e AGE six PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eaisd by SANTAL MIOY 8a sur to go, the Oimilas Look fop th word "MIDV 'iM h til irnric New Blankets for Old OF course, we do not ac tually trude new blankets for the soiled ones you send us but one would ill most believe them new when they are returned to you. Soft and fluffy. . . and clean! No home equipment can possibly finish woollen blankets, nor in fact, any woollen garments, in the superla-the manner of the modern laundry. And our prices arq moderate for this invaluable service. The LAUNDRY Does it best Canadian and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 II n i fishermen Before buying your nest engine, come und see us about The Gardner Semi-Diesel Engine the most satisfactory on the ; market. Governor has control at all speeds, making it I most suitable for halibut boats. Sizes 12 h.p. to 300 h.p. The Acadia Gas 'Engine the most modern designed and best built 4 cycle engine in Canada. Sizes from 6-8 h.p. to 40 h.p. medium and heavy duty. Ward Electric AND MARINE SUPPLY CO. Phone 680 Cow Hay Prince Rupert, B.C. OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE of MEN'S AND HOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. B. Miller, Proprietor ADDRESS TODAY UNITED FARMER ORGANIZATION Retiring President at Portage t Convention Tells of Aims j and Objects - -v PORTAGE Ui, PRAIRIE, Mn. Jan. til. Established on a bed rock foundation of vital and concrete principles and ideals, the United Farmers ol Manitoba, will continue to function as Ian agency of inestimable Importance so long a the rank and file stand solidly together and labor strenuously to make the future worthy of the heritage of the pioneer of the movement. This was the message given here to-dvv to delegate attending the annual convention of the United Farmers of Manitoba, by A., J. M. Poole, retiring president of the organization. Mr. Poole reviewed exhaustively the achievements and examined the history of its progress since the Inception of 'the TJJPM. twenty-five rears arc. "Thorough organisation of the farmers 1 of Manitoba," the president declared, "one of those voluntary agencies for human betterment, which are so com- mon and Beneficent a feature of our modern democracy. . was brought into far reaching effects. It meant that the being. It has proved its worth through association wss a gathering of neigh -all the vicissitudes and varied changes bora prompted by oordlal good will, of a quarter of a century, and today It not exclusive und rigidly suarded order. stands as a vitally Indispensable function of our life a function which It should be our most earnest and whole hearted endeavor to perpetuate." The farmers' organization set up In 1908, the speaker said, had character istics that were exclusively Its own. It was something apart from what today had come to be known as "class organ- Ira Hon" or an "occasional group." When first the farmers had come to gether It had been prlmarllly to consult In pgard to protecting their eco nomic Interests. Working on from the initial effort they permitted their or ganisation to make whatever form and character that from tlm tn tlmn Mm. ed beet to meet the requirements of' the situation. "From the earliest stage." Mr. Pool BUILD WORDS OUT OF "Shamrock Hams" $175.00 in prizes given as follow 1st $100.00 2nd JjtfO.OO 3rd S'.I.'i.OO In addition we will give a 5 lb. Box of Chocolates to the winner if the ham label is secured from us. SPECIAL PRICE ON WHOLE SHAMROCK HAMS Fer lb :irtf $1.50 China Tea Set for ... . 00c? With two pkgs. "Jif." See our window Sunkist Oranges, new stock, 3 doi. for 05f? Have you seen the new Chinaware in Robin Hood Quick Oats. It's pretty nifty B.C. Butchers & Grocers limited Phones 13 and 571 Cash and Carry Grocery FULTON AND SIXTH AVE. We are Selling Smoked Meats Cheaper Today Than Ever Before. Just Think Swift's Bacon in the piece or half slab, per lb tWf Burn's Shamrock Hams, whole or Half one, per lb :?f Swift's Circle (S) Picnic Hams, per lb Ulf Capitol Butter Bricks lo? I4's 80.17 E.C.I). Butter Bricks IDf 14's 80.07 Canned Milk has advanced and we are forced to raise ours one cent per tin. Our price now . . ltlt GronulateU',8UWT', 10 lb. for 7H0 Flour. nny klnSi 40 lb. sack $H..V Pastry Flour, 11) lb. sack r7f China Oats, package :iNr n. & k. Oats, 7's ,. r:it We are saving you many a cent Give us your whole support. $11.00 orders delivered Phone 301 Her Three Boys Had Terrible Golds That Hung On Mrs. O. Ames, 35 St George Street, Chatham, Ont., writes: "Last winter ray three bors had terrible cold and a cough that hung on so long that It began to worry me. "I went to my druggist and ha asked me if I had tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup "I told lom. him a'm I V had D not, but that ln" I AM had finished the third bottle they were entirely rid of the cough. "I will never be without a bottle of 'Dr. Wood's' on hand." Fries 35c a bottle, large family size 60c. j put up only by The T. MUbiun Co Limited. Toronto, Ont. continued, ' the farmers recognised that In order to secure satlsfvlna life on the land, adeauate social conditions must be created. The movement applied It- self to develop, to elevate and to unify the social relationships of the farmers, "This feature of the movement had Instead of the "close door" the door has ever been open to every sympathetic element In the community." In actual fact and practice the principles advocated and objectives) sought by the organisations bad seldom. If ever, been of the kind that might be termed "extreme" lit. Poole said. WE.UIIKIt KU'OltT. Iteysport Light wind,' cloudy, temp. 40. Anyox- Raining, south wind, temp. 40 Alice Arm Cloudy, windy, temp. 31. Alyansh Raining, calm, temp. 36. Rosewood. Cloudy, calm, temp. 36. Terrace Cluody, calm, temp. 33. Port Simpson. Rain, high 8.E. wind. temp. 44. Uanelton Part cloudy, calm. temp. 33. Smlthers Cloudy, windy, temp. 33. Burns Lake Part cloudy, light breeze. temp. 40. .dvertle in The Dally News Ml MCH'AI. EI.KCTIONS 1918. Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council Request jour vow and lullusaoe lor the following candidates: For Aldermen: Frank Deny. George B. Casey. For School Trustee: Mrs, Oreoe Spencer. For cars Phone Black 341. 4.A t von: von: and inixience solicited for FRANK DIHB for ' ALDERMAN And Progress the Keynote for 1038 Scientific Inspection With the Latest Instrument! of Precision That's the kind of eye service you can get here now. We give you a conscien tious and careful test. Jack Oulger two years ago passed the D.C. government exams. for Optometrists and during the last six months along with most of the leading op tometrists in Vancouver at tended a course of post grad uate lectures. We do not supply or ad vise glasses if not of bene fit. Our tests are not uncom fortable and.our prices are laHHtnu reasonable JOHNgULGER? (Jewellers 1 THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK Wednesday, Janu.u n, , THE CAILX NEWS JAPAN EXPECTS HAVE ELECTION Universal Manhood Suffrage to be tried in That Country for First Time fEW YORK, Jan. U.xLThe first gedcral cl . 1 f uruvcr- manhood 'vager; npitJVyaar will usher in a now day In Japanese politics xusuxe isu: here. "Japan In the past lias been considered more or less as a country where a few people ruled and governed" said Tsuruml speaking of the new election law which will Increase Japan ese voters from 10.000.000 to 13.000.000 "But with this stupendous Increase of voters, coupled with tUe changing psy cholcgy among the voters, Japan as a political unit Is getting mere and more like Great Britain, the United States and France." leowaughTs NEW GYRO HEAD W. Cruikshank Elected Secretary and C. A. Kirkcndall Treasurer Today The Prince Rupert Oy.o Club today, elected officers as follows for the year 1928: President- L. W. Waugh. Secretary 'William Crulkahank. Treasurer O. a. Ktrkendall. Directors M. H. Blott, B. F. Mc-Naughton, W. J. Nelson and W. II. Tobey. Auditors W. W. Watt and James Farquhar. PREMIER BROWNLEE IS GONE TO OTTAWA EDMONTON. Jan. 11. Premier Brownlee should be In Ottawa today. He Is accompanied by Hen. V. W. Smith: minister of railways, and will remain in the nation's capital only two days. He la there to discuss personally the matter of pdasible transfer of the Alberto Railways to some other control, possibly that of the Canadian National. FAMOUS DOG RACER DIES IN ALASKA NOME, Jan. 11.- Alec. Holmewn, 37 years of age, prospector and one time dog racer with the noted Scotty Allan la the aii-Alaakajjaweepstakes, dropped dead at Blurt nAi here. HOCKEY Ottawa 0, Oanadlens S. Toronto 1, M.T. Americana 3. Chicago 1. Boston 3. Advertise In; tbf IMllv News TO Till: ELECTOUH. Ladles aud gentlemen. In return for the confidence I now solicit, I pledge absolute fidelity to the wage workers, the city, and the district, .which we are trying to protect and advance. A united people bound by the holy cause of fustic can never be defeated. SUwerely. r O. B. CAMY. 4 A GEORGE RUDDERHAM Candidate for ALDERMAN Solicits Your Support and Influence. THEO. C0LLAUT iter ALDERMAN Your vote and Influence solicited A. J. PRUDHOMME tot ALDERMAN Solicits your vote and influence. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. U a stomach WHAT worth? A million dollar bid once found no uktrs. Stomach action is regulated by stomach nerves. YOUR NERVES CONTROL YOUR HEALTH I For your health's sake Consult W. C. Aspinall Manitoba Graduate CHIROPRACTOR i Rooms 6 & 7, Exchange lilock Green 211 pATHO frJEUROMETEM Service Market Prices Today's prices on the local market are as follows: MKU Pure Sic Compound 30c B.C. fresh pullets 50c B.O. fresh, flrsU &0c B.C. frcah, extras Me Local new laid 700 B.C. Mtortfa, firsts 60a ilsll Smoked kippers, lb , 16c Kippered salmon, lb 25c Smoked black cod, lb 30c Finnan baddies, lb Sic MEATS Fowl. No. 1. lb 38c and 40c Roasting chicken, lb 41. Ham. sliced, first grade 50c Ham. whole, first grade Me Ham. picnic, lb I9fte Cottage rolls, lb H4c Uaeon. back, sliced 60c BaoM, aide 50c to 60c rrk. dry salt IU Ayrshire bacon, lb 85c Veal, shoulder . 36c Veal, loin 40r veal leg 34r Pork, shoulder 3& Pork, loin 4ix frk. leg 3S." Beet, pot roaet ISc to 30c Beef, boiling 1354c to 18c Beef, steak SOc to 45c SMf, doaet. ptime nb 3le Lamb, chops 60c Lamb, shoulder ,. tic Mutton, leg 40c (amb, leg 4Sc Uutton. chops 40c Mutton shoulder 80c I1UTTEK Brook fleW, Shamrock and Woodland. tt. 58C CD., lb fttc Capitol, 3nd grade, lb 4Sr Fraser Valley, lb 66c Zealand. In bulk SOc print 66c Alberto Creamery 46c CIIKKSC Oameaabert efeeeee, 8 oz. pkg 66. Kraft Llmberger, ft's 36c Ontario aUd Sic Sew Zeelsnd eoJId 30c Button, lb 40: Kraft 45c Norwegian Ooat Six tfapoleon Llmberger 7ut Roquefort 75 Swifts' BrookOeld. lb 43r Cforgooaela, lb 76c McLaren's Cream, jars ... 46o and 86c Srookfleld Swiss cheese, Vi lb. pkg. SOc Srookfteid Canadian cheese. Vi !- Pg Sic Oruyere 45o Oelden Loaf, lb 46c Jack, lb Wo Romano Sardo, lb 75o Oemmelost, 14 lb. 80a SUOAK White, per 100 17.26 Yellow, per 100 $0.71 II.OIK Flour. 49-s, No. 1 sard wheat $3.7 Wastry flour, l0s eSc Pastry flour, 49's $J.B0 VtGtTAIlLCH Beeta. 8 lb. for Seeta. saok 63.75 Carrots, new, 8 lbs. for 33e Carrots, sack 235 Potatoes, 8 lbs 4 3ie Sack 13.33 Paraleft buneh 10c Cau3tnwet B O., head .1 . . . 40e calUorsia, head lettuteXy.'anct SOo Oarlle. mpArted, per Tor' i. .... 40c Spanish onions. 3 lbs 35o Leeks, bunch lOo California celery, head 35e to 35o Hothouse tomatoes, lb 40c 8plnaeh, local, lb 20c New B.C. Cabbage. lb 6c Cooking onions, 6 lb for 35o t'KUIT Oranges, Valencia. doeen...40c to $1.00 I-emoru, Sunkist, down .. 60c and 60c Imperial Valley arpefrult. . . 3 for 33c sbe1 mm i h "i'i'i lf us" Mm m Weekend Specials 1000 LBS. GRANULATED SUGAR , - in bulk Sped a irl tH biwf o m m. ... . -Limit 26 lbs. to each customer Note This special will tity is sold. Phone early. HISCUIT SPECIALS Christie's Scotch Oatmeal Weston's Fruit Ginger Chocolate Cream Sandwich Dainty Sandwich. Regular 35c lb. Special, per lb Chocolate Eclalra (new stock), reg. SOc. lb. Special Htf Weston's Arrowroot Biscuits. Special. .? lbs $IMU Blue Mountain Sliced Pineapple, 2's. Special, tin 1.1c Nabob Greengage Plums, 2 a. Speci..l, per tin 17f) Aylmer Crushed Pineapple, 2's, large tin. Special, each 2."t Canned Peas, Quaker, No. 5. Special, 2 tins for . . ti."f Limit G tins to each customer Extracts, 2 oi., all flavors, 3 for 'Si? Eastern Township Pure MAPLE SYRUP Quart tin 00? Half gallon tin S1.7." Gallon tin S.1.H5 Brunswick Sardines, 4 for Sockeye Salmon, Mr lb. tins. Special, each 10r Gosse-Mlllard Pilchard, l's. tall. Special, per tin lf Chicken Haddie. Special, per tin "JOt Eagle Brand Lobster lb. tin i!7Ht xh lb. tin Utf PIONEER BRAND JAM Strawberry, Raspberry, Pineapple, Black Currant and Blackberry.' Special, per pall Jr 2-In-l Shoe Polish Special, 3 for H."f Colors Tan, Brqwn, Black, Oxblood or White. Limit X to each customer. Johnson's Fluid Beef, 16 oi. Reg. $1.26. Special . . ODc Ridgway's Old Country 5 o'clock tea, 3 lb. Special $2 AD FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Rome Beauty Apples Wrapped Stock Special, per box $i.0."i Apples are much higher in price now, and we assure you the above price is a real Rupert Table Supply a Phonctf l!IO, UN, l!ll WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. Richard Barthelmess 'THE WHITE BLACK SHEEP" ''L,1.1.!, M,LLE,t Wl'I'IAM H. TOOKER. GINO -CORRADO, TEMPLAR SAXE, ALBERT PRISCO. ; CONSTANCE HOWARD, and others COMEDY "RUN, SAILOR, RUN" AESOP'S KIWI FABLES Admission 95c be withdrawn when above M ..peciul. Sunkist Nnvcl Orange Medium size.' Special, :. for SI. 01 1 The orange murker not be lower,' Who!. prices advanced 7.r:r . , last week in California Choice Ripe Bananas 2 lbs. for .); Florida Grape Fruit, c,i. 1... Red hmperor Grajn s. i Comb Honey, pi-r sccumi, .-, u " ( I I) 'tH, p-r lb. . :".. Table Figs, 2 lbs :,-. (.'iu.unr ltai?iii.i, j.er li.. Z COMBINATION Vi:i,.; TABLE SPECIAL 10 llw. for $1.00 15 lb. Terrace Turnips 15 lb. Red Top Carr s 3 lb. Hard Cooking Dm-6 lb. Blood Red Be-t. We guarantee the iu.: of all vegetuble.H includr.l the above. Sweet Spuds, 2 lb r,. California Celery, r ll. lilt Ciliforiiia lettuce, 2 hi i.! PROVISIONS 100 dozen Storage l'i -Eggs. Special, 3 dozen : 1.2.1 This is a splendid coo n . egg and the siie is good. Peameal Back Bacon, n chine sliced, per lb. "x OnUrio Stilton Cheexe. k. matured, per lb I Or Peter Rabbit Peanut Butt, 6 lb. tins. reg. $1.15. Sp cial, per tin 00c Bo wen Mince Meat It's wonderful. Better i!... home-made, ter lb. . . COMBINATION SPEC IAL 1 Bottle Helm Tomato C.u sup, reg. 35c 1 Bottle Ileitis Malt VinK reg. 35c 1 Bottle Heinz Sweet Pit klc .-. reg. 45c Special, :t for O.V Note flckles may le selected from Sweet Mixed, Sweet Gherkin, Sweet Mustard or India Relish. CANDY SPECIALS Cowan's Milk Chocolate Velvets, special, lb I. "if 200 lb. Christmas Mixed Candy, reg. ::6c. Half price, 2 lbs :lTr in 35c und 10c UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED!! Halllnti from I'rine M ntru lor .Nf)l'VKH, VK'KllllA, liutrdnle, Alert lUv, rlr Tiimi.iv .. n,roth to destination.