lave Money Boston Grill ! Tiie cheapest way to buy th Da.. News la to subscribe by th yes) The cost la 63.00 and your ip u delivered to your addreas rA, i, ewumx. Just figure out the .mal) cost tu you for thla dally 'iei'.ics for twelve month I . XVIII-, No. 8. Iw A yora 1 y pa mm A TFQ mwmFNT TRANGLER TO HANG FRIDAY FOR MURDER AT WINNIPEG 'irangler Must Hang Friday This Week at Winnipeg is Settled WINNIPEG, January 11. Rarle Nelson, the "Dark Strangler." in hi.s doom on Friday unlets .some unexpected order for a stay i s in the meantime. This is not expected. Hi.s only defence was a plea of insanity i h;it has not been allowed, lie was convicted of murderinr Emily Patterson but he was a Mo charged with strangling the .' n ycar-old High School girl, Lola Cowan, of this city. Many other death are ascribed to the strangler by United police, the list being as follows: . VEAU M MERY TAKES COURAGE FROM COMBINATION ;a- jr.ui uepcnsinimieH go With Advantage of Member- ship in British Empire j 'NiiilKR. Jan I! - We of the i nmmuuweeJtii live wllhout I :'.i. k that in any (Sanger In . .iriicy w have alllea In the ihe members of our family"! 'i Amery said yesterdsy addressing i ..i . ui i an Club. "Between eur- la unthinkable Aa for dan- ' !(lf knowledge of our rom-- itw a grrn'. Insurance an) i! have." advantages of membership K.iipirr alao went resjxjnvolllt:. visitor said and the res- ., - fen ou individuate aa well Imlnkna KING EXPLAINS NEW MINISTER 1 ( nnndian Representative Not Having Full Standing Was Handicap in Past o'l i AWA. Jan. 11. Premier Marken-commenting on the decision " ctabllah a Canadian minister In I'.' n.s said It waa found In the peat that ! I'hmipv Roy had been hampered " having oatnplete standing of a ; ' i.iHcr These thtnga meant a great i in European diplomacy end for ' i. ail,! to have a mlnlater In France 1,1(1 m a aenae be like having a min-'' for all lurope I u- move had been made, the minis-'' -hiU. with the full knowledge and "IHTatlon of the Brlttah Oovern- 4 aktihii smitiih policy 4 To the Elector. 4 Your vol and Influence la earnestly aollclted at the election 4 Thursday for Alderman. 4 My polloy la-Extension 4 of Power. i Peace Itlvar Outlet for Prince i Rupert. Setter accommodation for mosquito I fleet and flahermen. ! Economy tn Olvlc Alain. Development Of Sewerage. Securing proper proportion of 4 liquor proflta aa per sales. Ftr..nn f Highway. j, J. Arthur Smith. 4, 4444444444444444 von OUH FUTURE PROsi'Ehfr VOTE FOR 5. P. McMORDIE For Mayor AND AVOID TAXATION ON IMPROVEMENTS X Feb 20 -Mis Clara Newman, Ban Francisco. Mar 2 Mrs. Laura E. Beal. to. San Joae. Cel. June 10 Mra. Lillian St Mary. 63. Ban Franclaco. June 24 Mra Oergc Russell. Santa Barbara. Cel. Aug 16 Mra. Mary Neabltt. 62. Oakland. Calif Oct. IB Mr. Beta Wither. S3 Portland. Ore Oct. SO- Mr Mabel McDonald Fluke, 57. Portland. Ore. Oct. 37 -Mrs. Virginia A. Orant. W. Portland. Ore. Nov. IS Mra. William A. Idmonda. 58. Sen Francisco. 10 Wov. a Mm. Florence PI this Wonka. Sesetst. Was. Nov Mn. fllaeea Myers, Portland. Ote. 12 Dec. SS-Mra. John X. Berard. 40. Cot.ncll Bluffs. la 13 Dec 27 Mra Binnle Pace. S3. Kansas City. 14 Dec JS- Ura Oermanla Harpln. 36, Kansas City 15 Drr 2S -Mra. Harpln'a B-montha old baby. VB.tK IStl 16 Apr 27 -Mra. Mary McDonnell. SO. Philadelphia 17 May 30 -Mra. Jennie Randolph. 36. Buffalo. NT IS June 1 Mra Minnie May. 63. Detroit. Mich. IS June 1 Mra M. C. Atortby. Detroit. 20 June 3 Mrs. Mary Bleteoma, 67. Chicago. Ilia. 21 June 10 Mrs. Bmlly Patterson, 27. Winnipeg. Man. 22 June 12 Mlai Lola Cowan. 14. Winnipeg. Man. MADE ESCAPE FROM OKALLA PRISON FARM VANCOUVER. Jan. 11 - Making a daali for freedom when the prtaonere wrre being removed from the main building to outalde work. Tneo Norton. 24 yeara of age. eacaped from Okalla prlaon farm. Fog aided the eecape Norton had aerved two monthi of e six months' sentence. TERRACE LOGS GOING SOUTH Northern Shipping Co., sgenu for the Prank VTatsrhouse Co.. re porn arrival at 430 yesterday afternoon from Vancouver of the motorshlp freighter Arran Firth with s cargo of eosl for PhUpott-Svltt Oo. This morning the Arran Firth . I V ,n iMrf flah IMSl at the plant of the Aupsrt Marine Pro- iitipia uo. ior new vesvaiiiivi. Will CDIHf WlMfltlWT ivj .w at the dry dock Icrlhe LasUnated Ma- terlala at New Vaattlnatr. It is es- perted to make frequent shipments of these logs from nere Northern and PRESIDENT TO i VISIT HAVANA Coolidge Makes Flying Trip Monday to Capital of Cuba for Conference WASHINGTON. D.C.. Jan. 11 When PreaMeht Coolldge leavea the United States to address the xuuh lnternaUonal conference of American states In Havana, Cuba. Monday, he will make his tint visit to the Caribbean . region, and his first trip to another country since he became chief executive of the cation. Accompanied by Mra. Coolldge. secretary of State Kellogg and Secretary ol the Ifary Wilbur, the president ail; any a meaaage from the Ur. '.ed State to the representative of 20 other Amer-ean repubUca which make up the Pan-Vmerlcan Union. Because congreea will be In aeaalon and the White Houae aortal aeasnn a! IU height. Mr. Coolldge will be unabk o spend more than a day In Havana But thl snort stay. It la believed wll' go s long way toward clearing the at mosphere of a great deal of ausplclon of the United States' foreign policy and attitude toward the component state; 31 um Union. 4 l'.H.K. TI Kl.;il IN' 4 f s'sttu:ii:nt or tiik 4 4 KMMV.XY I'UOIILKJH 4 OTTAWA. h1t-Hil9kl' asinsni) Oast there Is a possl-' 4 " bUlty of the atttlement of the 4 4 pewvlnelal govenunent railway 4 4 problem. Both Alberta and Bn- 4 4 tlah Columbia hsva been urging 4 4 on the Dominion authorities 4 t that the roads should be uken 4 1 over by the Canadian National. 4 It as understood that It would 4 not be a dlmetilt matter to 4 oosse to terms with Alberta but 4 fc Pnml MaeLeau of British 4 4 ColumbU has Insisted that If 4 4 the Dominion la to relieve Al- 4 4 berts at Its burden it shall do 4 f the same for B.C But Sir 4 4 Henry - Thornton does not want 4 4 the P.OJ aa he aoes not con- 4 4 alder It s commercial possibility 4 4 st present He would like to 4 get west from the Pease River 4 4 but does not want to go to 4 Vancouver by the P.OJJ. 4 4 444444444444 LOGGING SCALE DISTRICT LARGE While not up to Iji.sI Year it is Well Ahead of Previous Records The total rut of logs for the yeai 1087 la given out officially aa 136,467,- 324 board fret which it about ten mil lion feet leas that 1686 jut well ahead of previous years. It Is understood hst the shutting down of the work on Queen Charlotte Islands la responsible for the dropping off latterly. To some extent the drop In logs l msde up by the Increase in poles, plies and ties In all of whleh there ere Increases over the past year. The details of the year's eut la aa follows: Douglas Fir. board feet .... SJS7.067 Red Cedar 1S.SSS43S Sprue 4S.SSM60 Interior Spruce S.0SI.4M Hemlock 34407.017 Balsam ljU8o Cypress 1.01 Jackpine 1M.466 turcn b.iu'ii Cottonwood 7UJS6I Poise, lines! feet 3.09,160 Spruce Piles 1,0M Hemlock Plies !'...' 160.094 Coder Piles 676.7677 Oevdsraod, cords -JITJ SluafM bolts, cords mat j. Fir Tits Metnloc Ties 31,041 Pttte Ties 700.4DS Fence Posts, cards 158 Pulpwood. cords 3.670 1. Mil US TO MKKT The Ladles aid of the St. Paul Lutheran Church meets tomorrow. Thursday, at the home of Rev und Mrs John Hanson. Clapji Building. PRINCE, RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. WfcDNESfiAY, JANUARY 11, 1023 SWITZERLAND HAS NOTHING FINER in winter sports than Canada can show at home when the t'reat Rocky Mountain National Park carnival is in progress. Championship figure skaters are already at Banff preparing fur the bin event. PENSIONS FOR . TEACHERSJNw jifnrnTA'PAnnT ALL CANDIDATES MLDCIaII iMJlJll!.h Overlappins of Supporters Hill to he Submitted to Legislature Making Provision for Scheme EDMONTON. Jh 11. -Pensioning of Alberts school teachers who have taught for 40 years or have reached the age of 33 wUl be provided in a Ml! to be submitted to the nest session of the legislature, which opens on February 2. The propmed bill provides (or the deduction from teachers' salaries of 21, per cent, monthly or quarterly, by the school boards by whom they are employed, and that a stmUsr amount be contributed by the gcvenusMOt. the whole to form a fund to fussac the pension Teachers coming under the set who retire from Ote profession within three years of the scheme being inaugurated, would sacrtflos their eontrlbutlon. and ifter the set oomeu into force they would be obliged to teach for five years or sacrifice their payments. .PAYMHSTK OVKU t lVK YKAHS If, however, urter contributing to the fund for fire years, a teacher wlieO to retire, then the am aunt paid in, plus Interest, could be withdrawn. The amount of pension would be dependent upon the total paid la by the teacher, and the length of servtee rendered. Mi I.MIATION Hill JAPAN. OTTAWA, Jan 11 -The department of external affairs today denied the report tbst Osnsds MSSaSsiiiplalsd establishing a legation at Tokld. Advertise In The DsHv Nsws LP As- I ARE CONFIDENT oi inree uunning lor .Mayor All three candidates for the mayoralty Aid. Jos. Oreer. Coi. S. P. Mc-Mordle and Aid. M. M. Stephens sre apparently confident of success at the pells tomorrow. While the backers of each are claiming victory for their respective men. the general concensus of opinion seems to be that the contest will be a doss one unless, ss often bap-Dens, the silent vote causes a landslide in one direction. A feature oi the campaign for the Mayoralty is that all three candidates are equally well known and popular This fact, coupled with the general uncertainty ss the outcome, has msde many voters diffident shout declaring themselves. This msy explain to some extent the situation now existing in the committee rooms where two or even three of the candidates are counting on the votes of the same names :n the list. There are reported even to be some lnatenoss where voters neve promised support to two or all three 3i the candidates. There Is no doubt Ui two of the Candida tea are going to be badly disappointed after the ballots are counted tomorrow evening. Political allegiances are undoubtedly shattered In the contest. Interest In the sldermsnlc and aehoot board conteats Is overahadowed by that being taken In the mayoralty. MOUKIU. I'KKKWIKNT. VANCOUVER. Jan 11 D. B. Morklll of Stewart waa selected president ol the Corporation of British Oolumbts land surveyors here yesterday. GREER ana a Alderman 9 ...Candidate for MAYOR CLEAN, PROGRESSIVE BUSINESSLIKE ADMINISTRATION Excavation Contract for Theatre Let Local Man but No Name Yet For Proposed New Building Here On the return ' of either one or the other tram Vsncouver. whence they will ; leave in s few days, M. T. snd , Paul Aivazcft will bring with them 1 nrc' ? plans for the new theatre which they are having built on Third; Avenue near the corner of Fultsn Street. Next month It 1 expected that pouring of cement will have been started on the structure which it is aald will re-cmblc to some extent the Sex Theatre In Vancouver which fcr several yeara was the leading moving ploture house in that city, though It will have many more modern features including a pipe organ. Plledrlving la now in progress and' excavation for a 2e by 60 foot basement. . adequate tn accommodate the furnace and affording such st-.rage space as will be necessary, will soon be under way. 4-44 44 4-4 444444-4 IIKXNKTT lltUHS TO ILIMINATK r.OOZK oitDEit to si ccf:i;n EDMOKTCK. Jaj). 11. -Is hU to the Alberta Bar Association Hon. R. B. Bennett said: 4 "I do not deprecate for an In-stat.t the right of young men to 4 indulge in rJessuraeJe divsnlast; 4 But gentlemen I You cannot ft drink sAose iuad succeed at the 4 bar! I do not aay this because I am I total sbetalner, but because 4 I hsve seen men In our 4 profession destroyed by drinking. 4 The greateet pleasure you 4 can get In life la to be obtained 4 by going into this profession 4 snd succeeding In It I" 4 Lieut. Governor Bgbert ssld: "I cannot understand why any 4 young man educated at the expense 4 of this province can leave 4 to go to another country. You 4 owe It to this province to stay. 4 We are relying on the youth to 4 build up this country." 4 4 444444444444444 VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked. 130 .40 .41 4 45.00 60.00 .22 .24 .22 .12 .10 .104 .08 .06V .41 43 3.37 2.29 41V, .17 .16Vk .09H .10 .30 -22 H 1.64 1.S6 3.C Big Missouri . " Cop;.er . ' rl: Province "unwell Tndcr-ender.ce It-disn Lesd'ml'h ... Lucky Jim . . . Fremler Porter Idaho . Richmond . . . . 'SUvercrest Silversmith . . . Sun loch Tone NEWSENATORS ARE APPOINTED OTTAWA. Jsn. 11. Three sanatoria appointinenta for Ontario are announce-by Premier Msckenale King. They are J. H. Bpence, K.C.. of Toronto. I. 8. Little of London. Dr. Ousts v LeCasse of Tecunueh. T. Abeam or Otuwa becomes a mem ber of tbs Privy CouncU." Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and bet for the least Phone 457, Price Five Cent The.i will fellow the putting down of .he cement bsemeat walls under the entire 110 by SO f jet structure. It Is the Intention, stated Paul Alvaz-off yesterday afternoon, to have the theatre built as fas aa '-possible with lo?al labor snd materials: During the ateence of the Alvs3i(s, J. H. puis-bury will have oharge of the building operations. The name of the new theatre has not yet b?:n decided upaa. The contract for the eaca, rations has been awarded to Nick Ourvlch, it was announced this morning by M. T. Aivasoff. WEATIIEIt HKl-OItT Prince Rupert Cloudy, strong S.E. o lrd; temperature. 45. DEATH TODAY OF CHARLES KARKLE Old Timer Passes at General Hospital After Being III a Long Time . The death oocusreg this morning st the Oenersl Hospital of Charles Karlcle, s resident of Queen OMrfwtte Islands, who came to Prlaee Rupert and entered the hospital in October last and has been very 111 snd unable to Salt Since then. He Is well advanced la year and has relatives on the Islands. Funeral arrangements Sre in tbs band of the B.C. ndermtejrs. Mr. Karkle was an old tuner tn the ncrth and Is well faaown. to s good many, esprcislly those Who cam lu the early day. STOCKEXCHANGE VANCOUVER BUSY Record Day Yesterday When Sales Reached Very Large Figure VANCOOVRR. Jan 11-So heavy was ths trading at Tester day's session of the Vancouver Stock Baahange that the record boards woulS JtOt hold sll the figures of tbg trshssetlptis and It was necessary to writ on the walls. It wss the biggest essstot In history of the organisation ths bfteU bales Of the dsy reaching 67t.760t " COST OF till fMTION-VICTORIA. Jan. U. The total cost f education during the year wss ta.-172.736. according to the annual re-ort of the depsrtmoat of aducatlsm r444444444 IV 4 To the nectars of tbs City of 4 Prince Rupert. 4 Ladle and Oentlenstn. 4 On my past record OS aider- 4 man of this city, t ask your 4 support snd influence at the 4 polls on Thursday Qetl for re- 4 election. I promise In the future 4 the same good stlttss I havs 4 ' given In the past 4 N 8 B. V. PERRY. 4 4444444444444444 VOTE THIS WAY GREER, Jqseph ..,., McMORDIE, Stewart Percival STEPHENS, Melvin McKay X