i Three New Champions Produced and Two Former Records Broken on Track and Field, Amsterdam ATHLETIC ROUT IS COMPLETED tMf.KII AX l.r.Alll K I.F.AKI.HH Ml II- MIITUI TO ANOTIIEK lU'MII.IAT-IV. IIEIEAT AT CI.EVELVNII Si NUAY 'l(K, July W The New York : umillatlng defeat at Clave-Sunday oompletes a reverse urougnt the leaders of the i i nnxtt down from a twelve ve gftmes over the Phll-Vuletlca who. meantime, went 'ied with their seventh ' n The Msckmcn have still i d the league after all. N.tionj League. New York ..- cubs fought to a stand-double-header while Clneln-u-eiigthened their hold on by defeating Brooklyn BIG ROBBERY V. IN WINNIPEG HA-niv- shi.r, fjo.iMio hiom hank MI.-m;m.;us AMI LsCAI'i: hio.m itouiii.ii htiii:i:t "'K(i. July 30--While workers 1 :' streets, five bandits held nKMiongefs of the Canadian ''nmerce Eobi-rt Jones and Nicholson with sawed off ml revolver. They snatched ' i ' itiK 130,000 and eeotped in '"ilf bearing an Illinois 11- BIG RUN OF PINKS ON SKEENA RIVER .... .. . - ...... .. ' rs TaWliij a ( Hanrtit of ThN ,JM,I,-I'llt Are AIh Juni.lni In llarlior s continue to aome on of an ' i' iited run of pink salmon on " "i River. Canneries have been t'l the nehermen possible to in the harvest. : harbor many fish are Jump '" head for tha streams. Mortise in The I)aUy News wards of Hamilton easily won heats In the 600 metre. Lord Burghley of England won the "penta; heat of the 40O metre hurdles. In the seml-ftaats of this event with three to qualify. Burfhlty Onlahad third. A. T. Muorldas oi CnntoMI was fifth In the 10O0 metres Anal. . All three Ofk stated in the Olym piad today went to Xtm British Empire md the most sjMeUeular to Oanasa while CnnadlaJM featured well tn in- rrtm event. IOOTIMLL I INALS WINN1PEQ. Jvlf 30 New Westminster Royal had to use aU their football cunning to overcome Montreal Canadian Nationals In the first game of the Oonnaught Cup finals. Montreal made the first soore and bad a 3 to 1 lead at the interval. !- FOOTBALL PLAYER IS MARRIED QUIETLY Mi llulh lJrMn Heroines Urlile of 4. Itjr Sulnnliy Msht A nuiet wedding too place on Satur day evening at the Presbyterian Church, Rev. J. R. Prlnell ouiciaung. wiwn mw Ruth Larsen of this city became Uie hrldc of J Bye. Tne orioe wm giTni away by her brother. Paul Laisen, ana waa attended by Mrs. O. Baggen. The room Is well known locally oe- inn emoloved by the Booth Fish Com pany and having piayeo " ' Oold Storaae, Mooee and. the Regiment football teams. ' ' 'ASOLO-rKUl VIAN SAILS ., , t. .rain boat of the season the Brltiah steamer Anglo-Peruv.au. left B.inia afternoon with a HI 4 U full cargo of grain for Kurope. KII.LKO IN rOLANH BERLIN. Juy 90-Twenty-flve persons . . were lnllired were killed ana nwiw ; in an explosion in at Lotfr. Poland. econds. I ' M A UlUnn .nH Huikv Pnll Bd- : ana IC, ilicmicu! lactory Bubscrtb for the Dally News. PIUCES FAIR ( change this morn In f were heavy. totalling SOIJOO pound. American botli jsold 20.600 and Canadian boat. 10.800 its. rneea for American ' fish varied Irom 10c. to So, to UJe. and 7c. Canadian boats ail pot over lie. tot nraU and 6c. lor seconds. Salts wore as follows: i American ........ . . j' r,kciac- MOQ Id, to PaeJfle Fisher- U'.I'OAM, July r 30. mL The opening of .L the Olympic i.i track and M l0e 5 n. petition on Sunday was signalized by the production of Kaaak. mjm ttw. to OanedUB rUh immpions and the breaking ot two Olympic records- Paavo 00M aaorate a 10.10 ami . of Finland-worn the lO.QOOmetrr final, clipping four tnrdl OwsMp.v)0 st-Booth-ruhrr-i vh-i seconds off the previous Olympic record. John Kuck of " won the shot put with the world's record of 52 feet and 11-16 - JJ Jil of the United States the high Jump final li Bob King won Auflut- lifioo lbi to AUln rher-; ,ii of G feet 4 3-1 inches. lea at io and 7c. y Williams of Vancouver won the heat in the second trials of Sherman, 14.000 ihs. to Atiin riser! lne 100 metres dash in 10 3-5 seconds " at 1S.70 and 7c. equalling the worlds record His time ddy J.. 1S.000 lbs. to Paatflc Fish- In the. preliminary heat was eleven l la " ana ic Flattery. 7.500 lbs. to Canadian FUh and cold Storage at 13.70 and 7c. Qnah. 14.000 lbs. to Canadian Fish At Oold Storage at 1J 70 and 7e. CanAillun Balme. 6.000 lbs. to Canadian Fish Si Oold Stoenge UjBO and Oe. Marganate. 9,800 lbs. to Atltn Fisher-a at 114 nod Oe. Kaien. IOjOOO lbs. to AUln Fisheries at 11J0 and Sc. AU1. HeO lbs. to Pacific Fisheries st 11.70 and Co. P. Doreen. 11.000 lbs. Canadian Fish ft Cold Storage at 110 and 6c. X. Ltpsott. 400 lb, to Canadian Fish A Oold Storage at 11.40 and 6o. Ingred It.. 8.00Q lbs. Canadian Fish & Oold Btorase at 11.60 and 6c Nuba. 3AO0 lbs. to Booth Fisheries at 11.60 and 6c. PROSPECTING AT STEWART to Booth Fisheries AHEAD 1927 More Claims Filed in Half Year Than in Whole of last Season STKWAHT, July 30. Tlie In-crease in the number of claims recorded here Is the surest indication of the renewed inter est in mining in this district. For the first six months of the present year over eight hundred claims have leen recorded as agnlnst a total for the whole of 1927 of 691 . And yet last year's figures here led all other districts in the province as indicated by the recently issued mining report. Judging from the number of prospectors In the hills, the total this year should be at least double that of, last season. THREE HUNDRED ARE HOMELESS AS FLOOD SWEEPS KANSAS TOWN HAYS. KANSAS, July 30 Three nun-fired families are homeless aa a result of heavy rains which flooded a creek mid Inundated part of the town and the teachers' college. CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill Ecryone reads the Classified Ads. LA HOB CABARET, Special Dinners Thursdays and jf you lose, advertise for It. (Saturdays If you find, locate the owner. banelne every (Saturday night from 0 to 12. Whatever you need, advertise lor It Dance Hall lor Hire, PRINCE RUPERT ( The latest and best for the least, (JET THE CLASSIFIED IMI1IT. rhone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, Ii. C itQNDAY, JULY 30, 1923. Frico Five: penta Y TRAIN AT SA AT00N VANCOUVER BOY WINS 100 METRES IN OLYMPIC GAMES mail and Windstorm Cuts Swathe Two Miles Wide and Forty Long; Much Damage in Ottawa District Held Crops and Silos Flattened, Houses Unroofed and Outbuildings Shattered South of Canadian Capital. l TAW A, July 30. A hail and windstorm In the district south of i.iti' Saturday In half an hour beat many acres of ripening him into the earth, unroofed houses and made barns and out- FISH ARRIVALS ; ujjs a mess of kindling wood- Leaves and hail to n depth of six' , i; .v on the streets ot North Gower. Peculiarly enough the city total ok muw rot xks or n tu jva itself hatdly felt the storm. j " exchange today -form cut a swath two miles wide and forty miles long in the i; country. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage was; ; 'I more than 100 fodder silos were flattened. The hail received nr. am Cc. wmili: am i t destruction on the root and field crops. Some of the hail, euh.w. kt it to ic. ami 7c. vvrre the size of a hen's egg, liellbut sales at tha loeal fish ex- IJISLEY COMPETITORS: A line of track shots in army rifle shooting competition at Bisley Camp, England, aiming for the bullseye with the sailors keeping score. Percy Williams Beats World's Best Sprinters to Capture Big Event on Track at Amsterdam Sports Sunday AMSTERDAM, July 30. Percy Williams of Vancouver beat the world's greatest sprinters at the Olympic Games by winning the 100-yard metre final in 10 4-5 seconds. Jack London of London was second and Wykoff, the American favorite, was fourth. The four hundred metre hurdlos event was won by Lord David Burghley of Cambridge. Gushcl and Taylor, Americans, were second and third. Dr. II. 0. Callagha nof Ireland, won the hammer throwing contest. Fanny Rosenfeld of Toronto led the field in the 100-metre sprint for women semi-finals. Ethel Smith Myrtle, a cook of Toronto, also qualified for the finals. Fanny Robinson was tho only American woman to qualify. Bumper Wheat Crop Expected and Harvesting to Commence on the Prairies Within Very Short Time WINNIPEG, July 30. Present reports from districts served by the Canadian National lino would indicate that Western Canada is about to commence harvesting one of the greatest crops in tho history of the country. While few local districts report showers during the past week the weather has generally been fair and warm with the result that all grains have made excellent progress, towards maturity. Many districts throughout tho west report ryo cutting as general and a number of districts in north and central Manitoba will commence cutting barley the first week in August. With the exception of a small area blnatlon harvesters are being purchased In the North Bt tie ford, Saskatchewan Iwhlth will eliminate the hired help district which reports slight damage from hall there have been no losasa from any source during the rvt week and notwithstanding that there has been excessive moisture In. some dls-1 1 lets previously, with the. hot weather of the past week which has ores-ted some fear that rust would develop, there does not seem to be any affects at the present time from this menace In any part of the oounUy. t, ,, Harvesting wheat is epetey te jootjJr mence In Manitoba about,.! lath, to 15th of August with 3aktchewn and Alberta from S to 10 days later and while Interest Is generally centered on the prospects of the wheat erop the cosrse grain also promises to exceed previous years by a Urge margin. With optimism running high among the farmers throuiihout the country with the excellent prospects for harvest ing a bumper crop they are now considering ths probli-m of help, for to handle the crop in many UUtrlcu corn- problem to some extent. FRANCE WINS TENNIS CUP AUTEILLK, France. JulytiO;; Henri Coi-het defeated 7WI1 Ham T. Tilden in the deciding" wop match of the men's singles series by straight sets 9-7, 8-6. 6-1. Thisj gives France three out of four matches and ass-uures that country of retention of the Davis Cup. Henri Cochet and Jean I!o-rotra defeated Tilden 'andllunt-er In the doubles 6-4, 6-7, 7-.1, 6-2, 4-C, on Sunday Advertise tn toe Dally News. Automobiles Crash with Fatal Results at Level Crossing Prairie Town College Professor and Student, Haby Girl and Two Men Lost Lives in Collision :. SASKATOON, July 30. Five were killed and five injured in a. level crossing accident Saturday night when a Canadian National train and two taxi cabs collided near the Fair Grounds here. The dead are Steve Dzube; Professor Kaittena, Lutheran College, Saskatoon; one unknown man; Baby June Nelson, grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs.- Nelson, acrobats, and H. Ilartig, a student at the Lutheran College . The injured are Mr. ond Mrs. Adam Hopfinger, Saskatoon, ..Irs. II. Nelson, Troupe, and Albert Morrison. SASKATOON. July 30 (Later) Hor-H ' tig waa alaUon years of age and was I the son of Rev. Thomas Hortlg, travelling mlssltnsry of Manitoba Synod of kite Lutheran Church. The man who waa previously uni-rkntlfied was Charles Bums. He wis railed while riding on the front of the locomotive. All th rest of the dead were In the tail of Adam H-jpflnger which struck the engine and was demolished. The rccond tail struck the train as It pas-red but wss not badly damaged. AMERICANS CLEAN UP IN CANADIAN TENNIS TOURNEY TORONTO. July SO Miss Olive Wade of Toronto, capturing the Junior singles from Miss Mary Greet of Kansas City, wan the only Canadian winner In the Canadian tennis ehamptonships en Saturday. Americans took all the other titles. Tunrnu: iv china CANTOlCiriTAT-JTirr-90-Mmmu- nlsts ai"$ermetlMg iJtavKfwrBment and fomenting uprisings, the MUtKllMKNT WITH FRANCE LONDON, July 30 Sir Austen Cham- I TRAMPSKILLED IN TRAIN CRASH EKHIT VMIIRNTinEII MEN. HEATING TIlKllt WAY. LOHK LIVED IN WYOMING GUERNSEY, WYOMINO. July 30 Kight unidentified men were burned to Oath in a train, wreck on Burlington railroad here on Sunday. The dead men were beating their way In 'empty cars' and were trapped when gasoline from wreckeo tank cars ignited. The bodies were badly burned. LAWYERS HURT IN COLLISION S. IIAK ASSOCIATION SPECIAL OOI.LIPKS WITH LIMITED IN C.LH'4)I(NIA f. sA&ixicAcSa July KMTwenty- elaht pexsons on an American Bar Asm- Canton government claims. There have clatl0Bli pecul train from Beatt'e were been eighteen executions and 140 ar- injured and taken to hospital when the feats. I southbound Cascade Limited ran Into the rear of the special at Cortena on Sunday. Some are hurt seriously. NEW YOKKEKS lit KC terlsln, Foreign Secretary, announces an agreement with Fiance on naval NEW YORK. July 30 Twenty-five disarmament which he intends to sub- persons were Injured, two critically. In mit to the ureat Kwem and finally to the collision of two elevated trains oa the n.lenillon.i! conference. ISunrtay iilglit. it