HERE and NOW sy LARRY STANWOOD chings ean take the manners of cere- high-brow, offi- with many big ce to the un- affair where hits’ the idal t man rowboat first time ifternoon’s leanch- Cow Bay was neither fair about half-way ‘ two brothers saw! ite of thelr work own the grid andi high tide br the rs of mere cele iking over the family | ™0Ved ol the sublimity which should be characteristic of ‘the ested onlooker as | [east of Christ, the Redeemer of ter, assistant super- | mankind Yes, Christmas i Prince Rupert dry- Christ's feast, but to celebrate the bottle on the} | od manner which ke not hn Jenkins, owner; 2ON¢ unchrigtian but even pa; new hull that wig]/4M, 6 a contradiction of the ed with its super. | Very notion. In many a home | i be one of the most! ot Christmas synonymous with « afloat a Ume of drunken revelry? aid I christen We are striving for a better * and may the! world, Good-willed men ars howered with suc-}seeking to bring peace. back to | troubled nations Until the sherman here for “Prince of Peace” is given Fis moked fondly at the proper piace, that ean never be and thought, per-! realized: Let us, therefore, Brine might retire the Christ Back .To Christma ae served It is understeod that a prize erutiny ani ant be given for the moat “or ve. Latry Halerow iginal _ window decoratio k personnel, had a original idea of Christmas is thy m for watching the aoe MGR By) ye ore ie designed the Pan tounding, birth of the Saviour ely with Jen- As a step’ towards bringing the future Christ back ‘to ‘Christmas then might we suggést that the prise n toe norm winning window be the one most the Pandota has original the one most beauti- stern, flat and slop- fully depieting that first Christ- wa oth fhe keel. This mas acéne—the birth of Jesus at (fee fom the “com-, Bethieham, and it’s awe-inspir- generally featur. “Me cifeumatances ers, whith comes Catholic Youth re n the wéay I wanted it,’ THINK THINGS OUT king, *Tt will give me Editor 10, Jook after the lines The Daily News the ship will ride Mr. Casey thinks we should be allowed to think and express our iis equipped with opinions. I also believe in think Ne, of the:semi+ ing things out, but I Uke to ype. expecied 0 think further than the end of sximim speed of nine my and not acgept in blind, good faith all the claims and statements of glib-tongued Com- got & cheery greet- munista, zome of whom we don't a group which have to go very far to find he Cow Bay boat hing lt am in complete agreement has been fishing With Mr Steigleder about the hesitated slightly Publication The Fisherman himaelf an “old- For some reason or other this coteidered he might Paper is sent to us and I used at chugs to read it until 1 became dis- fisherwanh for many gusted with its utter bilge ned the ranks of the Now-——we find i fits into the herme troliers garbage can perfectly, and it ago and operates|looks right at home ther¢ M. G.M wouldn't leave it now p.” he sald. “Trolling) 9 TCR vs you blood, especially " ¢ re going for the ye ' ve et a thrill every time , C ry of se fellas strikes—40| [}¢¢ . ee md@ers can give quite Kf) ; | aid fishing last sea- #reat shakes, but winter, airight not a fisherman er of many, stood ce fh the launching. He Barrie, well-known erchant. He had the funeral and iend Of many years Gasoline ern or he was known to many aller roma, . B were the three M Wick, the mother of John, the boat-| Mrs. Ralph Wick, the Buddie Barrie and hter; and Mrs. Barrie dora rolled silently oping grid, George tioned something industry being bora Par eT ew i} phere to THE LETTER BOX SIDEWALK NEEDED LIGHT-UP CAMPAIGN Editor, The Daily News It & commendable to see the | Civie spirit of so many —* of our city. We aay this ¢ pecial In regard t© the light- up cam- Sponsored By the Junior Chamber of Commerce. No doubt the beautifying of the store win- Cows will lend a fesbive- atmos- the Christmas season inspite the citigens with at home” friendly feeling Ii is only too true, however that the tendency a@ great many people today to make | Chr ae a time paign and that of is HUMAN RIGHTS Editor The Daily News 1 was listening to the radio the other night on tue subject of Declaration of Human Right the right to work and earn living. Well, that doesn’t seem to apply to Hunts Inlet The Department of Public Works started a repair job on the approach to the floats. Now One wou.d have hougnt thas they would do ti job as quickiy as p-ssibie, They ted out as if toat was thei ention, Bu after a week's work they laid off tive me I eft two n and a foreman, so the use of the float Was déeiayed J much ionge vnieh meant that u nad ri toad ur f h row boat and carry i ver tne rocks o ne road Ae » lhe iayi oli al i men, the aid was the p epartment to favor married € wit i dren and returned men. There Were two returne ne ret were both laid of ar ‘ two married 1 I don’t know where sing come in, but there might be ome hope f thet t man is sing : id-age 1 pensioner By the way, tt work sta October 16 a ‘ D SINCLAIR PATON Hunts Iniet, B« ELECTION OPINION Editor The Daily New May 1 be permitted a short Space in your paper to give my opinion The ys eh In the first plaee, the election of the aldermen as suggested ¥ by Mayor Whalen was | you of or in him { it Was 1 A t i eve JOG thinking for themselves. I, to voted [for severa I Lilet ehoices Mayor Whalei be assured that I iinky wil not volts for nim ex year, and many ri » ix fame way @ it er a not up to him to select candi dates. We are ati a free country (I hope) and if the Mayor was not trying to dictak to us the day before the election iw jer what it would be call- ea Let us not forget our husband and sons fought on foreig: i against Hist su ‘ Now that the electio: over, let us hope the new cou cil will peas themselves capabi “JUST A RU PERT HOUSEWIFE Wick answered At the only launching in ipert this year.” ®eeeeeve0e ee @, ‘ e ’ e ’ ‘ ’ ‘ . OR « * F ‘ ‘ COOKING : s s > @ | ‘ Z| i Me on | To make a smooth ~— a rich icing to re | tasty cakes : aa aa agit MARGENE. v > i ACUUM pacKe } @ tare . f . in . yit.s re The secret 0 a x ° its flavour ane !| ; ’ 7 » Pacific Milk adds extra ¢ » flavor and 4 Fres ness : recipes. ‘ e — ' BUY B.C, PRODUCTS « q Seeeeeeseeee , our . will be ,. tail Editor, The Daily News: IODE Cha pter l have written severa] time regarding th places, don's, cli 4 OCCU ale’s people have tunately they Knees and hands You can see the planks places asonge the is also very snow off in it is raining, but puddles pay $35 Astoria’s, Twice per e sidewalk namely Mr py, during six tripped and when coming into my place landed on their Diack frontin Black & White and also Central § Scaa- weeks, feu For- in Lup y difficult to keep the the winter. When the walk is nothing of water. I year licence myseli and theretore, I think that I am en- little consideration especially im this very important titled to a matter i nave bee mh alter the city ior tive years to do something about this deplorable sidewalk. The city nou take someone some action is hurt seriously bef ore GEORGE H. PAINE _Atre AL FOR SOCKS appeale ¥,000 | x” C10an an Some yea: organization for said tne po same here pair of Mission Last ip at this r tute wearin appeal has ple wi so I wondered if SOCKS week t, Vaneoruy c th men ew bul they ad in good 3 220 One OCI s collected tage ! juld send to this very thirty fuze for socks, men : th g no gone Missior public + SOCKS re Geuy the even n out for r, BC for rhey must pair the loca elothi the Centra] City Mission and ery peo- one worthy of turned + desti- the more 50 ocks to meet the heavy demand. A cording paper pairs nave to a been Vancouver r I read yesterday only 150) so far donated 0 1 thought the people of Prince Rupert poor unto over Canada Reme mos alone them to the and né mber, just t welcome Vancouver from t Vancouver one and send might help out as these tunates are all pair address A Daily News Subscriber” FLYING PHANTOMS LONDON ficials scriptions oO to said received { “unearthly” have seen seen (CP) -onflict Air Ministry of ing de- objects over thern mngiand. Isle of Wight uke a while ‘ball of flar a brilliant tadpole with a flaming Bognor reported a me” bluish light and Ipswich sav al —f { : , J \ \ i x Af a) = Sk et ws a wel le iv} ¥y y ye A AY .) inburgh Pacific coast . r Beuador the South America has a dozen mountains over 16000 feet in height Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, December 18, 1952 . Q Sends Parcels To England At a busy monthly meeting, members of the Duchess of Ed-| Chapter IODE disposed of a good part of the proceeds of a successful Fall Bazaar Novem- ber 26, and later Rurnmage Sale Dec. 6 , Christmas parcels have been sent to England, donations made various IODE funds, also to the Prince Rupert Dental Clinic and our adopted school at Digby Island The Chapter decided to- work in the New Year towards making Gaede e712 to For a Fine Selection of up a quantity of diapers to be . sent to England where ihere is Christmas an urgent need for all baby’s clothing G rd . Plans were mace to hold a a. 5 Christmas party for members anda cniiaren See The monthly prize was won by Mrs. Evelyn Kewan CANNED FOODS try Del nacgwny ps, |Dibb Printing Co. ee eee AMA Below are listed only a few of our Xmas prices... Make sure you receive one of our full page, double-sided Sales sheets which will be delivered fo your door Thursday evening, December 18th. : BABY FOOD 2 «= 19¢ RRMA tC CLS OSE Ce SM LSS | Ue ‘ RFRADRRABRM BD RMD Liptons Soup PABLUM ‘aree. ext. 39% QUAKER OATS BiB Be De BD: Be Be Be Be Br BeBe De BeBe Bs De Bi De Ds De De BUM De Be BP Be De De De De DD De DEDEDE I Lunchour SUGAR 25 ve. 8c $2.49 : Green Beans}3""° ies 29 he BeBe BeBe We Be De Bi De De Be De De Be Be De Be BeBe Bebe Be Be De Bases De Be De Be Se SD, Be BT “ENE ET EC SKS KSEE Ee eC SS Eee CES Cee S JELLO Per. 9c; LARD &. 10¢ COMO TS A | PONS OOS SOLE LL ES EWS LNT! PORK & BEANS t .. 10¢{ CORN ®ore1 city, Gotten, rin [7 ¥a¢ De De De Bee BB De BeBs Be BD Ba Dew Be Be Ba Be Be BeBe De Dede De Dae Be De De Bee Be De BeBe Dede Dew Re RARRARARARRARD RARRAMARBAAT RAMP RAH BARR RBM a Mixed Nutswith reonuts—2 ts 7 9¢ Sweet Spuds 2 ibs 27¢ a SREAAARAARARRA_ MRR RHR LAAAAT MARR D DRAMA AMENAR TTI MAARRK RAAT BRR BRIDE WRD DAMIR D DMM BD MBIA FREE TURKEYS ARR CHICKEN MOL. PKT. . De Dee we De De De De DED. Oa Di iB DT, De Di Re RDM se a RMF Get our Dodger and get all the particulars on the 5 TURKEYS we are giving away. RRARWRAARRRARMR Buy your Christmas Turkey from Super-Valu at Vancouver prices TURKEYS 3. 57 47 38 Fast RRURRMRAS Ws BRR DDD Re DeD DDD DED DD DDT Fresh Killed Under 18 Ibs. LB. rs Grade “A” Pen Fed Hand Picked POPULAR GRADE C’s Fresh Killed Over 18 Ibs. LB. TURKEYS TURKEYS ————>_-WE HAVE GEESE, DUCKS, CHICKEN AND HAMS | We will store your turkey for you until New Year's free of charge. ANY SIZE LB. ANNOUNCING MAPLE LEAF SOAP “WIN A CAR” CONTEST WINNERS PRINCE RUPERT WINNERS Food Hamper—Bert Tipton, 1459 Sixth East 3 Pairs Nylons—G. C. Sessions, Pacific Place . 3 Pairs Ny!ons—Mrs. A. Astoria, 855 Summit Avenue 3 Pairs Nylons—Mrs. G. C. Sessions, Pacific Place FIRST PRIZE— 1952 CHEVROLET CAR Winner—MRS, W. H. BRIGINSHAW, 567 Rosehill Avenue, NANAIMO, 'B.C. 3 Pick the Best by Picking Your Own at—