Save Moiie pm cheapest way to buy tie Diy News la t0 subscribe by the .r and have It delivered daily , vuiir address. Of ocurM. you M siiiwcrlM for a shorter period. jut phone 98 and hare It delivered today. fa- ' w . $ - ""- ' VJ XV 111., No. 2. If Boston Grill ill il FLOODS INCREASE IN ENGLAND; MUCH PROPERTY DAMAGE Britain Still Suffers From Roods Following Heavy Christmas Snows LONDON, January 4. Great flood following England's .',,,UM.rni are spreading today causing much property damage but in., of life. England fa being turned into a great 4ake. The TiH.nM'H River haa risen a foot in 24 hours and the situation is alarm- :ng, Hartford. Kent, la the scene of the latest outbreak, the River kit. nih having become a torrent from melting snow and two hun-,,i '.miilii-K are marooned by it. Factories and workshops are flooded. faTIirif 1fQ IM ' Th !,rm of the Prince of Wlw at I A I HI II 11 S I IV I temlngtcn la threatened and the Duke Ull III, VLUVU ilS land Due haw of York are marooned at north of Loudon. iimriiA liver T j Melwyn. MLAllU WILL BE DISCUSSED Motion to Come Kef ore Federal House With Criticism of Sir Henry Thornton "IMW.V Jan. 4. -Hon Charles Mar-. m l of Bonaswalure li submitting riiution at the coming mum o :t rjur ni House akln( tor the reeai: : Meilrt Baiitn, hteslcan rousul ai lom:.., and unaMi that "until th i Hi perseeuUe against Roman 1 ' ;:i Meases a stopped Oanad i.n discontinue all further inter- .-h VleiM. 1 :iwjt on disapproves the "uncalled ' ,) '.: Sir Henry Thornton to ;. 'Hi-.'. c( the motion ill be tu l r , . debate on Sir Henry's trip r introTerejf which followed th; -w'wjiiei.r open letter of Bishop Mini l-.m.-r MacKenste Klne. in which " B.-:.,rj) protested against the visit. TERRACE HOME IS DESTROYED I'"ri of Contents of Place Occupied by ft. C. INshop Hurned on Sunday terracr. Jan. The home of T. '-' Bi.hop m destroyed by fire here m Sunday at noon. Fire started around chimney but with a strong north '-' Kale blowing tt galr.ed headway a ""Kly that !t wat won apparent it uld be Impossible to aire the build -" ud efforts were cantered on saving contents with some success. The building was onetorty frame -mrture built ebnut three years ago " nit ua ted ust east of the O.W.V.A u.iii. FRANCEASKED RENOUNCEWAR Suggestion That She Should Join With Olhcr Nnlions In National Policy WASHINGTON, Jan Trance haa ' " " asked by the sUte department to - rr with tre United States In a " isMon to unite all the principal na-' '"H" oi the world in "renouncing war ls . instrument of national poiiry." KILLED MAL r "'TRIBE MEMBERS Kcvolllng Chieftain in Irak Huns Amuk With Itnidera BAODAD, Jan. 4. Every male metn-r of the Irak tribes. Including male "1' wee has been laaln by Snelb PeUal Eel. DowUh Rd his raiders. He wa' "e of the chieftain of Ibn Houad. Km of the ftedja, but now appar- tly in revolt. Advertise In The Dally Ncwa , ( l r WIN u:;l. 4 4 Mnmiv Etv yokk t ami iri hi: mo.xky 4 BATH. N T . Jan. 4 Contest of the will of Mrs Emma Ben- 4 4 nett or Prr-ipo. in which s part 4 of her estate of 116.000 was ett 4 4 aside for the care of her cats, 4 4 has ended in victory lor the 4 4 cats 4 4 Coder the satitlsma ? tivee of Mrs, Bennett's husband 4 te whom a portion of tfew SStSte 4 f was bequeathed, agreed upon 4 4 fonceselcru whereby a ssawasie 4 4 fund ls created for care of the 4 4 pet The Society for the Pre- 4 4 vent 'on of Cruelty to Animals 4 4 probably will be named to as- 4 4 sume guardianship of the cat 4 4 which are now living In Mrs. 4 Bennett's former home. 4 44444444 WARMERWEATHERIS PREVALENT IN ALL PARTS OF THE NORTH Warmer weather prevail everywhere In the north according to the reports of qat Government Telegraphs sent out this morning at c!:tii o'clock tt waa snowing at S'ewart. raining at Terrace, and windy farther east. The report follows: Port 8uupcn Light rain, calm. temp. 4J Hayvprrt- Strong wind. rain. temp. 34. Stewart -Snowing, calm. temp. W Anyox -C'.oudy, calm. temp. 33. Alice Arm-Claudy. windy, temp. JO Aiyansh -8now I nit. calm. temp. IS. rtceiwood -Cloudy, calm. temp. IS. Terrace -Rain, calm, temp. 20. White Horse- 43oudy. south wind, lamp 10. Stewart River Cloudy, north wind, temp 16 below. Dawson--Cloudy, south wind. temp. 16 brlow. Hailton - Clui'Uy. windy, temp. 14. Burn Lake -Cloudy eaat wind. temp. S. Telegraph Creek Southeast wind. Knowing, temp. 3. DAWSON CONTRACTOR DIES AT VANCOUVER VANCOUVgfR, Jan. 4 -Hugh M. Murray, 73 years of see. a pioneer building contractor, died yesterday Ip West Vancouver. He participated In the Klondike rush and erected the government buildings at Dawson. VANCOUVER BXCHANUF. Wheat O.C. Bllvrr Big Missouri Coast Copper Cork Province ... Dunweil Gladstone Independence L. and L Lucky Jim Premier Porter Idaho . nichniom: Sllvercrea? Silversmith Hunh'Ch Bid. Asked. 1.48' 1.38 , 1.1b' at at' 30.00 3000 41.00 .14 k .is J0 .33 lfl .08 09 .13 13', .38 39 3.3tl 331 .38 38 lfl ia .08 08 .31 33 150 I SI Northern and THE I VI i.KNA TlO.N.'iI. A. W. EDGE WAS OLD TIMER i Highly Respected Local Citixcn Died Today A. W. ltd re. pioneer baasarwsMMi and proenlarM earl rHIirn of Prtawv Kapert, punted away In the Ittar llapert rtearral lioapltal feltewtan a kMctky lllwrw from arMrh H im$ been reallsfd IMrly ttaaa t Jblw ew uj.ble ehaexw f . feeeer. The atlr sir. Mfv rnsse te iThirr IMprrt Ja' the early iar and aned In the paint hnslneaa. lie was an et-sldrrman and alnayw teak deep Intrreat In puMkr af-falra. lie a a wtdelv knon n aiMl Ms death will rwaae as a great te many friend He waa a irasleal asrmwer af the Vlswn4e enter wader the anaptce ef wlrtrh his fauMesI wHI Uke plnrr, afraSa-mewtl Mng In late huada ef the Itr. t'nderUketw. A aathe ol Kngtand. the kHe Mr. I'dgr raaae te Canada a a yawag man and ploiteemt It Ihrnaghwet the wet. CIVIC CONTENT IS INTERESTING Three Mayoralty Candidates Have Many Supporter and Outcome Expected to be Cloec With the municipal election now but eight days distant, the mayoralty -jiilest between Aid. M M Stephana. Aid J ; Greer and Col. B P. MeMordle. while being quietly waged, la attracting gen.ral interest. Bach candidate has many enthus aitlc supprrten and theiw are many who believe that the outcome will be cke. L'nles a "dark hor" p;-jr and none Is heard of now, there will be but the thre cnndldatea for the mayoralty mantle. In the aldennaiilc Held, thtrc rhould be no dearth of material for the four veals. Of the retiring aldermen, Aid. R. P. Perry will apparently be the only one seeking rc -election. Aid. Stephens and Aid. Cirecr are running for mayor and Aid. Larien, the fourth retiring member of' the council, state, that ha will nit again be s candidate. Natnea mentioned for the rddertnanlo honors include those of Prank Dibb. Prank Perry. Theo. Collart. Oeorae D. Casey, George Rudderham, W. H. Montgomery James Black. J. Arthur Rmlth, cU. It la considered likely that O. A. Bry ant and Thamaa McMeekln, retiring school trust),, will seek re -election. mm IN VANCOUVER Famous Rugby Team to Meet B.C. Fifteen at End of February In Thive (J units VANCOUVER. Jan. 4 The Vrm.ahs. the famous New South Wales English rugby tasm now touring Britain, will play In Vancouver on JVbruary 38 and 39 and again on March 3. It u PRINCE RUPERT ' Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1928 Disarniamt - nt ( onl t . , ali i-.u: .oils ro,ti:! .tc! 1 -.i-i.'". :i, ,il 'ii.-arm Preliminary Trial of Henry Rivard (-narZed with Killing William Ritchie, Opened Today Coroner's Jury Ptmnd Death Was Due to Rifle Ilullct Hut no Evidence to Show by Whom Fired Following tke finding of the coroner's inquest last night, Henry Kivard, hggtd at Stewart in connection with the death of William Ritchie, ia hiking given a preliminary hearing, the trial opening this morrrinir at atlivtn o'efock. The coroner's jury last night at 106 brought in the following verdict : "We, the jury, find that William Ritchie met his death by a rifle bullet on the morning of January 1, 1928, in a building known as Rivard's on Fifth Street in the town of Stewart, B.C., but no evidence has been produced as to how the rifle was fired or by whom." 4444444444444444 4 St'lsM'HIITIONM AUK 4 (O.VII.M) KAI-lllLY AT 4; 4 THE lir.KrED l'liltl 4! 4 l 4 Dp to the tune of going to 4 4 plans a number of new sub- 41 4 aoMptlona had Mane In at the 4; 4 reduced raM. Soma of Use sub- 41 4 scrlberi any they hare wanted 4 1 4 the News right along but the 4 4 price was too high. 4 4 The Dally News gitwa twice as 4 1 4 much aa they csu gat elsewhere 4 ; f for the aamr price. 4 i 4 r4444444444444444! RULING MADE ON MARKETING Hammond of Ashcroft Broke no Rule of Committee in Shipping Potatoes to Himself VANCOUVER. Jan. 4. W H Hammond of Aahoroft haa broken no order of the ocmmlttee lu shipping B and C grade pouter to Vartcnuver for sale by hunelf. according to P. M. Black, ihair-man of the oommittM of direction ad-mlnlatarlng the Marketing Control Ac He emphasised that the sale of farm produce In retail stores owned or controlled by the grower of auch produce I, permitted by the Marketing Act. Regarding complaints by the dry be't landowners and potato growers against the operation of the oontrol regulations. Black produced letters commend trig the contmittoe on lu aeUosv. ffSBBssrstaaas lira r-v I tr won !u- -ia iiropost'd that CHINOOK SWEEPS OVER THE WEST Alberta Has Low Temperature and Heavy Snow in Southern Interior WIKNIPIO. Jan. 4 Temperatures in western Canada are Jumping aa high as thirty and forty uegiesa above aero as a result of a Chinook wind which swept Alberta. Battleford. Bask. With 10 below aero la the only cold spot repotting mis morning. Heavy snows have been falling la tb Interior of southern B.C. PenUoton and Grand Forks are burled undar ten inches of snow. On the coast II ls mild. TENTH GRAIN SHIPCOMING British Steomer Holmpark Due . Here About Noon Tomorrow to Load for U.K.-Contin-cnt The British steamer Holmpark. Prince Rupert's tenth grain ship of the season, ' is due In port tomorrow about noon. The vessel Is understood to be already lined so will be ready to star-, loading a full cargo for the United Kingdom or Continent. The Holmpark Is a new ahtp and Is not recorded in such volumes of Lloyds aa are available locally. 1 SI. trice or Daily News tut to SO Cents a Month When Delivered in PrincPRuper . h i Commencing with the beginning of 1928 the price of the Daily News is aa follows: Delivered in Prinre Rupert. oOc a monili in advance, or $5.00 a year. Out-of-town in Northern or Central B.C., $:.00 a year or four months for $1.00. Other Canadian or U.S joints. $C.OO a year. The only way to keep in touch with the North is to read a northern paper. Big Bay Lumber Co. Buys Reil Mill at Seal Cove and Takes It Over Announcement is made today of the sale of the mill property, stock of logs, lumber and goodwill of the Seal Cove Lumber Co. Ltd., Prince Rupert, to the Dig Bay Lumber Co. which is engaged in the construction of a new mill close to the plant at Seal Core which it has just acquired. A consideration of 40,000 is understood to nave been involved in the transaction. The Big Bay Lumber Co. has not yet decided whether it will continue to operate the plant separately or scrap il for the purpose of otherwise using the site. The site of the Seal Cove Lumber Co. is a valuable one, bordering sit the Canadian National Rail- way tracks and the c.ty limits, on it la a compact mill plant has been op&ntcd f jr the past couple of years, C. P. 31c) having been the manager and I majority stockholder. Twenty inn nave been employed in the mill atnee lu Inception. In stating that he would be retiring from the mill as a result of the tranaac-ticn. Mr. Rlel expreated his appreciation for the goodwill and patronage which he had enjoyed with the trade In Prince Rupert. 4444444444 t 4 tviF. tvonns or new 4! IDUTICAL UUPEK AT . VANTtrVEK"tt'NCIIEJ.V T'a VICTORIA. Jin. 4. "The uc-oaaa 4 of democracy in Canada 4 1 will depend not upon political parties, not on parliaments, not on perineal leaden, but upon the thought and work of individual Canadians," Hon. R. B. Bennett said. In an address yesterday to the Canadian Club. Among those present were the IJeutenan: Governor. Attor- 4 ney General Maiuon and Hon. 4 1 4 Dr. Tolmle. 4 ! . A tYIKEI.t KEl'OKT. S a.m. DIOBT ISLAND. Overcast, southeast wind: barometer. 29 8; temperature. 48, sea rough: 8 am steamer Camoaun. left Prince Rupert, southbound. DEAD TRKX POINT. Raining, southeast gale: oarometer. 38.94: tempera- 1 tt-c 38: sea rough. SlilX HARBOR.--Raining, southwest gr ; barometer. 39 i9; temperature. 40: heavy swell: 8 p.m. spoke steamer 8yd-land. Prince Rupert for Rotterdam. 107 m'lri west of P-ln?e Ruoert: S p.m. spoke steamer Prince Rupert, abeam bunny Island, northbound: S a.m. spoke I tug Pacific Monarch, abeam Betia Bella, bound for Alice Arm. 1 NOON D1DBY ISLAND rtalc.'ng. southeast gale: barometei, 38 80: temperature. 40; sea rough. DSAD TREE POINT. Raining, AM. tK barometer, 3848; temperature. 41; sea rough. . BULL HARBOR Raining, southeast gale: barometer, 38 78; temperature, 4(; heavy awelL WEATHER STILL BAD IN SOUTHERN CITIES SEATTLE, Jan 4 Rain, sleet, .now silver thaw and the rising of the rivers have cimb'rcd t interrupt communication and delay traffic in many parts of the Pacific North weat. LOST WAY IN STORM I DIED FROM EXPOSURE WHONNOCK. Jan. 4 George Chapman. 88 years of age. died after being I found Monday morning in a berry : patch. He lost his way In a sleet ' storm and death waa due to eipoeure. ;reinforcements SENT I U.S. TO NICARAGUA I WASHINGTON. Jan. 4 -FollowuiK a conference between Pre.ldcnt - Cooltdgr and Secretary Wilbur. 1 .000 marine reinforcements were ordered to Nicaragua. Advertise in The Dally Newa Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Five Gents If IS BURIED BY A SNOW SLIDE Part Owner of Mammoth Mine at Sllterton Loh Life by Accident NBLSON. Jan. 4. SUaaon Wetterhus, 4J years of age. a pioneer lainklg man lol the Kootenay lUatrwa. was SMBect' ia snowsiide at the Htmima Mice near Sllverton yesterday. JmeXtSyHT prw asbly not be reoorerad Until sprksf as It is covered by tans of snow. - Wetterhus shot down one hundred yards In a dry slide whan a small slip of snow struck him and be was buried. Successive slides prevented the rescuers from rendering aid. Wetterhus was part owner of the Mammoth Mine. ADMITS MURDER MARIAN PARKER Trial of Hickman Fixed for January 25 and Insanity is Defence Plea LOB ANGELES Jan. 4. W. E. Hickman yesterday pleaded not guilty to che charge of kidnapping and murdering Marian Parker with a qualifying denial of guilt on the murder accusation "by reason of Inssssty." ine judge fixed the ijrtal tar January 38. Asked it he understood that the plea was an admission ot guUt to tke charge of murder and a plaa that he waa Insane at the tiavat Kick man re-pliod "Yes " He sat In the eourt room with downcast eyes. C.P.R. LOSES" DAMAGE ACTION Sum of $157,000 Assessed Against Company for Loss of Timber Near Railway FBRNIE, Jan. 4. Oamagef to the j mount of 1187 .004 wasetsaiialTI against the Canadian Pacific statTva; b; a judgment of Mr. Justice D. A. UacdonsJd In the consolidated actions of the Mldlnkea Timber Co. The actions were brougiit following . fire in 1938 on the tiealo Bloean branch of the ral'way near Nelson, which sptead over a large am. DROPPED DEAD AFTER SWIM Dip In English Bay Affected Heart of d'eorge P. Young of ' Vancouver VANCOUVER. Jan 4 Following his customary dip In EntflUh Bay this morning. George P. Young, vice-principal of '.he Florence Nightingale SOhOOl dropped rwd during a morning recces from heart trouble. Ife was 87 years of ngc. h native of Sootltatf,