; barometer, IBM: temperature, 3. sea moderate. DEAD TREK POINT. Cloudy, calm; barometer, 38.63: temperature. 44; sea smooth BULL HARBOR. Raining, imht S W. wlud; barometer. 29 7S. tcmprraturc, 48; heavy swell: 11 a m. spoU tug Pacific Monarch, proceed! nx to Sa.-ty Cove f 1 .I !'.CI', eOUthUlil'.UU. 1 H!WltJ RRITISH com Rv. I. Johansen returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this afternoon tram a brief trip to Seattle. "iTHMffl M B LA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of December, 1926. i "i, Has produeediMinerals as follows: PlnceYGold, $78,018,518; Lodedold, $120,972,318: Silver, $80,787,003; Lead. $106,976,442 ;,CnPMllQ367,OC3i Zinc, $50,5,12,17.7 i Coal,ard CoTce, $284,599,1331 Structural Materials JU?d,,Mj?e,Uane1oui Minerals, $50,175,407; raakinga its mineral production to the end of 1926 show an , AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,470. PRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDlNG:iPCEMBER, 1926. $67,188,842 ryvi The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the feea lower than those- of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to diacoterer for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing' such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. . VICTORIA. BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annua Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Suivey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. Clea ranee GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER COATS DRESSES HATS Hosiery and Lingerie Canadian National Steamships Co. Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OjieralinK G.T.I'. 20.000 Ton Plontinic Dry D.cU Enuineera. Machinists, BollermakerK, Rlacksmiths. Piittern-rnakcrs. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. t'HONES 43 and 385 Thor Johnson GOES OUT OF THE SHOE BUSINESS DRASTIC REDUCTIONS On every Shoe in the Store GREAT BARGAINS COME AND GET 'EJI! TRY A NIP TONIGHT iWHMfKa 'I fi iflWaKBWsTITatt: BEST PROCURABLE t i i 7Tv" l. i S yl 4-'St fS ' ' ,OTTU0 4 eWTHgJSl 0 A I 1? H tri MOOutl or (COTUa B y " "t't'iKitfisaio c auxs-svsui svr HBtis H Tks Original Label ttk (er It si Ike Vender's and IniUtoo GRANT'S "BEST rROCURAliIX" ". 3 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of -British Columbia