aiu virtu We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Fhone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Thone: Red 317. LADIES' DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Huilding Papers and Felts Everjet Elastic Taint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 City Meat Market Selvig Uros. Third Ave. Phone 705 KJOT PISK GRONSAKR Alle sorter norsk ost Norske fiskekonserver rijiyske mikkerkavrlnger . Norsk hveteskonrokker Norske rugskonrokker Nnrske knckkelrod Norske flalbrod Mutter o.h.v. 1st ky. varer. Hillige priser. ilurtlz ombringtlse DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single Ipad $3.50 Daiible Load ......... C.S0 Lrfrge Sack"...!....'.:, sfc COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina IVerleas fag $12.00 Pembina Washed Nutu $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00, Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer ' AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. OH-DAOOY-PLEV5E. STOP COLDIN4G ALL, THE TIME- ARE INVITED MMK SEVEXTY-riVE I'EHSOXH MADE Tltll TO SIIAMWTLAXS MKE TO SEE HOYS Yrctcrdaj w vUltor' day at tbe Sea Co0cta iwamer camp at Bhawat- ans lake and man; paraita and friend of the twtnty-flv boy who are encamped there In charge of Ueut. nob- en Blante and Oeo. O. Dawaa took ad vantage of the opportunity to be pre- sent. Inspection and. In the atfernoon, there were wlmmtnc a. As far as the vlsttMi. at teaat. were coneerned. the trip to. the amp prced most enjoyable. The boys were found to be In good hands and hartaf a most wonderful bolldsy. Winners in some of the swimming races were: 36 yards. nork I. Rupert Horn; 2 BoaaM AUea. M yards, open 1- T. Hill: 2. Terry ODBC. 14 -mile . Terry Onne; a. Bob Boddle. Boati used for the trip Included those of a C. Stuart. J. G. .Boddle. W. B. Morgan. F. W. AUea. C. H. Elklns. Geo Hill. George II HI. Jr and Y. Sueblro. Those making the trip Included par ties of Mr. and Mm. T. H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. MeUtsh. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Vlger. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Pat- trson. Mr. aad Mrs. Frank XMbb. Mr. md Mrs. J. C. Brady. Mr. and Mrs. C H Onne. Mr. and Mra. F. W. Allen, Mr and Mrs. D. O. Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Elklns. Mr. sad Mrs. Oeorge Hill. Mr and Mra. W B Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boddle. Mr. aad Mra. C. 8. Obata. Mr. aud Mrs. Y. Stiwhlro. Earl Barrtc, and Philip M Ray. There were Uevetriy-Bve visitors In all. WILLINGDONS CUMB MOUNT TOOK THE II tY Ol E FKOM HOLE (lOVEKNOK HILL OI'BN CIH IKII hl'NUAY JASPER. July 38 Forsaking golf fo-the clsy, their Excellcucket the Oover-nor-Oeneral and Lady WIUlnKdon made the BMent. Frtdny. of Signal Moin tsln. ItMrhnKl Jasper Park Lodge. The weather was without a blemish snd. from the summit, they had a magnificent view of the surrounding country. Snow cov-ued mountain rsnn pimhed up all around thers snd the broad valley v.rre laced with rivers snd Jewelled with lakes of surpassing brUllsnce. With their Ksrelleneles rode Viscount Bsrdluge. H i H. Knught. superintendent of Jasper Pnrk. snd his 4jvo .duughtrti. Jame ; ThMBWtUHti (hfi Sir Henry Thornton. I The qut lng tor a diy near the mimmit 1 MIGHT Ab VnELU- UTTLE pen'iKiut; wsrdei' with with' i s Slop lot ' the idabin. Bsturdsy thrlr Er.rellencies were again ion the golf links Sunday rascning the Oovernor-Oen-ersl attended service at St Mnry'K Anglican church In tlie town after which he laid, thg corner stone of the new building Jn the afternoon he part In the Edith Oavell Memorial Service. Vtliab was oonducted at the front ot the Olaeler on the mounUIn peaK whlcli was named after the woman whose death made her heroic in Engii history . kBwKSVHIHIlulllliHCH 0 G.OOD IT DOEj AROUND "iS 1928 b iMrMlv Sen It PIONEER PICNIC GREAT SUCCESS I.AUOE rilOtYII TTENtH;i EVENT AT 1UOHV ISLAND ESTEUH.Y The Ploneer'a Picnic which took place at Dtgby Inland yesterday vm tavored with focd weatber and ww attended by a large crowd. Jarvla MoLinod waa gen-eraJ chairman of the event and waa atalcted by Urs. P. Y. AnMraon. Un. Besner. Urs. Reddle and F. W. Hart. Oeo. W. Johnstone. Fred Wesch. A. O. Franks, a. B. Tsstmsn. N. MUMaUem At noon there -was a dress parade for and W. H. Derry. inspection by T- H. Johnson, president The feature of the picnic was the af the local branch of ths Navy League , baasoaH faane betwem OMUsea ad of Canada. This was followed by camp . the Newcomers. After an essttlag cop test, the newcomers ran out winners 23-12.. For the girls Marie Mu&saUem pitched and Zola Tee caught while Pruno Vacober pitched aad Joe MarchU- Hon csueht for the bar. Fred Wesrb umpired and J sates Walton was scorer. The races for the baseballs were very keenly contested and with the system of handicapping known only to the handl es ppera the results wese very unexpected The return was made on the P. R 38 and the Haas River and the picnickers were back at 8 pjn. ! SPORT CHAT The Regiment Football Team ha been having a poor time recently and c lunge made by the coaamlttee ts as attempjl :o bttvr the situation hare bean Ms-ippointlng. The loss of Frank Russell -hrough injury the absence of Jimmy Harris and Appleyard have been serious. There Is. however, promising blood am ong some of the Juniors aad Redpath and Fred Cameron give hope of devel oping into ALU DO AROUND HERE tb Ol3H OUT M,OMEV AN'I DON ENEM atTTHREE CHEERCjOKJ CHRIST , FOR IT- with experience. . tt ---TTe . - . iilH 1 --- n - -- 1f P .1 OPIMr'fTVTr' fTD CATUCD '.L By George McManns DiMiiuinu ur a v a-.v ..ty . .-, jg T IT ' 1 1 UTEN- CAbEV- PT I Ir . JbS t """nyT1 f?OFEVOl1. X DON'T Vv-oRi- v RED'S E nPFDA THI POWER .7- TlDPDA F ' I . OPERA - 1 MAGGIE-r lrJV5T ONI tOOP, PROHicoF GOiWG TO HEAR lOUTh.r. HIM ANP OOMT Tr ans: VOU DARE TO I.J iFiftetears'ldxpenertce Jr ' L---- SwkTT! '""'"' " 0 imby Ufl Flw WHY-HOW CAM TOU TALK UH J ( -ru at"' t II NO ONE EVER OOC.'a A THING FOR ME DAUGHTER IS SELFISH It is understood the Regiment has ii v anted signed on a young Norwegian recently p0r Sale cut from Norway who has played a tot . i por Rcr.t iof football there and has appeared in IrenrMMitatlve irsmea asalnst tourtng English and Scottish teams In that country. Attached to his team for two ibowed In hi flm match that be STt'DENTS OF LOUVAIN, BELGIUM, in favpr of Whitney Warren. American architect, shattered the pillars of a bal- UBtrate which Rector Ledeuze deslrea NOW- TOP- ONL.V THl MOfSNNG-5H SEWED UPTH HOLE THAT OOCKET.V HUH'. WHO WUZ liT THAT FOUND OUT THERE WU7. A HOLE tb4 THE POCKET? 9 III rjl I DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. , 2c per word in advance. No Advertiiement taken for leu than 50c year as trainer snd coach was an old i Kewcaatle United player and the new- .-gnguct of the spec Is tens. Players and j coiner gives promise of helping to flU a ttM xe generally bUmed lor foul gap in the Regiment defence. Tie was matt oixn it la due to the generally played at centre half but can teuton Remark from spectator cal-play la any halfback position snd. If he '( to arouse the temper of player 'aKeasurea Up to advance notices. It may'y xbAX (pec-uun do not raallaw enable the Regiment to play saptie ai (bt)r rtgpomaity towards the game, centre forward Charlie ha had little , ta enoush tor the player to be support In that position and If the new Dy B aaa iQ puy on the field centre haU can only push the ball to mltttout having a apactator aggravate him. opposing defenee will be hard put . tQC aarcasUc remarks. Ht is to stop the Regiment centre forward. ' poox Mp M gUM ,tbo doe so. ' 1 i The new - player Burdett introduced Another frulUul source of trouble to an Terminal Is a gooa proapeci. e 1he ,pectator who doe not know the game and who is constantly question - kkows 4Vte a Vt uwut the game and. refara' decUlons. Here again with. little more amillanty with his lgaanaot qj tnt apactstor U In evl-team-mates. hg will be a decided aoqui- r can only be expec- sitlon to his team. Ben Self b more. to oec nioni en what he sees at lear conceded that he will win the rnd Qn interprets the action of League for the third yr In succeeaton ( lhe p,.y, M1 nttrten admit that they lut it goal, not word, that count a , evervthinit on the field But Terminal Musd on Dominion Day. th. imQortmn! noint u that the refer - lee's decision i the one that has Us tit With seven gosis to hU credit in two played to. If a spectator has s dlller-matche Al Mitchell bid fair to - ent opinion he had much better keep tobllah recced. He teem to be in hi ! t to himself. And It U atonishlng how position at centre forward and with fv tpctstors really understand the brotlM; B1U to aid him la hi maaoeu- potato of the game. Football on the vrcs he need wsihln- These young- Aaropoli. HH1 would be a much setter ten play a hard fast fame and oppos- 'gt a tw spectators confined their lag defeace seed to be on tae alert naMrk ts taglUaswt cnticiara and not to keep them la Mjjcetlea. Jame Andrews wh be turaed out foil tneuthed shrwittagi of oBenslvs re mark. for Thistle HWM Ttcawuu Although it I cto aaason a tar a ed some of hi old form. He got ac0 tootsisil la oaaoeraed In th Old Ooun- ai centre la A atyl M trar- ttMr( u much dUcusion a to tht rich la goal a aaxiow time coutr- 'aupertorlty of what is called tb "W lag other crosses. Ifomattoa of a forward line a cotn- T 'pared with the "M" fonaaUon. In the Of the three factor ooabributlag to ttirwlMiatl tK. olrUida rlsht out ajore than useful pUyer bad footbHl m root powewui m w tJ)A forward U up the field rnd th iaaide right aad Inside left lie a little la rear. The advocates of the "M" fcrafttsoa claim that with th In ride forward lying in advance and tb outside wingmen snd centre forward back there to a better chance of setttag up an attack quickly. Both of tbeae formations are of course only part ol a plan that may be put into operation as necessary. Th old saying, "that th best defence Is good attack," still holds but when a team is up against an equally good team or one that Is little better all aeemes are considered to equalise chance. Sine the Intro- deletion ol the new oS-aida rule tb old pln of the centre half shadowing the opposing centre forward has bt-en modified snd the c litre hal' now ,uuu b a constructive player, one who eu his forwards attack a. and who leuvs th backs to do much of the checking oi the opposing forward. A combination oi WANTED V ANTED-Middle aged woman some estwao to look after Must be State wages wanted. Qmlnecs Hotel Burn Lake. B C EXCAVATINO WANTKD- ROCK OB any kind, by day or by contract. E' Rosang. 18S WANTED Maid for gaavtral housework Phone Had a7 tf FOR RENT -OR RENT. CLAPPIRTON HOOSI Ninth Avenue East. Rent reasons hie Apply City Treasurer. City HaU. tt OR RENT PIANOS. PLAYER-PIANOS. Phonographs and Sewing Maealaes Walker's Music Store. t FOR RENT FURNISHED roomed a pertinent with bath. Phone MT FOCI WlHt tl FOR RENT. POOR ROOM APART - meat, hot water heated. Apply Smith Si Msllett. Ltd tt FOR RENT Furnished hoiwr riayang rooavi by the day.week. or moavth. Phone Red D7. f FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-ateat. Apgdy MismOini Ototety. FOR SALE FOB SALE FfNaTT CLASS ROOUIKO bouse; twenty -etc room fully fttr-atoatd and la good eondiUoa. oallwt opportunity (Or aasft-Apply T. MeOymont. tt OLD NEWfiPAPEftS MAY BE 06 ED IN- ted of buildtfrg paper or te Hy beneath etrpet oa the floor. OH special price on larg quasvltVn. Daily Ntwt. FOR SALE LAUNCH Horsepoaw eoeaatot aad la OWEN, FOOT dltlon. Apply Pultoa. Dally New FOR SALE. Ofer two-lea Traffic Tnsak. aa ton Hord Truck. Apply mont. f 17 run. T. Moay Sir Charles Oleag. Prealdent of t tt Football Association of England, ha condemned the system of tnaatrr that now obtains, though he admitted that he could not mgl any at terns tiM. Sheflicid UnlUd recently wanted to got a player but www asked te pay tgOiWO but th trouM to that nommerristly speeo ana Drain- n n'e!wry lor Miccessi.uja M otltlay may be i and tt Is the Uwidr forward, the tentrt profitable, hall nnd the two backs who need Uin j more then speed while the two wing t local circle some curpriM ha men. centre forward mid two mv hall been expressed Ut whUe Assoelstion bsck. nerd to be very speedy. football may be called tb national , , , , 'game of th masses la England ye tbrf r ... ... . -,.K. ,r r.w)l rutm were not represented at the QUs&pXU. cauuun is notning u not pa nt tSf 'JMak U "?'g1lt ' pointed 0t that recently galnt Northampo he Tt' i-fWr-Ol A-x.-l.Uor, n an hour for elpht run- fn.ty Hendren not send teala M OsMpet' In the Of-the M.CC. crickets t ill !ic,ul the batt- -mpic fun Tb point at Issue 1 the lng averages in crwk.-t with an old question of what constitutes an .verage of M.76 tu- nu i- within s amateur. Nations that are member of few runs of an ; renave of the Federation of International Fot-2.000 for the season, fiu-unr, , H ball AsoclHon allow their play to ahead among the bowlers having taken reoetre payment for loss of Urn whl t wti tyu w ksvi nx I rui piaymg looioau. inis. in me eyes oi : asiung tor xorkMiire sKain.t Ola- th Engllab assocUtloo. U profess lon-.BAWRai.i.hire Iyla,ut HIin sut Hffe aft al Ism and It wa on th. question of "I' new recora Mr Yorkshire'. ...i.nri wnin inc t,,t. 1 ot out In the Oiitt , Kan K"t l.l. Ill' (1 Hi . third "broken time" payment that the Eng- n 321 runa llsh Association broke swsy from the '"h ie frlr.i nternatliuinl Federation U'.rlHllllc jtaok ail tan Walsdcn wicket, lor a total Adrsrtu In Th DUy Nw FURNITURE Wi with Faweett Range - MAUI.. I 1 w tress. Dining H Julia. Chester: i.: 3!lnds. Ltiioieuin We sU nt very rr will pay yon to w:. ur Windows. MACKENll PbMDr SALVAGE Al l Prince Rupert K.ih . : Co. Ltd. HAS atKOAINS iv ' Agent for Baathni i ePfOp41fv. n Botl ef all dexrii Salt Lake Ferry - the hours 1 p tr. and Holiday rtwiii SUMMER f(' J LAKELSB HOTSPin NOW Ol I MimtT iioTnii' (UthL W Trout Hshing on 1 ' 1 now open oooi Acromion mon i '' laketse Lake Terrace. B O Auel loneer. PARTII - ' :i J. BRt : AUCTION K' M riltNCB U( .'PERT ti mieral If ' ' FwaUure of all k OT exeha' Craung aad I sold in, fi. J. DAW) ' ciUltoi'iM' in lilt. It, E. It"" "v Cl)lrin' 03 Third A ' Tetephune for ppui S. lAscidanot p'' Acute and Ohfnl ' fttily tr-EUhlb I , HBST.U'M'NS (lOOli El" ' Mr. Wnet Third enue. ' Qufitl IlMto OookeU " Biked li ' Hieell riilekrn Mm'" Etmtat 1""" 1IOUSHB KK ONE four room h"11" Church; on on on on Ninth Ave Horn I'OS THE one wt Ur ' Tli"tnvn . faclM' lufuis-ed. wUI ' Hart. Artkta LotrsM oun,' ' l.l'l li a IIMi't 1 "1-