January 4, 1928 We-inc-iiay. ' KAVKiABKEVATERS' IMtOTEC TIONACT. j!MifU stntulP f Camilla, Chapter 11.1 HKITIBH COLUMBIA FISHINO & ' c KINO COMPANY LIMITBD. 1IE8E-bv olVKB NOTICE that It bu under fw Mnil"tr of PWlc Work at Ottawa , . . , tne office of the llttrar of UlaUhford and Others Ank Thai plans pert) 'nrVotSS'Xrtff,;7u and- "ne r "S ItaHways Con- (I B LUVlJi,MBW wiwii MUM. uisltes thereto. U b i;'); i for under lamae. and will to i! hi iir induatrlal purpoa upon thr l irriled aa applied for to Iciar Kin oi niuun mm. aaoreo I !;,.:'! I: notice wm potted on the ground r ii day of December. 1M7. a ,l t Ml.t notice and an application i i ..iiit thereto and ta the "Water Ac ." ; h will be filed In the office of the v.,'-'- Recorder at Prince Rupert. BC i !i . -v.iis to the application may i:e wi'h the aald Water Recorder vt i the Comptroller of Water Rleht-itnent Building. Victoria. B.C thirty day after the flrat up-!.. :"' "' thla notice In a local ,- The date of the flrat publication I ember 33, 1937. ROBERT M. CTJRRIE Appllca.it LAND ACT sotii i: or IVTENTION TO --.V TO I! the Queen Charlotte Island. Ore-M.Mui Land Recording District of t Hii.iert. and attuau on the wet Krunell Harbor at the Head o: :: mid. Queen Charlotte Islands ' Britlah Columbia. KK NOTICE that Brttah Columbia i' 'V Packing Company Limited uf u'.rr B.C . occupation Salmon Can : ncUs to apply for a leaw ol - i:'it!!:K dearrlbetf land: :n!i: !!' ng at a poat planted on the re .,f a creek called Twin Rlrfr. 4 in wes.: thence twenty-one i rtii. thenc 4 chalna eat : ilo'i!g contour of rriore line 'i " f rnmrnen mnt, and con- x acrea. more or leu. M' HINO PACKlr'C CO LTD Applicant. M. M. Bnglteb. Agent rv.r.hor 7t 1017 LAND ACT. V"H. til IXTENTIOK TO A PPL V TO mum; LAM) ' i r-nr, Kuptrt Land Recordini OU-fid !'Mtt on the touthweai cor-: ' " I'inamed bay on the aoiith ' P rt Chanal. Oraharo bland, w i it : tta talanc. m the Provlne "" ''"!"tnbia. . KF notice that Arthur Robertaon. Mi.-wt BC oeeupatlon a lumber-i ntrnds to apply for a leaa of "' i!-'init deacrlbed land: in at a poat planted about ' :ti weatarly from the mouth of mi rtiiid creek flowing into an un-;.i m.ii t,,v on the wuth bank of Port " raha Ulaad. Queen Charlotte (i- Province of rttlah Coiumblr: 4 chalna louUierly: thence 10 if eaaterly: tlMaee 4 obalna nor-y 'o the ahorellne: thence following 'Virgin to point of commence ' arid containing 3 acre, more or (Signed) A. ratd Onto her . C4rT ROBERTSON. IN I'ltOIlATB Applicant tiik i pHRtir; roniT or bkitisii COLl'Mlllt n 'he Matter of the AdmlnWrt ration , Act; and 'ho Matter of the EaUU of Oeorge Clifford Adolphus Wilton. Deceaaed. In'ttate. take NOTICE that by order of Hla M-nor. P McB Young, the let day of De-" her. A D 1837, 1 WM appointed Admln-i;tr,.tor of the estate of George Clifford viibhui Wllaon. decerned, and all nar-' ' h having claim agalnat the Mid eatate '' hereby required to furnish earn, n nperly vartfkM. to at on or before ' he 3rd day of Janury. AX. tM, and M part lei indebted to the oatnte are regulred to pay the amount of their ii.clebtedneiw t me forthwith. MORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Pr'.ace Rupert. B.C. m th ,rd dBT ' December. A D 1B37 INI) ACT XOTICB OF mr.NTlOS' TO apply to ri'ltlllAKK LANK In Range B Land Reoordlng Dletrlot of f rlnoa .Rup, and situate at the northerly end Teiepn Passage . Bkeeita TAKE NOTICE that J. H. Todd & Bon ' Victoria. B.C., oocupatlon aatmon can-ners mtend to apply for permlaalon to purchaae the following described land: Oommenclng at a poat planted at the north weat corner of Lot 81, Rang S. ( .D ; thence 36 chain Mt; thence 30 chain north, more or lea, to high water h)rk: tbenoe southerly along high water mark to the point of commencement, and containing 80 acre, more or lea. , i ' X . TODD Se 80HS, LTD. LAND ACT koticb or i'tbntio to ,rrLY to i.i;i; land In Prlnoe Rupert Land Recording Dl-"Ict. and (ltuat at Huston Inlet, Queen Charlotte Wanda TAKE HOTtCE that Robert M. Currle, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation tUh P"cer. Intend to apply for a leaie of he following described land: commenolufc at a post planted at nouhcaat corner about 1.000 feet wea-;l.v from mlnera' cabin at Iwiad of iiuiton inirt; thence westerly 30 ' iiii'na; thence aoutlierly about 13 chain: holier ,.nterlv 30 chnlna: thence nor ,"'"' n'vni! la rhnliia. nnrt oontalninv 1 ';... num. UODhiUT rt mrr.nrr Appl.caat. URGED RAILWAY TO THE COAST on ",r ' u ."TTf "n. 4--Ful considers- a !U District, in the Province of BriUsb wa promised by Premier Kin and Columbia, which Mid Lota are situate other members of the government to joinioon Channel In the aald Province, the .. , ' ,t ret)rentatiia relr"'"tone made m-n. u.. .v by the dele- and TAKE NOTICE that after the ex- iri..ii ol one month from the drfte Of "on which urged the advantage of iw nrst piihUcatlon of thl notice, Brit- having the E., D & BC taken over I'll L"'"".'" " 7,." ey the C.N.R. raii Limited 11a. under Section 7 of struct Line according to K. A. me -ii.u acv, twir w ktj jihiwiwi vi ' i,j t'l1 aamoniOD, .,i,i.. work at bla offloe In the Cltv who l Jr Ottawa fbr appro! of the Mid alt lhrrr J.' . . thre n, -J wer number of Jnd iiai" " for la to conatruct the Bdmonton ninnery, cannery wharf and per- men In Ottawa at the time, they decld- v. - 1 : res tnereio. dated at Vancouver. B.C., thla I8l.li tou, JAMBS K. LAWSON, 1311 Standard Bank Bid; S10 Haatlnm it. W . Vancouver, B.C: Solicitor for the sld Company WATKU NOTICE lilVKHjJoN AM) Vt TAKE NOTICE that Hubert ed to preaent their view to the mln- Mr. Blatchford tted that railway relief waa clearly required for the north country, thla neceaaarlly Involving the construction of an outli't to the Pacific coaat. He was of the opinion that the i northern railway should act aa a feeder j to one or the other of Canada's systems U . anrl that It . V ... . l . . . , . . . V m i nui. ur ownca ny viveT. B.C. will I ipply f"r' 'a lnt'rwU to take and uae 30.000 gallon- I Wnll "' the eait Mr. Blatchfo-l ,y of water out of amall c.--ek 'dltruwed the railway altuat:jn wit'i ' fi, hkh flowa aoutherlr ami i . pr.m,. , , , Hen. C. A. r. :i.tr. Huaton Inlet. Q.C. la-L.dr ,Pr,'m"'' Dunning Hon 1.000 feet westerly from ml x. :Cha Stewart, Sir Henry THornton ami ut liead of Huaton Inlet. The Pri-ldent Beatty ' of the CPR He an- " ill he diverted !rcn the atrean. ",, V. , . ... . a. I I Irl nutMm ,h thai t luwa eu tl I lu naVu L. point about aoo iei rrom anorr i piling tnroogn iwwnty-iour ncre miiieo tor tne northern line but h.m no definite aaaurance on that point. CHURCH PRAYER BOOK DISCUSSED IN ENGLAND V The Observer publlahed in London, England, aays of the controversy over. the Anglican prayer book: No revision can Mplre to equal -the Bu k of Common Prayer in the beauty of holiness Equally to the religious snd to the aesthetic mind, the more congen'aJ courae would be to leave such a maaterplece alone, ualng It with that perfect freedom of private interpretation which is peculiarly consonant with the genius of the Church of England. If that la pot po)M. It I because organ laed religion laiki a fortiori a State Eatabllshmenli demands a modicum of explicltitea- by which it administration may be guided Chief opposition to the new Book arise from those fearing hat the Church may be turned from Its historic bearing They would address It aa an Eatabllahment the reminder of Cnrle Leopold to Queen Victoria: '"It u because you are Provatant that you are where y-m are" To which the BI'liops anwer in effect that the Deposited Book provide them with a policy upon which they at prepared in attempt the gorernnrtnt of a Re-'ormatlon Church nnd that without It there ta menacii.r outlook of India- SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACTAMENDMENTS PRE EMPTIONS Vncsat unreserved. survsyed Crwwn lands may be pre-smftsd by Qrltlsh suLJerts over years of ags, snd by ultent n doclarlag intention to becouM BrlUah sublact. oonJl-tlonal upon realdenoe. oeeupatlon. nd improvement for agricultural lurpnaea Puii information ooncernlng rsgu tl"ns regarding pre imptlcni I given In BulleUn No. 1. Land Berie. "How to Pre-empt Land." copies of ilil h can be obtained frs of charge y addressing the Department of Uind. Victoria. B.C., or to any uov-trament Agent Heeord wiU be grantsJ covering only land suitable for agricultural purpose, and which Is not Umber-land. I s . carrying over I. board feat uer acr west of the OoMt Rang and l.oeo feet per a era tut cf that IUiui Application for pre-smpllon ax to be addreoMd to Ui Land Com-jiiMtnf of th lof Rfvofdtoir Dl-vlSoiv lh whrch the Inmt tppHed for I altunted. and are made on prinlsd form, copies of which can b ob-lalnsd from the Land Commissioner. lr-mptlon rauat be oeupi4 for nv year nd Improvement mad le vahi of $! per aor. Including elearlM and cuiuvatln at lMt five aore. befor a Crown Qrsnt can b rwcslved. fpt mors detailed Information se the BulleUn "How to rr-empt LM,J" PURCHASE Application re received for pur-oh of vacant and unreasrvsd Crown tand. not being tlmbwland. "for agrloultural purpo; mlnlrnum prl for flrt-cla ,rabl land I U pr acre, and wnAmC."Jm' Ing) land II.M pr aor. rorthr In-fmnatlon regardln: purch or lea of Crown land I Riven In Bulletin Na 10. Land Srle. "Pureha and Leas of Crown Land." MllL factory, or industrial oo timber land, not xcdlng 40 acre may be purchased or lad. to con-dlUon Including payment of stump. HOMESITE LEASES Unurvyd areas, not icllng II acre, may b laed aa homlt. StlonS upon . . dwelling being in n " " ereetea cbtainable after rldno and . Jm; , erovsmenv fonamsns and land has bn urvyd. LEASES roe ralng and Indutrll pur-JZ area n't eicsAlng Ml otm roay be leMd by on pron or a .ompany. QRAZQ Und.r th QrMlna; Act th Pre-v-Iocs U divided into gTaalruj rtrloU und.r a and 5 ru admlnl.t.rd A"" Commllonr. Orailng srailng nsntilt ar lud bMd on rumbsrang. priority M.. rgtve. KJpJir. and tmTelkura, mX to t Was Subject, to BR0NCHIT3S Every Winter Mn. Wm. nealey, 624 mil Street, London, Ont., vrrtten: " My daughter, ged fourteen, waa aubject to bromkitla fvery winter. i 1'Bhe fouM cough until ah wm aore from the '. exertion. ' "Ijirt winter a friend advlied m to get a bottle of your Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup o I got a amall bottle to try and wm delighted to find that before she had taken half of it her cough waa completely relieved. "I certainly feel justified In reeom-mendiag )it to thoee wffering from rough and eoUf." i Price 35c. a bottle, large fauBv tire 60e.; pat np oly by The T. Milbarn Co.. limited. Toronto. Oat, clpllne. if not disruption. It la a con-alderatlon that none attaching a value to oruanlwd religion can lightly aet aside. TERRACE OLD TIMERS FORM AN ASSOCIATION til In OiklrM Oter Twenty Venr Kn-IrriHlntU b Oeurge Utile at IXnner TERRACE. Jan. 4 George Little was h.j-t at sn old-tlmen' dinner and smoker held in the Terrace Hotel on hew Year'H Eve at which only those ho had been twenty years in this district were eligible to attend. His guest numbered sixteen and a most enjoyable evening wm spent with music and a'.jrs reminiscent of pioneer days. During the evening a motion was paed to continue the celebration in the form of an Old TlmerV Association and a commute, composed of C. T. O. rtrern. Oeo. Mule and H. L. Prank wis appointed to make arrangements for next year'a meeting Those present Included: Oeorge Little. K. OLnon. J. Cauther. Barney Colbachlne. H. L. Prank. ChM. Cllgey. C. T. A. Oreen. Ed. Mlchaud. V Soucie. Wm. Weat and Donald Bruce, all of Terrace, and L. Betburen and Chu. Durham. Usk: Chas Swanaon. Rcmo; Walter Washburn. Kitwanga: and Walter Warner. Romwcod. Others eligible to attend and to whom invitations were sent but who were unable to be present were: Percy Skinner and Pred Forrest , ViX: R. L. Mcintosh. Prime Rupert: B Doble. Copper City: Ed Brickenden. HaMlton: Robt. Braun. Oeo. E. Keith. Jack Bell. Wm. Ooodwin. Pred Mlchaud. H. Cor-lett. Terrace; and E. Eby. Smtthera. FISH ARE AFFLICTED WITH GOITRE AND MORTALITY IS HIGH SEATTLE, Jan. 4.- lsh. like humans, are afflicted with goitre. Dr. John Ouberlat of the University 3t Washington experimenting for a remedy, my that eastern brook trout in liatcbertes are apparently the only ape-cies that suffer from the disease, but that among these tne mortality U so hlgn that It affecta propagation. Working on the theory that tack of Iodine causes the goiter. Professor Ou-berlet is feeding the unit potassium Iodine, snd preliminary teats seem to polir. tj a successful cur. DOGS GET FREEDOM STREETS OF CITY LYNN. Mas . Jo 4 By proclamation of Mayor Bauer tegs are amused tlie freedom- of the street If they do not make nulunce of '.hemselves or obstruct traffic like some political M-piranta do. The more he sec, of men. the more reapect th may it us for doga. The proclamation wm Issued after state authorities urged that stray degs be riundvd up and killed because ol the apread of rabies. CN.lt. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. Harry Nedden. arrived at 11 o'clock thl morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Pall and will Mil at 10 tonight for Stewart and Atiyox. returning brre at o'clock Friday morning to sail Aouth at 3 am. TIMIIHK SALE X9381 Baalad Tenders will be received by th Minister of Lands st Victoria, B.C., not later than neon on the 13th day of Jan- purcnaM oi uommo miram lineal feet ol Poiba CB'ivi kWa situated on Lot 083 and 1611V Sswell. Maasett Inlet, Q.C.I. District. . Two (Hi year will be allowetl for re-inoval of timbi'. Further partlculara of th Chief For-e.te'-. Victoria. B.C., or Diatrlcl Poreter, Prince Rupert. B.C. TLMIiEIt SALE X7001 Sealed Tender will be received by the District Porerter. not later than noon on the 30U day of December, 1037, for the pure has of Licence XT0Q4, Barnard Core, Princess Royal Island, C.R. 4, to cut 1,183.000 feet board meMUit uf gpruoe. Cellar, Hemlock and Btlsam mn v.-logH Two (2i vrnrs will b allowtd t re-iiiuval of timb"- .il 1 i. iiIii:-.h i. I I f Clil.'f por- - i . . t . i- i ,n I,, u.ttnet Foies-.(ii, I'.iucs ituiuii, B.C. THE DAILY NKW3 CARD PARTY AND DANCE AT ESSINGTON i PORT ESBIHOTO.N. Jan. 4. A card i party and dance waa given In the Putt ' ' EailngtTn Hall on Monday by Mr. and f Mn. George Dtu and Mra. M. C. Lltnea A Son. Among tbfiae present were Rev. Itushbroofc, A. Moore. Mra. Jock Smith. Mr. and Mn. A. Taylor, Mr. E. Smith, Mr. and Mra. H. Barl Chambera. Mr. and Mra J. Knox. R. S. Donaldaon. Mra. O. ' t W. Davla Sr.. Mr. -Oarthum, OU Aurlol. Mia a. Cunnlaffbun. H. J. Brown, Mn. j A. Perktni, I. M. Utnea, Mr. Snadhala. I ft. Oibaon. VANDERH00F ' The Vanderhoof and District . Board of Trade hM decided to Mtt the town of Port St. Jtmea In putting on big ; celebration on Jttiy 1 next. ! taador Lout, Stuart Lata Indian, while working lot' the Hudson Bay Co., cut hi log. Infection set In and It wm neoMMry to amputate the member at lb thigh in the Hazel ton Hospital. 1 A grand total of 3345.60 waa realized a a result of the recent "Sunahine Fund" campaign here On Saturday morning last the thermometer at the Vanderhoof station reached a low level for the season of 53 degree below aero. The coldeit weather pjiilusjMj recorded here wm 67 degree Ltw Saro in 1930. T" After having spent the Christnuw and New Tear holiday season vislUng hero with bar father. John Rhlndresa, Mm. Campbell, screen pnnled by bar son. Ken. hM left for Sheraton to visit with her sister, Mrs. Kelly. A bandaome prayer desk and lectern, the handiwork of William J. Bowman, have been dedtaaked in the local Church of Bngtand by th minister. P.ev. L. J. Hale. Samuel Cocker, who hM been building at Kitwanga tor the Hudson Bay Co.. spent th Christmas and New Tear honeys with Mend in this district. On account of the cold weather. Sunday School wm not held on Sunday in the Onlted Church. The New Tear at usoii wm suitably celebrated in local churche. The Control fn Pool ihtpprii u week. Ov.iirt - Hay the .'V ! St Mis K'vc Bt'inki i: ... rr.-t. mat :h! Nt 'v Yf.ir f. .::. M and Mi- J.irnt' ('.imptull . I r.i.r. Mr- W II Mill'-r been verv i,. all v-pk and n. i- isjcii n'tin.it.d iy Di j Hi.-- 6t.iie i Miss Mnry 81H-M Wn- i I'url: :o vpcrid . ' Ye.ir 'mild.. ', acre from J.i-- C'll! IStlllilv M,- vim'.. i in vn, the ;uel .I Mis.-- M:irv Me;!u.h HURNS LAKE M:v. V.iud H.ir'lcy spent the C"ui.-:-I1..1- .uul NrV Vim: luiluLiy- V.inclir-l.xif it:i lid pBients The lowr-t t "! i peril t ure lcatln. of tlie .sr., huu u.is ip-orded List wick whru th IlieillHime- : ;lllll;cil t: .10 ,li-i!M I oei .ui' M.:.s Olive N.iMtse. ah, is ..u.-istU-g High Si 1i1 ..: 1'r.iu.- ()o:i.t spent the b :.d.is iu:t nith lin ji..u'is, Mr. and Ms U K N. iirar Alfred and OraM Harrison, who ar attending school tn Prince Rupert spent the holiday at Decker Lake with their sister. Mra. P. J. Carroll. The Francois Lkske terry hM now been tied p for tie, winter oft account of ice on the hvtaj ' Charles Ostlund la handling the tie contract of Carrier. Elelkle and Mul-valiy In this district. District vttltor in town during the week Included D. Wardrop. A. P Che-nette, P. L. Mulvlll. Orasay Plaint: Mr. J. Bonnor. Bndafco, and O. O Boyce, Prine Oeorge. PRINCE GEORGE A splendid volume of holiday busl-nsss wet reported by local retailers, particularly those who advertised through the town press. MIm Virgluia JOstniea mad a aplcu-did Impression in ' piano recital tat week at the Strand hMtr. She wm assisted by Thomttun Ogg who sang vocal number a ocom panted by Mra. W. A. Freser. a recent addition to th muaical taUnt of thl city. Local prints rs rMlrd a novel Chrlat-rim greeting card from J. Peck Mc-Swaln of Stewart, a provincial pioneer In the trade. Mr. and Mr. Aubrsy Barkwell of Ed-monton ar vlalUng here with Mr. Bark 111 parent, Mr. and Mr Jauob Ltlth, pioneer merchant of Prince Oeorge. la her renewing old acquaintance. The akm of Knox United Church met iMt Friday evening after which preparatory aervlce WM held. M E. Million has analn won the tt r. :' r"- Trut.1 prlre for pl!"-.''-l tralnmg in i" mcc (Ji..i;.o "''Ic "II Ml H rUllHI The man who thought a boggy was In the old days, a solid, conservative citizen might sniff and tell you he didn't read advertising:. He didn't think so much of the horseless carriage, cither. The telephone was newfangled, and an insult to His Majesty's mails. - As for radio, aeroplanes, wireless pnotography if they had heen horn then, he prohahly would have thought them a hit immoral. Hut he's changed. He's heen educated. His point of view has heen made hroader and more modern. He has heen civilized hy the automobile, the telephone, radio, advertising. Every single one has opened up new paths for him, taught him new things. Advertising, especially. Advertising tells him the newest things to wear, the best things to eat. Advertising tells his wife how to make a home up-to-date and attractive. Advertising tells him the prices to pay for things he buys, saves him from the old-fashioned ways of doing business helps him live well, keeps him modern. Advertising can help you. The advertisements in this newspaper are here to tell you many things thai make life more comfortable, more interesting, happier. Read them faithfully. They'll keep you abreast of the times. They'll prevent you from becoming the type of old fogy who sniff ! doesn't read ADVERTISING IS THE KEY TO MODERNITY fChoel. Ml MUligan hM takon thl honor for many paara now. The Women's Hospital Auxiliary met tMt Friday afternoon la the city hall. Special New Tsar aarvice were held oy the ialvatlon Army as well ss all local church. .Th tooal branch of th Canadian Legion held It sacood annual masquerade ball In Rltta-Kifsr Hll on Monday night. Six prim wer given for the best coatumae. ' V. R. ClMiihu arrived a the end of the week from Vancouver to take over the duties of city clerk bore. Mr. Clear! hue for some rears wm a member of the auditing firm of Herbert J. Paley A Co. Iroy Stlbba. lately principal of the McBride school. hM arrived her to Ml the vacancy on the local ataE cauaed by the resignation of Miss Williams. Murdoch McLrod. local optician. hM moved his offloe from Columbia Hotel to Oeorge Street adjoining the Km pre Barber Shop. i Paul Wleland ha been selling large I quantities of local milk-fed poultry. TERRACE Mis Eiderkln returned on Saturday after having aprut her vacation with friends In Port Bsalngton. Mn T. P. McLrod and two son who have spent th past few year in thla district left on Thursday for Idaho. Mlas EMthep returned Saturday after accompanying Mia Prters to Prtne Rupert. Mlas Oroe Andrew of Prince Oeorge who ha apont the Xmaa vacation at the home of Mr. E. T. Kanney returned to the Interior on Saturday. Loran T. Kenney returned to Prlmse Oeorge on Ca'.urday after apeudlng several day with friends here. The past week hM proved to be the longest apei: of continuously cold weather recorded here In a long time. With the thermometer anywhere from lx to sixteen below nml n Mtmng wln-1 blowing. Terrace has indeed thlvertd. PAGE FIVa Canadian National Steamships Co. L inited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND Th members of the local Canadian Legion held a meat enjoyable smoker In their club rooms on Thursday Uat. Walter Wuhburn of Kitwanga spent few day In town "th friend at the end of the week. C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary, Capt C. C. Satntey. la due about 7 o'e' . " tonight .'roni Alaska points and :'" hbII mi hour ltor for Vancouver t .id Victoria. SHIPYARD OperatlnE U.T.I 20.000 Ton Floatln? Dry Dock CnnJiirers, Machinists, Doilertnakersi. Ulacksmlths I'allern makerr. Fnundtrs. Woodworkers. Etc. ELECTRIC AND aCCTYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing from Prim Buptrt. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swan on I lay, Alert Ray, etc. Toeaday, 3 p.m. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, llutedale. Alert llay, etft. Satnrday 9 am, lor PORT SIMPSON. NAAS RIVKU POIVTS, . ALICE ARM, ANTU.X. HTKWAKT, Hales Wand, Sunday. 3 li.m. 133 tnd Avenue. K. M. nMITII, Agent. Prince Rupert. ILC. Throogh lltkett td to Victoria and Seattle, and liiicie rhetkfd thrwtlgh to dellntlon. The new year was unite red In with a terrific wind and It waa on of the coldest night felt here for years. MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cnih price tickets. AleUrftle Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy lltli St. Telephone 557. ii Hi.- r .1. 'j' m