! f AGE SIX Worth Checking Up NO matter what amount your budget sets aside for washday expense, you will find that we offer a laundry service comfortably within It. And, more important, a checkup over a period of tine will convince you that laundry-washed clothes last longer, save money, guard health . . . .and are cleaner! Call us on the 'phone we'll gladly help you arrange for this new-era method of handling the family wash. The LAUNDRY Does it best tan Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Trie h stamen Defore buying your next engine, come and see us about IThe Gardner Semi-Diesel Engine the most satisfactory on the market. Governor has control at all speeds, making it tnot suitable for halibut boats. Sizes 12 h.p. to 300 h.p. The Acadia Gas Engine the most modern designed and best built 4 cycle engine in Canada. Sizes from C-8 h.p. to 40 h.p. medium and heavy duty. Ward Electric AND MARINE SUPPLY CO. Phone 680 Cow Ray j rrince nupert, u. Last : Minute SPECIALS Orunire and Lemon Peel, per lb ilT.f Citron Peel, per lb I."r Mixed Cut Peel, per lb. Mixed Nuts, per lb 2."? Mixed Candies, 3 lbs. for 8.f Boxes of Chocolates, per box, from to $..M St. lvel Plum Puddings, assorted sizes, at attractive prices. V take pleasure in extending oar best wishes to our many patrons for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Mussallem1 Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 81 Prince Rupert, B.C. ACTIVE SEASON FOR BUILDING Total Permits Amount to $261,340 for The Year 1927 Just Ended OCTOBER BEST MONTH Only Three Houses Started JecemDer According to Official Records Ordinary bulldtng in Prlnoe Rupert during the year 1927 represented a total value of $201,340 as compared with 1187,463 In 1926 and 17.7C9 In 193a. A number of new bualneai buildings and many residence as well 'as repair to existing structure are represented in the 1927 tojal. Figures for each month of 1927 with those of 1926 for purpose of compari son follow: 1927 1926 (5,850 115309 5,173 23.600 6.550 7,950 18,800 22.650 5,825 9,375 22,275 11.575 22,595 12.600 8,565 7.600 37.350 11.150! 101.880 30.840 14.675 10.060 13.900 23.340 February April May Permits for the past month of Dec ember were u follows: Mrs. L. Anderson, residence Sixth Ave. (Section 7) 63.000. T. Busaanlch. . repairs, Ninth Avenue. (Section 8) 800. I) Lund, residence. Beach Place. 68,-500. Rex Cafe, new concrete basement, Second Ave. 61000. Moose Lodge, repairs to building. (800. ' Miss Mabel Thompson, .tore ,nd NOTICE I PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given to i the elector of the Municipality of the I City of Prince Rupert that I require the preeence of the raid electors at City tan on ine mnm aay 01 January, at twelve o'olock noon, for the purpose (I electing persons to represent them as Mayor and Aldermen, or School Trustees. The mode of nomination of candidates shall be as follows: The candidates shall be nominated in writing; the writing shall be subscribed by two elector of the municipality as proposer and seconder, and shall be delivered to the Returning Officer at any time between the date of the notice and two P.M. of the day of nomination; the said writing may be in the form numbered 3 In the Schedule of the "Municipal Elections Aot," and shall sta'e the names, residence, and occupation or description of each person proposed. In men manner as sufficiently to identify uch candidate: and In th event of a poll belnc neeeasarv such noli shall be opeimd on the Twelfth dav o' January, ivas. at city Hall, of which etery person Is hereby required to tafce notice ana govern mmseir accoratnelv. Given under my hand at City Hall, this 31st day of December. 1937. E. P. JONES. Returning Officer. Canned Fruit Special . Any of the following Canned Fruits, all the highest grade and in heavy syrup. :t tins for ." Loganberries, Raspberries, Straw berries, Sliced Peaches, Apricots, Pineapple. We guarantee these to be the best. Fresh Local Eggs arriving daily Large siie, per dozen l5f Fresh Firsts, per dozen .... 00? Fresh Pullets "tf :t dozen for S1..V5 Compliments of the Season and Best Wishes for a Prosperous New Year. B.C. Butchers & Grocers limited Phones 45 and 574 OUR GREAT CLOSING out iAL KEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. B. Miller, Proprietor THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, January 4, rp . , T i -,xT- RUINS OF THE PARTHENON, ATHENS. GREECE Atop the Acropolis ...the pride of Ancient Grace . . . aWiough now in ruins, the marvebus beauty of its masonry tini archteaure is everywhere renowned. AND in Greece too . . . rich in ancient history. . . famous for its sculpture and old masterpieces of architecture, the rare old quality of 'tfADiuffjjjjr is highly appreciated and enjoyed. HIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED DISTILLERY ANO MEAD OTTKM I WALKEHVILLE, CANADA ESTABLISHED 1898 WTJTE TO OUR MONTREAL OFFICE. 517 PHILLIPS SQUARE. FOR FREE COCKTAIL BOOKLET Trjis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. H,ng. Flrt Avenue. 64.500. D. Zartlll 'pairs to residence. Pulton Street. (300. FIT nil IITITT'II ATTT1 U 1 U U III I I Ml II I I f IJj V II 11 ill Ul SLEEP CHASER Lindberg Trained Himself to Stay Awake Before Undertaking Big Flights NEW YORK, Jan. 4. When Lindbergh started his 37 he ur grind to Meatco City, he had had onlj a few hours of sleep, as was the case when he made his similar sudden dechioo to take off on hi 33-nour flight from New York. The secret of the Lone Katie's abUlty to do without sleep is revealed In an anecdote revealing that staying awake for extended periods was pan of his rigid training tor making long flights. Lindbergh took no coffee with him on hi flight to Paris, and this generally accepted sleep chaser was again left out -l his menu for the trip through fog and rain to Mexico. According to the latest Lindbergh story, the youn flyer, with hi faculty for attending o detail, chalked up the sleep factor a one of the obstacles confronting him who would fly alone across a continent and then across the Atlantic Ocean. rhe story goes that while he was watching the building of his Spirit of ' Louis at Ban n.ego early last year, he liipaeed on himself a decreasing eca'.e oi alewplnf hourr day by day, night by x Xht. and be g-.idually cat down hi p mount of sleep until he reached the Cash and Carry Grocery FULTON AND SIXTH AVK. SAVE TUB CENTS We have a few Xms Stockings left and we are selling thtm at half price. Buy One and get Two for Same money Rolled Oats, in bulk, 5 lb. for 'M( Smyrna Figs, in bulk, per lb. V2(; Seedltss Raisins, in bulk, lb. tilt Granulated Sugar, 10 lb. .. 7S1? Canned Milk, Kile, per tin . . 110 Butter Capitol, lb ir. 14 lb. for ji.17 E.C.D.. lb Il)( 14 lb. for $0.87 Lard, in bulk, per lb ID? Canned Loganberries, per tin -Of Pullet Fresh Eggs, per doz. ."Of Large Fresh EggB, per doz. ."Of Visit our Store and Save Money Orders $3.00 . over Delivered Phone 301 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitum Moving. point where be was able to keep active without other refreshment than fuod for more than 34 hours at a stretch. englandWnds"-much money in developing flying WA8HINOTON, DC.. Jan. 4 Secretary Hoover's recent remark that the great development of civil aeronautics in the United States is unique in that private capital is carrying practically all the burden was borne out by s commerce department study of parallel progress ::i Oreat Britain. Since 1931, the study showed Oreat Britain has spent $17,000,000 of public money. lr!y i subsidy, in promoting civil svlatlon. There are now S,M mites 0f air route in operation under English imperial auspice. The Tamou cross-channel wrrlce, from England to Prance, up to Deoember 31. leas, had been used by 00,870 passenger In 1036 operation.-: of the Imperial Airway. It was figured that 493.563 tons of commodltlea had been carried one mile, and that the passenger service tottallei 3.746.906 pa.iser.ger mile, the unit being represented by the transportation of one passenger one mile. SEA LION TRAINER FOR CHANNEL SWIM LONDON. Jan 4 The Channel swl.umlng season of 1636 promise to be enlivened by the appearance of a competitor of a novel kind. In April nest the Ocrman long-distance swimmer Otto Kemmench will begin training for the swim between Cspe Orlr Nea and Dover with hi pet sea lion Leo. Man and es lion wtll take the water together In the attempt to beat the performances of previous ChannA swimmer. At present Krmmtrfch Is preparing at Wandsbek to beat his own world record of 38 hours as an rnd'irnac swimmer He proposes to remain in the water with Leo twelve hours every Sunday throughout the month,, and at Eastertide he will make the attempt In the Buach Circus st Hsmburg to swim for 46 hour. COLONEL LINDBERG AT TEGUCIGALPA TBOUCIOALPA. Honduras. Jan Colonel Llndbrrg. the American flying aoe. airlvwd here stanbiy from San Salvador. his uiga Kolsmff returned this morning on the Cainosun from New Year visit with her sister Mrs. J. L. Stewart at Anyox. - - - J 'I- " l L ji-i; Wives "lt tht Clark Kitchem help vou" CLARK'S SOUPS enable you to serve delicious soups at small expense at n moment's notice. Sold everywhere. All mull uMrf tit "Ctntdt aprarwf" W. CLARK Limited Montreal JL To Hl MAJCfTV A" AERIAL CRUISE END OF MONTH First Pletuure Jaunt Planned to Leave Lust Day of January LONDON. Jan. 4 - The world's tint aerial pleasure cruise Is planned by the Imperial Airways to start January 31. In an eight-ton tnree-engtftM aeroplane. 13 travellers are to make a tour of southern FraiH'w. Spain, tortbern Af"ca and Italy, tt wiu take about five months. The tour Includes visits to Paris. Borbmiu, Sun is, Barcelona, xvillr. Tanglcrs. Casablanca. Pvt. Oran. Mg:eis, Tunis. Naples. Rom. Venice "Ua and Marseille. Meals will be served In the machine "tilth l to carry a steward In addl-'.Ion to pilot and mechanic. Bach pas-tenger wlU be allowed 6 pounds of bag-see and the charge for the trip, dur-ng which & .600 mile will be covered to be 63.300. This Include hotel ac-cmmodatlon and side trips In automobiles HARRY PITKA WON DOG DERBY RUBY. Alaska. Jan. 4 Harry Pltks won the second annual dog derby at Kokrtnea Monday, travelling six aad a half mile on the river course In 11 minutes 8 second. Lena cleaver wan the ladle' race in 39 minutes 13 seconds. EDMONTON ASKING FOR INFORMATION ABOUT PEACE PLAN EDMONTON. Jan. 4. PoUOWUlf meeting of the northern development -cmmitte of the northern development committee of the Board ot Trad, wire were sent to both Sir Henry W. Thorn ton, president and chairman of the board of director of the Ct nadlan Na-tonal railway, and I. W. Beatty, KC . president of the Canadian Pacific railway, aa follow: "The Edmonton Board of Trade Is keenly mures ted In the possible deposition of the northern railways and s anxious to obtain the most oompletr and Ruthentlc information regarding vour plan for future developments In (he event of the northern rsllwsys being acquired by your company. Would appreciate conference at the earliest convenience with your representative authorised to give such Information.'' COLLECTIONS GOOD CITY OF EDMONTON i:ighl-Hetefi l"er I ritl of Current Tatea Mere IwW llefiier Knil of Vear DMONTON, Jan. 4.-?Tm collection for Um city of atynctttottl in 1MT estab lish a rew hlrt'Wsrj;mark in the history of the city. smMntlnt to ti. 806.666.56. Currant takes ootlaotsd amount to 63.1643336. being DIM of the levy anj the. highest percentage record-id In the city since many years befoie the war. according to Olty As- fiMor 1 horns Walker. The enure tax levy last year amount ed to 13.68.734.0. Through the collection of arrears of current and business Uses, couplrd with Dip amount received through the levying of current liuines end seivlr tsxes the collec- noun nirrd the total year's levy by -' "I J7,:.53. n n simp i i sill in ii I in I I III Weekend Specials We have o nhand 500 tins i our basement-got Jmlt 10 tins to eacn. customer. tfOTE: Price "ofMllk order early. PROVISIONS Picnic Hnmaperlb... Wt Cottage Rolls Peameal Cure, per lb ilTVfc? Phoenix Cheese, ft lb. bricks, pheddar. Pimento, or Canadian, Special, each . ."((' Campbell's Pork and Beans, medium tins, Special each l(r Limit five tins to each customer Combination Pickle Special 5 Jar's for $1.00 1 jar Libby's sweet mixed, regular 50c. 1 bottle Tomato Catsup, reg. 25c 1 jar. Mrs. Porter's Salad dressing 25c. 1 jar Malkin's Marmalade, 25c. 1 jar Malkin's Pure Honey, 25c. Reg. $1.60 Value. Special 81.00 FRUITS & VE0RTAHLBS 8unkist Navel Oranges, medium siie. Special 8 doz. for $1.00 Jap Oranges, per box $1.00 The season is nearly over. Fancy Grimes Golden Apples per box $2.70 50 only tins Rosedale Peaches and Malkin's sliced Peaches l't talis, wet label stork to clear at 2 for 50 only tins Hillsdale Asparagus, tall tins, reg. 40c to cleaateach "?t Labels got wet in bacetnent flood. Rupert Table Supply .1 Phones: WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. Dorothy Mackaill "Man PHILLIPS 831 ALLY. WALTER McGRAlU RAY HALLOR, EDYTHE CHAPMAN and others Phone . COMEDY AESOP'S FILM FARLES Admission Jaeger Pure Wool Underwear FOR LADtRS Union Suits, from . V.2a. .j 87.50 uit Vest, from $:!' to $1.0 CHILDREN'S JAEGER PURE WOOL SWEATERS from $l.r0 to $;.ro H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Thor Johnson GOES OUT OF Tlir, SHOE IIUfdNKSS DRASTIC REDUCTIONS On every Shoe in the Store GREAT BARGAINS i I I of Carnation Milk which nopaeu. 10 clear. iW.,it a . tin. has advanced, so phone your WKRK END SPKCIALS Robinson's Ground Almonds 4 oz. reg. :5c Special I Do 8 8oz. reg COc. Special ;li)f Combination Special The best ever Canned Fruit, 2, 4 law tins D.V 1 tin each Bartlett Pears. Crawford Peaches, II. C. Apricots and Green (.aire Plums packed in heavy y run, reg. 35c and 40c tin This price is a knock-ou. but our stock must get turnover. Kvaporated Prunes 90-100. Special 4 lbs 'ic VICTORY FRUIT JARS. Cartons got wet in the P ml of December 17 and w m sacrificing before wire tt-tachtnents get rusted. Pinbi, per doz O.V Quarts, per doz $1 Mr, A gls. per dos . . jl.50 Broken shell Walnuts. pT II. :iic Not less than 1 lb. lots Valencia Shelled AlmmR per lb .": Not less than I lb. lot. Cut Mixed Peel, per lb. Hr Not less than I lb. Cut Glace Cherries, per lb 20r Not It- than 1 lb. lot. Brown Sugar, 4 lbs. . . li."r Limits lbs. to each customer J 210 i!l 1 - 212 Jack Mulhall In Crazy - 3Ce and 10c 3rd Avenut nnd tlon Strict COME AND GET 'EM!