THE ACME'S' I Annual 1 SjlI ! M CunlinueH with an unstated flow of the nicest Bargains in B.C. MEN'S OVEHCOATS He fore our Temptation Sale closes, we me making a very , , i il offer on Men's Overcoats. The regular value of these . :n up to $46 each. They come in sii;,rie ..;id double-breasted w.-il tailored from heavy weight pure wool tweeds, well ,1,1- e l and revealing for the most p.-ut the .ip;euling cheek . , k materials at their beat. Here every Overcoat in i he i.ouse at mptution Sale Prist, each Thompson Hardware 03 Third Avenue. Water Pulls Wash Hoards ('lathea I.lnea ( lollies Baskets "1 Jlu $11.00 MSN'S SWEATERS lltve is a beautiful lot of Four Pocket ("oat Sweaters for Vn, the very latest They are mo.n comfortable garments in i weather and yet not bulky to wear, Pure wool in all .h.olc. and slse. Rfrgular vaue in $8.60 f QC .notation Sale Price elll t.-.tion Sale Price ajrvr a arur MKN'8 UNDERWEAR'ield's Red Label l'ui- Wool Underwear for Men, in piece suit or combination.''. Regular $5 value QCJ VIKINtt AND WOISEY UNDERWEAR The finest Underwear for Men in l'ure Wool. Regular ,m anil $7.60 valueit. fl QC I .mptation Sale 'Price Acme :: Importers No I .U.I). Orders Strictly Cash No Charge Accounts Mail Order ForwHr-'ed Express Prepaid Where a Drop of Liquid Looks Like a Mountain Small thing a drop of water isn't it. but a big thing at Ormes. In Certain prescription!" liquids mu t be measured right to a drop or lean. In, " prescription department you will find both the instruments to do this extremely exact measunns and also the men with the training and skill to use these delicate measures as they should be ued You may have full und complete confidence that prescription you send to Ormes will be filled as they should be filled. Jiic Pi'tncvr l)rtnitti HIRD AVE. f, SIXTH ST TELEPHONES K?L-20O Xrnas Money I'eoplc often h'ive money ifiven them for Christmas and ndly know how best to spend it. A Omen Watch would be Imting remembrance when many other thing would he "tten. Prices from to JjtT.'UM A diumond would also ht suitable. Prices from $S.(H) to JjWWO.OO John Bulger Jeweller Prince Rupert Wnsh Tuba Wash Roilera Ceiling Racks (lollies' AVringcrn M OFF ATT ELECTRIC RANOKK WIURLDRY ELECTRK WASHERS EASY VACUUM ELECTRIC WASIIKks B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Dentist. Dr. j. r, Qosm. Phone 888. Skating amy. a to 4 and 8 to 10. r Tamny's Taxi tav JHPft 'ate. the pVce tTsult TSody'a packet. A u 0t the Big 4 habit i When thlatmt of a Tail, phone 4. u Matt Menagohr will sail tonlsht on th Princess MnTy for Victoria. Kenneth Scherk arrived in the cltv m laat nlght'a train Irom Burua Lake. Mr. and Mrs. E Bourget aailed thla induing on the Camosun fop- Vancouver. For a selection of chocolate and amoklng sundries. Federal News Co.. j Third and Pulton. tf ! R. H Worloclc returned to the city on hs Pries Dnrur4 t ihl. .i- After having spent the Christmas and New Tear holiday season at Alice Ann i with his parents, air ar.d airs J. A. i Anderson. Ocrdon Anderson returned to the city on ihe Csmosun ihls mon.lng fKin the north to resume his studies at the Prince Rupert High School Phillip Host In of the Royal Bank of Canada staff at Vancouver, who haa been spending the Chrltmas and Hew Year holiday season visiting at Smlth-rrs with his parents. ;Jr and Mrs 6. H. HoskUU. will arrne from the interior oa Thursday afternorn's train and sail Friday mcrr.lng on the Prince Rupert for the south. Uls Lola Anderson, who has best spending the Christinas and New Year holiday season at Hnrelton with her parents. Mr. snd Mr W W. Anderson, will arrive in the city on Thursday afternoon's train from the interior and Mill Friday morning on the Prince Ru-1-ert for Vancouver where she will rw-ttime her studies. l M'ss Jean Burns, who has been spending tire Christmas and New Year holiday m'jm o at New HSstlton vltb Mr. m.d Mr. C H. Sawla, will arrive from the lnterlcr on Thursday afternoon's wain si d salt Friday morning on the I'rmcT Rupert for New Westminster here he will resuue her studies at Columbian ColleRe. j Chief B'.eward J. Walker, who I bcci: m the Prinoa Oecrge for the has nest np!e of eriisora. arrived' on the Prince i:tupc!t t)i morning from Vancouver to J Vln hi former ship, the Prince Char-les. miurh m in dry dock hore. Chief E'.fward Adum Ramify, who has been i iriirtini! hy the Prlnc? Charles, will ,roiferl soutli and next w.ison will go the Punrr C!. ttgi his former ship. j IV on ?tf:'ir Csnioun. Capt. James ' fi'dlsy. viiich hd engine trouble after ! ltiivii R here tot the north Monday nurrlii rttuvm'tl t: port at 6:45 this i n:i rnliik' from Stewart. Anyoa anrt wsy-, polntii and sailed nt 8 for the south, 'tt lb expected that the Oemoftun will l.-i-in l:p ttitlidrnwn fmm servlr for jevrihaul removed teinporarily iiy the Chrtchstn or Venture. It will N' r.t least n couple of inonthe before the Kteamrr Cntala. which la Ulidr-'(K'lnu repair folldwlnj her retrent wreck, all! be rirdy to 6 in service again TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY , . 44-- . FX)H 8AI.E - MTOO BtlTB A NCWLY nr.. shed house. 5t rooms, bathroom. pantry and basement. Handy to nawmilt. Phdne Blank 631 'wt-S p"i rl -f - - FOR SALE. HIW WO ROOMED House and Lot. Apply owner. 1IS0 Park Avtnv.e. ;: - S ; ANNOUNCEMENTS t rik'a Lckp-yrsr Dam, January SO. legion Novelty Dance January J'f. Pi nice Rujiort Girls' Drill Team dance February 3. l;k b Auiiual Dance, February 17. John MeRae ieeo&gMd to hi home. 844 Fourth Avenue Eat. with a sever attack of influenza. . wm '''' Mr. and Mr. Wbtik' ionen. who haa been spending- i f atk n Vancouver und Victoria, returned to the city on the Prince Bupart fMf morning. Oeorce Oaborn returned on tb Camosun this moromg to Vancouver after having spent the holiday season in the city visiting with hla parent. 11. M. Stephana St Oompanjr, Ltd. are moving from their gt&alpm In the Exchange Block to trie Allen Block neat to the Electric Bakery, Third Avenue tf A. Q. fflocomb returned to the city on the Prince Bupert this morning from Vancouver where he spent th Christmas and Jfew Tear holiday sea son. Miss Irene Bounuss arrived oif the Pr.r, , n,. ! Pnnce Rupert this morning from Van- to tKy readers r 43 00 a year lor out uf taAii resident 6 Pol: Howard :!: sr. I Friday morning on the Prlnco Rupeit to spc-iid a two months' holiday In Vancouver and Victoria vlaltlng with relatives. the office of the Government Tele i graphs. Ed. Fenmld of the Premier Mine staff at Stewart is a passsnger on the Prince Bupert today resuming nor.h after a holiday trip to Vancouver and other poi&u ta the aauth. " " " , , Idaho Mining Co., ' Is s r psasengar -w on New Yrir hoi: ant ti.v mmn ! the Prinoa Eupart today returning tc The het.e.n Halvu. K, 8tWSH after . U1P W) VanOOUeST SDd ether polaU In tta south .tas having heen hnally cleared of . nr.t tha train rliiA fmm tKa 17a.. 7 JZ.:L I " T. A. Bryant. Maabsr of the native :r 'r.::::'. zz zz: ."i netutotia. mrrd ZZ Z Z ... , Prince Kupart ibis awrning from Van icouver when ha syMt the Chrtstmar the'" K,W Y C W. Tourt.llotte.sart.unt to PscUlc Coast manager of the Canadian Merchant Marine, arrived on the Prince Rupert thla morning from Vaueouver. being here on official duties. He will J. S. Rogers of the Rupert Marine Products Ltd. returned to the city oc the Prince Hupsrt thai morning from " -r ' in SVIrf.v nnmlnn . . u, Bogen ,d family M. Aivasotf arrived on the Prince per, mormng trom tne utn .Mnuni from VcoUvwr rrlnee Bupert dutrlct of m.ny com- . beln ht" f lnC"0 BJ0. Tent .to mercial travelers who have been spending the Christmas snd New Xesr holl-dav aeuou In VanoAuver. ' local branch of the and Ajrnmi Co. T wf tch he is proprietor. The price of the Dally News is now 60c s month, payable la advance, for Prince Bupert subscribers or IS a year Those wishing the paper delivered wUl please call at the ottee or telephone I L Motorablp BeUinghsfn. Capt. J. E Anderson, arrived at1 8 o'clock this morning frem Katchlkaa with two carloads of frosaji fish fir transshipment Bast over the Canadian National Rail wiys. Mr. and Mrs. W B McCallum. who as recently married In the city, the bride having formerly been Mlaa Ruth Lemon, returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from honeymoon trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. I. C Baylies and family returned to the city oa the Prince Ru-rt thai morning after a holiday trip nouth in the course of which Mr. Bay-Its, who k) local agent for the Union Oil Co., attended a cortl)any eonfarenc; :n Portland. Oregon. During the past twaasy-four hours, fifteen carloads of grain have arrived from the pralrtes for the Alberta Wheat Port's Prince Rupert elevator. Railway onyes this morn ins reported some SS0 carloads on the division west of Jasper bound for Prince Rupert. Provincial Polios Oonstem O. L. Hall of Smitaers and his' bride, formerly Mlu JoSn Peterson. RM. ef the nursing staff of the Smltbers Hospital, arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning aftei a honeymoon trip to Vanoouvei and Naaalmo and proceeded to the Interior by train. Supcrrntendent Warren of the Big Missouri mine and Mrs. Warren ore passengers aboard th Prince Rupert todry returning to Stewart sfter having gone south for the Christmas snd New Year holiday season. M. M. O'Brien of the engineering staff of the mine is -lo returning to Stewart on the same boat Charles, riil'ulps, better known "Charlie the Barber." lustslned palnfti I injury In the form of three broken rib when he slipped off th sidewalk on Pulton Street on Monday night and larded on the rock' below. He la re malning at his shop on Third Avenue where th injuries have been dressed and he la reported to be resting s.s easily aa possible. On New Veer's Ive. water-pipe in one of the unoccupied apartments lu Washing ton Rlcek. Sad Ave., frose up and. as a result, part of the Dry Ooods and Novelty Shop'H stock, immediately under, was damhged by water. All this stock, which otherwise I first class quanty goods, will be sold at coat price. Sale starts Thursday sad it will be a good one. Term, cash only. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Clyne arrli-ed m the city from Vancouver on the Prince tfupert thla morning from Vancouver to take up their residence here Tliay were recently married In Vsncou-vr, Mr. Cyn hsvlng formerly been Miss Betty Somerset, 'well known and popular In Vancouver society and his trionic Circles. Mr. Clyne la a member of the local law firm of Williams, ilan-acu Si Oonzales. , mm 5 J..4T v.- CANADIAN PIANIST . ! TRAVELS IN EUROPE, LONDON. Jan. 4. - European musics! critics sound th praises of Eva Clare. Canadian pianist of Winnipeg, who re-. gently appeared before continental su-d lance. The following are extracts j tram same of the newspaper comments: Prague, "B.ihm!a" When on thinks of tgrlH. on lulnka of mountains. I of lakes of great apaoee la the pisy-! Ing of Eva Clare, a Canadian who gave j bar first Prague recital in the Mozar-tbeuna this week, was th vigor and iresnne one wouia espect. sna aiso a warmth that captivated her audience. Her program wss a varied one. Munich "Neuest Nachrishten" "Eva Clare, the Canadian pianist, haa. a buoyant, sympathetic, richly colored touch, combined with a brtlllan technique. Added to this It is s pleasure to state that bar 'style Inclines definitely toward the deeply mualenl. rather than the merely virtuoso. Eva Clare la an unusually interesting plan-Ivt." Vienna "Welt Blatt" "The Canadian. Eva Clare, haa apparently stulted in Europe, giving her a background of musical culture. This Canadian artist should be heard often In Vienna." Vienna "Tagcsaeltung" Eva Clare's playing of the old masters showed a feeling for their style, but ahe belong in the writers optnlcn. to that class of manlike women plantsu, full of energy, w.iose tone naturally suits big brilliant effects. Th Bach-Tausatg coming 'fter an old group Illustrated this." Budapest "Budapest Hlrap" "Th concert last evening of the Canadian pianist Eva Clare made a fine lm-1 presaion. Her playing has poetlciU In bM. la tssteful and thoughtful. Her excellent rythmical sns snd remark b!y sensitive pedaling should be ea x-clally noticed." Eric Dingwall returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after having spent the Christmas and New Year- holiday season visiting in Vancouver and . Victoria. Mlsa Dorothy Ollllngham. R.N.. who spent the Christmas and New Year holiday season visiting at Britannia Beach with her brother. Ed. Ollllng-, ham. returned to the cl'.y on th Prince Rupert this mornlug. Advertise In tbs Dalit Newa. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eaisd by SANTAL MIDY Leek foe tSswor "MIDV sold t in drumsti -I The best of Beverages 'SWpssthw 'aV. ' SssssssssssssM 9ggH SBBBBBBBBSl VaaB THREE STAR This advertisement is not published or displayed b the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Cle sksad arance GREATER BAIUJAINS THAN EVER COATS DRESSES HATS Hosiery and Lingerie Ranadian National Q7ic Largcft Kailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from I'lttVCE III TKUT for VA.Nf Ol VEIL V!( Tti'tIA, SrUTTLE, and Intermediate poln's. each FKIliAV. 900 a.m. For MTKWAKT and ANYtiX. each iVKDNi slA V 10.00 p.m. Por NORTH and 80I TII Jl F.F.N ('IIAIM.OTTE IsLANU. PDrttUfhtly. P ASSK.VdElt TRAINS I.F AVE PRINCE RlfEUT Each MONDAY. tVt:iNtllA and HATl ItllAV at 11 SO a.m. for WINCE OtOItOB, EDMONTON. IVINNII'tU. all poinu Eastern Canada. United State. , 40ENCY ALL OCBAN STEAMSHIP LINES. t ., Dae Canadian Natlunal Etprrsa tr Money Orders, Foreign Cheques. 1 etc also for your nett shipment. " CITY TICKET OmCaV SU 11I1III) VE ritlNCF. UtPERT. Phone ISO To Every Woman who is eager for new ideas in home decoration new color combinations for the sun porch, new color schemes for gaby's room, new color beauty everywhere in the houjf V61" flfuah-ing Lacquer comes us a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 41